Meeting: Area Committee

Date of Meeting : 22nd April 2009

Title of Report: United Reformed Church Community Garden, Station Road, Ainsdale.

Report of : This report contains Yes No G. Bayliss, Leisure Director CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of Mark Shaw paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Telephone No. 0151 934 2393 Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To inform Members about a community project to develop a ‘Community Garden’ on land adjoining the United Reformed Church, Station Road, Ainsdale and for Members to consider a contribution of £3,000 from the Area Committee towards this scheme.


Area Committee:

i) To consider making a contribution of £3,000 towards this project from the Area Committee’s 2008/09 budget (Ainsdale Ward).

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People √

Financial Implications

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources 3,000 Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report


1.0 Background

1.1 The Ainsdale Ward Councillors are supporting a ‘Community Garden’ scheme in Ainsdale, and request that Southport Area Committee makes a contribution to the project.

1.2 The scheme is a community-based initiative to landscape and enhance land surrounding the United Reformed Church in Ainsdale to create an attractive, landscaped amenity.

1.3 We are informed that the project works have already attracted support from a number of public, private and voluntary sector interests. Financial contributions have been received from the Ainsdale Civic Society, other local voluntary organisations as well as a number of private contributions. Also, private sector contributions in kind have been pledged and received from local companies such as the Dobbies Garden Centre and Dowhigh Limited

1.4 In addition, local people have supported the project by volunteering their time and skills to carry out various hard and soft landscaping works.

2.0 Budget Implications

2.1 The community group estimates that to deliver the landscape plans for this site will cost in the region of £25,000. To date the project has attracted financial contributions and contributions in kind amounting to £12,000.

2.2 The local Ward Councillors fully support the scheme and request that the Area Committee makes a contribution of £3,000 from its 2008/09 budget.

2.3 Subject to the Committee’s approval, it is proposed that this sum be earmarked towards works designed to re-vamp and enhance the site entrance and boundary treatment.

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport………………………. Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £ 3,000 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation - United Reformed Church, Station Rd, Ainsdale, supported by Councillors Mrs Brenda Porter, Mark Bigley and Terry Jones

Description of Project: - Community Garden on land provided and owned by the Church and which they will continue to maintain. Located within Ainsdale village and for use by everyone

Total cost of project: £20,000 - £25,000 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Ongoing to date From other organisations and in kind ………………………………….£ 15,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £ AND IN KIND

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £3,000

Contact point: Name:… Mr John Whitehead (Treasurer) Address: …50 Knowle Avenue, Ainsdale, Southport, PR8 2PB Telephone 1 during office hours 01704 578047 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor… ……………………. Date…8 th April 2009 Ward………..Ainsdale

Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that ……Southport………………………… Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …Bryn Marsh……………………………….. Date…8 th April, 2009………………………………..

Strategic Director

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N

Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N