Orissa Review * December - 2009

Archaeological Heritage and Tourism (Developing underdeveloped Regions)

Sunil Kumar Patnaik

Archaeology, simply stated, is the study of human In some countries like Egypt, Mexico, Italy, Peru, antiquities. An Archaeological Site is a place Cambodia, etc, tour operators package where the remains of an old civilization exist, archaeological sites and monuments as tourism sometimes visibly but mostly under the cover of products and offer archaeological tours as special the earth. It needs a lot of careful digging and interest tours. In the modern days with evolution sifting which in archaeological terms is called of new age tourism, the travellers particularly ³excavation´. After excavation the site reveals the youngsters were very much interested to explore existence of human settlement with houses, the heritage high ways to peep into the past streets, temples, potteries, tools and other through the material remains for which tourism implements, sculpture, painting, writing etc. This has provided as tool. ancient human settlement discovered or unearthed during the modern times is called archaeological India, virtually has repository of heritage. The passion by the past is something Archaeological Sites and Monuments which inherent to the human being. As it says well: ³Town serves the backbone of Indian Tourism that does not know from where town comes that development. Although the sole aim of does not know to where it goes´. archaeology is to provide historical truth, laid bare material culture, enriches the contemporary The Archaeological tourism is ideal for which knowledge on Architecture, Religion, Society, Art, they look for a higher knowledge and sublimates, Medicine, Town planning etc. The development tie to the meditation and the relaxation, in perfect of Indian Society was revealed, only when in synchrony with the surroundings or ecosystem that 1921 Harappan Civilization brought to limelight is, integration with the Mother Nature, but always through archaeological excavation which covered in old places, next to the ruins of the ³enigmatic an area as wide as 1.8 million square kilometers. missing civilizations´. Archaeology has established that it was a long- forgotten civilization almost five thousand years Knowledge about archaeology and old and contemporary with the ancient civilizations archaeological sites adds to the expertise of those of Mesopotamia and Egypt. This civilization tourism professionals who package tours or work covered a wide variety of land and climate. While as a guide and escorts. There has been an the settlements in Beluchisthan developed and increased interest in cultural and heritage tourism. survived in inhospitable dry climates and

1 Orissa Review * December - 2009 unapproachable hilly terrains, the settlements in Fort, Fatepur-Sikri, Amar Fort, Hawa Mahal, the Ganga- Yamuna Doab enjoyed all the bounties Palaces of Udaipur, Jaisalmir, Jaipur, Forts and of the nature. Hundreds of kilometers of desert- tombs of Aurangabad, Hydrabad, Bijapur etc land separated the Harappan settlements in were also centre of attraction and served as Rajasthan and Gujarat. The premier Harappan benchmark to the respective State Tourism settlements in the Ghaggar-Hakra-Indus region Departments. These are all archaeological wealth was situated in the flood plains and the land was that has taken as resource for tourism fertile making it possible for the cities to procure development .A matter of fact that a heritage trail food from the adjoining villages. The great Indian could be explored from Khajuraho to Konarak civilization has been dated between 2700 B.C which could combine efforts of three states. Of to 1400 B.C. The early and mature sites course Chhattishgarh Tourism Board and Orissa discovered at places like Mehergarh, Amri, Kot Tourism, now has taken initiatives in this regard. Diji, Gumla, Harappa, Kalibangan, Mohenjodaro, However, a trained Archaeologist is required to Banwali, Lothal are simpl