The Lip Sync, Drama and Comedy skit competition is held at Jobie Weekend and is open to all active members of JOB’S DAUGHTERS INTERNATIONAL and JOBIE To BEES. There will be an opportunity to win a First, Second or Third Place Ribbon in Individual, Small Group and Bethel . The entry with the Highest overall score, regardless of the division competed in, will be awarded a Best In State Ribbon.


• Must be present to enter Lip Sync, Drama or Comedy Skits Competition.

• Individuals, Small Groups or Bethels may compete in this competition.

• All entries must have an individual Entry form. Small Groups and Bethels may send one entry form for the . Entries must be received by the entry deadline see online entry form for deadline. No late entries will be accepted. If you would like confirmation your entry was received please email [email protected].

• Each Daughter may compete in no more than two Performing Arts Competitions. Bethel competitions are not counted if the entire Bethel attending Jobie Weekend is competing.

• You must bring your own and device to play your song on. Please make sure your song contains no inappropriate language. Songs may be edited to fit the length of the performance.

• Performances must be at least two minutes and no longer than five minutes in length.

and Props used will be judged.

• Each performance is judged on their introduction. You must state the name of the entry being performed, who you are, and which Bethel/City you are a member of. Groups and Bethels can have one spokesperson or incorporate the entire group into their introduction.

• Please take the to fill out all the requested information on the entry form. This assists us in making sure your entry is placed in the correct category and division. Small Groups must list the first and last name of all performers. Bethel entries musts have all Daughters attending Jobie Weekend participate in the performance. Incorporating Jobie To Bees is left to the discretion of the Bethel competing.

• Observers are encouraged and welcome to view performances. Please advise your guests that no one can enter or leave the room once the performance has started.

• It is traditional for the Jobie Weekend Chairs to ask the Competition Chairs to provide them with the names of three or four entertaining acts to perform on Saturday night at Jobie Weekend. Those asked to perform are not necessarily the top scorers in their events. Names of several acts per performance type are given to the chairs and they make the selections from those recommendations.


DEADLINE for ENTRY is an ELECTRONIC TIMESTAMP by midnight (see online entry form for deadline date).

Sorry, No Late Entries can be accepted.

Division & Categories

Divison: Lip Sync Drama Skit Comedy Skit

Category: Solo Performance Small Group Performance Bethel Performance Jobie To Bee (all Daughters age 8-9)

Visit for online entry forms Click on Forms & More/Jobie Weekend Questions Competition Coordinators: [email protected]

• Registration questions • Schedule changes • Cancelations • Registration Confirmations • Awards • Rules and Guidelines questions – These questions will be forwarded to the current chairman • Scoring and Judging questions – These questions will be forwarded to the current chairman