SUSTAINABLE KETOGENIC WITH EXTENDED WINDOWS featuring IFBB Pro Brad Rowe KETO30 This E-Book from Project AD will break utilizing Keto w/ Fasting is something down the concept of the Keto Diet when that not many people have written about, utilizing extended fasting windows for however, as you’ll read here absolutely the purpose of keeping body low and works and is highly sustainable even for gaining muscle mass. We will bring to you a person who has a high level of activity. the real world results as seen by Project AD Athlete and IFBB Pro Brad Rowe and help you develop a structure to utilize for yourself. Intermittent

We inherently have likes and dislikes, Fasting: especially when it comes to food. Some people live and die by the concept has been thrust into of balance while others stick to more the spotlight in recent years as a “new” “extreme” variations like Paleo, , concept on the forefront. Atkins etc. The concept of Keto is nothing When in fact, it’s been a concept many new and has been utilized in one way or have used for years. My mind quickly another for many years. In most cases goes back to the “office” concept of it’s been labeled as a diet designed civil servants and business professionals for extreme weight loss by cutting out surviving off of black coffee during 12+hr virtually all , utilizing shifts and then forcing themselves to eat minimal , and being composed bar food over drinks with colleagues at primarily of as the majority source the end of their work day. of caloric intake. The concept of building Muscle on Keto has long Truth be told, humans have been up for debate, but you’ll been inadvertently fasting for see here that Brad has single longer than I think most people handedly debunct that theory. realize. The most common idea of intermittent fasting is to solely Let’s break down the basics ingest zero calorie liquids, water/ for Keto in general. coffee/amino acids until a given An appropriately time of day, henceforth devised Keto diet fasting from the would consist of time you go to 75% healthy fats, sleep until that 20% , predetermined and 5% carbs time of day. Most usually derived people fast an from trace average of 12 carbs found hours a day. in consumed When we proteins and get into the leafy green concept of vegetables. Extended The idea of Fasting windows we start talking about 16+ hours.

Benefits of Fasting:

When you talk about fasting some of the most beneficial aspects from a health perspective are decreased inflammation and pancreatic rest. Many people are unaware that certain carbohydrates contribute to inflammation within the joints and organs. Fasting has shown to reduce this inflammation dramatically, coupled with a Ketogenic diet this is one of the greatest overall benefits. The pancreas is one of the organs in the body that can be incredibly overworked especially for people in the sport of bodybuilding due to the larger volumes of overall food ingested. The pancreas must work overtime in order to release appropriate amounts of insulin to keep up with the constant flow of carbohydrates. Fasting in essence allows the pancreas to rest and re-regulate, which in many studies has proven to show an increase in insulin sensitivity for the individual. There has been a long standing debate as to the benefit of doing cardio in a fasted state potentially being more beneficial for fat burning and most of the top fitness coaches in the world prescribe this to their clients. Putting it to work:

Like any potentially extreme diet change you may want to work yourself up to longer fasting windows as your body regulates to the changes. Below is the daily suggested structure of an extended fast Ketogenic Diet as implemented and proven by Project AD Athlete and IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Brad Rowe. Fasting diet - 16hrs a day water and black coffee only (235g fat)

• 1-4 whole eggs, 90g guac, 20g nut butter, 1 coconut wrap, 1 scp Grazed, 1tbsp chai seed flour, 7g MCT Oil (60g fat) • 2-3 oz chicken, 20g olivida oil (flax/avacado/olive oil), 120g guac, 1 coconut wrap, 32g nut butter (54g) • 3- 3 oz beef, 2 whole eggs, 120g guac, 10g olivada, 32g nut butter, 1 coconut wrap, 80g veg, (61g) • Pre train - 2 scp Aminotaur (28g EAA/BCAA) 25g MCT oil sea salt, 1 scp keto salts • Post - 20g whey, 10g collagen peptide protein, 35g MCT oil, 1tbsp white chia seed, 1scp grazed

Calculating Your Daily Calorie Requirement For Your Needs

English BMR Formula (Imperial) - The Basal Metabolic Rate determines how many calories your body will burn at rest keep in mind approx 3500 calories are = to 1 pound of body weight

Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years). Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years) Metric BMR Formula Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years). Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years) Calculating Your Daily Macro Breakdown For Your Needs

Once you’ve determined your BMR using the calculator above we suggest the following percentage breakdown in terms of your Macronutrients. Fats - 80% Proteins - 17% Carbohydrates - 3%

In the event your BMR is equal to 2500 calories per day with a weight loss goal of 1lb per week your daily caloric intake goal would be 2000 calories with the following macronutrient breakdown. Fats (9cals p/g) - 178g / 1602 calories Proteins (4cals p/g) - 85g / 340 calories Carbohydrates (4cals p/g) - 15g / 60 calories

If your goal is Maintenance you’d want to consume exactly 2500 calories with the following macronutrient breakdown. Fats (9cals p/g) - 222g / 1998 calories Proteins (4cals p/g) - 106g / 424 calories Carbohydrates (4cals p/g) - 19g / 76 calories

We highly recommend seeking the assistance of a qualified coach/nutritionist when your goal is a caloric surplus with a desire to gain lean tissue.

Transitioning to Keto:

Any diet requires what we’d describe as a transition period. An extreme change can potentially cause issues with digestion, bowel movements, energy levels, or a plethora of other things. We’d certainly suggest you steadily remove carbs and introduce increased fats over a timeframe of 7-14 days depending on how your body responds. Some people are able to adjust more rapidly, and others will require a little more time. Should you experience diarrhea, bloating, gas, or general gastrointestinal discomfort slow the transition process. Keto for Women Explained: Much like anything else not all lifestyles are created equal and one of the most overlooked differences between Men and Women when it comes to Keto are Levels. Women are a lot more Leptin sensitive than Men because they have Leptin receptors in their Thyroid and Ovaries. The increased production of reduces leptin levels which can have a negative effect on anxiety, insomnia, and in women over time due to an interference in thyroid hormone production. This may also have a negative impact on a woman’s menstrual cycle. It may be necessary for women to implement some carb cycling into an overall Keto based diet in order to maintain appropriate leptin levels and hormone production. The best gauge a woman can use in this situation is their menstrual cycle regularity. If you find that your menstrual cycle is non- existent or severely off schedule it may be necessary to introduce some complex carbs into your diet strategically in an attempt to regulate leptin production.

Real World Results: Now, before you jump all over us for using Brad Rowe an IFBB Pro as an example… Take this all into account. Brad isn’t exactly a spring chicken in the realm of bodybuilding. He has been an athlete all of his life and has in recent years struggled with injuries some would say as a result of his very aggressive training methods. It would be easy to say Brad had reached his peak earlier in his career, but we will beg to differ.

Having made minimal improvements to an already phenomenal physique for a few years, Brad made the decision to step away from competition and focus on his training business, acting, and career growth. In the last year he’s started implementing the Keto diet with Extended fasting windows and he’s not only seen growth of 5-7lbs of real lean tissue, but he’s stayed lean and felt better overall. Like many of us Brad leads an incredibly busy lifestyle. He’s usually out the door by 5am everyday, sees as many as 10 clients a day for training, then sits in LA traffic for an hour to get home by around 7-8pm. This entire time he survives off of water and coffee while getting in a complete training session or two for himself as well. We hope this guide introduces you to something new and sheds some light on common misconceptions that have been associated with both the Keto Diet and Fasting in years prior. We’ve proven through real world results that it’s not only possible, but yields phenomenal results in terms of fat loss, limiting fat storage, muscle building, and overall health. For More information into this topic feel free to follow Brad Rowe @bradbrowe on Instagram APPROVED FOODS APPROVED DRINKS Meat – Unprocessed meats are low carb Water – The #1 option. Have it flat, with and keto-friendly, and organic and grass- ice, or sparkling. Sip it hot like a tea, or add fed meat might be even healthier. But natural flavouring like sliced cucumbers, remember that keto is a higher-fat diet, lemons, or limes. If you experience not high in protein, so you don’t need headaches or symptoms of “keto flu“, huge amounts of meat. add a few shakes of salt to your water. Fish and seafood – These are all good, Coffee – No sugar. A small amount of especially fatty fish like salmon. If you milk or cream is fine. For extra energy have concerns about mercury or other from fat, stir in butter and for toxins, consider eating more of the “Bulletproof coffee.” Note, if weight loss smaller fish like sardines, mackerel and stalls, cut back on the cream or fat in your herring. If you can find wild-caught fish, coffee. that’s probably the best. Eggs – Eat them any way you want, e.g. Tea – Whether black, green, Orange boiled, fried in butter, scrambled or as Pekoe, mint, or herbal — feel free to omelets. drink most teas. Don’t add sugar. Natural fat, high-fat sauces – Most of the Bone broth – Hydrating, satisfying, full of calories on a keto diet should come from nutrients and electrolytes — and simple fat. to make! — homemade bone broth can Vegetables growing above ground. be a great beverage to sip on the keto Fresh or frozen – either is fine. Choose diet. Stir in a pat of butter for some extra vegetables growing above ground, energy. especially leafy and green items. Favorites include cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli and zucchini. High-fat dairy – Butter is good, high-fat cheese is fine, and heavy cream is great for cooking. Nuts – Can be had in moderation, but be careful when using nuts as snacks, as it’s very easy to eat far more than you need to feel satisfied. Also be aware that cashews are relatively high carb, choose macadamia or pecan nuts instead. Berries – A moderate amount is OK on keto, perhaps with real whipping cream, a popular keto dessert. COMMON FOODS COMMON DRINKS TO AVOID TO AVOID Fruits, Root Vegetables, Pasta, Rice, Soda, Juice, and Beer. Bread, Candy, Chocolate, Pastries, Breaded meats.

Frequently Asked Questions: What is a keto diet? A keto diet is a low-carb diet that results in . To achieve this, the diet has to be very low in carbohydrates, and no more than moderate in protein. What is ketosis? Ketosis is a normal process allowing your body to keep working when you eat few carbohydrates. Carbs are one of two major fuels for the body. We can also burn fat for energy, but the can’t burn fat directly. Instead, when eating very low carb, fat is converted in the to ketones that are released into the blood stream. This is a great fuel for your brain. The process of fueling the entire body with fat, including the production of ketones, is called ketosis. Under normal circumstances ketosis is safe and natural, for example when it is the result of a low-carb (“keto”) diet, or while fasting. However, under certain special circumstances – most commonly with type 1 – ketosis can be a sign of insulin deficiency, and the ketones can then rise to potentially harmful levels. Is a keto diet safe? A keto diet is usually very safe. However, in the following three situations you may need extra preparation or adaptation: • Are you on medication for diabetes, e.g. insulin? • Are you on medication for high blood pressure? • Are you breastfeeding? If you’re not in one of these situations, you’ll likely do fine on a keto diet, without

needing any special modifications. How Do You Know When Your Body Is In Ketosis? Any of these signs may indicate you are in ketosis: • Decreased appetite and increased energy levels. • Increased thirst and urination. • “Keto breath”, which may be more apparent to others than to yourself. Learn more • Dry mouth or a metallic taste in your mouth. Beyond these signs and symptoms, you can measure your level of ketosis, using one of three methods: • Urine strips • Breath analyzers • Blood meters Is ketosis safe for people with diabetes? A keto diet leading to ketosis is generally a very powerful treatment to reverse type 2 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes can use a keto or low-carb diet to significantly improve their blood-sugar control. They will however normally always require insulin injections, but usually far lower doses on keto. They need to take care to not take too low doses and end up with , or too high and end up with . Both people with type 1 and type 2 may rapidly require a reduction in medication on a keto diet to avoid hypoglycemia. How many carbs can you eat and still be in ketosis? This varies, but generally it’s a good idea to stay below 20 net carbs per day. Some people who are not insulin resistant – e.g. lean, young people who exercise regularly – can sometimes tolerate more carbs, perhaps 50 grams or more per day. How long can someone be on a keto diet? As long as you want to, and enjoy it.