Pocklington School Events and Achievements 2020/2021

Art and Photography George Brignall McDougall - Produced a video for Ballad of Jimmy Johnson raising money for Hull Homeless Community Project. Lucas Duncan - Photography work exhibited for online magazine, uniquelyaligned.com.

Business and Economics In the Business and Economics Department this year the Sixth Form students have not only been working on their A level studies; they have also taken part in a national competition and continued to strengthen links with the School Foundation Careers and Business Network events and the Business and Economics team planned and ran a hands on Enterprise day for the whole of our First Year pupils.

Young Enterprise Programmes This year due to the now well known restrictions we were limited to one team starting the YE company programme, however, they analysed the market and hit on a sustainable wood garden furniture as their product. Against all the trials of Covid-19 “GoodWoods Furniture” took part in a zoom Dragons’ Den event, completed their virtual entries to the Area Final and although they didn’t progress further they should be proud of their perseverance and professionalism. No other schools in the Hull and East Riding area managed to pull their groups together and they should take great pride in their achievements.

New BTEC Enterprise and Entrepreneurship In the Business and Economics Department we fully appreciate the importance of Entrepreneurs in driving our local and national economy and we are proud to be launching this exciting new course in September. Not only broadening the course offer in the department but also giving Pocklington students, through a combination of class work and enterprise projects, the chance to learn and practice entrepreneurship in a real environment.

CCF In March, we were proud to be the first Contingent to restart live training as soon as the school reopened. Our training has continued on the school site and in year group bubbles so we have had to adapt our usual training programme significantly. Our Sixth Form cadets have followed a programme of advanced skill at arms and fieldcraft and on their final Thursday afternoon, our Senior NCOs took part in an exercise that involved survival, camp craft and section attack drills. Our Fifth year cadets have been working on their teaching skills by delivering lessons to each other with the hope that next year, they will be able to help instruct our new Fourth year cadets. We have been very pleased by the engagement shown by our Fourth year cadets who are yet to put on a CCF uniform. They have followed a varied programme including fieldcraft, skill at arms, navigation, drill, survival and an RAF activity. On Wednesday 14th July, 28 cadets will take part in a one day Army Summer Camp at training area. Leavers’ 2021

This won’t quite have the same impact as the usual weeklong trip; however, we are looking forward to the training provided by 4X Cadet Training Team. This is the first off site training activity that has taken place in 18 months. We are now preparing for a huge shift in our training: from September 2021 Pocklington School CCF will become a voluntary contingent and will begin to train outside of the school timetable. We will train after school from 4pm to 5pm on a Thursday initially and we are currently working on our recruitment. A major event coming up is the two day Third year off timetable programme where we will give our potential new recruits a snapshot of what to expect if they chose to become a cadet.

Charities When we returned to school in September 2020, the Charity Committee held their first meeting and we welcomed Mrs McDowell to the team along with our new Head of Charity, Kate Newbould who has made a superb leader during this strange 12 months. Despite lockdowns and restrictions, the charity team has managed to still make a significant contribution to several local ch