Service Science Perspective on Customer Satisfaction for Improving Airport Performance

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Service Science Perspective on Customer Satisfaction for Improving Airport Performance T H E S I S SERVICE SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FOR IMPROVING AIRPORT PERFORMANCE (CASE STUDY: ADISUTJIPTO AIRPORT AND GOTEBORG LANDVETTER AIRPORT) Submitted by : Rossi Danny Sakti 820712-T313 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, COMMUNICATION AND IT KARLSTAD UNIVERSITY SWEDEN 2010 T H E S I S SERVICE SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FOR IMPROVING AIRPORT PERFORMANCE (CASE STUDY: ADISUTJIPTO AIRPORT AND GOTEBORG LANDVETTER AIRPORT) A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Double Degree Master Programme in Transport System and Engineering and in Transport Service Management Submitted by : Rossi Danny Sakti 820712-T313 ii iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that the work described in this thesis, except where iv “For you make me glad by your deeds, LORD; I sing for joy at what Your hands have done. How great are Your works, LORD, how profound your thoughts!” (Psalm 92 : 4 – 5) “Life is a game, no matter and how many you fail, just do with your brave and have fun with it” (Honji) “Do What you can do with your best, there is no chance to second opportunity” I dedicate my works for My Grandma For Her Blessing My father and Mother For Their Prayer My Sister and My Brother For Their Support v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise and Worship to The Almighty Jesus Christ, The Saviour for His light that guidance the writer accomplish this thesis as a partial fullfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Transport System and Engineering in Gadjah Mada University and Transport Service in Karlstad University. The author would like to express his gratitute to those who have contributed in this thesis as mention in following : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc as Director of Master Programme in Transport System and Engineering, Gadjah Mada University and as the main supervisor for all the advice, guidance and assistance in this thesis. 2. Prof. Lars Hoglund as a bitr professor, for guidance and assitance in this thesis and for allowing me to study in Karlstad University. 3. Pattrick Gottfridson, Ph.D as the main supervisor in Karlstad University for all the advice, correction, guidance and assistance that make the thesis more colourful. 4. Ir. Djoko Murwono, M.Sc and Ir. Wardhani Santoso, M.Sc as the thesis examiner for their evaluation. 5. Board of Education and Training, Ministry of Transportation under the Indonesia for endowing financial support, so the author can enroll Master Programme at University of Gadjah Mada and Karlstad University. vi 6. Director of Air Transport and his Deputy of Air Transport, Ministry Of Transportation, for his approval and enable the writer to study and reach Master Programme in Gadjah Mada University and Karlstad University. 7. General Manager of Adi Sutjipto Airport and his staff, for giving permittion, so the author could have information for this thesis. 8. Lectures, Staffs and Friends at Gadjah Mada University and Karlstad University, for giving the author more knowledges, share the time together for good and bad time. 9. All of My Big Family for encouragement and support that make the this thesis done. 10. Friends, for encouragement and for wonderful moments and time. The author realize that this thesis still need improvement, so the author with openness heart could receive any suggestions from readers as an input to refine this for further research. Yogyakarta, December 2010 Rossi Danny Sakti 08/275818/PTK/5159 vii Table of Contents Title ................................................................................................................................. i Abstract ........................................................................................................................... xiii Table of Contents............................................................................................................. viii List of Figures.................................................................................................................. xi List of Tables................................................................................................................... xii I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1 A. Background........................................................................................................... 1 B. Practical Problems................................................................................................ 2 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Views of The Problems....................................... 5 C. Research Questions............................................................................................. 7 D. Objective.............................................................................................................. 7 E. Limitation............................................................................................................. 8 F. Thesis Outline...................................................................................................... 8 II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.............................................................................. 11 A. Customers and Services.......................................................................................... 11 B. The Way of Services............................................................................................... 15 1. Customer Oriented............................................................................................ 15 2. Customer Involvement...................................................................................... 15 3. Service Development Logic.............................................................................. 19 4. Service Standard............................................................................................... 19 5. Dimension Of Service....................................................................................... 21 6. Value in Customer’s Perspective...................................................................... 22 C. Customer Satisfaction............................................................................................. 25 1. Customer Satisfaction in Service Quality and Expectancy Disconfirmation.... 29 2. Theoretical Framework as A Guidance of The Research................................... 30 III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................... 32 A. Research Approach ................................................................................................. 32 1. Case Study Research......................................................................................... 34 2. Data Collection................................................................................................. 35 B. Design Of The Questionnaire.................................................................................. 36 C. The Practical Data Collection.................................................................................. 39 D. Data Analysis......................................................................................................... 40 E. Validity................................................................................................................... 42 IV. EMPIRICAL STUDIES............................................................................................. 43 A. General Term of Airport as A Part of Air Transportation....................................... 43 B. Air Transportation and Airport in Indonesia............................................................ 45 C. PT. ANGKASA PURA 1 as a State-owned Enterprises Airport Company............ 46 viii D. Adisutjipto Airport In Yogyakarta........................................................................... 47 1 .General Description About Adisutjipto Airport................................................ 47 2. Adisutjipto Airport Design and Traffic............................................................. 48 3. Adisutjipto Airport Operations.......................................................................... 51 E. Sweden and Swedavia As A State – Owned Company.......................................... 52 1. Sweden on A Customer Satisfaction Perspective Side..................................... 52 2. Swedavia As A State – Owned Company........................................................ 53 V. RESULTS AND DISCCUSSIONS ............................................................................. 56 A. Internally Qualitative Findings ................................................................................ 58 1. Internally Discussion Phone Call with The Official of Angkasa Pura, Ltd........ 58 2. Internally Regulation Findings............................................................................ 59 3. Internally E-mail Correspondence....................................................................... 60 4. Internally Summarize Analysis.......................................................................... 60 B. Externally Qualitative Findings................................................................................ 61 1. Externally Discussion Findings from Customers Questionnair using CIT Technique............................................................................................................ 61 1.1 Externally Summarize Findings Results From Customer Questionnair using CIT Technique ..............................................................................................
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