Says Soviets Wa Mid Yesterday It Will Be Considered
totality hit a*d eolder. St» nwuaknms-**.** I Webber, VOL, 85, to). 122 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1962 7c PER, COPY Mull Miurday School Program MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - School on Saturday? The superintendent said that if, as more residents move in, A* a result of inquiries by new residents of the Strathmore interest id a Saturday tuition program increases, be will rec- (Levitt) development, School Superintendent Luther A. Foster, commend that the Board of Education consider the proposal. Says Soviets Wa Mid yesterday it will be considered. As for "enrichment" in these courses, and others, such as A number of Strathmore /homeowners are seeking an edu- physical education, advanced reading and remedial reading, cational "enrichment" program for their children. ift the regular school curriculum, Mr. Foster and Harold J. School officials have advised them that, because of budget Dolan,: school board president, told the group that after the limitations such a concept could not be put Into practice dur- Strathmore tax raUbles are reflected in the budget, this may ing regular classroom time, for perhaps a year or more. be possible. '•'• •'.'•• ;• At a meeting with Strathmore. residents Tuesday in the The superintendent revealed that the board hopes to reno- Mstawsn Grammar School auditorium, homeowners suggested vate the old high school building next year, and that a cafe- that enrichment courses such si music, art, languages and teria program may be started here. MOSCOW (AP)-Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko de-' sciences might be provided on Saturdays, "on a tuition basis.' The building i» being used as a grade school annex.
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