Health —Ba Duan Jin and Chen-19 style Taichi Quan

Course Descriptions and Aims:

 Eight-sections brocade(八段锦Ba Duan Jin)

Qigong, which literally means "practice of vital energy", is an ancient Chinese art of and physical exercise that involves coordinating breathing patterns with physical postures to maintain health and well-being.

Ba Duan Jin (eight excellent movements) is popular worldwide because its movements are simple and easy to learn. Traditionally, it contains both a standing and seated set of eight postures.

Benefits of Practicing Ba Duan Jin Qigong: 1) Ba Duan Jin combines exercise and memory work, which gives you positive outcomes and healthy benefits for your mind, body and spirit. 2) It is also good for improving your body balance, respiratory, blood circulation and immune systems. 3) It feels good to stretch out your body, slow down your breathing, and relax your mind. Qigong can help you to relax when life is busy and stressful.

In this course, you will learn some basic skills and moves like breathing, balancing and holding postures of Ba Duan Jin.

Step-by-step Description of the Routine of Ba Duan Jin 两手托天理三焦 左右开弓似射雕 调节脾胃须单举 五劳七伤往后瞧 Liángshŏu Tūotián Lĭ Sānjiáo Zuŏyòu Kaigong Sì Shèdiāo Tiáojie Pi Wei Xū Dānjŭ Wŭláo Qishang Wăng Hoùqiáo

Routine 1 Holding the Hands High with Routine 2 Posing as an Archer Routine 3 Holding One Arm Aloft to Routine 4 Looking Backwards to

Palms Up to Regulate the Internal Shooting Both Left-and-Right-Handed Regulate the Functions of the Spleen and Prevent Sickness and Strain

Organs Stomach 摇头摆尾去心火 两手攀足固肾腰 攥拳怒目增力气 背后七颠百病消 Yáotóu Baĭwěi Qù Xinhŭo Liăngshoŭ Panzu Gù Shènyāo Zànquān Nùmù Zéng Lìqì Beìhòu Qidian Băibìng Xiao

Routine 5 Swinging the Head and Routine 6 Moving the Hands down the Routine 7 Thrusting the Fists and Making Routine 8 Raising and Lowering the

Lowering the Body to Relieve Stress Back and Legs and Touching the Feet the Eyes Glare to Enhance Heels to Cure Diseases

to Strengthen the Kidneys Strength

 Chen-19 style Taiji Quan(陈氏 19 式太极拳)

Originally developed in China as a self-defense strategy or martial art, Taiji (or ) — the "supreme ultimate fist"— is practiced in modern times primarily as a gentle exercise technique. Chen Style Taiji is widely known as the oldest and the ancestor of all the other Taiji styles.

Although characterized by less powerful stances, with more obvious body coiling movements and explosive releases of power that are mostly absent from other styles of Taiji, Chen Style Taiji can be practiced with graceful, slow and light movements. Chen-19 style contains 19 movements and is divided into four sections. It is easier to learn and builds a strong Taiji foundation.

Benefits of practicing Chen-style: 1) Good health depends on harmony and balance, which is what Taiji does by balancing in the human body. 2) Taiji cultivates and stimulates the internal energy Chi circulation within the body system, which keeps you rejuvenated, refreshed, fit and healthy. 3) Chen Silk-Reeling Exercises (SRE) increases the mobility of body joints and relaxes muscles and tendons. The spiral movements will open up and exercise the 18 major joints (in sequence from the head to the ankles) of the body, promote muscle relaxation and flexibility, and reduce physical tension and strain.

Beginners start with fundamental principles and reeling silk exercises to develop basic requirements for structure and movement.

In this class, you will learn reeling silk Gong and some basic moves of hands, legs and waist of Chan's Style Taiji. Instructor: Jie Yang, [email protected]

The course starts from: Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Number of sessions: 20 (week 11 -week 22. No class in week 16 and on May 16 due to public holidays) Time: Wednesdays and Fridays, 15:00-16:10

Meeting place: Entrance (the lesson takes place in Frederiksberg Have – if it does not rain) Porcelænshaven 24B 2000 Frederiksberg

Fee: free to attend. But you need to sign up so that we know your contact information. Registration link: FUjRzMTdxNWE3NVJic3pyNFE6MA#gid=1

Course Plan: Contents Health Qigong—Ba Duan Jin Chen-19 style Taichi No. 1. 两手托天理三焦 1.预备式(Beginning the form) 1 (Holding the Hands High with Palms Up 2.金刚出庙 to Regulate the Internal Organs) (Buddhas Warrior attendent steps forward from the temple) 2.左右开弓似射雕 3. 揽扎衣 2 Posing as an Archer Shooting Both (Lazily tie coat) Left-and-Right-Handed

3.调节脾胃需单举 4. 上步斜行 3 Holding One Arm Aloft to Regulate the (Step up walk obliquely) Functions of the Spleen and Stomach

4.五劳七伤往后瞧 5. 上三步 4 Looking Backwards to Prevent Sickness (Step up three steps) and Strain 5 Review 5. 摇头摆尾去心火 6. 左掩手肱拳 Swinging the Head and Lowering the (Cover hand punch, left) Body to Relieve Stress

6.两手攀足固肾腰 7. 双推手 6 Moving the Hands down the Back and (Double ) Legs and Touching the Feet to

7. 攥拳怒目增力气 8.倒卷肱 7 Thrusting the Fists and Making the Eyes Glare to Enhance Strength (Whirling upper arms) 8.背后七颠百病消 9. 闪通臂 8 Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure Diseases (Flashing the back)

9 Review and intensify

10 Review 11 10. 右掩手肱拳(Cover hand punch, right) 11. 六封四壁 (Six sealings, four closing) 12 12. 云手 (Cloud hand) 13 13. 高探马(High pat on horse) 14 14.右蹬一跟(Right heel kick) 15. 左蹬一跟(Left heel kick) 15 Review 16 16. 野马分鬃 (Part wild horse's mane) 17 17. 玉女穿梭(Jade maiden works shuttles) 18 18. 金刚捣礁(Buddha's warrior attendant pounds mortar) 19. 收式 (Close the form) 19 Review and intensify 20 Report the performance and present certificate