""" '» 11 1 -r.,, ¦ ' THE EVENING OTAR r~ TT ' , -M-T Washington. D. ?" *• > C. C-3 -¦ * ( p/>; M -\ifr \%:.-* ¦‘H 4$ O' *,* ¦•*>; *' -, % - • THI'ESPAV. SEPTEMBER 11. IW * -*vv' Dark or Tebbetts Likely * Si j. ¦¦ Redskins Face f* *»ss%.?*¦ w lftEs Toughies in To Replace Hutchinson Belvoir Suffers • " BT. LOUIS, Sept. 11 (API.— Marlon said “Don’t get me in- Ist Tourney Loss * ’¦. ; : ibk EUSTIS, Va., Sept. 941 tI 41 Alvin Dark and volved in this.” FORT 11 ft\ J (AP).—Righthander Ed Ho- jjj seem to be the most likely can- If Hutchinson is fired, he’s Bay already baugh struck out 18 batters and Green replace Fred had the offer of another didates to Hutch- allowed only three base-runner* lil Page C-i Last night Owner Emil Continued From inson, who is under fire as he pitched defend- -i@ftt # Sb.ck of Seattle Raniers, last night as ul backs who has not yet reached ' of the Cardinals. the ilng champion Fort Knox to a Reports where Hutch once managed, ft potential pro. that Hutchinson, two-hit 2-0 triumph over Fort his full as a along with all the said, “Hutchinson is our first v Cardinals Belvoir in the 2d Army base- .. ;^B.';:'-:.y. choice 1959.” Bl# One of the items that nat- coaches, would be fired contin- for ballj tournament. A 9V H ft urally impressed Joe, since he ued to mount despite denials Hutchinson himself said last The victory was the third in played up on the line where from the Cardinal front office night he has "heard nothing a row for Fort Knox, now the from I will i i the firing is heaviest, was the and the fact that last night’s the front office and only undefeated team in the victory over the Cubs gave the continue to carry out my duties playoff. It Wf Packers’ defensive line. It double elimination Cardinals a tie for fourth place as usual.” was the first defeat for Fort I^^¦¦^¦^|K^ iabia(ilMH H ftHHftf* HP\ IHH ftHHBHP Jilf features Lenny Ford, formerly . though tourney w gmm in the Even Hutchinson is Belvoir, now 2-1 in w Uftft of the , J. D. Cardinal executives, includ- known as a hard drillmaster it play. H MW JKjmJk Kimmel, a former Redskin, ing President August A. Busch, would seem that his team is Fort Lee and Army Chemical have repeatedly said no deci- pulling for him. It has won Center earlier elimina- HHHHHT , and the survived Jp JH j dtßk. sion about a manager will be last seven out of 10 games and tion games as the tournament Nate Borden. made until the season is over. is struggling with Cincinnati for was narrowed down to four 'Jr i^UN^ With Carlton Massey, an- But only yesterday in New that first division spot. teams. other former Brown, Bobby York, executive Vice President Meyer “Frankly, and Dick said. Dillon, Hank Gremmlnger things don’t look too good for rookie of Hutchinson right now.” K ': | .> backing HHH Jf-M fit State them up, the Tebbetts, Meyer Talk Big Center Tatum Wanted JHv . f jBv&L Packers’ is tough. The defense recently quit yards Tebbetts, who Giants gained only 54 Redlegs, 134 as manager of the has at on the ground, and only talked with Cardinal officials. Winds Up Notre Dame through pf: the air. Yesterday, Meyer said he had Br A Star Staff Writer bitter. Somebody accused him question it,’’Tere- 1 4k . ®j3 . i p “No about talked to Tebbetts “but not CHAPEL HILL, N. C., Sept. of taking it gracefully just be- V Jr wf shinskl said, “the Packers about a managerial Job.” Mey- 11.—Jim Tatum lost his second cause North Carolina was going ft P~>, ft made some awfully good trades er did not elaborate. best freshman prospect to to play the Irish through 1962, ft\ '1 jftft during the off-season.” Dark was traded by the Car- Notre Dame, a 6-foot-4 235- but Jim said that wasn't so. Another player in this cate- dinals to the Cubs for pound center who is a straight “I can take it when we lose gory is Steve Meilinger, former Jim Brosnan early in the sea- "A” student, but Tatum took it a boy to a school that doesn’t Redskin . Max McOee, son. It is reported that when like a man. pull anything underhanded.” taking over for injured Gary with the Redfcirds he impressed The North Carolina Tatum said. “They Just used Knafelc, caught seven passes team officials as possible man- was 10 minutes late for his more persuasion on the boy, I for 166 yards, counting a 56- ager material. press conference yesterday with guess. He was a good one. yard scoring toss from Babe A source close to Cardinal sports writers who are touring “I read this summer where CARRY CAVALIERS’ HOPES—Co-Capt. Reece lugeing when Virginia opens its football season Parilll, against the Giants. And executives said, “You can put the Atlantic Coast Conference Terry Brennan advocated a 7-year vet- way. schools. Whitley, Ulmo Randle, John Barger and Alvin at on Saturday, September 20. in , a it this Either Tebbetts or - wide grant -in - aid,” Clemson Maryland Nation Cash (left to right) will do most of the ball- eran, the Packers have on* of Dark would be welcomed by the Tatum, a former Tatum said. “I can’t under- the best wlngmen in the Cardinals. Both names have coach, apologized, saying he stand Notre Dame coach talking boy’s a business. come up because some other had been to the making like that. Philadelphia. a statement club may beat them to the parents in it, every boy Bridge, at key wing- McLean Take* Over I’d like to see but ural the punch in getting Tebbetts and “They were terribly embar- go Notre Dame and back position In Voris’ forma- rassed,” wants to to CAVALIERS' Coach Scooter McLean, *ho the Cardinals are not sure of Jim said. “A friend of I can’t see where they would Virginia Wing-T tion. The coach also Is satisfied Dark’s availability.” mine got the boy a Job this Tries succeeded Liz Blackbourn as benefit by it.” with Ulmo Randle and Alex- SCHEDULE summer, head coach this year, has been Two other names have come and he was all set to andria’s Alan Reynolds. up come to North Carolina. September 20—Clemson »t Clemson. alternating and in talk of a Hutchinson re- September 27—Duke at home. quarterback. Rookie placement but more remotely. “But he paid a surprise visit To Spread Its Biggest Problem October C at Parilll at Talent 4—N State horns. October at Roanoke. State', They Johnny Keane, to Notre Dame a couple of Continued C-lI 11—TPI Joe Francis of Oregon are man- DeMolay Banquet From Paco berry Forest is ideal. The Vir* Virginia’s biggest problem is October 18—Army at West Point. ager Cardinals’ farm weeks ago, and came home and that games year, October 2&—Vanderbilt at Nashvllla. Don Mcllhenny, the team’s of the loot 10 last ' ginia squad going stopping at told parents wanted to The DeMolay Softball plus does not live to- to be the ball November I—VMI1—VMI Norfolk leading ground-gainer last year team at Omaha, and Marty his he Aymy, Vanderbilt. VMI teams when they pound November B—North Carolina at go to school there. He wanted League’s annual awards banquet v q gether during the season at control home. with 384 yards, and A1 Car- Marion, former Redbird star and VBt “We’ll be lucky to the November IS—South Carolina at to take engineering. We will be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow >* tackle positions. The first brunt and manager. don’t win a game in our conference,” Charlottesville, so for these two Columbia. michael have borne the Trinity Methodist Church, two tackles, Irvin Shendow and November 22—Maryland at home. of the ball-carrying. have that course at North at Voris said. weeks he wants them to eat, Wayne Whelan, are engineer- Hutchinson Has Offer Carolina.” Fifth street and Pennsylvania Virginia ? “But Christy, boy hasn’t won many sleep ling future, Voris fresh- Dick the Marion was in the Cardinal whose Tar Heels fig- avenue S.E. Principal speaker games since and think football. students who didn't have thinks his Carolina State, Art Quepe switched time for football year. from North office yesterday but he and ure to take a SIOO,OOO plus will be Howard P. Bailey, as- years ago. “We need an espirit de corps, last Hie man squad is pretty good, de- said, to Vanderbilt six ’ looks good,” Tereshinski officials said “it sistant to the managing editor and are getting it here,” the other two are John Marlow, a spite team was on check out of South Bend for! wan only live a late start in recruiting. “and so does from ¦ Ned McDonald gave sophomore, and Oakley Cheney, business other than baseball.” the next five years was not of The Evening Star. games in three years, . coach added. He the can- prizes Louisiana State and a free and Mar- Saturday whose parents in Arlington. One of the is Ted tin seven in two seasons. didates last night off live ' agent by the name of Jim because day’s scrimmage Cheney Kempski, quarterback on the Voris is a straight talker. To that has been in the Shanley.” satisfactory. played Catholic sompete with the likes ofj, had been so service and hasn’t foot- All-American from Shanley is little fellow, for four years. High Wilming- a North Carolina, Duke, Clemson 1 High on Frank Call ball He volun- Salesianum in only 5-foot-9, 175 pounds, and and teered his services. Thus Voris Maryland on a year-to- may ton, Del., a former teammate he isn’t extremely fast, but Joe year basis, you * Virginia have a certain doesn’t have a tackle who has need an equal‘ nuisance value of Vince Scott, Maryland’s place says he’s good. number of scholarships, in the confer- played a minute of college foot- he* year. kicker. Kempski "He’s quick,” the scout said, said. says it will take cnee this The Cavalier’s ball. Virginia doesn’t figure to was recruited Voris ® new “and he follows his interfer- four years for to formation is going to make win more than a game or two by Don Shula, who was with the C&valiers the opponents spend extra this year, ence well.” meet such rivals on equal foot- 1 time bat it could be an the Redskins last year. Shula ing. on defense. They’re going to interesting team. About the is the Cavaliers backfleld coach. Meanwhile, the Redskins accent the short pass, and The San-Jose state graduate use hoped for another satisfactory Is going " a lot of reverses with their workout today. Coach Joe to use wing%. his wlngback. first year because he doesn't | VIRGINIA'S LINEUPS Kuharich called yesterday’s have the depth All is not bleak. Voris said practice the best of the week for ball control. couple It will be something like the j Bob Canevari is as fine a center Virginia’s first two teams, with weights and home States. —in fact the best in a lowa offense, he said. as he saw at Army in three FIRST TEAM SECOND TEAM of weeks. It means the team Voris realises Virginia neverr years, and wouldn’t trade Frank Jack Oravins (180) Va. LE Mike Scott (195) W Va. is ready for the game. will be a football factory. "It Call for any guard in the con- Irvin Shendow (215) Va. LT ‘John Marlow (210) Va. Kuharich also has been busy i ference, is my hope that we might at- . including Maryland’s Jim McShane (188) Va. LO . Louis Martig (205) Pa. on the telephone discussing tain a reputation such as Stan- . Rod Breedlove, an All-America Bob Canevari (205) Conn. C Bob Edwards (202) Va. possible trades with other ford hu on the Pacific Coast,” . candidate. Call is a Phi Beta Frank Call (200) Va. RO Len Hamilton (195) Pa. clubs, but isn’t close to mak- Kappa, Voris said, speaking to the , and president of the Wayne Wheland (232) Va. RT John Marlowe (205) Va. ing a deal at this time. Every group of sports writers as | college arts and sciences stu- Bob Williams (198) Va. RE Mike Scott (200) W.Va. team has something to offer, hough he were delivering a letfe , dent bodyVoris has seen •Reece Whitley (168) Pa. QB Fred Russell (175) Va.. but apparently not what other jure. Breedlove in films, Ulmo Randle (178) Va. LH Alan Reynolds (175) Va. clubs are shopping for. Cdme 1 “Stanford cannot cope withk Voris likes Reece Whitley, the Jimmy Roberson (180) Va. RH Alvin Cash (185) Va. next week there’ll be some its California rivals ir schol- . Cavaliers’ quarterback, who is John Barger (190) Va. FB -Duane Shelton (190) Va. good players on the open mar- arships or manpower. But itt a smart defensive player, good •Co-Captains ket. SPECIAL usually has a colorful team thatt passer and fine runner. Whitley LM passing had a field day varsity PIHCE^I features a attack and i when the Vv^f boys are encouraged to attend 1 upset the alumni, 26-7, in the thormreo I reputation.” spring game. /MgMP Stanford on There are 50 boys in uniform Jim Bakhtiar gone f 1 is after a dayton' working daytok) under Voris and his5 brilliant career at fullback, but I i 1 a all-new staff of assistants. Butt the coaches like John Barger, Ti 3j|| I-- fl they’re MprsAW»*B|, not all on football1 sophomore fullback from Nat- IhMnJ scholarships. He expected to) TERRIFIC VALUES! open' have about 60 but four poten- AN AMT?NOW! 11 tial regulars have been declared GUNS Ineligible several other boys II and YACHTS • • > i SHOTGUNS Rifles Scopes “LAYAWAYPLAN!” went home. Continued From Page C-l • • Voris said the setup at Wood- Clothes Ammunition Small Deposit Will sail the boat all the way, with Huntinc a : Olin Stephens in reserve. n Y Gun Purchase! Stephens designed both Colum- Jfltpip bia and Vim. In the other development, 7 I^V^ Page C-l “STEVENS” 77 PUMP j Continued From I the seven-man |8 unT l l C «>«J5 “111 surprise the golfing world. selection com- WE DO 6.00x16 11 75 j 8 00x15 20.74’ * R BE ~ PS My game is at its peak.” mittee sat down with members All Gun. Repeoting Shotgun ®9- ELIM I] I Tint | I I I I J N* R| —Eg of yachting >,on W • ¦ Dryly commented Ward, the press and 12, 16 or 20 Gauges! $69.95 V IflHEjllAhiMMMlfl I A RECAPI»ABLE who spelled they and won in 1955 and 1956: out the method I IR TRROE 9fWFR§-{ !" ««r-.m,8 are using pick • “At this stage, every match to a defender. Sensational LOW PRICES! EXOi,, Tlx , W. A. Stewart, 83-year- "WILSON" I 7 4 tough. W. • JO shetgun keg. $134 43 119.88 new I is The title is at stake Winchester Aulomoc NEWP,CTT 1958* "CREST" l • $67.30 1 on old chairinan of the commit- Steven'. 311 D. Sorrel Shotgun, 34 88 every Re* _ 1 on shot.” • $79.95 Wincho.ter 94, 30-30 Rift#, Rog. 67.88 ‘* ° tee, said the group “has no 7-CLUB* SETS Coe Faces Morgan • Remington 870 Rump Shotgun, Rea. $98.23 84 88 such power to • Coot., Rog. $12.93 1.88 Afrfftb1 a take one boat Dry-Man Hunting _ qo^cC ou Tom Morgan of Fresno $19.93 13.88 • . ’ and the other crew.” • Acme Oil-Treated leather loot.. Reg. A 2 WOODS Iwe ( luev (Calif.) State College met Coe • t 0 P : This apparently reply 5 irons and Aaron, Southeastern was in Tom : newspaper challenge • Remington, champion to a earlier ALL MAKES BOUGHT Winche.ter, Fox, J,,. rot K SHOW ¦ Conference from this $67 50 l-feSS I MUD onJ week to “put Vim’s gg.75 University, 1 crew on • SOLD owning, Stovons, Savag*. I Florida teed off and get A»||||£ Columbia it over with.” “ * against Chapman, who • lrtwto ' Marlln' Mo b rßl won is regarded TRADED back in 1940. 1 Columbia as UllN9 l§^Vp ‘“buy how 1 I , slightly faster than Vim in (SAVE! In all, five collegians were winds over 15 knots. But Vim’s Remington—Wlnche.ter Largest Complete Stock listed among the 16 starters, ¦ e HYLOH | * crew is considered superior to • wilson “crest” I year’s SHOTGUN SHELLS „ IJ who didn’t include last Woolrith Huntinfl a B 0 RAYON I SREU J Columbia’s. • 0..., *^^Yire» champion, , or RIFLE AMMUNITION Hunting Soot., Scop.., Gun C ... £O.BB Stewart said the committee * 8 IRONS 14 • Special the man who beat him yes- Gun Ace«*»ori«, Archvry Equipm«n»l tubeless Low, suggest “anything DISCOUNT PRICES! 9 Low'p'rS* terday. could to ¦bhhhhhmbhhmhhhhhhhhhlHHllll Rea £37 SO Set A 1 Qft TYPE I help” towards the successful H .TUBE 1 on Chuck Kocsis, Michigan vet- I ' of the cup—but that ROLLER SKRTES jl. __ eran who went to the final in defense RINK r.J'SSSg' 3 WOODS 24 ; was as far as it would go. BOWLING SHOES 1956, tried his game against Reg. 19.95 #B*8 mhhhmmk He also stated that the com- LEATHER MOCCASIN l:sgM4 another comeback star, lX’ be- ’ mittee is considering the de- spectacled Clyde World * Famous X GOLF accountant the potential of BB ® Oskin of Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. fender on * w CARS! ahA'.’SJSIsix,. Sceptre. A •‘ski/sl: SHOES O I FOREIGN Stack j 1 Taylor, 41-year-old dentist, who J 0 i «n.' looking PRICES lost to Robbins in last year’s “We are for the best . W .: I ’ s performance A ond I finals, tangled with the only of boat and crew DISCOUNT in the weather that we reason- T.n «ft Special! foreign, entry left, Canada’s , g# - I IB I ably ««sw«a. ! anticipate during the cup Ass“5.50x13 HS 6.40x15 ’Sin I Proportionately I Nylon, Eric Hinson. Robbins left the 9 18«03 I BOWLING BOWLING "CUSTOM" ¦•* DP white lIaDU.__mm f Blockwoll ' races,” Stewart added. ft ST 55.*!; 3l RV whit* I Tukm t f scene via a 4 and 2 defeat byr BALLS SHIRTS Powcrmatic Priced I Tut> * Ty* I 7.00x1* ... L I fat, 43-year-old Marty M 15.65 15.15/ l°« f Stano- t-clubkt 10 90 iZI word PREmUJm' . -J IF , vich of Niles, HI. Unorthodox Th El VW.I3 swinging Stanovich lost his Leather OHiciol Heavy-Duty, Pro-Styla a 2 WOODS chance to be the star of the IPW". show when he couldn’t hold a $lB BASKETBALL p I 3-up SALE lead and before Oskin, I TIRE I fell Ribbtr 1 up. Da Lite 100% Cald GVM SHOES 1 F.moo. iMlea mm. tin trend >?- 34 | . depth n. new fXPJSsj. Ward Still Favored firm done trend ijjPP DAYTON width then. 3-henr reenp DAYTON 5 Ward nn new gas I a 15* 95 is the favorite, hav- •erytee. Wheel. b.l.nced. SI.OO I NYLON NYLON 22 I ing already smashed Lawson eneh ineledlnc weltht.! Little’s record of 15 consecu- 7.10x13 7.77 : 49 7.60x13 BJ7 S3:” Tir :::1S —eoLp'fiipt tive match play • I“| victories in the •"TVm Football Jersey.I I.SS ft*, GOLF CART 12 8.00x13 977 1 National Amateur. He won No. Chh.r 01, I 777 II 4 .90 8.70x15 ¦m\ 16 when he whipped Charlie 7.30x14 1W W d ~ n 6.70x15 ~ Leider San 0.00x14 $.77 ||| CHARGE’ of Mateo in the 6 *30x14 977 6.00x16 oI U morning 90 Do» and No. 17 with a Price, Jrcraua. Nn r!° m tough 3 and 1 victory apply to racop your tire or MOST COMPLETE RIDING 9 ——rsr. Ji over recap oxch. plus Fed. excite tax. Bx DEPT. M young Jerry Pittman of Tulsa. • Large Selection WESTERN and SQUARE DANCE TOGS for Adults & Children! Two CHARGE IT! rounds were scheduled ,6 ‘95 ~~ y°*’s K today over the Olympic Club’s W NO MONEY DOWN! \ ' VISIT OUR ARCHERY DEPT. H -i- | 2?'« fyeSis i 105®’ Lake Course traversing 6.680 TIRES MOUNTED FREE hilly yards with par of a Al.e new Lee. Goodyear, O. S. Aeyel. | 35-35—70. Fire.tone tlree at eaarenteed lew- m "VARSITY" All-Leather l| eat price*. The pairings: Na reenp exeb. repaired with any ALLDAYToiniRE^| urns BRACKET new tire pnrehnne. Morgan. Bakersfield, _ Dan Calif- Tl Charlie Coe. Oklahoma City. guaranteed John Dawaon. Palm -Desert. Calif., ILL TIRE CO. I tl. . Bethesda. Md SERVICE IN . Francisco, vs. 4 Locations WRITING I Wettlaufler, Sac Ward Buffalo. N. T. V “e,#r Claude Wild. Bethesda. Md- VI. 3234 GA. AVE. N.W., RA. 6-9850 r ) w“r,«"ty with .H , I Roter McManus. Cincinnati. 11061 VIERS MILL ROAD D«to°n Guo,onf »* LOWES BRACKET in -I? hon- B Dr. Frank Taylor, Pomona. Calif.. WHEATON, MD. LO. 5-4448 , MEN'S or »rL 7.'": va. Erick Hanson. Toronto, Canada. Don Biapllnchoff. Miami. Fla., va. 4726 ANNAPOLIS ROAD B0YS! Dick Foote. Santa Ana, Calif. BLADENSBURG, MD, WA. 7-6699 1 SAY ? 7d ”¦ 2044 LEE HWY., ARL, VA. Chuc k ko2 ,l^Bo,Bal t^k',Shch Dick Chapman, Ostervllle. Maas At N. Courthouse ltd., JA. 4-4882 ft. Aaron, OalnesTlOi. FREI PARKIN! 4 Tom ar. ,