he State College community will be celebrating the 240th birthday of the on Monday, July 4, with the annual —and much anticipated 4th Fest.


Fireworks, carnival events, amusement rides, and a human cannon all await those who plan on attending 4th Fest this year. The annual 4th of July celebra- tion has been rated one of the top fireworks displays in Pennsyl- vania and the country, and this year the festivities are looking to be the largest, longest, and most ambitious in recent years, ac- cording to 4thfest.org. The event estimates to draw somewhere between 60,000-80,000 people to the State College area, mak- ing it akin to Blue and White weekend in terms of popular- ity, first year 4th Fest Execu- tive Director Karl Libhart said. The biggest change this year will be the starting time of events, as the festival has been extended to a two-day occasion. Beginning at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 3, there will be amusement rides and live entertainment at the east- ern fields near the Bryce Jordan Collegian File Photo Center and Beaver Stadium. Alex Johnson, 4, of State College, takes a popsicle from a member of State College Area during 4th Fest’s Parade of Heros on Friday, Sunday evening will feature a July 4, 2014. cross-promotion between with the , dur- as 8:30 the morning of the event. will be a women’s roller derby According to Libhart, the ing which time viewers will get However, for the first time this match featuring the State College Central Pennsylvania Conven- their first look at the newest ad- year there will be a sister 4-mile Rollers, appearing at 4th Fest for tion and Visitors Bureau, the Sunday dition to the 4th Fest schedule. run happening at the same time. the first time in the event’s his- Centre Daily Times, Restek, David “the Bullet” Smith, a pro- Both races will begin in front tory. During halftime, Smith will and WJAC are among some fessional human cannonball, of the BJC, while their courses be performing his first launch of of the chief contributors. When: begins at 5 p.m. will be firing himself from a can- will veer in opposite directions the day at approximately 5:30 pm. Wegman’s, Penn State Health non during the game, the first of around campus and the sur- Smith’s final launch is sched- and Benjamin’s Catering were Where: Fields by Bryce three scheduled launches over rounding State College area. uled for 8:30 pm, just before the also among the notable names the festival, according to Libhart. The next major event will be fireworks are set to begin at 9 donating for the 4th Fest cause. Jordan Center According to his website, Smith the Heroes Parade at 2 pm. Start- pm. The 4th fest fireworks were Chiarkas remarked on just how has been a human cannonball for ing at the State College Borough deemed one of the best displays much planning goes into getting all Details: Rides, carnival 11 years and has performed over Building, the parade will con- in the world by the Travel Chan- of those businesses to participate. attractions, and live 5,000 cannon shots around the tinue up toward College Ave., nel a few years ago, and the gran- “The amount of outbound world. His estimated launch path where the grandstand will take deur has not decreased since. calls to potential sponsors is the entertainment will all be will take him around 60 ft. in the place, before making it’s way The only statistic, which is most challenging part,” Chiar- air and 120 ft. across the street. through campus via Shortlidge slightly lower than previous years, kas said. “We begin trying to featured. Libhart described the Road and concluding in front of is number of volunteers, a sce- raise money for the event on Concurrent Spikes holiday’s events as follows: the BJC. Smith will also be mak- nario largely determined by the July 5th [of the previous year]. The Monday events will kick ing an appearance at the pa- day on which the festival lands. There are so many volunteers game later in the off with the annual Firecracker rade, but will not be firing from Libhart suspects that the conve- who devote their free time to 4k run at 9am. Registration for the cannon until later at night. nience of last year’s Saturday hol- raise money for this event.” evening. the run will be open till as late Later in the afternoon, there iday date contributed to increased With so many individuals volunteer numbers, while this and businesses participating year’s Monday slating may cause in 4th Fest, it is no wonder how difficulty for some schedules. significant the event is to the local Libhart remains confident in economy. In addition to Monday the planned festivities, and de- being comparable to Blue spite slightly lower volunteers, and White weekend, the new 4k/4-mile: begin at 9 is thoroughly satisfied with the two-day schedule was conceived job those involved have done. in order to further boost the a.m. “There have been no major ob- economic value of the festival. stacles so far,” Libhart said. “Last “Our idea this year was to Parade: begins at 2 p.m., year we gave VIP parking passes try and put more people into starting at the Borough to volunteers, so that may have local hotels and to stick around,” been an incentive to volunteer,” Libhart said. “When people Building and Libhart said. “But as of right stay overnight, they dine out grandstanding on now, we’re ahead of schedule.” downtown, they buy souve- Libhart said that the typical nirs, etc. It’s one of the things College Ave. 4th Fest draws in approximately that keeps State College pop- 550-600 volunteers, and ping over the summer months.” Afternoon: Carnival rides by the weekend those Student Tyler Snider (se- and festivities will re- numbers should be met. nior-psychology) comment- But it’s not just the individuals ed on the sheer amount of sume, with State College of Central Pennsylvania who get events planned for the holiday. Rollers playing a match involved; the majority of revenue “I won’t even be here for for 4th Fest comes from local busi- the weekend, but that is around 4:30. David “the ness sponsorships, according to seriously impressive,” Snider said. Bullet” Smith will perform their website. Peter Chiarkas, the Information regarding park- volunteer in chage of Fundrais- ing, race and parade route maps, during halftime. ing and Sponsorships, stated that and general history of 4th Fest, Fireworks: display begins the festival has 80 local business visit their website at 4thfest.org. Collegian File Photo sponsors this year, with a few com- at 9 p.m. Professional lumberjack Nate Greenberg performs for a crowd during panies and organizations in par- Email reporter at [email protected]. 4th Fest, on Friday, July 4, 2014. ticular carrying the heaviest load. Follow him on Twitter at @madden_95. PAGE 2 | FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 LOCAL/NATION THE DAILY COLLEGIAN WEATHER

Today Tonight Tomorrow Sunday Monday Extended forecast High 74 campusweatherservice.com Low 59 High 75, Low 58 High 80, Low 59 High 81, Low 65 Courtesy of Campus Weather

MY VIEW | JIMMY MADDEN Ignoring your gut at the voting booth

My least favorite part about Democratic Party, being an adult American so far but I still is the gross feeling you get registered to vote when leaving a voting booth. in its primary. I envy those who hold Gross because conviction for candidates. The more than a few of ones who proudly flaunt their the things that “Make America Bernie offered Great Again” sounded like hats, or the not-the-best ideas Bernie to me, but I still supporters who officially declared get tattoos of his that he was who I hairline on their wanted to run the arms. How fulfill- country. Gross ing it must be to because I didn’t Madden cast your vote vote for the person truly believing, in I saw as the best your heart, that you were align- candidate, but ing with the good guy. instead the least- Myself, and many others, fail bad candidate. to capture that sense of Perhaps it’s conviction. I voted for Bernie semantics to But we do it anyway. We will “I just wish Sanders in the primaries not differentiate between “best” and still vote, because we believe we because I agreed with all of his “least bad,” but I think it’s a have to. And it’s probably true ‘loathsome’ was policies — because a few of critical understanding of per- that we do. Abstaining changes them were absurd — but spective. Many people will cast nothing. Removing yourself not a because I genuinely think he is their votes in November truly from the process doesn’t an honest, if naive, person. I believing that they backed the alleviate the gripes you have quality of the understood what he would try to right person, that they helped with it. So we’re asked to person my ballot do were he elected, and a prevent the catastrophe, which swallow our doubts and pick decent amount of those things would be the who we think will lead us down has checked. ” the least terrible path. Scan the QR code to download the sounded like good ideas to me. alternative administration. official Daily Collegian app for iOS There are limited alternatives So I registered for that party Whether they are right or wrong Jimmy Madden and Android smartphones. and voted for that to think so is a historian’s for those voters who cannot person. And I still left feeling dilemma; from my perspective, I stomach their disdain for the gross. just wish “loathsome” was not a two heavyweights. The first our country, regardless of who Gross because I hate a lot of quality of the person my ballot option is voting third party — wins, is letting that bleakness things about the has checked. Jill Stein of the Green Party and manifest as apathy. Whatever happens in Novem- Collegian Inc. James Building, 123 S. Burrowes St. Gary Johnson of the Libertarian State College, PA 16801-3882 ©2013 Collegian Inc. Party will have their names ber happens, but we as available alongside Clinton and a voting public cannot let Trump come November. Many ourselves be driven by the Board of Editors people may not be well-versed same passive participation Editor in Chief Kasey Feather which could lead us to worse in their platforms, but should Managing Editor & situations than even this one. If you wish to use your vote as one Digital Managing Editor of protest rather than we want change, we have to be Gabby Santoliquito abstinence, these are the willing to believe it can choices. happen. Maybe this election News Editor Jimmy Madden The second option is cycle is a wash, but that Sports Editor Jill Beckman resigning to the disgust. Many doesn’t mean we give in. Copy Desk Chief Jimmy Madden will end up deciding that it is See, the best part about our Copy Desk Assistant Chief system, for all its flaws, is that better to vote for the lesser of Jill Beckman two evils than no one, or some- we get to try again in a few one who doesn’t have a realistic years. Copy Desk Editors shot. This is the way of the sta- So don’t let that cynicism fes- Sarah Mearhoff, Mattthew Katz, tus quo, and while it may leave ter. Don’t go down that path of Thomas Leffler you feeling like a hypocrite and disillusionment, because it is a traitor to some of your beliefs, the easiest and the most To contact News Division: it may end up being the only dangerous one to take. News, Opinions, Arts, Sports, Photo, Graphics, The Eventually, we have to believe Daily Collegian Online and The Weekly Collegian way you feel as though you’ve Phone: (814) 865-1828 | Fax: (814) 863-1126 effectively contributed to the that one day, we will find a process. candidate worthy of buying a The bleakness may be setting hat for. We have to, or else we’ll never get there. Board of Managers in at this point. And for good Business Manager Maggie Elinsky reason. We’ve got an ugly, painful five months scheduled Jimmy Madden is a senior majoring in Advertising Manager Scott Witham ahead of us until one of these print and digital journalism and is the Robert F. Bukaty/ To contact Business Division: candidates ends up as the face News Editor for the Daily Collegian. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town Advertising, circulation, accounting and classifieds of our country for the next four Email him at [email protected]. Follow Phone: (814) 865-2531 | Fax: (814) 865-3848 hall-style campaign event at the former Osram Sylvania light bulb factory. years. But the biggest threat to him on Twitter at @madden_95. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays THE DAILY COLLEGIAN NATION/WORLD FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 | PAGE 3

MY VIEW | STEPHANIE PANNY A study in accepting foreignness

Editor’s Note: Stephanie my assigned apartment are I’ve spent these past weeks feels like I’ve been here at least language I don’t know. is currently interning at The Mandarin-only and the only experiencing what it’s like to three months. I have become friends with China Daily in Beijing and will channel 100 percent American– truly be a stranger in someone Sometimes, I’ll feel like I’m an some of my Chinese co-workers be abroad until Aug. 10. This and in English –is CNN. It’s else’s country. Some of those old pro at something and then and some of my expatriate co- is the first in a series of her even a relief to eat a hamburger experiences have been positive, reality would come crashing workers, but I’ll never feel the abroad columns. or piece of pizza at the local col- while others have been more down around my ears and I same level of comfort with them lege bar because it’s American – negative—and all of them have would never feel more stupid in that I do with the other interns BEIJING – It’s a different it’s familiar. begun to shape my knowledge of my life. on the trip with me. experience, being in a foreign So far, I’ve adapted. I’ve been this country and, in some ways, No amount of pocket travel Right now, the interns from country. slowly learning Pinyin and my personality. guides can be read and no Penn State, Central Michigan, When I exited might be ready to attempt char- When I sit and truly think amount of websites can prepare North Carolina and Iowa are the the cab after acters, I can eat pretty much about it, however, I imagine this you for a culture until you actu- closest connections I have to four months of everything with chopsticks at is the same way our internation- ally submerse yourself in it – home and we rely on each other planning, pre- this point and I can now navi- al students feel when they first isn’t that what we’re always told to help because we know the paring and gate through the streets of Bei- arrived at Penn State. about learning a language? struggle the other is going nerves (both jing without a map. We tend to judge them for not I knew it was a foreign coun- through. mine and my Unfortunately, I can’t com- knowing things that may seem try and I knew I wouldn’t fit in. It’s going to be strange pre- parents) to stand pletely adapt because no matter like common sense to us, but we But not being completely able to paring to go back to America, to on the sidewalk how much I try–no matter how tend to forget that the things fit in makes trying to complete go back to not feeling like a Panny next to my new good at the language I become, which seem like common sense relatively simple tasks–like complete stranger–an interlop- office building no matter how well I can eat to us can actually be a tidbit of going to the doctor for a medical er–in my own neighborhood. late on a Thursday afternoon, it food with chopsticks, no matter new and helpful information for issue, losing a phone and not And throughout my journey hit me just how different my how well I learn these streets–I them – something which I’ve having a strategy to get it back home, I’ll be thinking of the thousands--millions–of people all temporary home was from my will still be a foreigner. I will still actually experienced. and trying to find something as over the United States who can’t beloved be viewed as someone who When traveling to a foreign simple as Motrin (yes, these even do that. America. doesn’t belong. country, you don’t expect to fit in have all happened to me)–that The most obvious difference And that’s a foreign feeling because you’re not going to be much harder. I didn’t realize just how many Stephanie Panny is a junior major- was the language. Another dif- to me. there for long. If you live and countries have become Ameri- ing in Public Relations and Print ference is the food. In America, we take a lot of work in a foreign country, how- canized–how many countries Journalism and is The Daily Col- But those are the differences things for granted: the ability to ever, fitting in becomes that have learned how to speak Eng- legian’s summer abroad columnist. one would expect. What really go grocery shopping and know much more important. lish–until I had to adapt to living Email her at [email protected] made me feel far away from what we’re buying (and not just My first three weeks in Bei- in a country where they pre- and follow her on Twitter at home were the people. basing our knowledge of the jing were a whirlwind of activity dominantly use a @StephaniePanny. I’m tall, blonde-haired and product on the provided picture) – from touching down on the blue-eyed in a place where this and the ability to not have to plane to meeting the other kind of genetic combination is a point to things on the menu that interns, to settling into my rarity. Twenty-six of the provid- we want to eat or to drink, internship and finding my place ed channels on the television in among other things. on my floor of the office – and it

Stephanie Panny/Collegain Stephanie Panny/Collegain A sign on a street corner points to Huixin Dongjie, the street where The People gather around the street vendors in Beijing. China Daily--China’s largest English-speaking newspaper--is located. IS claims responsibility for airport attack

By Dominique Soguel man dressed in black. see off a friend, his wife and three Istanbul’s Fatih neighborhood. be a steel shield to protect them- and Suzan Fraser The man in black then appears children sobbed as they clutched The Karar newspaper, quoting selves as they entered a building. ASSOCIATED PRESS to shoot the officer, who falls to his coffin in the northern prov- police sources, said the attackers In separate police operations, the ground. The Associated Press ince of Ordu. His relatives railed were part of a seven-member cell nine suspects believed to be ISTANBUL — As the death was not able to independently against Turkish authorities, that entered Turkey on May 25. linked to the IS group were also toll from the Istanbul airport at- verify the location of the video or blaming them for failing to ensure The assailants raised suspicions detained in the coastal city of tack rose Thursday to 44, a senior the sequence of events. airport security. of airport security on the day of Izmir. Turkish official said the three A Turkish senior official, who “Damn it! The state should the attack because they wore It was not clear if the suspects suicide bombers who carried it spoke on condition of anonym- hear our voices and take the nec- winter jackets on a summer day, had any links to the airport attack out were from Russia, Uzbeki- ity because government regula- essary precautions,” said Ferhat media reported. but the report said they were in stan and Kyrgyzstan, and Turkish tions did not authorize him to talk Kabakci, the victim’s brother-in- Police officer Yasin Duma, contact with IS militants in Syria police raided Istanbul neighbor- to the media, said the attackers law. “Now a widow and three or- meanwhile, was praised as a and were engaged in providing hoods for suspects linked to the were from Russia and the Central phans have been left behind. Who hero. financial resources, recruits and Islamic State group. Asian nations of Uzbekistan and will look after them?” He was wounded in an ex- logistical support. Turkish authorities say all in- Kyrgyzstan. In Paris, the Eiffel Tower was change of gunfire with one of the On June 25, Turkish security formation suggests the Tuesday A medical team was working illuminated in the red-and-white attackers and reportedly saved forces killed two suspected IS night attack on Ataturk Airport, around the clock to identify the colors of the Turkish flag to honor many lives by shouting “Bomb!” militants trying to cross the bor- one of the world’s busiest, was suicide attackers, the official said, the victims in Istanbul. Turkey’s interior minister said der illegally after they ignored the work of the Islamic State mili- noting their bodies had suffered The U.N. Security Council con- the explosives used were a mix of orders to stop, local media re- tant group (IS), which boasted extensive damage. demned the attack, saying that RDX, TNT and PETN that were ported. One of the militants was this week of having cells in Tur- Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Ministry any acts of terrorism are criminal “manufactured.” That combina- wanted on suspicion he was plan- key, among other countries. denied that an attacker came and unjustifiable and are “one of tion is military-grade, raising the ning a suicide attack in Ankara or Police raided 16 locations in from that country. Asked about the most serious threats to inter- question of how the attackers ob- the southern city of Adana, An- three neighborhoods on both the possible involvement of a national peace and security.” tained the bombs, said Jimmie adolu said. the Asian and European sides of Russian in the attacks, Kremlin Unconfirmed details about the Oxley, a chemist and explosives Fraser reported from Anka- the city that sprawls across the spokesman Dmitry Peskov said attack flooded Turkish media. expert at the University of Rhode ra, Turkey. Zeynep Bilginsoy, Bosporus Strait, rounding up 13 he had no information on that The private Dogan news agency Island. Bulut Emiroglu, Cinar Kiper people suspected of having links and there was no comment either said the Russian attacker had The Dogan news agency broad- and Bram Janssen in Istan- to IS. from Uzbekistan. entered the country one month cast video of the Istanbul police bul, Lori Hinnant in Paris and There was no immediate claim Russian President Vladimir ago and left his passport in a raids showing a special forces Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow of responsibility by the militant Putin has said between 5,000 and house the men had rented in team carrying what appeared to contributed reporting. group, which has used Turkey 7,000 people from Russia and to establish itself in neighboring other nations of the former Soviet Syria and Iraq. Union have joined the Islamic IS has repeatedly threatened State group in Syria and Iraq. Turkey in its propaganda, and People from Chechnya and other the NATO member has blamed provinces in Russia’s volatile IS for several major bombings in North Caucasus region have had the past year in both Ankara and a visible presence among Islamic Istanbul. State fighters. Across Istanbul and beyond, Turkish state media said the funerals were held for the airport death toll in the attack rose to 44 victims Thursday, and heartbro- after a 25-year-old airport worker ken families sobbed as they bid succumbed to his wounds. Inte- their loved ones farewell, includ- rior Minister Efkan Ala said the ing several local airport workers. dead included 19 foreigners. Offi- Nilsu Ozmeric wept over the cials said 94 of the over 230 people coffin of her fiance, Jusuf Hazne- reported wounded in the attack daroglu, a 32-year-old airport were still hospitalized. worker who was fatally wound- Two memorial services for ed while waiting for a bus to go victims were held at the airport, home. one of them honoring taxi drivers “The wedding was next week,” slain in the attack. Five funerals sobbed his mother, Cervinye were held elsewhere, including Haznedaroglu, as visitors offered for four members of the Amiri condolences. family. A video obtained by the Turkish Abdulmumin Amiri escaped newspaper Haberturk purported death because he went to look for to show a police officer asking a taxi while his relatives watched one of the suicide bombers for their luggage. “At that time, the identification before he was sub- bomb went off,” he told The Asso- sequently shot by the attacker. ciated Press. “I was about four or Lefteris Pitarakis/Associated Press The video shows the al- five meters (13 to 16 feet) away.” leged police officer, in short At the funeral for Ferhat Akka- Relatives mourn around the Turkish flag-draped coffin of Habibullah Sefer, one of the victims killed in Tuesday‘s sleeves, approaching a ya, who had gone to the airport to blasts in Istanbul’s Ataturk airport, during the funeral in Istanbul, Thursday, June 30. PAGE 4 | FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 SPORTS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN

MY VIEW | JILL BECKMAN Flyers look for new goalie general a 6-foot-2, 178-pound center, with manager made it the No. 22 overall pick. The clear that he is looking for a other forwards include Pascal new , Laberge, Wade Allison, Carsen despite having Twarynski, Connor Bunnaman, two 28-year-olds Tanner Laczynski and Anthony on the roster. Salinitri. While many With a promising offense and goalies seem to defense, a goalie could be the reach their peak missing piece to a soon-to-be in their early 30s, stacked roster. In addition to an Steve Mason already complex goalie situa- appears to tion, the NHL will hold an Beckman already be on the Expansion Draft in 2017 as it decline. welcomes the league’s 31st The 6-foot-4 goalie shook the team, Las Vegas. In the Expan- hockey world when somehow, a sion Draft, each team will be 100-yard deflection ended up able to protect only one goalie. behind him in the net. If the Flyers had to choose This wouldn’t even have been one goalie right now, who would acceptable in warm-ups, let it be? Based on the 2015-16 alone in Game 2 in the first season, seems round of the to be the most eligible candi- Playoffs against the Presidents’ date, but is he the franchise Trophy winner, the Washington goalie the Flyers need to go all Capitals. Nathan Denette/Associated Press the way? As much as Philadelphia fans As a former Flyers goalie are trying to brush it off, the Center German Rubtsov puts on his jersey as he stands with members of the Philadelphia Flyers management himself — and a very successful embarrassing goal is just team at the NHL draft in Buffalo, New York on Friday, June 24. one — Hextall knows the value staring them in the face, of the position and will stop at becoming nearly impossible to last year, including second- been searching for. selected seven forwards and nothing to find what he is ignore. round pick , who Last weekend, Hextall drafted two defensemen. Fifth-round looking for. Every player makes was the first goalie selected in forward-heavy, as opposed to pick Linus Hogberg and sev- mistakes at one point or the 2016 NHL draft. The the past few years when the enth-round pick David Bern- Jill Beckman is a junior majoring in print another, but the careless errors organization can only hope one general manager was focused hardt came late in the draft — a and digital journalism and is the sports have been coming too of these young, promising on building a strong defensive sign Hextall is confident in that editor for The Daily Collegian. Email her frequently for Mason. The goalies will develop into the foundation. area. On the offensive end, the at [email protected] and follow her on Flyers drafted four goalies since franchise goalie the Flyers have In addition to Hart, the Flyers Flyers drafted German Rubtsov, Twitter at @_jillbeckman. Lindros headlines SLIDING INTO YOUR DM’S Hall of Fame Class By Stephen Whyno “It’s one thing you look back ASSOCIATED PRESS on,” Lindros said. “There’s a void there. I still have a lot to look back knew exactly on and be thankful for being on what day and time the Hockey different teams.” Hall of Fame would call. He was Lindros played for the New just hoping his phone York Rangers, Maple would ring this time Leafs and Dallas Stars at the NHL after six years of end of his career. He also won silence. two world junior gold medals and had given up hop- Olympic gold in 2002 represent- ing after 30-plus years of eligibil- ing Canada in Salt Lake City. ity. And when his moment came, Makarov was more than a Sergei Makarov exclaimed, “Oh point-a-game scorer for the So- my gosh, the wait is over!” viet national team as part of the The waiting ended for Lindros, famed KLM line with Vladimir Vachon and Makarov on Monday Krutov and 2008 Hall of Fame as they were elected as part of the inductee Igor Larionov. He won class of 2016 along with the late the Calder Trophy as rookie of the John Baranoski/Collegian coach and executive . year with Calgary in 1991 and put With no first-time eligible play- up 384 points in 424 games with Danny Hudzina (15) attempts to put a tag on a Brooklyn runner during a game against Brooklyn at Medlar ers worthy of consideration, they the Flames, San Jose Sharks and Field on Thursday, June 30. were able to go from the longtime Stars, once Russian players were waiting room into the hall. able to play in the NHL. Because concussions and oth- “He had the fastest side-to-side er injuries cut his career short, movements,” McDonald said of Lindros was passed over for the Makarov. “You’d think you have centerpiece of honor six previous times. But his him lined up and he’d (go by) and Hart Trophy-winning season as do it at top speed. He would never NHL MVP with the Flyers in 1995, lose the puck.” his 865 points in 760 games, and Vachon won the offense his overall dominance and inter- with the Canadiens in 1967-68 and national success ended up being was part of three Cup-champion By Anthony Sanfilippo too much to keep him out. teams in . He went on to ASSOCIATED PRESS Lindros said he hasn’t stopped play with the , smiling since getting the call from and Boston No matter what position he Hall of Fame chairman Lanny Bruins and finished with 355 vic- ends up playing, Ben Simmons McDonald while driving down the tories. Because he has been eli- is going to be the centerpiece highway in Ontario. gible for three decades, Vachon of the Philadelphia “It was six years and it was a bit said he stopped waiting for the NBA 76ers’ offense. of time, but I guess you could turn call from the Hall of Fame. But “He’s a facilita- around and say I’m in the Hall the 70-year-old still remembered tor, a distributor forever going forward,” Lindros his first NHL save. and he’s going to have the ball said. “I think there’s sometimes “My first shot in the NHL was in his hands a lot,” said Bryan you get thinking back and won- a breakaway from Gordie Howe Colangelo, the team’s presi- dering, ‘What if?’ I think when it’s from the blue line in,” Vachon dent of operations. all said and done, it’s an honor. It said of the Hall of Famer who “He’s going to make everyone feels full circle.” died just two weeks ago. “I don’t on the floor better. He’s going Lindros was a junior hockey know if I closed my eyes when he to make our entire team bet- star and the No. 1 pick of the shot, but I stopped him and that ter.” Quebec Nordiques in 1991 but re- probably kept me in the league It’s the expectations of be- fused to sign, something he said for 16 years.” ing the No. 1 overall pick in the Monday he didn’t regret. Sent to Quinn led Lindros and Cana- NBA draft, something that only Philadelphia as part of one of the da to the gold medal at the 2002 happens about once a genera- biggest trades in NHL history, Olympics and coached the 1979- tion in Philadelphia. Lindros became one of the best 80 Flyers team that went a record The 20-year-old Australian players of his era with an unusual 35 consecutive games without a was the first of three first- blend of physicality and produc- loss. round picks taken by the Sixers tion. He led the Flyers to the 1997 His daughter, Kalli, said Quinn Thursday night. Despite a col- Stanley Cup Final as part of the never thought about making the lection of players drafted in the “Legion of Doom” line with John Hall of Fame. lottery in recent years, Phila- LeClair and Mikael Renberg. “He would be looking at the delphia is turning to Simmons Friction with teammates three player inductees today and to be the focal point. and management dotted Lin- say, ‘How was I selected?’” Kalli Philadelphia coach Brett dros’ career, and he never Quinn said. “This is icing on the Brown has a challenge in find- won the Stanley Cup. cake.” ing where Simmons, a 6-foot-10 former LSU forward will play in the NBA. The Sixers are flush with big men, and Simmons is just an- other big body. However, they lack depth in the backcourt, Matt Rourke/Associated Press meaning Simmons could be asked to play guard despite his Philadelphia 76ers NBA basketball draft pick Ben Simmons poses for size. Simmons doesn’t neces- photographs during a news conference in Philadelphia. sarily need a position, he said confidently at his introductory already with Simmons that the international prospects, selecting press conference. team is confident he is the coach forward Timothe Luwawu from “I can play anywhere on the who can develop it. France with the No. 24 selec- floor and contribute,” he said. Brown coached Simmons’ tion and, two picks later, shoot- “You can put me anywhere father, Dave, in Australia in ing guard Furkan Korkmaz of one-through-five on either of- the 1990s and got to know Ben Turkey. fense or defense.” through that relationship. In Turkey, Korkmaz was a And it’s very likely he’ll be an Ben Simmons said he feels teammate of 2014 draft pick Dario amoeba of sorts for Brown and really comfortable with Brown Saric, who is expected to join the play all five positions at one because of that pre-existing rela- Sixers next season. point or another. He can drive tionship and said he couldn’t ask Luwawu was also at the press to the basket and has an NBA- for a better scenario to begin his conference Friday and stated ready body to play physically professional career. that being drafted by the 76ers underneath. The only thing “It’s a very special situa- was the best day of his life. lacking in his game at the mo- tion,” Simmons said. “This is “These players...are just a ment is a consistent jump shot, very rare, but it was the perfect part of the story as it unfolds,” Dave Chidley/Associated Press but it is something the Six- timing for me. I’m definitely in Colangelo said. “We’re excited Lindros was elected as part of the class of 2016 that also features ers feel can be developed, and the right situation.” about our future and we can’t players such as Sergei Makarov and goaltender Rogie Vachon. Brown has a great relationship The Sixers also added a pair of wait to get started.” THE DAILY COLLEGIAN COMICS FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 | PAGE 5 Mike Du Jour by Mike Lester

Pardon My Planet by Vic Lee

Non Sequitur by Wiley

Rhymes with Orange by Hilary Price

J ; O E *That's awesome. |


3-BR HOUSE NEAR campus. Great location, nice yard, free Collegian Note: Bigar’s Stars is based on the tions. do and when to do it. Tonight: parking. www.nittany.ws degree of your sun at birth. The sign GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Togetherness works, as long as you keep RIŎFHZLOO name is simply a label astrologers put on ★★★★★ Your personality allows you to it light and easy. a set of degrees for convenience. For best jump over any hassles. Stay centered. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) WORK STUDY EHFORVHG results, readers should refer to the dates You might witness a quick change with ★★★★ Your sense of direction might be following each sign. someone you see nearly daily. If you off. Some of you have a tendency to nix DO YOU DRINK at least once a notice that your temper flares, why not any offbeat ideas. On the other hand, the week AND do you feel anxious 0RQGD\-XO\ being the focus of attention in A baby born today has a Sun in Cancer try to share what ails you in a way that rest of you won’t discriminate, and will social settings? If you answer yes and a Moon in Taurus if born before 2:44 others can hear you? Tonight: Go for just go with the flow. Take part of the day for both questions, you are eligible ZLOOUHRSHQ a.m. (EST). Afterward, the Moon will be what you want. off just for you. Tonight: Call it an early for our study and can receive $25- in Gemini. CANCER (June 21-July 22) night — you need some personal time. 30 for your participations. If you 7XHVGD\-XO\ ★★★ Know when to back off and not CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) are interested, please contact us HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday, July 1, get involved in a touchy situation. Be ★★★ You might not be at your best at: [email protected] 2016: forgiving when someone shares news in today. Recognize these periods, as they This year you have an innate sense of a way that might be offensive. You could are marked by a tendency to want to independence. You will have opportuni- be tired and want to withdraw from much reflect and analyze. Opt to do little deci- ties to make certain situations more to of the conversation of the day. Take some sion-making, or test out a recent idea your liking. You often gain support from time for you. Tonight: Make it early. before you act on it. Count on a friend to friends, and as a result you feel very con- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) play devil’s advocate. Tonight: Make it fident. If you are single, friendship will ★★★★ You could be disappointed by easy play a significant role in the meeting or what is going on between you and a AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) development of your next relationship. loved one. Everyone has off days, even ★★★★ If you look around, you’ll notice This person could already be in your life. you, but perhaps you do a better job of that you are one of the few signs making If you are attached, check in with your covering up your mood than many oth- the most of various situations. You smile significant other frequently to confirm ers. You have the ability to separate your and refuse to take comments from a boss that you are on the same page. Get professional and personal lives. Tonight: or supervisor to heart. Make it OK to not behind a key mutual project together, and Out late. always be so serious; it is not your you might be surprised by how quickly VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) nature! Tonight: And the party goes on. the two of you can achieve that goal. ★★★ Responsibilities beckon, especial- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) TAURUS can be very stubborn! ly where your time and attention are con- ★★★★ Your sense of direction is unpar- cerned. Fatigue or a need to close down alleled by many people. You could have The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll to some extent at home emerges. How difficulty connecting with a supervisor, Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; you project has little to do with the and might decide to make the best choic- 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult impression you give. Recognize your es you can. Trust yourself. A family limits and long-term needs. Tonight: Till member will demonstrate his or her ARIES (March 21-April 19) the wee hours. enthusiasm. Tonight: Head home and ★★★★ You will be quite talkative and LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) take a break. open to feedback. Someone could be ★★★★ In some sense, how you visual- testy, and might attempt to withhold his ize a particular situation might be very BORN TODAY or her feelings. Give this person space to hard to create today. You could hit a wall Princess Diana (1961), actress Pamela open up. You will need to get feedback when trying to get an agreement. Take a Anderson (1967), actor Dan Aykroyd from others, but you might not like what break for now; work on this goal at a (1952) you hear. Tonight: Speak your mind. later date. Tonight: Look beyond the *** TAURUS (April 20-May 20) obvious in a conversation with a loved ★★★ Be aware of the costs of spending one. Jacqueline Bigar is on the Internet at as freely as you have been. Your creativ- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) www.jacquelinebigar.com. ity surges, and you’ll speak your mind. ★★★★ Consider what is best to do in an © 2016 by King Features Syndicate Inc. Extremes mark any financial decisions. emotional situation that emerges from You could be involved in a tense situa- you helping someone with a financial tion in which someone makes a demand matter. Your instincts sound a warning. &ROOHJLDQ&ODVVLŎHGVDUHIUHHWRVWXGHQWV that you can’t meet. Tonight: Ask ques- You have an excellent sense of what to PAGE 6 | FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 NATION THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Continuing the gun control debate By Grant Worley present evidence to try and FOR THE COLLEGIAN counter the claim and three, be found guilty of said crime. Once Recently Anthony Zarycki convicted, because due process wrote an article criticizing my had been constitutionally con- opinion piece about gun control. ducted, your rights may then be In it, he brings up a few times limited. This also exists for the that I did not go into full detail mentally ill as only those with some of my points. determined mentally ill by a Given the length of the article court of law, are the ones I did not go into great depth in restricted from purchasing the order to cover a broader range firearms. of ideas about the subject. Some of the current measures Because of that, this article is a introduced into the Senate such more thorough explanation of as the one prohibiting those on my points. First in my previous the terror watch list from article I do not say that 7,500 purchasing firearms introduced deaths is an acceptable number. by Senator Feinstein, were also Instead what I am pointing out discussed. As I said above, in is that the higher number often order to be denied your rights used is misleading. I removed a you must go through due few categories from the overall process. The proposed number of gun deaths, such as restriction of a citizen’s rights gang violence, suicide and simply because of their accidental deaths, and did so for presence on a government list, a few reasons. is clearly a violation of due pro- First, accidental deaths are, cess. Even the A.C.L.U., an as the name would imply, an Charles Krupa/Associated Press organization that is not known accident and wouldn’t have been A man holds a newly-assembled AR-15 rifle in New Britain, Conn. for being pro-second amend- prevented by any of the newly ment, agrees this is a violation proposed laws. Instead the way removing suicide was that the homicides would go up to about restricting weapons to those of the constitution. Not only to solve that would be to better individual committing the action 10,000 which is still roughly 66 who participate in militias, is that, but you can’t contest your store and secure the guns to is only harming themselves and percent below 32,500. This still not constitutionally allowed. addition to the list until after make accidental deaths occur is thus not homicide. Suicide is shows that the 32,500 number With that being said, the only you are added. There is no less often. In the other article, never a good thing but instead is misleading. pertinent part of the defined process to remove a car-related deaths were used as should be treated with What was also called into amendment is the “shall not be person from it. an example of why you shouldn’t psychiatric help instead of gun question, was my interpretation infringed” part. The gun confiscation remove accidental deaths. This control. The reasoning often of the Second Amendment.. It Now that exact opinion also programs in Australia and the however misses the reason used by gun control advocates was unacknowledged that my mentions that “nothing in our United Kingdom — as if they behind why I removed them. If to increase gun restrictions is to interpretation is the same as opinion should be taken to cast weren’t confiscation — were you were to try and add reduce the number of mass that of the Supreme Court as doubt on longstanding also brought up. To be fair, the regulations that make it harder shooting victims. So when siting expressed in the D.C. v. Heller prohibitions on the possession Australian government called it to obtain a car because of the number of gun deaths in the Supreme Court case. It was of firearms by felons and the a mandatory buyback, meaning car-related homicides, no United States, you should have mentioned that I left out the mentally ill.” Not only does this that Australians were at least reasonable person would site a number that is more repre- first part of the Second Amend- ruling say this. but there is also compensated for their guns. It the on average 34,000 automo- sentative of the problem at hand ment — which I did because a constitutionally sound reason nonetheless makes these bile deaths per year but would and not include things, such as according to the majority opin- behind not allowing felons or confiscations a mandatory instead site the 300 vehicular suicide, in that number. ion written by the late Justice those deemed mentally unstable removal of a citizen’s property. homicide number because those Now this would bring up the Antonin Scalia, the “a well-regu- by a court of law to purchase I would like to conclude by are the only ones that pertain to question of why I removed gang lated militia” clause of the firearms. saying that the greatest gift we the problem being addressed. violence as they are homicides. amendment was a prefatory In the 5th Amendment there can give to the children in our As with gun violence, one should The reasoning behind the clause. is a due process clause which country is that of freedom and not include accidents to better removal was because gangs are A prefatory clause merely states, “no person shall be … liberty. Continuing to protect the understand the problem. quite violent and push up the serves as an introduction and deprived of life, liberty, or unalienable rights we have so Even if you were to include overall number. The number of “does not limit or expand the property without due process of that we may pass them on to them, the number of accidental gang members in the U.S. is scope of the operative clause.” law...” meaning that a the next generation, is a gift of deaths is only around 600 per only 850,000 and despite them The operative clause in this government may restrict your an unmeasurable price. How year — meaning that they are only making up roughly 0.3 case being the “shall not being rights so long as there is due long would you dance for to fairly small compared to the percent of the population, they infringed” part. This means that process. In order for there to be protect the rights of future overall number of gun deaths. account for about 25 percent of anything within the prefatory due generations? To include them though would the homicides. Even if you were clause does not enforce a process though you must be cause the number to be mis- to say that gangs should be requirement upon the next one, accused of a crime, two, Grant Worley is the THON Chair for the leading. The reasoning I used in included the overall number of clause. Such requirements, as you must then go to court and PSU College Republicans. House to vote on barring guns from suspected terrorists By Alan Fram of the debate about the Orlando Cornyn, R-Texas, that the Senate ASSOCIATED PRESS killings from gun control to ter- defeated. It would let authori- rorism “because they cannot ties gun sales to suspected WASHINGTON— With Demo- stand on their terrorism record,” extremists, but only if prosecu- crats applying election-year the official said. tors could prove in court within pressure to act on gun control, The Orlando massacre, three days that the would-be pur- Republican Speaker Paul Ryan in which 49 victims died at a chaser was likely involved in ter- said Thursday the House will vote nightclub, was conducted by next week on a GOP proposal Omar Mateen. Killed by authori- rorism. aimed at keeping suspected ter- ties during his siege, Mateen Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., facing rorists from obtaining firearms. was an American who pledged a tough re-election race this fall, Ryan’s plan, which he allegiance to a leader of the has introduced legislation similar described during a conference Islamic State extremist group, to Cornyn’s. call with Republican lawmak- according to a transcript of his King said he was not on Ryan’s ers, seems unlikely to quell the phone calls with officials during conference call, but a second Re- partisan showdown that has the shootings. publican on that call described intensified since the June 12 mass Last week, Democrats staged the speaker’s plans the same way. shooting in Orlando, Florida. Two a nearly 26-hour sit-in on the King has sponsored the House Republicans said the House is House floor demanding votes on version of a stronger bill by Sen. expected to vote on legislation firearms curbs. With the House Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that resembling a National Rifle Asso- in recess this week, many held ciation-backed bill that the Sen- home-district events around the the Senate also killed. It would let ate rejected last week after it was country Wednesday to publicize the government block gun sales opposed by most Democrats. their effort. to suspected terrorists and allow Ryan, R-Wis., said the House “House Democrats will keep up an appeal by the would-be buyer will consider broad legislation our efforts to push for the major- after the transaction has already also aimed at preventing ex- ity to allow a vote on gun violence been denied. tremist groups from radicalizing legislation, but bringing up a bill Republicans say the Cornyn and recruiting sympathizers. He authored by the NRA just isn’t go- measure protects gun owners’ said lawmakers will also vote on ing to cut it,” said Drew Hammill, constitutional rights. Democrats a measure aimed at buttressing spokesman for House Minor- say giving prosecutors three days mental health programs. ity Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. to prove a gun buyer is probably Ryan said it is “just common wdc sense” to keep firearms from Ryan’s office provided no involved in terrorism makes it too terrorists, but he said it must be details about the bills the House hard to thwart firearms sales. done while protecting the right to will consider. The officials described Ryan’s own guns, according to an official Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said he plans on condition of anonymity Evan Vucci/Associated Press on the call. Ryan said Democrats understands the House measure because they were not authorized House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis. gestures during a news conference on were trying to change the focus will be similar to one by Sen. John to discuss the call publicly. Capitol Hill in Washington. Ryan responds to the House Democrats sit-in.

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