Technology and American Culture: From the ›Machine in the Garden‹ to the Digital Age

Freitag, 14-16 Uhr, John F. Kennedy-Institut, Raum 201, SoSe 2003 Dozent: Dr. Stefan L. Brandt, [email protected]


THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Directed by James Whale; screenplay by John Lloyd Balderston and William Hurlbut. Cast: Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchester, Ernest Thesiger, Una O’Connor, Valerie Hobson. 1935. THE CUBE. Directed by Vincenzo Natali; screenplay by Graeme Manson, Vincenzo Natali, and Andre Bijelic. Cast: Maurice Dean Wint, Nikki DeBoer, , Wayne Robson, Andrew Miller, Nicky Guadagni. 1998. MATRIX. Directed by Andy & Larry Wachowski; screenplay by Andy & Larry Wachowski. Cast: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Ann Moss, , Joe Pantoliano, Marcus Chong, Paul Goddard. 1999. MODERN TIMES. Directed by Charlie Chaplin; screenplay by Charlie Chaplin. Cast: Charlie Chaplin, Paulette God- dard, Henry Bergman, Stanley Sandford, Gloria De Haven, Chester Conklin. 1936. THE . Directed by ; screenplay by James Cameron. Cast: , , Linda Hamilton, , . 1984.

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