Open Posterior Dislocation of the Knee with Rupture of the Patellar Tendon
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Orthopedic Reviews 2010; volume 2:e7 Open posterior dislocation Initial radiographs showed a posterior disloca- tion of the knee, with the patella staying at the Correspondence: Mohammed Fahd Amar, Avenue of the knee with rupture level of the femoral condyles, a comminuted Beiyrouth, Lotissement Zahira, N°57G, Zohour 2, of the patellar tendon fracture of the tibial tuberosity, and a split Fes, Morocco. E-mail: [email protected] and a tibial plateau fracture depression fracture of the lateral plateau, type B3 according to AO classification (Figure 1B Key words: dislocation, fracture, knee, patellar tendon, tibial plateau. Mohammed Fahd Amar, Badr Chbani, and C). No magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Oussama Ammoumri, Amine Marzouki, of the knee was performed. The patient was Contributions: all authors have contributed to taken to the operating room, where the knee Fawzi Boutayeb and read the article, and have given permission dislocation was reduced under regional anes- for their names to be included as co-authors. Department of Orthopedic Surgery A, UH thesia. After debridement, the exploration of Hassan II, Fes, Morocco the right knee found a rupture of the patellar Conflict of interest: the authors confirm that the tendon from its tibial insertion, with a com- manuscript has not been published nor submit- ted simultaneously elsewhere, and that there are minuted fracture of the tibial tuberosity, and a no conflicts of interest associated with this paper. split depression of the lateral plateau. The fix- Abstract ation of the lateral plateau fracture was accom- Received for publication: 1 December 2009. plished with two lag screws inserted under Revision received: 9 February 2010. Knee dislocations are rare injuries. They radiographic guidance, and the patellar tendon Accepted for publication: 9 February 2010. represent a severe soft tissue injury following was repaired and reattached to the tibial high-energy blunt trauma. We report a case of tuberosity by transosseous sutures and pro- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons open posterior knee dislocation with rupture of tected by a patellotibial cerclage (Figure 2). Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0). the patellar tendon and a fracture of the tibial Postoperatively, a posterior plaster splint was ©Copyright M.F. Amar et al., 2010 plateau. The treatment was surgical and con- applied with the knee in 15° of flexion. The Licensee PAGEPress, Italy sisted of reduction of the knee dislocation, fix- patient was instructed to do quadriceps Orthopedic Reviews 2010; 2:e7 ation of the tibial plateau fracture by lag strengthening exercises. The plaster splint doi:10.4081/or.2010.e7 screws, and transosseous sutures for the patel- was removed at six weeks after surgery, and lar tendon protected by a patellotibial cerclage. knee mobilization was started. The range of The result was successful with full range of motion gradually increased. Two weeks after- bicruciate injury with either the posteromedial motion. ward, the patient was able to extend the knee or the posterolateral corner intact and the actively from 80° of flexion. At this time, the other torn. Knee dislocation IV is an injury to patellotibial cerclage was removed (Figure 3), both cruciate ligaments as well as both their and knee mobilization under general anesthe- corners. Knee dislocation V is a knee disloca- Introduction sia was accomplished; 120° of flexion was tion associated with a periarticular fracture. achieved by the end of the knee mobilization. Our case is unclassifiable according to the Knee dislocations are uncommon injuries The knee was stable, with integrity of all knee modified Schenck’s classification. Subgroups with a wide variety of presentations and treat- ligaments. Then the patient was sent for phys- defining status of the patellar tendon and com- ment options. They are caused by violent trau- ical therapy. He returned two years after sur- bination of injuries may be added to the classi- ma. Damage to soft tissues and ligament gery. He was satisfied, able to walk without a fication. lesions almost always accompany the injury. limp, had gained full range of knee motion The majority of the literature supports the Vascular compromise further complicates the (Figure 4), and was back at work. observation that anterior knee dislocations are situation. We report an unusual combination the most common, usually resulting from a of open posterior knee dislocation, rupture of hyperextension mechanism.2,5,6 Posterior dislo- the patellar tendon, and fracture of the tibial cations are the second most common, and are plateau. As far as we are aware, no case asso- Discussion caused by direct application of a posterior force ciated with knee dislocation, rupture of the to the anterior tibia.5 The anterior blow to the patellar tendon, and fracture of the tibial Knee dislocations are uncommon, repre- tibia can occur while the foot is fixed on the plateau has been reported previously in the lit- senting less than 0.2% of all orthopedic ground during contact sport, or by abrupt decel- erature. The following might be the first such injuries.1 They represent a severe soft tissue eration and dashboard strike to the anterior case. injury following high-energy blunt trauma. In tibia with the knee in a flexed position during 1963, Kennedy classified knee dislocations in a motor vehicle collision.6,7 The posterior cruci- terms of the tibial position with respect to the ate ligament (PCL) is key to posterior stability femur.2 He noted five main types of disloca- and is always ruptured in posterior disloca- Case Report tions: anterior, posterior, lateral, medial, and tions. In the classic cadaver study by Kennedy,2 rotatory. Rotatory dislocations are further sub- application of extreme posterior loads to the A 40-year-old male motorcyclist had a road classified into anteromedial, anterolateral, anterior tibia was required to rupture the PCL. traffic accident. He was riding a motorbike in posteromedial, and posterolateral. This classi- Posterior dislocation could be produced in 2/12 the countryside and was hit by a car. He pre- fication system has been used frequently. knees only and concomitant disruption of the sented in the emergency department with pain Schenck3 described the anatomical classifica- patella tendon occurred in both. The anterior in the right knee. The vital signs were stable. tion of knee dislocation. The classification was cruciate ligament (ACL) is also commonly Physical examination revealed an anterior modified by Wascher4 and is based on the injured during posterior knee dislocations, but skin wound with marked deformity of the right injured structures. Knee dislocation I repre- has been reported as intact in some instances.8 knee (Figure 1A). No distal neurovascular sents a posterior cruciate ligament intact dislo- In association with high-energy trauma, deficit was recorded in the injured extremity cation. Knee dislocation II is a bicruciate injury fractures of the distal femur or tibial plateau (popliteal and ankle pulses were detected). with the corner intact. Knee dislocation III is a and damage to the common peroneal nerve can [Orthopedic Reviews 2010; 2:e7] [page 23] Case Report Figure 4. Final aspect with full range of knee motion. Figure 1. (A) Anterior skin wound with marked deformity of the right knee. (B,C) Preoperative anteroposterior (B) and later- ular are associated with disruption of the PCL al (C) radiographs showing posterior dis- and posterolateral ligament complex (PLC). A References location of the knee with the patella stay- ing at the level of the femoral condyles, a knee dislocation associated with patellar ten- comminuted fracture of the tibial tubercle, don rupture and lateral plateau fracture has 1. Rihn JA, Groff YJ, Harner CD, et al. The and a split depression fracture of the later- not been reported before. Such an injury com- acutely dislocated knee: evaluation and al plateau. plex requires extremely severe trauma. management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg Owing to the rarity of knee dislocations, 2004;12:334-46. there are few studies addressing the treatment 2. Kennedy JC. Complete dislocation of the modalities of this injury. Strategies for the knee joint. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1963; management of knee dislocation are varied 45A:889. and controversial. Taylor et al.,7 Mitchell,13 and 3. Schenck RC Jr. The dislocated knee. Instr Thomsen et al.14 published studies favoring the Course Lect 1994; 43:127. nonsurgical approach, while more recent stud- 4. Wascher DC. High-velocity knee disloca- ies have favored operative treatment. The cur- tion with vascular injury: treatment princi- rent trend is toward earlier reconstruction for ples. Clin Sports Med 2000;19:457-77. ligamentous injuries.9,15-17 It is difficult to recon- 5. Green NE, Allen BL. Vascular injuries asso- cile the difference in opinion between those ciated with dislocation of the knee. J Bone who advocate closed reduction without liga- Joint Surg Am 1977;59:236-9. mentous repair and those who recommend 6. Gustilo RB, Cabatan DM. Traumatic dislo- early operative repair of all damaged struc- cation of the knee. St Louis, MO: Mosby, Figure 2. Postoperative anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs showing fixa- tures. If there is an accompanying rupture of 1993, p885-95. tion of the tibial plateau fracture by lag the patellar tendon, surgical intervention is 7. Taylor AR, Arden GP, Rainey HA. Traumatic screws and patellotibial cerclage. inevitable, thus ligament repair should be car- dislocation of the knee. A report of forty- ried out simultaneously. Timing of the surgery three cases with special reference to con- depends on the vascular status of the extremi- servative treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Br ty. Knee ligament reconstruction procedures 1972;54:96-102. can be performed electively, as required. With 8. Bratt HD, Newman AP. Complete disloca- untreated patellar tendon ruptures, the exten- tion of the knee without disruption of both sor mechanism can contract so that it is diffi- cruciate ligaments.