Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in a UK Population-Based Twin Sample

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Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in a UK Population-Based Twin Sample Research Original Investigation Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in a UK Population-Based Twin Sample Emma Colvert, PhD; Beata Tick, MSc; Fiona McEwen, PhD; Catherine Stewart, PhD; Sarah R. Curran, MD; Emma Woodhouse, BSc; Nicola Gillan, BSc; Victoria Hallett, PhD; Stephanie Lietz, PhD; Tracy Garnett, DClinPsych; Angelica Ronald, PhD; Robert Plomin, PhD; Frühling Rijsdijk, PhD; Francesca Happé, PhD; Patrick Bolton, MD Supplemental content at IMPORTANCE Most evidence to date highlights the importance of genetic influences on the jamapsychiatry.com liability to autism and related traits. However, most of these findings are derived from clinically ascertained samples, possibly missing individuals with subtler manifestations, and obtained estimates may not be representative of the population. OBJECTIVES To establish the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors in liability to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and a broader autism phenotype in a large population-based twin sample and to ascertain the genetic/environmental relationship between dimensional trait measures and categorical diagnostic constructs of ASD. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS We used data from the population-based cohort Twins Early Development Study, which included all twin pairs born in England and Wales from January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1996. We performed joint continuous-ordinal liability threshold model fitting using the full information maximum likelihood method to estimate genetic and environmental parameters of covariance. Twin pairs underwent the following assessments: the Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST) (6423 pairs; mean age, 7.9 years), the Development and Well-being Assessment (DAWBA) (359 pairs; mean age, 10.3 years), the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) (203 pairs; mean age, 13.2 years), the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (ADI-R) (205 pairs; mean age, 13.2 years), and a best-estimate diagnosis (207 pairs). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Participants underwent screening using a population-based measure of autistic traits (CAST assessment), structured diagnostic assessments (DAWBA, ADI-R, and ADOS), and a best-estimate diagnosis. RESULTS On all ASD measures, correlations among monozygotic twins (range, 0.77-0.99) were significantly higher than those for dizygotic twins (range, 0.22-0.65), giving heritability estimates of 56% to 95%. The covariance of CAST and ASD diagnostic status (DAWBA, ADOS and best-estimate diagnosis) was largely explained by additive genetic factors (76%-95%). For the ADI-R only, shared environmental influences were significant (30% [95% CI, 8%-47%]) but smaller than genetic influences (56% [95% CI, 37%-82%]). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The liability to ASD and a more broadly defined high-level autism trait phenotype in this large population-based twin sample derives primarily from additive genetic and, to a lesser extent, nonshared environmental effects. The largely consistent results across different diagnostic tools suggest that the results are generalizable across multiple measures and assessment methods. Genetic factors underpinning individual differences in autismlike traits show considerable overlap with genetic influences on diagnosed ASD. Author Affiliations: Author affiliations are listed at the end of this article. Corresponding Author: Beata Tick, MSc, MRC Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience, King’s College London, De Crespigny Park, London JAMA Psychiatry. 2015;72(5):415-423. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3028 SE5 8AF, England Published online March 4, 2015. ([email protected]). (Reprinted) 415 Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 Research Original Investigation Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder win studies of autism,1-6 conducted from 1977 onward, analytic methods. Previous studies15,16 have identified their provided the first clear evidence that genetic factors twin samples through clinical services. Such a strategy could T were etiologically important. Recent reviews of this result in sampling bias; if registration or participation is influ- literature5,7-9 show general agreement across studies that con- enced by concordance, probandwise concordance rates in DZ cordance for autism in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs is typi- twin pairs might be increased, resulting in inflated estimates cally at least double that in dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, result- of common environmental influence. In addition, sole reli- ing in high heritability estimates (60%-90%)10-14 and suggesting ance on clinical ascertainment could result in underidentifi- little influence of shared environmental factors. Two twin cation of cases with high levels of functioning.32 Investiga- studies15,16 stand in contrast and reported only moderate heri- tors should include these cases and define the genetic liability tability (21%-38%), with a substantial shared environmental as a continuous distribution that extends beyond stringent di- component explaining 58% to 78% of the variance in liability agnostic categories. Our study is novel in using criterion- to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In comparison, 1 recent standard, in-person, clinical diagnostic tools with a population- twin study did not confirm significant shared environmental based (vs a clinic-based) sample in which ascertainment was effects and reported heritability of 95%.17 In addition, a large good (62.1% response rate from the eligible sample compared population study of extended families (approximately 2 mil- with 17% in the study by Hallmayer et al15). lion individuals)18 reported estimates of 50% for heritability In summary, our first aim was to estimate heritability of and nonshared environmental factors. Most recently, in the the liability to ASD using a population-based sample that was same population, molecular genetic analysis19 indicated that selected using several screening instruments sent to all twins 95% of variance in ASD is accounted for by common allelic vari- in a 3-year birth cohort. The second aim was to study the ge- ants, supporting a polygenic model. This finding contrasts netic/environmental relationship between dimensional trait markedly with heritability estimates of around 0 derived from measures and categorical diagnostic constructs of ASD. In con- single-nucleotide polymorphism data (GCTA) in an arguably trast to previous approaches,15,18 we assumed a continuous li- underpowered sample.20 Given the interest in possible envi- ability distribution underlying ASD and a more broadly de- ronmental factors in the etiology of autism, these contradic- fined phenotype with high-level autism traits that fell short tory findings have reopened the discussion of high heritabil- of thresholds for an ASD diagnosis. We predicted a strong ge- ity and the possibility that findings may be biased by sample netic overlap between dimensional and diagnostic measures selection and screening. The first aim of the present study was in keeping with previous twin analyses based on extreme to examine the relative importance of genetic and environ- cases.21-23 mental factors in liability to ASD in a large systematically screened, population-based twin sample. 21,22 Twin and family studies have also shown that the ge- Methods netic liability to autism confers a risk for a broader range of im- pairments in social communication, restricted and repetitive Participants behaviors, and behaviors that extend beyond the traditional The participants were recruited from the Twins Early Devel- diagnostic boundaries for autism.9,23,24 These pioneering stud- opment Study,33 a longitudinal study of twin pairs ascer- ies contributed to the revision and broadening of diagnostic tained from population records of twin births in England and criteria and to the conceptualization of autism as a spectrum Wales from January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1996. The encompassing subtypes of pervasive developmental disor- Twins Early Development Study sample is considered repre- ders, such as Asperger syndrome, atypical autism, and sub- sentative of the population of the United Kingdom in terms of tler presentations.25,26 Research27-31 has explored autismlike maternal ethnicity (92.8% white) and educational level (40.1% traits in community samples and provided evidence of a ge- with A level qualifications or higher, the equivalent of some netic correlation between autismlike traits at the extremes and college education in the United States). Ethical authoriza- in the rest of the population. Our second aim was therefore to tion, including authorization to work with children, was given quantify the genetic and environmental relationship be- by the Institute of Psychiatry ethics committee. Parents were tween dimensional trait measures and the categorical diag- given a letter describing the general purpose of the study, and nostic constructs of ASD (from criterion-standard instru- written parental consent was required. Participation was vol- ments), which, to our knowledge, has not been tried before. untary and participants could withdraw from the study when- To provide a more definitive picture that addresses these ever they wished. 2 aims and incorporates current diagnostic concepts, we used The ASD and co-twin sample were selected after a 2-stage rigorous approaches and screened an age-specific epidemio- screening process outlined in Figure 1 and section 1 of eAp- logic sample of twins to
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