



Application SMD/2015/0665 No:

Location Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane,

Proposal Construction of two alpine-style holiday cabins and resurfacing of forestry track (resubmission of SMD/2014/0754).

Applicant Mr Tom Hine

Parish/Ward Bradnop / Ipstones Date Registered: 15/10/2015




2.1 The site comprises a long and narrow area of woodland of between 50 and 150 metres wide, on sloping land in a narrow valley with a brook running through the middle. The site is defined as being in the countryside. The site is accessed via a long access track off a surfaced road (Middlecliff Lane) which is connected to the A523 main road to the north. The small village of Bradnop (which lies about one mile to the north-east of the site) lies to the north side of the A523. The access track off Middlecliff Road leads westwards to Ashenhurst Mill, a remote detached dwelling surrounded by sloping fields and woodland. The northern edge of the application site is a short distance further along the access track to the west of the house. There is an un- surfaced forestry track running through the application site connected to the access track. This leads south to a tree plantation (Jackfield Plantation) which is also mostly within the application site. The overall site has a length of about 1 km. The site is connected to a number of Public Rights of Way, one of which leads in a south-west direction to SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop


the village of Birchall, one mile away. Other paths lead to Leek, two miles to the north-west. There are no specific land designations affecting the site or in the surrounding area.

2.2 The application, the details attached to it including the plans and any consultee responses can be found on the council’s website at:

http://publicaccess.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationS earchServlet?PKID=89954


3.1 The proposal is for two “Alpine-style” timber holiday let cabins which would be placed in the north part of the woodland site about 70 to 80 meters to the south of the access track and which would be accessed via the existing forestry track. They would be placed close together in a relatively cleared area of deciduous woodland to the other side of the brook from the forestry track. A parking area would be created to the west of the brook, just off the forestry track. A pedestrian pathway over a proposed footbridge over the brook would access the two cabins. The cabins would have an identical design with two-storeys, timber walls (sourced from “certified sustainable forests”) and a felt roof. They would each have two bedrooms. The application is also for the resurfacing of a forestry track (with locally sourced or recycled materials) through the woodland to allow ongoing woodland management and also forestry operations to the south of the deciduous woodland in the “Jackfield Plantation” (within the site boundaries).

3.2 The application is accompanied by a Design and Access Statement, Ecological Assessment and Tree Survey.

3.3 This is a resubmitted application following the refusal under delegated powers of an application for four timber holiday let cabins on the site on 7th January 2015 and which was dismissed on appeal on 4th June 2015. This new application reduces the number to two, removing two cabins that were previously placed in middle part of the woodland. The two retained cabins are in the north part of the site and have exactly the same siting, size and design (and access works) as shown in the previous scheme.

3.4 The application is brought before Planning Committee Members as it has been called in by Councillor Heath.

SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop



SMD/2014/0754 Construction of four alpine style Refused. holiday cabins and resurfacing Appeal dismissed. forestry track.


Staffordshire Moorlands Core Strategy Development Plan Document (Adopted March 2014)

SS1 Development Principles SS1a Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development SS6c Other Rural Areas Area Strategy SS7 Churnett Valley Area Strategy DC1 Design Considerations DC3 Landscape and Settlement Setting E3 Tourism and Cultural Development R1 Rural Diversification NE1 Biodiversity and Geological Resources T1 Development and Sustainable Transport

Other Material Considerations

Landscape and Settlement Character Assessment (2008/09) Churnet Valley Masterplan (2010)

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) including;

Paragraphs 1 – 17. Section 3 Supporting a prosperous rural economy Section 7 Requiring good design Section 11 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG)


Site Notice Expiry date for comments: 16th November 2015.

Consultee Comment Bradnop Parish No overall objections. It was recommended that the Council Council refer to the previous determination and the determined issues by the Planning Inspectorate. SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop


Council Ecology Comments are the same as those in response to the Advice previous application i.e. No objection subject to conditions. Council No objection. Environmental Health Section Council No objection subject to conditions. Tree/Landscaping Advice Highways No objection. Authority Natural No objection. Neighbour No representations received. Notification


Policy Context/Material Considerations

6.1 The Local Planning Authority is required to determine planning applications in accordance with the Development Plan unless material circumstances indicated otherwise. In this case the Development Plan for the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council consists of the Adopted Staffordshire Moorlands Core Strategy Development Plan Document (March 2014) with regard also being given to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The comments of the Planning Inspector in relation to the appeal are also a material planning consideration.

Policy Context

6.2 Core Strategy policy SS1 identifies that development should contribute positively to the social, economic and environmental improvement of Staffordshire Moorlands including the expectation of delivering quality local services. Core Strategy Policy SS1a establishes a 'Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development' as contained and advocated within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). NPPF paragraph 14 outlines that the presumption in favour of sustainable development (comprising economic, social and environmental roles) ‘should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision taking. ’Planning applications which accord with policies within the Core Strategy will be approved without delay and where the development plan is silent, absent or the relevant policies are out of date, granting planning permission unless material considerations indicate otherwise and considering whether:

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- Any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole; or - Specific policies within the Framework indicate development should be restricted.

6.3 Core Strategy policy SS6c relates to the countryside in the District i.e all the area outside of the built-up parts of towns and villages. It aims to only allow development which meets an essential local need, supports the rural diversification and sustainability of the rural areas, promote sustainable tourism or proposals which enhance the countryside.

6.4 Core Strategy policy SS7 encourages sustainable tourist development and rural regeneration in the Churnet Valley.

6.5 Core Strategy policy DC1 concerns itself with design. All new developments shall be well designed, add value to the area, incorporate creativity and use appropriate materials. Furthermore, developments should be designed to respect the site and its surroundings, promote a positive sense of place and identity, create accessible and safe public/private environments and ensure equality of access and use for all sections of the community.

6.6 Core Strategy policy DC3 aims to protect and where possible enhance local landscape and the setting of settlements.

6.7 Core Strategy policy E3 states that new tourism or cultural development will be assessed according to the extent to which it supports the local economy, promotes the character of the District and enhances the role of the District as a tourism and leisure destination. New tourist accommodation should be in locations with good connectivity with other tourist destinations and amenities and should normally be located in or close to settlements where local services, facilities and public transport are available.

6.8 Core Strategy policy R1 states that development in rural areas will be assessed according to the extent to which it enhances the character, appearance and biodiversity of the countryside, promotes the sustainable diversification of the rural economy and facilitates economic activity. It also states that where new buildings are involved, development should have minimal impact on the countryside and be in close proximity to an existing settlement.

6.9 Core Strategy policy NE1 seeks to protect the biodiversity and ecological resources of the District.

SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop


6.10 Core Strategy policy T1 states that the Council will promote and support development which reduces reliance on the private car for travel journeys.

Material Considerations

6.11 The main issues to consider when determining this application are:

1. The principle of development taking into account relevant planning policies and the requirement for securing sustainable development; 2. Design and visual impact of the development. 3. The impact on the biodiversity value of the woodland.

Principle of Development

6.12 This is a resubmission of an earlier scheme which was for four holiday cabins and the re-surfacing of the forestry track. This new application reduces the number of cabins to two. The previous application for four cabins (ref: SMD/2014/0754) was refused by the Council in January 2015 for the following reason:

The proposed tourist accommodation log cabins would be in a location with poor connectivity to services, facilities and tourist attractions leading to significant vehicle movements by holiday let occupants and therefore emissions to the detriment of the wider environment. It is therefore not considered the site is in a sustainable location for tourist accommodation. The proposal therefore does not comply with policies SS6c 'Other Rural Areas Strategy', SS7 'Churnet Valley Area Strategy', E3 'Tourism and Cultural Development' and R1 'Rural Diversification' of the Council's Core Strategy Development Plan Document (Adopted March 2014) or advice given in Chapter 3 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

6.13 An appeal against the decision was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate in June 2015. The Inspector dismissed the appeal on the grounds that the proposal was unsustainable in terms of the location, therefore upholding the Council’s reason for refusal. The following comments were made:

“I consider that the nearby services and facilities are located beyond the normal expected walking distances of most people from the appeal site due to the distance when combined with the undulating nature of the terrain and the possible additional need to get a bus to reach most facilities and services. On that basis, I consider that the future occupiers to the log cabins would most likely rely on the use of the private car to get to the proposed development and to access essential services and facilities as well as visit the nearest visitor attraction. The increase in the use of the private car to the site in order to get to the log cabins and visit local attractions would lead to significant emissions when compared to SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop


the existing situation and this would be to the detriment of the wider environment. Although there may be some economic benefits such as the proposal would bring some limited economic benefits, comprising short-term employment opportunities during the construction of the holiday cabins and the resurfacing of the track, I consider that the appeal scheme does not ensure that the proposed development for tourism is available in the right place at the right time to support growth and innovation.”

6.14 On the basis of the above comments, the Council considers the principle of providing new-build tourist accommodation is unacceptable due to the unsustainable location. Although two of the cabins have been removed from the scheme, the proposal would still provide two holiday cabins in an unsustainable location, resulting in a significant increase in vehicle movements so that occupants can reach services (such as supermarkets) and other tourist attractions (the nearest of which is Coombes Valley Nature Reserve which is three miles away by road).

6.15 The NPPF (para.28) gives support for sustainable rural tourism that benefits businesses in rural areas including support for the provision of tourist and visitor facilities in appropriate locations where identified needs are not met by existing facilities in rural service centres. The application does not give any evidence of an identified need for additional visitor accommodation in this part of the District.

Other Planning Considerations

6.16 The Council did not consider the previous scheme for four cabins would have been harmful to the character and appearance of the area or the landscape. They would have been positioned in small clearings in the woodland and would have been well screened from the nearest roads and Public Rights of Way. The new scheme therefore would have no additional impact.

6.17 The Council did not consider the previous scheme would have harmed the more significant, higher quality trees or would have harmed the ecological value of the site. The Ecological Assessment accompanying the application, which outlines the presence of a number of birds, bats, mammals and reptiles concluded there would not be significant harm to ecology and biodviersity and the Council’s Ecologist agreed with this. The new application removes two of the cabins and retains the other two in the same positions. Therefore there are no additional concerns regarding the impacts on trees and wildlife.

6.18 The Council did not have any objection to the proposed resurfacing of the track which is required for essential overdue forestry work and for ongoing woodland management.

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6.19 The Planning Inspector dismissed a recent proposal for tourist log cabins on the site on the grounds of the principle of development, due to the unsustainable location of the site. The new application reduces the number of cabins from four to two but the site remains in an unsustainable location which is a considerable distance from the nearest services and tourist attractions. There is no identified demand for additional tourist accommodation in the area.

6.20 NPPF Para.7 states that new development should perform an economic role, a social role and an environmental role. There is a limited economic role with the proposal, but no significant social role and due to the unsustainable location which encourages significant use of the car, the proposal does not have an environmental role.

6.21 For the above reasons, the proposal does not comply with Core Strategy policies SS6c, SS7, E3 or R1 and is not in line with the NPPF.


It is recommended that the Planning Applications Committee refuses the application for the reason given below:

The proposed tourist accommodation log cabins would be in a location with poor connectivity to services, facilities and tourist attractions, leading to significant vehicle movements by holiday let occupants and therefore emissions to the detriment of the wider environment. It is therefore not considered the site is in a sustainable location for tourist accommodation. The proposal therefore does not comply with policies SS6c 'Other Rural Areas Strategy', SS7 'Churnet Valley Area Strategy', E3 'Tourism and Cultural Development' and R1 'Rural Diversification' of the Council's Core Strategy Development Plan Document (Adopted March 2014) or advice given in Chapter 3 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

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SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop


SMDC PAC 28/01/2016 Application SMD/2015/0665 Ashenhurst Mill, Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop