Eric S. Taylor Harvard Graduate School of Education September 2021 Gutman Library 469 6 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 496-1232
[email protected] Google scholar page pre-prints and working papers available at Primary Academic Positions Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, 2015-present Associate Professor, 2020-present Assistant Professor, 2015-2020 Other Positions and Affiliations Coeditor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2021-present CESifo, Research Fellow, 2015-present Center for Education Policy Research, Harvard University, Affiliated Faculty, 2015-present Education Ph.D., Economics of Education, Stanford University, 2015 M.A., Economics, Stanford University, 2014 M.P.P., UCLA, 2006 B.S., Economics, Brigham Young University, 2004 Peer Reviewed Publications “Does evaluation change teacher effort and performance? Quasi-experimental evidence from a policy of retesting students.” Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. (with Esteban Aucejo and Teresa Romano) “Teacher peer observation and student test scores: Evidence from a field experiment in English secondary schools.” Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. (with Simon Burgess and Shenila Rawal) “Learning job skills from colleagues at work: Evidence from a field experiment using teacher performance data.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2020, 12(1): 359-388. (with John Papay, John Tyler, and Mary Laski) “Teacher applicant hiring and teacher performance: Evidence from DC Public Schools.” Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 166: 81-97. (with Brian Jacob, Jonah Rockoff, Benjamin Lindy, and Rachel Rosen) “Skills, job tasks, and productivity in teaching: Evidence from a randomized trial of instruction practices.” Journal of Labor Economics, 2018, 36(3): 711-742.