Kennedy Urges Labor Help Buildu.S. Trade
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Arcrage Dally Net Press iRoh For tho Week Ended ' ^ D««mber I, iM i 13,508 Member of the Audit of Olrcnlntlon Manche$ter-—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX1. NO. 57 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES-IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1961 (CiMMfled AdTerttolng on Pnge SS) UN Jets Strike State News Katangan Base Roundup Kennedy Urges Labor Help ' * ' Chaplain at Yale Elisabethville, K a t a n g a,f Several bulleta hit the fuselage Answers Critics Dec. 7 (A*)—U.N. jet fighters but no serious damage was today struck at Katangan caused.) Tshombe's villa Is on one Of F reedom Ride ammunition dumps six miles of the approaches to the airport. BuildU.S. The Globemaster was one of six Trade ("Si outside Elisabethville and ex heavy transports carrying rein New Haven, Dec, 7 (A*)— plosions rocked the heart of forcements and supplies to U.N. Yale’a cbaplaih, who was ar the capital. forces in the Katanga capital. The rested several mbnths ago in Katangana launched another at report from Leopoldville said the United States agreed to the aif- Montgomcr.v, Ala., for taking tack against the U.N. headquar part in a “Freedom Ride," ters Just outside of the city at 11ft on condition that the trans daybreak after a tropical thun ports would be given full protec says there is sound historical Face Loss of Jobs derstorm brought firing to a halt tive cover. Ethiopian Sabre Jets precedent for preachers dis during the night. escorted the first Globemasters turbing the peace on occasion. (The U.S. embaaey In Leopold yesterday but It was not known in "Je-sus was the chief disturber ville said an American Air Force Leopoldville whether today's of the peace," the Rev. William S. Or Increase Exports Globemaater was fired on over flights were escorted. Coffin Jr, said last night in an Ellsahethville. and the U.S. airlift address on the campus. ■was suspended while commanders (Continued on Page Eight) He challenged the unjust people In Leopoldville and Washington who were governing society — Aliami Beach, Fla., Dec. 7 (/P)— Pre.'^ident Kennedy told Or consulted * on security arrange that's why he was crucified.” ganized Labor today it must back the effort to build up ments for the American planes. Although students, faculty, and America’.s foreign trade or face the loss of jobs. (The embassy denied making alumni of Yale have in the main In an address prepared for a convention of the AFL-CIO— any official statement that the air U.S.t Battle commended the university chap lift of equipment to U.N. forces lain for his “Freedom Ride” ex many of whose members have been less than enthusiastic In EUisabethvIlle had oeen ground perience, there has been some about some phases of his iiroposals for freer world trade__ ed, but it was understood hign Unit Rides criticism from these same groups. Kennedy stated his view bluntly; level consultations were going on .Some of his critics say Coffin In short, we are confionted with a very basic decision: as to whether It should conUnue. would accomplish more by tending Are We going to export our goods and crops—or are we going (American sources said the to his duties at home and leaving small arms firing came from the Autobahn the question of civil rights in the to export our capital and our job opportunities? Are we go official residence of Katanga Pres South to others. His speech last ing to l>e the free world’s greatest merchant trader—or mere ident Molse Tshombe while the Berlin, Dec. 7 (IP)—First units of night was considered an answer ly its temporary wealthiest banker?” Globemaster was coming in to an American battle group rolled to criticisms. Labor elements directly affected by rising imports have ..r.i.. T , ,1 . J ..I v-nnsuanChristian mini.sieraministers navehave always land at Blllsabethvllle Airport. safely into West Berlin today af- had to decide whether their role been presenting arguments in congressional hearings for ter the Communists voiced a new was to be a “priestly" one or a even stiffer barriers kgainst the incoming flow, in contrast threat against used of the highway “prophetic” one. he .said. to the administration plan for wider discretion to negotiate Reduced Tax Seen lifeline from West Germany. The “priestly” functions, he reciprocal concessions. The 110-mlle ride down the Au said, include such normal church In almo.^t direct response Ken if For East Hartford tobahn came after Communist activities such as calling on those nedy took the stand that buying East Germany declared free move who are ill, leading worship serv must rise along with sales and as Senator Raps East Hartford, Dec. 7 (/P) — East ments of U.S. NATO troops along ices, and in other ways tending serted that “as our exports in the highway had never been guar strictly to the operation of the crease along with oUr Imports, Hartford's present tax rate of 29.9 anteed by the East Germans or church. mills stands a chance of being the Russians. , many more jobs will be created Phone Co. for reduced to 2H or 26 mills as a re A minister who the pro than lost” sult of revaluation. Town Council ,U.S. officials in Paris comment phetic role, he said, points out the At another point he stated his president John W. Torpey dis ed' that the troops moving to Ber faults of society and sets a posi case this way: Rates Formula closed today. lin are definitely under U.S.—and tive example in an attempt to cor “If we cannot obtain new bar not NATG—control. rect them. Jesus chose this type gaining power to open up overseas Torpey said that the projection The Russians have called recent of ministry. Coffin said. markets, oup export industries 'Will Waterbury Dec, 1 up — state at this time Is “educated specula U.S. tests of Allied access rights "If Jes’is hadn’t bothered wither—and American labor will Sen. William J. Verri'ker, D-Wa- tion” based on statistics they now to Communist encircled West Ber people in high places," he said, George Meany, president of the AFI^CIO, pins an AFL-CIO convention badge on lose jobs. If American men terbupy, enlarged today that the have at hand. lin provocations "fraught with "they would have left him alone. President addressed the Labor convention cannot compete from here for the Southern New England Telephone According to Torpe.v, it is esti dangerous consequences." As it was, he was so disturbing to (AP Photofax.) growing purchasing power of the Company is seeking the right to mated the budget will be increased Company E, 1st Battle Group, those governing society he was ------------------------------------------- A Europtean Common Market, many raise rates in the future “without by *380,000 bringing East Hart 19th Infantry—about 200 men crucified.” more will build their plants over even the formality of applying to ford's budget to *8.5 million. Esti and 25 jeeps and trucks—began Coffin said the reaction that can there—and American Labor will the^ Public Utilities Commission.” mated receipts, he said, are anti crossing West Berlin's "Check be expected when direct action is Pact Indicates Calls for More New Jobs lose jobs. 3'he telephone company said cipated to increase by *310,000. point Bravo” after an uneventful taken to help Negroes in their Industry and management, he Verrikei’.s charge was, in effect, This means East Hartford will trip through East Germany. civil rights should not deter those aaid, have a responsibility to in "dielortion of a procedure that we have an estimated tax revenue of Soviet guards checked the com- who make such attempts. Balaguer Out crease efficiency and thus stabilize ai-e proposing.” *6,355,000 to meet anticipated “If you try to prevent segrega or reduce costs »nd prices. But Verriker, in a letter he sent to budget expenditures. (Oontinued on Page Twelve) tion." he said, "you are Inevitably Meany for Growth- Labor also must help, keep America all mayors, first selectmen, and going to Invite—I don't say Incite Before Dec. 31 competitive. state senators and representatives, —soma people to violence.” To that end, he said, “Labor said this fact "has received little Santo Dorrdngo, Dominican Re must demonstrate Its rssponsibll notice.” No Dereliction of Duty 258 to 249 public. Dec. 7 (A^ — Informed Ity In helping to keep over-all He called on these officials to sources said today a settlement has In Economic Rate wage movements In line with In “Join in the fight for the forgotten Hartford, Dec. 7 (/P)—The State been reached In the Dominican creases In productivity.” customer” wfien the PUC resumes Motor 'Vehicle Department's daily political crisis. Kennedy conceded there will be the public hearing on the rate In record of automobile fatallUes as It Ls understood the agreement Bal Harbour, Fla., Dec. 7 (iD—‘^crimination. He said that as be- crease application of the telephone of last midnight and the totals on AFL-CJIO President George lievers in democracy It was their Individual cases where workers. company Monday in Hartford. P entagon Concludes the same date last year: calls for the resignation of Pres duty. Industries or communities cannot ident Joaquin Balaguer before Dec. Meany. saying American workers keep their footing against Increas Verriker explained his claim 1960 1961 31 and installation of a provisional want jobs rather than handouts, Meany, referring to policy AFL- about future rate increases with-- Killed ...................258 249 CIO differences, said "Frankly the ed competition.