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3L 1952


!\ecaptureS a amat uear of

f^roamte at C^ad L^arotiivta M

. . its . fwon^ the spacious limits or m lendid student bodu, C^ast zautiml campus . . . to ltd

i awiinauna mhad awwn in Size and auatitt wk there is atmosphere peace, tranauilitu, ^rnd uet7 an of ma friendship that established itself with the oriain

of our ^J4lma tillater fortu-fiue uears aao . . .

^y(fnd still remains unchanged . . . . a spin t that shall never die! H

y the compilers)ilers ofot thetrie 1952i^l editionec of your annual, hope tha upon your minds cherished memories — memories that migh

proudly give to you as that reminder, so that you shall no

love, and true American friendship. We have further attemptec

to capture a bit of that enduring progressive spirit into ;

Speaking for the staff, we ask you to cherish this remindei lr endeavors have brou y stamp de with time were there no reminder. This book we humbly yet

rget that vital phase of your lives filled with learning,

register some of the great progress at East Carolina, and rmanent log for you.

long as you live.

The Editor One mighty span crossed was the changing of the name of our school from East Carolina Teachers Col- lege to East Carolina . This was done, not because the name "Teachers" was detrimental, but because the school is now more than just a teacher- training institution. The liberal arts degree may be conferred upon those students who do not choose to pursue a career in the teaching profession.

Several major fields of study are offered the stu- dent, including undergraduate work in medicine and dentistry. Even those who wish to make the military service their career can realize that ambition through the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps here at East Carolina.

raise tour name fair . . . <=Jjear old C^ast L^arouna

[JFLbi, Then there were the new

buildings, those already

completed, such as the

Little Theatre shown at

the left and the new

gymnasium pictured

below . . .

lyjour fOU6 we 11 all mam m \J\Je pledae our toualtu .

A new era in athletics that began dawning at

East Carolina a few years ago ripened into a

power that now demands the respect of our

North State Conference rivals. „M and our hearts deuotieuouon


Dedication . .

To Dr. John O. Reynolds, of , the 1952 Tecoan

is proudly dedicated.

Since coming to East Carolina from the of North Carolina

in 1947, Dr. Reynolds has won the respect and admiration of all those

students who have had occasion to deal with him.

Since he has been on our campus Dr. Reynolds has served as faculty

adviser to various student organizations and activities, including the Young

Men's Christian Association, the Circle "K" Club, the Mathematics Club,

the Budget Committee of the Student Government Association and the

Tecoan. This marks the third year that his expert financial advice has been

sought by a Tecoan business manager.

Our dedicatee is a person who urges students to feel free to call on

him at any time for any advice he is capable of rendering. Personal

problems receive the same understanding and consideration from this

modest professor that other types receive. He does not claim authority

on personal affairs and problems; Dr. Reynolds is a man with a big heart,

always eager and ever ready to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed.

Very proudly dedicated ... to a very deserving person.

_yv true friend 16 the area test ot all bteJMnai."

-La Rochefoucauld ^rn emonam

Sunset and evening star.

And one clear call for me!

And nut] there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea.

But sue/' a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foam.

When that which drew from out the boundless

Turns again home.

bt and evening bell,

A7u$3&Ler that the dark!

no sadness of farewell,


le of Time and Place

ar, Those students who knew Dr. Beecher Flanagan will always remember him as the kind, soft-spoken

professor of economics who never forgot a name as well as a face. He was a member of Phi Sigma Pi. professional educational fraternity, and was sponsor of Tan Chapter here at East Carolina from 1936 until 1950. He passed away April 7, 1951.

During his twenty-six years as a member of the

Social Studies Department here. Dr. Flanagan served as adviser to various groups, activities, and publica- tions, including the Tecoan. His memory will live long in our hearts.

Nor will we soon forget Lavene W. Midgett, Jr., who was fatally injured in a motorcycle wreck on the evening of April 12, 1951, on the outskirts of Green- ville. "Midge," as he was called by those of us who knew him, is still alive with us in spirit. If a person knew Midge, he liked him; if he did not know him, he was missing something. In his two years at East

Carolina this native of Rodanthe captured the hearts of all who knew him. We sometimes find ourselves wondering why fellows like Midge must go so early. c

John Decatur Messick, Ph.B.. Ph.D.. Lir.D.

President of East Carolina College a ministratiion

Your education has just begun. A foundation has been laid for the building of a superstructure. Your future

is in your own hands. As you attain objectives, your ambitions will multiply, your capacities will increase,

and your life will grow richer and fuller. But in all your successes, remember to have an abiding faith in

the eternal Master who is always present in time of need.

East Carolina is proud of you and shall always wish for you the greatest possible success and Christian

service. In return, you should be proud of your Alma Mater and support her in every way you can, remembering

that you bear her stamp of recognition and that as she grows in prestige and service your diploma will bear

a similar relationship. Don't forget us, but return often.

John Decatur Messick.


Dr. Carl L. Adams Psychology

M/Sgt. Ira H. Barry AFROTC

Maj. Alfred E. Baucom AFROTC

Dr. Kenneth L. Bing Industrial Arts

Dr. Austin D. Bond Dr. Lawrence Brewster Social Studies

Dr. E. R. Browning Business Education Mr. Norman Cameron Business Education X, ** . m3

Mrs. Lily Rouse Carr Training School Librarian

Mr. Herbert Carter Music Mr. Robert Carter Music

Miss Beatrice Chauncey Music

Miss Dora Cirlot Art Mrs. Myrtle Clark Critic Teacher

Dr. Howard B. Clay Social Studies

Dr. H. A. Coleman Social Studies

B. Cummings Geography Mr. J. Dr. Kenneth Cuthbert Music

Dr. Audrey V. Dempsey Business Education Derrick Science Mr. J. O.

Dr. Charles G. DeShaw Physical Education

Mrs. William E. Dole Physical Education

Mr. William E. Dole Head Football Coach Miss Mabel Dougherty Home Economics

Miss Elizabeth Drake Music

Mr. W. E. Durham Music

Mrs. Elsie Eagan Critic Teacher

Dr. Theodore H. Eaton Science

Miss Lena C. Ellis Business Education

Mrs. James L. Fleming Mathematics

Mr. James L. Fleming Foreign Language Dr. A. D. Frank Social Studies

AFROTC i.m S/Sgt. Floyd F. Freeman, Jr m0^^ Mr. Frank G. Fuller Education Dr. Karl V. Gilbert Music Miss Elizabeth Gilliam Business Education " 1952

Miss Mary H. Greene English ^^ ** ^^% Miss Lois Grigsby English 5-^B Miss Louise Greer English F^^H Psychology ^^^" Dr. H. C. Haynes ^HIk

Dr. Mary Helms Science Mr. R. M. Helms Science «•* *», B Dr. Robert L. Holt Director Religious Activities Hfc. m* Miss Emma Hooper English ^H*>JE/ Br Wmk TIM t

Mr. W. W. Howell Business Education s #*"* Miss Elizabeth Hyman Critic Teacher * mM Dr. Harold C. Jones Science ^Kf~.^I Dr. N. M. Jorgensen Physical Education (j^^^^femM\mm^4fe^4l^. Mrs. Sally Klingenschmitt Critic Teacher ^^V*I Dr. G. W. Knipp English Bj ^% ^m+ ^H &*^ f • -M Dr. W. S. Krausnick Mathematics Bj 'A ^K> 'A lA J -*"""" "" ~_ _ rfi Miss Mabel Lacy Home Economics Miss Ruth Lambie Nursery School

Dr. K.Long Education M J. Maj. James N. McDill AFROTC ^ JL Xr -

Miss Eunice McGee Critic Teacher g0f9^

Dr. Bessie McNeil Home Economics

Dr. W. E. Marshall Social Studies Dr. George Martin Geography

Maj. Lomax L. May AFROTC ^r^ ^fcfcw #"^» Miss Annie Mae Murray Kindergarten |Sj

Mr. Francis Lee Neel Art

Dr. George Pasti Social Studies ^^^^» Mrs. Dorothy W. Perkins Education »> m ^ Mr. George Perry Music '*_.

Language Mrs. Marguerite Austin Perry Foreign _^fc^ Dr. Parnell W. Picklesimer Geography d^9&$k ^T \. Dr. Martha Pingel English JB:j»* -«**B| \m-r- ^ V E f^^T^f

Dr. Poindexter English ^L ^ James [ _^ JF ^ FACULTY OF 1952

Mr. Howard G. Porter Head Basketball Coach Dr. M. N. Posey English

Mr. Paul E. Powell Industrial Arts

Miss Ann Redwine • Critic Teacher

Miss Gladys Reichard Music

Dr. Charles W. Reynolds Science Dr. John O. Reynolds Mathematics

Miss Lucile Rice Science

1st Lt. William R. Roney AFROTC Mr. Edward Rutan J. English M/Sgt. Herbert H. Sails AFROTC

Dr. P. C. Scott Mathematics

Mr. C. A. Scruggs Science

T Sgt. Robert W. Spicer AFROTC

Miss Nell Stallings Physical Education

Dr. James Stewart Social Studies

Dr. Kathleen Stokes Social Studies Miss Alice Strawn Home Economics

Dr. Hazel E. Taylor Psychology

Miss Margaret Ann Tifft Physical Education

Dr. Richard C. Todd Social Studies

Dr. Paul A. Toll Social Studies

Dr. Lucile Turner English Miss Virlynne Usry Home Economics

Dr. Elizabeth Utterback English

Mr. Dan E. Vornholt Music

Miss Frances Wahl Critic Teacher

Miss Elizabeth Walker Library Science

Mrs. Dorothy L. Wilkerson Business Education Miss Louise Williams Mathematics

Dr. Christine Wilton Science

M Sgt. William H. Wise AFROTC


First Row, Left to Right: Mrs. Agnes W. Barrett, Secretary to the President; Mr. Lloyd

Bray, Director of Student Stores; Miss Doris Brown, Cashier; Mr. James W. Butler,

Secretary; E. Carter, Alumni Dr. J. Director of Field Service; Miss Camille Clarke, Dietician.

Second Ron:- Mr. F. D. Duncan, Treasurer and Business Manager; Miss Ruby Etheridge,

Assistant Librarian; Mrs. Ruth Garner, Dormitory Counselor; Miss Peggy Hampton.

Assistant Librarian; Mrs. Corinne Heath, Secretary to the Dean; Miss Gertrude Irby,

Dormitory Counselor.

Third Row: Dr. Fred C. Irons, Resident Physician; Miss Margaret Lietman, Assistant

L. Librarian; Mrs. Mildred Mintz, Assistant Cashier; Dr. J. Oppelt, Director of Student

Teaching and Placement; Dr. Orval L. Phillips, Registrar; Mrs. Howard G. Porter, Secre-

tary, Placement Bureau.

Fourth Row:- Mr. Wendell W. Smiley, Librarian; Mrs. Helen A. Snyder, Dormitory

Counselor; Mr. E. Harrison Stallings, Accountant and Director of Veteran Affairs; Miss

Kathleen Venters, Dormitory Housekeeper; Mrs. Susie W. Webb, Secretary, Alumni

Office; Miss Edith Zinn, Dormitory Counselor. flnrcrcrcnrfrrfffr


Edwin D. Averette Winterville

Eloise C. Avery Greenville ,J0^

James C. Avery Greenville

Bell Baltimore, Md. Florence J.

Allan G. Coon Pinnacle

Jean Douglas Washington

William A. Edmundscn Oriental

James F. Jones Bolton

R. Clayton Lewis Tabor City

John W. Liles Greenville

Robert F. Linderoth Red Bank, N. J.

Thurston Little Freeland

Blaine A. Moye Greenville

Beverly Neilson Greenville

Janet E. Rose Nashville

Annette Watson ...... Bethel

Nell Wise Wechter Stumpy Point

Elizabeth W. Williams Greenville


lA/e Were the Seniors of 1952

Four years. Perhaps more than four for some of us; perhaps fewer than that for others. It doesn't make a great deal of difference now. Any way you look at it, it is just about over. Not our education.

They tell us that's just begun. What is ending is that period in our lives that we can never live again. Sure, we can go into graduate study, and some of us will. But think for a minute. Will the situation be the same? Will our instructors be as understanding—guide our wayward steps—grin and bear our ignorant questions—tolerate our answers that missed the point entirely, as they have done during our undergraduate days; or will they assume the attitude that the need for guid- ance and a certain kind of sympathy no longer exists?

Perhaps we have just begun to live. Our education has just begun, and they also tell us a

foundation has been laid for a superstructure. It all makes sense. We are to build the superstructure.

Some of us will, no doubt, eventually become masters of the arts. Some of us may, some day, earn the degree of Doctor in our specialties. Some of us will get our Bachelor's degree and lose our bachelor status, while others will get Bachelors' and win bachelors.

The best four years of our lives to date are ending. Try as we may, we cannot live those four years again. Is it not proper, then, to pause here and look back upon the four best years (to date) of our lives? Can we forget, so early, that embryonic stage of college life—the Freshman stage?

Can we forget the passing from that classification to Sophomore? Have we forgotten how it felt to be an upper classman and then to reach the magical status of Senior? No.

We remember all these things, and more too. We remember Cooper's and the Airport Inn. We remember Port Terminal Inn, Kares', Five Points and Clark's. We will not soon forget Brady's and Kennedy's. Sadie Hawkins Day, May Day, the Azalea Festival, and Homecoming are events that have become vital aspects in our education. We realize now that education does have a social side. These events, and others, serve as concrete proof that book learning is only half an education.

We have seen our classmates grow in number, and we have witnessed an increase in faculty members. We have seen new buildings take form and rise, and we have seen another war begin.

Some of us will, no doubt, participate in it. We have seen the name of our school change, and we have witnessed the promulgation of a new schedule, the result of which Saturday classes are almost a thing of the past.

We have grown with our Alma Mater, and we have learned to love her with a love that cannot die—cannot be taken from us—a love so profound that we struggle for adequate words to express it.

Others will replace us as we move on to build our superstructures. While they are receiving the finishing touches on their foundations, we hope our structures will be taking the correct form.

If we strive hard enough with the foundation each of us has, we can justly take pride in saying, "We were the Seniors of 1952." SENIOR CLASS SENIOR CLAS!

Joyce Adams, B.S. Mount Olive English and Social Studies Secretary Student ( '.overniiient Association, Summer '51; Secretary Senior Class 4: Marshall 4.

Iris Smith Aldridge, B.S. Kinston Home Economics

Home Economies Club 1, 2. :s ; International Relations Chili 1: Chi 1'i Players 1: V1VCA 1: Teachers Playhouse

Arthur S. Alford, B.S. Laurinburg Physical Educatu


Peggy Ruth Anderson, B.S. Wilson Borne Economics

Anna Lee Asbell, B.S. Tyner Grammar E

Albert B. Auerback, B.S. Greenville

2. 3,: Varsity Club I. 2. 3; Phi Sigma Pi : -Arms 3; Future Teachers of America 3.


Robert H. Bacchus, B.S. Norfolk, Va.

Otis Gustavus Bain, Jr., B.S.

b 1. 2. President 2; Circle "K" Club 2. 3. nt 4: Veterans Club 1. 2, 3. 4, President Kislature 2. 3. 4. State Delegate 3, Chair-

immittee :l : AKKOK Cadet (luicers Club

ident Slay Hall :l : Phi Siunia Pi 4; Who's Indents in American and Col-

Vergie Barefoot, B.S. Erwin Business Education and English

Commerce Club 1. 2. 3: Pi Omega Pi 2, 3.


Lois Frances Barnes, B.S. Kenly Homi Economic* and Science Home Economies Club 1. 2. 3. 4: YWCA 1; Baptist Stu dent I'nion Kveciithe Council 4.

Peggy Harrell Barnhill, B.S.

Edwin Barrow, B.S. Pollocksville Business Education and Social Stlidie


Robert D. Bass, A.B. Seaboard Social Studies and Mathematics Circle "K" Club 3. (; Phi Sigma Pi 3. 4. Vice-Presidentce-P resident I: Distimruislied Military Student VFROTC Rifle

Gave Batten, B.S. Selma Business Educath jean Beddingheld, B.S. Zebulon Physical Education 1952


Lela Gay Bell, B.S.

Millard L. Berman, B.S. Portsmouth, Va. Physical Education and Social Studies

Varsity Club 1. 2. 8, 4; Student Legislature, Sumiiiei

Reuben W. Berry, Jr., B.S. Swanquarter Business Education and Social Studies


Lee Roy Biggerstaff, B.S. Charlotte English mid Social Studies Gardner Webb Junior College; Future Teachers of

Janie Sue Blalock, B.S. Timberlake Primary Education

Mattie Lou Bland, B.S. Vanceboro Physical Education and English

Women's Athletic Association 1, 2. 3, 4. Secretary 3;

David Blandford, Jr., B.S. Norfolk, Va. Physical Education and Social Studies

C. Alton Blue, Jr., B.S. Southern Pines Mathematics and Social Studies

Henry A. Boyd, B.S. Enfield Physical Education and Mathematics


Robert Odell Bradley, Jr., B.S. Rocky Mount Physical Education and English

Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Varsity Club 1. 2, 3, t; Veterans Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Class Vice-President 2; Circle "K" Club 3. 4; AFROTC (a, let officers Club 3. 4; Mem- ber Student Legislature 3. I: President Student Govern- ment Association. S i >l: President Senior ( lass I; Chairman of Kins Committee 4.

Donald Guy Brown, B.S. Winterville Physical Education and Social Studies

Mattie Faye Brown, B.S. Williamston Business Education and English Emmanuel College 1; Pi Omega Pi 2. 3, 4; Commerce Club 2. 3, 4, Secretary 3.

Mavis Lee Brown, B.S. Williamston Business Education and Social Studies

Commerce Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Pi Omega Pi 2. 3. 4.

Virginia R. Brown, B.S. Greenville Primary R

Henry Bruton, B.S. Kinston SENIOR CLAS

James Bullock, B.S. Jacksonville Mathematics and Social Studies

Jean Bunn, B.S. Snow Hill Grammar Education

Betty Esther Butler, B.S. Windsor Grammar Grade Education Future Teachers of America 1, 2. 8, 4; YWCA 1. 2; As- sociation for Childhood Education 2. 3.


Clarence H. Butler, B.S. Salemburg Physical Education and Social Studies

Edwards Military Institute 1. 2; Basketball 3, 4; Varsity

Robert K. Butler,

3; Veterans Club 3, 4; Phi Sigma Pi 3, 4; Men's Judici- ary 3, 4. Chairman I; Student Legislature 4; Executive Council I; Advisory Committee I; Distinguished Military Graduate; ir/io's Who Among Students In American Universities and .

Betty Byrd, B.S. Maysville


Reginald Byrd, Portsmouth, Va. Physical Social Studies

Shirley Byrd, B.S. Mamers Social Studies and English

Naomi Cahoon, B.S. Columbia Primary Education YWCA 1; Future Teachers of for Childhood Education 2. 3,


Rosemary Canady, B.S. Social Studies

Herbert R. Carlton, B.S. Galax, Va.

ans Club 3, 4. Treasurer 4; International Kcla

Loyce J. Carr, B.S. English


Marshall Carr, Jr., B.S. Wallace Industrial Arts and Social Studies Industrial Arts Club 2. 3. 4. President 4; Elections Com- mittee 2; Student Legislature 4; Circle "K" Club 4.

Thyra June Carraway, B.S. Snow Hi

Elizabeth S. Carroll, B.S. Raleigh Primary Education Meredith College 1: YWCA 2. 3; Young Democrats Club 2, 3; Association I'm rhildh.i.id Education :i, 4; Teco Echo 3; Baptist Student Union 4. .1952

Mary Ellen Carter, B.S. Woodland Primary Education

Paul M. Casey, B.S. Goldsboro Industrial Arts and Social Studies

Lula Mae Chamblee, B.S. Grammar Education

Future Teachers uf America 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; YWCA 1, 2. .'I; Association ten t'hilillmoil relocation 2. H.


Robert D. Charlton, B.S. Wilmington Physical Education and Science Fairmont State College I. 2; Basketball 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4.

Charles G. Clark, A.B. Belha Business Ethirnth

David K. Clark, B.S. Elizabethtown Business Education n,,d Sncial Studies


Giles R. Clark, B.S. Elizabethtown Social Studies and English

Mildred Cole, B.S. ISUK English and Social Stu

Bill F. Cole, B.S. Physical Education and Social Studies

Veterans Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Boxing Team 1, 2; Tumbling Team 1. 2. 3.


M. Louis Collie, B.S. Greenville Physical Education and Social Studies

Christopher Columbus, B.S. Goldsboro Grammar Education

Janis Cooper, B.S. Spring Hope Primary Education


Carolyn Corey, B.S. Greenville Primary Education

Albert G. Cowart, B.S. Miami, Fla. Science and Mathematics

John Tomlinson Cox, A.B. Mount Olive English and Social Studies r ;



William W. Cox, B.S. Walstonburg Grammar Education

James Cozart, B.S. Greenville

Lila Creech, A.B. Smithtield Social Studies and English


Herbert A. Creef, Jr., B.S. Physical Education and Math, mala Boxing Team I. 2: Varsity Club 3. I. Treasur

Janet Neely Davis, B.S. Robbins Physical Education and Social Studies Woman's College of The University of North Carolina 1 Wake Forest College, Summer School 'in; Woman's Athletic Association 2. 3. 1: International Uelntinns (lull l; 7Yro Echo Staff 4; House Committee.

Rachel Anne Davis, B.S. Fremont Grammar Education

Baptist Student Union 1. 2. 3, 4: VWCA 1: Teachers

Playhouse '-' : Future Teachers of America 2. 3, 4. Dis- trict President 3; Teco Echo Staff 3.

Billy H. Deans, B.S. Rocky Mount Physical Education and English

Jane DeBruhl, B.S. Cove City

Future Teachers of America VWCA 1, 2.

Benjamin B. Dees, B.S. Bayboro Physical Education

Men's Athletic Association i Daughters and Sons i: Veterans Club 4.


foan Dees, B.S. Baybo

June Dolly, B.S. Franklin, W. Va MUSU Education Madison College 1: College Choir 1; Young Democrats

'ranees Douglas, B.S. Washington Physical Education and English eachers Playhouse 1; Women's Athletic Association I.

, 3, 4. President I: Student legislature 4.

D. Laurence Downing, B.S. Fayetteville Socio/ Studies and Science North Carolina State College 1: International Relations

Club 2; Teachers Playhouse :t : Young Democrats Club 8, t. Vice-President 4.

Emilie Joyce DuPree, B.S. Greenville

Edna Frances Edwards, B.S. Greenville English and Social Studies .1952

Frances Lee Edwards, B.S. Pendleton

Barbara Ann Eisele, B.S. Statesville Primary Ed

Mary Frances Ellers, A.B. Wilmington


Charles Ray Epperson, B.S. Ararat, Va Social Studies and Science

Mac Eure, B.S. Portsmouth, Va. Physical Education (mil Social Studies

Football 1; Basketball 1; Varsity Club 1, 2. 3, 4, Presi- dent :<; Veterans Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Circle "K" Club 2. 3. I; Phi Sirnnn Pi 3. t: Who's Who Ann, hi, Students in American I'mri rsities mnl Cutleries.

Nan Farmer, B.S. Elm City

Fitzhugh Fennell, Jr., B.S. Wilmington Physical Education and Social Studies Varsity Club 1. 2, 3. 4: Basketball 1. 2, 3, 4; Circle "K" Club 3. 4; Student Legislature. Summer '51.

George Fields, B.S. Dudley

itin,, and Mathematics

YMCA I, 2. 3: Commerce Club

William A. Finch, Jr., A.B. Smithfield Social Studies and Geography

Dorothy Fitzgerald, B.S.

Home Economics and S

Wilbert C. Fitzgerald, Jr., B.S.

Marguerite Sawyer Foster, B.S. Spot

Kenneth Frazelle, B.S. Business Edna

Ida Mae Garrington, B.S. Jarvisburg English and Physii

Grady H. Gaskill, B.S. Hid Physical Edit SENIOR CLAS!


Henry H. Geiss, Jr., B.S. Portsmouth, Va.

L. B. Ginn, B.S. Snow Hill Business Edurntu nd Mathematics

(01 ere- (Tub 1. 2. 3. 4: Matli.-iiiati.--i Club .1. I; YMC'A 2. 3, 4; Teeoan Staff 3, 4; Ten, A'./,,, Stuff 3; Assistant Treasurer Student Government Association, Summer

William A. Glasgow, Jr., B.S. Rocky Mount


Philip R. Gorham, B.S. Battleboro Industrial Arts and Social Studies

Commerce Club 1, 2; YMCA 1. 2. 3, 4, Treasurer 2, Vice- President 3, Secretary 4; Industrial Arts Club 3, 4: Teachers Playhouse 4; President Slay Hall 4; Men's Judiciary 1: Student Legislature I; Handbook Commit- tee 4; Circle "K" Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Phi Sigma Pi. 4.

George Graybill, B.S. Roanoke, Va. Physical Education and Social Studies

Campbell College 1, 2; Football 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Baseball S.

Jasper L. Greene, B.S. Roduco Science and Social Studies Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-Chairman Mens Judiciary 3; YMCA 3; AFKHT'C Cadet Officers (Tub 3. 1; Executive Committee 3.


Anita Gulledge, B.S. Raeford

William J. Gurganus, Jr., B.S. Grimesland Grammar Ed neat,

Lee R. Hall, B.S. New Bern Business Edut ml Studies


Bernie Ham, B.S. Portsmouth, Va. Music Eduction

Dorothy Eleanor Hamilton, B.S. Clinton

Jeannette Hamilton, B.S. Magnol Primary Education

Association for Childhood Education 1. 2. 3; YWCA Teachers Playhouse 2, 3, 4; House Committee 3.


Velma Hanchey, B.S. Home Eco

George Hardee, B.S. Whiteville Physical Education and Social Studies I'niversitv of North Carolina 1; Campbell College 2:

Football :t; Varsity Club 3. 4; Ve . Club dent Wilson Hall, Su •50.

Lillian Hardy, B.S. La Grange

Woman's College of l'nivi-rsit> of North Carolina 1; President Kagsdale Hall 3; Student Legislature 3; Wo- men's Judiciary 3: Association for Childhood Education 2. 3. t: Publications chairman 4. ..1952


William Harrell, B.S. Pantego English and Social Studies

Anthony D. Harris, Jr., B.S. Warrenton Physical Edurati(u) and Social Studies

Corinne Harris, Swanquarter


Geraldine Harris. B.S. Home Economics and Science Chorus 1. 2; YWCA 1. 2. 3; Home Economies Club 1. 3. 4. Secretary 3: Class Vice-President 3.

Molly Y. Harris, B.S High Point

Delbert R. Hatch, B.S. Mount Olive Social Studies and English

Donald L. Hatch, B.S. Mount Olive Socio/ Studies and English YMCA 1. 2. 3. 4; Class Treasurer 2: Class President 3; Inter-Religious Council 3: Jarvis Forensic club 1. 2, 3: Commerce Club 1. 2. 3. 1; Tic,,,,,, Staff 3: Teachers Play house 3; Handbook Committee 3: Student Legislature 3. 1; Circle "K" Club 3. 4.

Sadie Frances Hatch, B.S. Ayden

Martha Ann Hauser, B.S. Cedar Falls Primary Education

Sue S. Hayes, B.S. Louisburg Socio/ Studies and English

William H. Heath, B.S. Cove City Social Studies and Geography Distinguished Military Graduate.

Elizabeth Hedgepeth, B.S.

( .reehshnn. College 1: Hume Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Tec, Echo Staff l: T1VCA 2: May Court Attendant 2: Women's Judiciary 3. Secretary 3: Student Legislature 4.


Sara Jo Hege, B.S. Winston-Salem English and Library Science

Emanuel College 1. 2; Cotten Hall Vice-President 3; YWCA 3. 4; Association for Childhood education 3: Tec, Echo Staff :l: Inter-Religious Council 3. 1; English Club 4; Young l>emorcrat< Cluh :i, I; Student Legislature I. Secretary ,; Executive Council 4: Women's Chorus 4: Who's Who Among Students in American Vmcersities and Colleges.

Charles Richard Hendricks, A.B. Business Education

Anne Morton Hester, B.S. Oxford Physical Education and Social Studies SENIOR CLASS

Sarah Jane Hester, B.S. Hurdle Mills Grammar Education

Kuture Teachers of America 1. 2. :i. 1. Secretary 2. Vice- President 3. President 4; Women's Athletic Association 1. 2. 3; Class Vice President 1; Student Legislature 4; VWCA 3, I.

Eudella H.I1, B.S. Smithfield Primary Education

Gail Hines, B.S. Faison Home Economies and Science


Richard Hobbs, B.S. Thomasville Social Studies and Physical Education Baseball 2. S, 1; Varity Club 2. 3. 4.

Madeline Hodges, B.S. Washington English and Music

Henry T. Hood, B.S. Lake Waccamaw Social Miotics and Physical Education


Anne Pennington House, B.S. Plymouth tidies

Carolyn R. Howerton, B.S. Woodsdale

Future Teachers of America 1, 2. 3, 4. Treasurer 2; VWCA 2; Baptist Student Union 1. 2, 3, 4.

George A. Huffman, B.S. Bridgeton Industrial Arts and Mathematics


Charlotte Humphrey, B.S. Richlands Primary Education

Louisianna Queen Hurdle, B.S. Sharpsburg Business Education and English English Club 1. 2. 3: Commerce Club 1. 2. 3: Young Republicans Club 2. 3: Future Teachers of America 3; VWCA 3: Pi Omega Pi 2. 3.

Priscilla Coy Hynson, B.S. Washington Art and French

Cantebury Club 1. 2. 3, 4. Secretary 1, Vice-President 2; Colleu'e Choir 1. 2. 3. 4: Inter-Kelisious Council 3; Inter- national Relations Club 3. I: Sigma Hi Alpha S, 4. Presi- dent I: Budget Committee 4.


Mary E. Ipock, B.S. Ernul Primary Education

Garland E. Jackson, Jr., B.S. Mount Olive English and Social Studies

English Club 1, 2. 3. President 3; Teachers Playhouse 1. 2. 3. Director of Workshop Productions 2: YMCA 1. 2.

Joseph G. Jenkins, B.S. Greenville Business Education and English ..1952

Dorothy M. Jennings, B.S. Elizabeth City Borne Economics and Science

Evelyn Jernigan, B.S.

Arthur "Pot" Johnson, B.S. Greensboro Mathematics and Social Studies Guilford College 1; Mathematics flub 2. 3. 4; Veterans Club >. 3. 4: Circle "K" Club 2. 3. 4; Student Govern- ment Association 2. 3. 4: Chairman Award* Committee 2. 3: Budget Committee 4: First Vice -President Student Government Association I: Phi Siginu Pi 3, 4- Who's Whu Among Students in American Universities ""«/ Colleges.


Catherine Lane "Kitty" Johnson, B.S. Neuse

YWCA 2: Woman's Chorus :i ; Future Teachers of America I: Student (lover cut Association I: Women's Judician I: President Jarvis Hall I; Who's Who Anoooi Students in American Universities and Colleges.

Christine Johnson, B.S. Business Educatio Euiihsh

Milam Johnson, B.S. Eure Science and Mathematics Science Club 1. 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Mathematics Club 1. 2. 3. t; YMCA 1. 2. .). 1. Vice-President 3. Kxe-u tive Council 2. 3. I; Jarvis Forensic Club 1; Baptist Student I'nion 1. 2. 3. 4.


Charles T. V. Jones, B.S. Elizabeth City Business Education nnd Social Studies

Campbell College 1, 2: Commerce Club 3, 4: AFROTC Cadet officers club 3. 4. President I; Student Legislature 4; Distinguished Military Graduate.

David Edward Jones, Jr., B.S. Greenville Srie?icc and Physical Education

Class President 1 ; Student Legislature 1 ; Circle "K" Club 2. 3. 4; Tennis Team 2. 3. 1; Budget Committee 3: Handbook Committee 3: Class Vice-President 4; Wlia's

William A. Jones, A.B. Louisville, Ky. Business Education and Social Studies

l'resl.v terian Junior College I. 2; Commerce Club 3. 4: Veterans Club .). I: AFROTC Cadet officers Club 3. 4.

Callie Marie Kinard, B.S. Wenona Hom, Economics Woman's College of University of North Carolina 1: YWCA 1. 2. 3. I: Home F.conomics Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3: Teachers Playhouse 4: Baptist Student

lurence K. Kincaid, A.B. Portsmouth, Va.

Michael S. Kovach, A.B. N. Tarrytown, N. Y.

Business Education nn, I Phiisicol Ediirntinn

John A. Kovalchick, Jr., B.S. Greenville

Business Education on, I Socio! Studies

Jane P. Kugler, B.S. Washington

Pat Lamm, B.S. Bunn SENIOR CLASS


Frank Landing, B.S. Plymouth Social Studies and English

Melvin Lassiter, Jr., B.S. Milwaukee Science and Physical Education

Science Club 1, 2, 3. 4.

Frank E. Lewis, B.S. Bailey Business Education and Social Studies


Jane Myra Lewis, B.S. Stantonsburg

Lois Mizelle Lewis, B.S. Bethel

Cleon Avery Lincke, B.S. Kinston Business Education and English

Club 1, 2, 3; English Club 1: Women's Chorus


Evelyn Littleton, B.S. Jacksonville Social Studies and Spanish

International Relations Club 1, 2. 3, 4. Secretary-Treas- urer 2. Regional Secretary 3. 1'resiilent I: Student I.egi» lature 4: HudL'et (nniiiiittee 1: Ynunt: Democrats Club 8, i; Sigma Pi Alpha 3, 4.

Frances B. Long, B.S. Clarendon Grammar Education

Mary E. Long, B.S. Primary Educ

D. "Whale" MacKenzie, B.S. Roanoke Rapids Physical Education and English

Football 1. 2. 3. 4; Varsity Club 2. 3, 4: Veterans Club 2. :i. t: Circle "K" Club 4.

C. Maxine Maddrey, B.S. Severn Music Education

Alyce Marshburne, B.S. Clinton Business Education and English


William Neal Mason, B.S. Lillington Business Education and Social Studies North Carolina State College 1; Commerce Club 2;

Barbara Massey, B.S. Pleasant Hill Music Education

Irvin L. McConeghy, B.S. Maxton Business Education and Social Studies 1952

Alford McDaniel, B.S. Social Studies and Physical Edit SENIOR CLASS


Allene Moore, B.S. Snow Hi

Mark H. Moore, Jr., B.S. Bath English and Business Education

Tim Erlm Staff: English Hub 1. 2. :i. 4. Vice-President I: Iiiteriiiitiuiial Re'ations Club 1. 2. 3. 4: VMCA 1, 2.

3. 4, Secretary 4: Commerce Club 1. 2. 3 : Pi Onieon Pi ::. I. Treasurer I; Teachers Playhouse 1. 2. 3. 4. Treas-

Mona Naomi Moore, B.S. Calypso


Nina Moore, B.S. Primary Education Association for Childhood Educati lers of America 3, 4.

Allen D. Morris, B.S. Stella Physical Education and Social Studies

Annette Morris, B S. Statesville Primari/ Education

Alison Hearne Moss, B.S. Greenville Music Educa

John E. Moss, B.S. Greenville

Phi, sin, I Education

Hilda Grace Moye, B.S. Snow Hill

W. P. Mulligan, Jr., A.B. Glenridge, N. J. Social Studies and Business Education

Nell Finch Murphy, B.S. Henderson English and French

Herman D. Nelson, B.S. Greenville Buiiness Education unit Social Studies

Richard H. Nelson, B.S. Kernersville Physical Education and Social studies Klon College 1: Veterans Club 3. 4.

Julia Jean Newkirk, B.S.

Charles Graham Nickens, A.B. Grimesland Social Studies and English 1952


Clifton E. Noble, B.S. Goldsboro

Harry U. Oliver, A.B. Sel

Isabella O'Neal, B.S. Ocracoke


Mary Olive Owens, B.S. Goldsboro Borne Economics and Science Home Economics Club 1. 2. 3. 1, Secretary 4; Science

Lois Rae Pace, B.S. Bailey

Jack Painter, B.S. Tarboro

Scu ,,,-, and X'xi'il Studit s

-' Mars Hill College 1. : Baptist Student Union 3. t. resi- dent 4; YMCA 3. I; Intel Religious Council 3, t. Presi- dent t; Science Club 1: Elections Committee I; \FK(IK Cadet Officers Club 3. 1; Circle "K" Club 4.


James R. Parker, A.B Kinston p* ^' W** - w V%~* Ethel Ivey Parks, B.S. Goldsboro

Marvin A. Parsons, B.S. Maysville Industrial Arts and Mathematics


Sarah Jane Pate, B.S. Goldsboro

Louise Pearce, B.S. Willow Springs Borne Em,

Lyndell Pearce, B.S. Zebulon

Sarah Peedin, B.S. Selm; English and Social Studies

:i Mars Hill Collese 1. 2; President Cotten Hall ; W< men's Judiciary <: Student Legislature 3. I: VWCA : 3 4; Mav Court Attendant ; Baptist Student Council 4 Executive Council I; Whns 11*//., Am,,,,,, Sf.o/, „ts ,

Ola Nell Perry, B.S. Bethel

Susan T. Perry, B.S. La Grange Primary Education ;



Herman Phelps, B.S. Greenville Business Education and Social Studies

Shirley Pilkinton, B.S. Smithfield Business Education and English

Commerce Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Women's Athletic Association 2. 3. Treasurer 3: YVVCA 1. 2; Student Legislature 4; English Club 1. 2. 3; Pi Omega Pi 3. 4. President 4.

Albert M. Poggioli, B.S. New York, N. Y. Physical Education and Social Studies


Abbie Jean Porter, B.S. Goldsboro

Home Economics Club 1. 2: Women's Athletic Associa- tion 1. 2; Future Teachers of America 4; YWCA 1, 2. :i: House Committee 4.

Ola L. Porter, B.S. Greenville Physical Education and Social Studies

L. Agnes Potter, B.S. West Oneonta, N. Y.

ft Robert S. Price, B.S. Rocky Mount M'J Physical Education and Social Studies

June Pritchard, B.S. Montclair, N. J.

Who's Who Among Students in American Universities

Joyce Proctor, B.S. Walstonburg English and French

Vice-President Cotten Hall 1 ; Teco Echo Staff 1 ; Dan- forth Scholarship 1: YWCA 1. 2. 3. I. Vice-President :t

English Club 1, 2. 3. 1. President :l : Sigma Pi Alpha 2.

:i 3. I. Secretary I: Student Legislature ; Elections Com- mittee 3: Women's .linliciarv 2: Alexander B. Andrews

Scholarship :i ; English Fellowship I; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.


Martin Rabunsky, B.S. Wilmington Social Studies and English

Bill Reams, B.S. Winterville Grammar Education

Lillian Pugh Reid, B.S. Garysburg Primary Education

Association for Childhood Education 1. 2. 3, 4; YWCA 1.

Edith K. Respess, B.S. Greenville Social studies and Mathematics

Larry G. Respess, B.S. Pinetown Social Studies and Phi/sical Education

North Carolina State College 1 ; Veterans Club 3. 4.

Johnnie E. Rich, B.S. Rocky Mount Industrial Arts anil Mathematics Industrial Arts Club 2. 3. 4. Vice-President 4; Phi Sigma Pi 4; Student Legislature I; Point System Committee 1. ;



Elizabeth Smith Riddle, B.S. Jackson

Charles T. Robbins, B.S. Plymouth Social studies and Physical Education

Brevard College 1. 2; Veterans Club 3, 4.

Lucy M. Robertson, B.S. Williamston Secretary-Treasurer Cotten Hall 1 ; YWCA 1, President l: President Cotten Hall. Summer ;.l : Science Club :i President Fleming Hall I; Women's Judiciary 4; Stu- dent Legislature I; Majorette 1. 2, 3, 1: Who's IC/io Among Student* in American Universities rind Colleges.


Maxine Robinson, B.S. Angier

Robert A. Robinson, B.S. Franklin Springs, Ga. Industrial Arts and Social Studies

Drum Major of College Band 1. 2. .1. i; Industrial Arts Club 3. 4; Student Government Association. Historian 3; Circle "K" Club 3. 4; Distinguished Military Gradu- ate: AFROTC Cadet Officers Club 3. 4: Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

Harcum W. Roebuck, A.B. Robersonville Business Education and Geography

C. Russell Rowell, B.S. Social Studies and Physical Edn

Augustine J. Russo, A. Norfolk, Va. Business Educatio nd Social Studies

James Edward Salter, B.S. New Bern English and Physical Education


Eloise Sanders, B.S. Educatuin

Frances Sanderson, B.S. Bath Business Education and English

Barbara Ann Sasser, B.S. Pikeville Primary Education


Charles C. Self, B.S. Greensboro Snciol Studies and blent

3, 4; College Choir 2: Varsity (dee Club 2. 3. I. Business Manager 3, Secretary I; V.MCA 3, t; .larvis Forensic Club 2, 3, 4; AFROTC Cadet Officers Club 3. I: President Slay Dormitory 3: President K\eciiti\c Council 4; Presi-

dent North State Student Council :i ; Phi Sigma Pi 2. 3, 4; Who's Who Among Students rersities and Colleges.

Charles A. Shackelford, B.S. High Point English and Social Studies

University of North Carolina 1, 2; Teco Echo Summer '.in; Young Democratic (lub 3. I. President I: Veterans Club 3. 4; Tecoan 3, 4. Editor 4; Phi Sigma Pi 3, 4: Circle "K" Club 4: AFROTC Cadet Officers Club 3. 4: Student Legislature I. executive Council 1: Distinguished Military Graduate: Who's Who Among Students in Universities and Colleges.

Jean Shavender, B.S. Music Education

Chorus 1. 2: College Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Music n Club 1. 2, 3. 4: College Band 3: YWCA 4. SENIOR ClASS


Betty Ann Shaw, B.S. Weldon Home Economics

Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3. 4, Publicity Chairman 2. Vice-President :(. President I: VWCA 1. 2. 3. t: Student Legislature 1. I; Wesley Foundation 1. 2. 3. I. Secretary 2, Vice-President 3. Treasurer t; College Handbook Com- mittee 1.

Moses M. Sheppard, B.S. Norfolk, Va. ^ Science and Mathematics #/ 4 Alice Jones Singletary, B.S.


Alfred Lewis Smith, B.S. Greenville Business Education and Mathematics

Commerce Club 1. 2. .1. l: Circle "K" Club 3, 4: Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and

I nil. II, S.

Edith Susan Smith, B.S. Pink Hill

Jennie Kathryn Smith, B.S. Goldsboro Home Economics and Science College Choir 1; Home Economics Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Science

Margie E. Smith, B.S. Kinston Primary Education Woman's College of the University of North Carolina 1: dhood Kducation 2, 3: VW( \ 2. :l ; Association for Chi College Marshall 3; Inter Religious Council t: Student

Legislature I; Women- Chorus 3 ; Who's Who A77wng Students in American Universities and Colleges.

Stanley Smith, A.B. Kinston Business Education and Geography

Fred Soles, B.S. Tabor City Physical Education and English

Baseball 1. 2, 3. t; Football 1: Varsity Club 1. 2, 3. 4.


Winfred A. Sorrell, B.S. Clayton

Industrial Arts and !

Sarah Frances Stancill, B.S.

Thornton L. Staples, B.S. Richmond, Va. Business Education and Soi nil Studies Commerce Club l. 2. 3, 1; reeo Bcfto Staff 2; Young Democrats Club 3. I: VMCA 3. I: Student Legislature 3. t; Executive Council 3. I: Treasurer Student Govern- ment Association 3. I. First Assistant Treasurer 3; Chairman Budget Committee 3. I. Secretan 3: AFROTC Cadet (llhcers Club 3, 1: Circle "K" Club 3, 1; Phi Sigma Pi 3. 1: Who's Who A mono students in American Vm-

Jean Farrior Stargardt, B.S. Morehead City English and Social Studies

Kenneth Stargardt, B.S. Richmond, Va.

Veterans Club 1. 2. 8, I: Varsity Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Boxing Circle 2, 3, Team 1 2; Phi Sigmn I'i 2. 3. I: "K" Club 4- AFROTC Cadet Officers Club 3. I. President 4: Dis- lin-uishcd Military Graduate: Student Legislature 2. 3; Vice-chairman Men- .ludici.irv I: Executive Council 4: President Slav Dormitory 3; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

Louise Stewart, B.S. Dunn Grammar Education Future Teachers of America 4; Association for Child-

hood Education 3. 4 : VWCA 3. .1952



John G. Tooly, B.S. Industrial Art

Peggy Ann Tucker, B.S. Greenville Primary Education

Burma Tunstall, B.S. Apex


William S. Vann, B.S. Science and Mathe

Billy H. Vendric, B.S.

:' :< Iliirh Point College I. : (ninnn'rvc Club : 1 nteinntioiinl Kolatioiis Club :t. VMCA :i. I; Inter Keligious Council I; Wesley Foundation .1. 1. President t; Circle "K" Club

Dorothy Venters, B.S. Jacksonville Physical Educ English


Lois B. Vicars, B.S.

Thomas M. Vicars, A.B. Waynesboro, Va. Geography and Social Studies

Albert F. Wadford, B.S. Neuse Physical Education and Social Studies

F.dwards Military Institute 1. 2; Distinguished Military


Mary Glenn Walston, B.S. Greenville Music Education and English

Virginia Roselyn Warren, B.S. Faison Grammar Education

English Club 1 ; International Relations Club 1. 2: VWCA 1: College Choir 1; Future Teachers of America 3, 4; Young Democrats Club 3.

Gertrude Watts, B.S. Whiteville Grammar Education

Future Teachers of America 1. 2. :i. t. Treasurer 2, Vice- President 1.


Ann Weaver, B.S. Durham AH and English

Hazel Ruth Weaver, B.S.

YWCA 1. 2. 8, I; Home Economics Club 1: Science Club 1, 2; Future Teachers of America 1: Association for

Childl I F.ducation 2. 3. I: Women's Chorus 2, 3, i.

Robert W. Wechter, B.S. Stumpy Point Industrial Arts and English Tea, Kit,,, Associate Kditor. Summer '50; Student I.cgis-

50 ..1952

FIRST ROW Louise Weeks, A.B. Whitakers Social studies and English itions Club 4.

Lynne W. West, B.S. Carolina Beach nd English

Aldred F. Wetherington, B.S. Silverdale Business Education and Social Studies


Carolyn Jean Whaley, B.S.

Clarkson White, B.S. Belvidere English and Social Studies

English Club 1. 3; Teachers Playhouse 1. 2, 3. Secretary 2; Tero Echo Staff 1; Elections Committee 3; YMCA 1, 2.

Clyde A. White, B.S. Windsor French and English

flu Sigma Chapter of Sigma Pi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4; Teachers


John B. White, B.S. Norlina Pht/sical Education and Social Studies

Olivia Shields White, B. S. Scotland Neck Home Economics and Science

Gertrude C. Whitehurst, B.S. Primary Edurati

Dorothy Anne Whiteley, B.S. Greem Business Education and Art

Richmond Professional Institute; Commerce Club '. President Women Day Students 3; Women's Judh 3: Student Legislature 3.

Floyd C. Williams, B.S. Wilmington Mathematics and Science

Distinguished Military Graduate: Circle "K" Club 3, 4; Who's Who Amour, Students i and Colleges.

Margaret Williams, B.S. Greenville Social Studies and English


William B. Williams, B.S.

Carl R. Willis, Jr., B.S. Wilmington Grammar Education Canterbury Club 1. 2. 3. Treasurer 2. Vice-President 3: YMCA 1. 2. 3, Treasurer 3: Future Teachers of America Historian 2. Reporter 3; International Relations Club Young Democrats Club 2; Tecoan

Willanette Willoughby, B.S. Ahoskie Primary Education Women's Athletic Association 1. 2; YWCA 1, 2; Futl Teachers of America 1, 2. 3; Association for Childho



Dorothy Wilson, B.S. Greenville Grammar Education

Cecil E. Winslow, B.S. Hertford Physical Edu

Varsity Club J. :<. 1: Circle "K" club :t. I: Stuilent l.esi- lature :>. I: K\ecuti\e Council 1: Second Vice-President Student (iovei-ninent Association I; President of Class 3; AFROTC Cadet Officers Club 3. 4.

Betty E. Worrell, B.S. Newsoms, Va.

Busim ss Education and StofKift


Geraldine Pate Worrell, B.S. Goldsboro Primary Education

Edwin B. Yarborough, B.S. Portsmouth, Va. Physical Education and Social Studies

William E. Yeager, B.S. Portsmouth, Va.

Social xt,ni„ s and English .1952


One of the requirements of all students working

for the B.S. degree is that of student teaching,

or practice teaching, as it is commonly referred

to, during the senior year of study. Student

teachers are placed in the campus training

school, Greenville High School, and various

other high schools throughout eastern North


During this three-month period of supervised

teaching, the future teacher becomes acquainted

with the fundamentals of classroom management

and procedure before going out into the field

of teaching. I/We \/[/eye the /yvimoys or 1952

The third year of our college life is drawing to a close, and we can visualize already, it seems, how it is going to make us feel to be able to say, "We were the Seniors of 1953."

Our three years have been eventful indeed. There can be no doubt of that. We have seen many of the things the Seniors have seen, and on many occasions we have been alongside them in projects and activities. Being upper classmen, we have sat with many of them in the classroom.

We, too, have seen our Alma Mater grow, and we are proud to be a part of her. We have

grown in number, experience, and understanding ; but, at the same time, many of us have left the place we love for various reasons. Perhaps the biggest of these reasons it to defend the democratic principles of government against the threat of communism. Some of us have been called upon to do this, while others among us have voluntarily left to lend a hand.

We find ourselves wondering what next year will be like. Many faces we have known will no longer be here. We will miss them, but then we must realize that it will be our duty to set an example for the new faces that will be with us. We will be the ones with seniority; consequently, we will be the leaders. And, as we enter that status, we must earnestly endeavor for self confidence, wisdom, and tolerance.

We have been told that the next year will be the most eventful, the happiest of our college careers. Needless to say, we look forward to it.

Our best wishes go with those who are passing on before us. As we move into their place next year, our great hope is that we can manage to live up to what they will be expecting from us. With the example they have set for us, we should not fail.



Junior Class Officers Jerome Sandford President

Grace Giles Vice-President

Madeline Weaver Secretary

Roy Creech Treasurer




Frances E. Abbott Henderson Lynn W. Bazemore Lewiston Janice M. Albritton Snow Hill Audrey Beaman Dudley Jesse Aldridge Kinston George W. Beaman, Jr Walstonburg

S. Rudolph Alexander Goldsboro Harvey L. Bedsole Tar Heel Betty C. Allard Wilmington Ann Bell Lucama Mary Frances Allen Farmville Jack P. Benzie Portsmouth, Va. Ray B. Anderson Goldsboro Edward D. Biggs Everetts Rachel Andrews Clinton Robert H. Biggs Williamston

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Joyce Bagley Goldsboro Walter C. Biggs Wilmington Mary Sue Bagley Elizabeth City Horace G. Birchett Hopewell, Va. Thyreese Bagley Hobbsville Lionel L. Bishop Greenville Beth Baker Spring Hope Ernest G. Black Portsmouth, Va. Grace Baker Kenansville Yvonne Blackwell Oxford Peggy Joyce Barrow Greenville Charles R. Blake Camp Lejeune Jeanette Bateman Draper Alicia Blue Carthage Ann Baysden Ernul A. Preston Blue Henderson FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: Naomi Martin Bobbitt Creedmore Julian R. Butler Kelford Ruth Warren Bobbitt Creedmore Annie Lou Butts Angier Jane H. Bond Windsor Jean Bynum Farmville Sarah Ruth Bowland Mebane Sally Caddell Sanford Dorothy Boyette Kenly Bobbie Jean Caldwell Wadeville

Dorothy Bradshaw Elizabeth City Paul A. Cameron, Jr Kinston Jean Bradshaw Clinton Billye Rose Canady Clarendon George Brinson Arapahoe Jennie E. Cannon Wilmington

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Jack Britt Fairmont Garland R. Carr Rose Hill Louise Brock Mt. Olive Bettie Ann Carroll Winston-Salem Patsy Browder Virginia Beach, Va. Charles Cherry Stokes Jane Ellen Brown Clarkton Janice H. Clark Elizabethtown

Thomas Bullock Ayden Hight Collins, Jr Kinston Pat Bundy Belhaven Martha Conway Greenville Alston "Hoot" Burke LaGrange Becton W. Corbin LaGrange Harnett Burnette Tarboro Christan Sutton Corbin LaGrange JUNIORS B£ pi

/./A \ £if/ iimm.'4 i*

/ ^

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: James B. Corbin LaGrange Betty Jean Dewar Fuquay Springs Jane Cornwell Shelby Lucille McGowan Diener Greenville Hugh Donald Cox Kinston Joan Edwards Wilmington Raymond H. Cox Maury Pansy Edwards Beulaville Harriett Carr Cozart Greenville Louis D. Elfrink Greenville Bryan C. Craft Clayton, Ga. Jeanine Ennis Dunn

Robert W. Craft, Jr Beaulaville Keith Estep Plymouth Roy R. Creech Snow Hill Jean Exum Fremont

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Robert N. Crowley Wilmington Emily Faircloth Fayetteville Charlotte Crowson Jacksonville Imogene Faircloth Roseboro Jack E. Cutler Washington Nora Ellen Faulkner Kinston Maggie Daniels Wanchese Willard C. Finch Bailey

Delia Davenport Deep Run W. C. Flowers, Jr Trenton Frances Jean Davis Micro Henry Fordham Kinston Sibyle Davis Albertson Tracy Formy-Duval Wilmington Wade Davis Henderson Una Francis Conway ..OF 1952


Larry M. French, Jr Kinston Elaine Griggs Vandemere Jackie Fristoe Greenville Lynwood Grissom Wilmington

John L. Fristoe Greenville Maggie Haddock -. Hookerton Elizabeth Gaddy Wadesboro Hal F. Haire Elizabethtown Charlie Garland Portsmouth, Va. Ruth Haislip Oak City Nicholas Garner Newport Ethel Roberta Hall Stedman Maggie Gatlin Ernul C. Virginia Halliburton Oxford Emma Lou Gay Whitakers Elsie L. Hamilton Sealevel


Donald F. Gaylor Magnolia Janice Grey Hardison Jamesville Grace Giles Linden Vera Hardison Washington

William S. Goodson Greenville Dowdy Hardy LaGrange Al Gordon Statesville Peggy Harper Kinston Nell Grantham Marietta Glayds M. Harrell Knightdale

C. M. Gray, Jr Trenton Albert Harrington Burlington Lucy Gray Deep Run Fred W. Harrison Snow Hill Peggy Joyce Grice Calypso Harry L. Heilig New Bern X Mini i;f^

' ' m^M III* £4

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: Johnny C. Helms Monroe Robert H. Hughes Jonesville Marilyn Henaghan Greenville Grey Hunt Semora

Betty Hendrix Greensboro Alec J. Hurst, Jr Greensboro Catherine Hill Deep Run Ray Hylton Greensboro Ross B. Hill Greenville Dorothy Jackson Mount Olive Carolyn Hines Greenville Sara L. Jackson Fayetteville

William L. Hobbs, Jr Raleigh Tempie Jackson Goldsboro Evelyn G. Hodges Winterville Russell V. Jarrett Draper


Joseph F. Hodges, Jr Washington Blounie Johnson Gastonia Maude Elizabeth Hodges Washington Elizabeth Dean Johnson Willard Fay Hogan Chapel Hill John B. Johnson Rocky Mount Mildred E. Holt Princeton Mary Jo Johnson Coats

Ray S. Hood Woodbury. N. J. Joe Johnson Jacksonville Lennon W. Hooper Stumpy Point Betsy C. Jones Beaufort Marie Houser Gastonia Mary Frances Jones Snow Hill Virgil Howard Pikeville Mary Lee Jones Warsaw ..OF 1952 mm®


Roland F. Jones, Jr Goldsboro Francis H. Madigan Portsmouth, Va. Janet Ann Keever Raleigh George Mahoney Norfolk, Va.

John R. Kennedy Wilmington Robert Maness • . . . . Greensboro

Arthur King Kinston Barbara P. Mange Hanover, Pa. Doris Armstrong King Greenville Myrtle Manning Robersonville James A. Kinion Bath Lynwood Manuel Norfolk, Va. Merle Kirby Kenly Clyde March Rocky Mount Janet B. Kirkland Durham Ethel Lee Massengill Four Oaks

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: John Robert Kluttz Goldsboro Marty McArthur Grifton Treva Knight Broadway Jewel McKoy Cove City Hazel M. Lassiter Conway Bill McDonald Portsmouth, Va. C. Dale Lawson Orrum Wade G. McDougald Raeford

Hilda L. Lee Pink Hill William S. McDowell Verona Irene Boyer Lee Four Oaks Irene McGowan Greenville

Robert E. Lee, Jr Salisbury Jessie McGraw Mount Airy Lucille Leggett Washington Eloise McLamb Roseboro JUNIORS

M>4K V) Hi

k *; *i "el

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: William A. McLawhorn Greenville Pauline Moore Bath Ola Ray McLawhorn Ayden Betty M. Morris Franklinton Juanita McLeod Broadway Josephine Morris Vandemere Theresa McNabb Portsmouth, Va. Peggy Nash Durham Carolyn McSwain Lattimore Lillian Scott Naylor Newton Grove Andy Meeder Gatesville Lonnie Nelms Oxford Janice Meekins Stumpy Point Mary Ann Oates Faison Shirley Melton Havelock Robert R. Oliver Southport

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Vivian Mercer Wilson Anne Onley Elizabeth City Grace Newborn Hookerton Anne Osborne Salisbury Elizabethtown Eleanor H. Mills Greenville Thomas J. Owen, Jr Gastonia Spencer Mims, Jr Henderson John T. Painter Jack Moore Rockingham Ruth Carol Parker Carthage Greenville Maurice H. Moore, Jr Wilmington Josephine Parkerson N. Ruth Moore Farmville Elizabeth Pate Black Creek Patricia Anne Moore Turkey Sadie Patterson Lillington ..OF 1952

^ &MKI BPtfi

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: Ann Perry Draper Rebecca Roberson Smithfield Ivey D. Piner New Bern Donald Roebuck Stokes William Pittman Kenly Edith Rogerson Williamston Jacquelyn Pollock Trenton Patricia A. Rogerson Bethel Poole Betty Routh Cameron Betty J. Durham Jean Betty Joan Pope Fayetteville William H. Rowland Raleigh Mildred Powell Wananish Leon B. Royal Salemburg Rublein Folkstone Ruthe Powell New Bern Edmund J.

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Anna Marie Prater Seven Springs Betty Jane Sanderson Calypso Hilda W. Pridgen Whiteville Grace M. Sanderson Magnolia Gwendolyn Puckett Clayton Jerome Sandford Goldsboro Dorothy Pugh New Bern George Melvin Sauls Grifton Phyllis Ann Randolph Hickory, Va. Annie Ruth Savage Hobgood Shirley Rhue Newport Jack C. Scott Elizabeth City Jim Rickards Washington Robert C. Selby Dudley Stacy L. Riggs Maysville Frances Sessoms Lumberton JUNIORS

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: Dwight Shoe Salisbury Irene Steele Bear Poplar Edsel Sholar Rocky Mount Catherine Stephenson Willow Springs Bertha Mae Silverthorne Whortonsville John L. Stewart Smithfield Carolyn Slack Pinetown Judy Stout Siler City John P. Sloan Wilmington Doris M. Strickland Halifax Clinton F. Small Kinston Agnes Anne Strole Chadbourn Dennis R. Smith Chocowinity Joe W. Stroud Jonesville Hazel R. Smith Kinston Elizabeth Sutton Tomahawk

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Miriam Sollee Tarboro John Swart Wilmington Anne M. Spain Manson Laura Sue Thomas Carthage

Verona Grey Sparrow Deep Run J. K. Thompson Goldsboro Durwood B. Stallings Spring Hope Seleta Tucker Farmville Judith V. Stallings Zebulon William H. Tuttle Raleigh Marie Stallings Louisburg Janet Frances Tyson Saratoga Janet Ruth Standi] Farmville Waylon C. Upchurch Sanf'ord Leonard B. Starling Rocky Mount David V. Van Hook Nashville &$£M

FIRST ROW: THIRD ROW: Louise Vann Clinton Everett H. Whitley Kenly Patricia Ann Vaughan Tarboro Raymond L. Wickham Tarboro

Robert Lee Vickery, Jr Hamlet Catherine Williams Wade Rachael E. Wallace White Lake Eugene B. Williams Kinston Anne E. Warren Battleboro James A. Williams Bailey Marilyn Watkins Middleburg Larry Williams Ocracoke Charles Watson Greenville Laurence Williams Clayton Janie Yvonne Watson Nashville Melrose Alford Williams Spring Hope

SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW: Mitzi Watson Engelhard Barbara Williamson Clinton Mona Watts Whiteville Crowell Williamson Whiteville Madeleine A. Weaver Wilmington Ceceilia Willoughby Creswell

Paul D. Weeks, Jr Whitakers Carroll Wilson Oxford Mable Ann West Roseboro Mary Jean Wilson Tarboro

Margaret Anne White Hertford William S. Winesett Plymouth Anne Whitehurst Robersonville Frances Woolard Washington Lloyd Whitfield Kinston Mary Frances Yarborough Sanford lA/e l/l/ere the S^*ophomom5 of 1952

The time has come for us to pause and look back. We are at the half-way mark of our

foundations. At times we thought we would never survive the initial pouring of the

cement of knowledge; there was much digging to be done.

We have been told that a job well begun is half done, and we realize that now.

These two years have passed quickly, and it seems that before we can turn around we

will be leaving East Carolina. As in the case of the Juniors, some of us have already

left too. Our reasons, like theirs, have been varied; and among them is the war in Korea.

We have seen the Pirates in two seasons of play, and we have found it even more

interesting to watch them now, because we know many of them by name. Even some

of us have managed to make "first string."

In these two short years we have noticed a great change. Last year on Saturday

mornings students could be seen hurrying to classes. This year, they were hurrying to

the bus station and to good hitch-hiking spots. Most of them, we have found, now make

the mad rush on Friday afternoons. In spite of the fact that we love our Alma Mater,

these mad rushes are a symbol, and serve as proof, that nothing can take the place of

the family circle in the American way of life.

We look forward to the second half of our college career because we believe it

will be even more enjoyable and eventful than the first half has been. SOPHOMORE CLASS SOPHOMORES

Nolan Alcock Pollocksville Susie Alexander Elizabeth City Thomas Allsbrook Scotland Neck Nancy Apple Raleigh M \ Jean Baggett Kenly ^g§^, r ^ _ ill W lfl| 1 Drusilla Bain Erwin ^^^ HPHU - — /&& ^^ " ti ^^^^H^Hi Doris Barnes Nashville JL ^ ft W^ -B W % Lewis B. Barnes Enfield H 9 [- .-'i ' Martha Ann Barrow Pollocksville W^ 1H - V *^

Adah M. Bass Tarboro Janyce Bass Kenly *& 0RL> ^^± H jf^K Bass Seaboard *' " Waylon T. L ** W- ~ * cS Charles C. Batchelor Rocky Mount H i*W f ^* " M V Nancy Beatty Mount Holly ^"C^ || I ~M F. ^ B^T^M

Betsy Parks Best Goldsboro

Dorothy Grey Best Goldsboro ^^ '' #*""^-t Jf&»fe Metz Bizzell Goldsboro Hf -/ JsKiM ~ *" Deane Blackmon Four Oaks »H ^ |Bfe f I

Pauline Blalock ["imberlakc WBHBI 5H Jackie Bond Greenville ^^^^^ -^ W^^« ~'^NIs> Loyce Bonner Aurora j^^^L J^H^BV ^ift^ ^L* ~^B V?K ~^B Paul Bozeman Enfield »> :-* fj W^ *|B E»l I W Peggy Joyce Bowen Greenville ^ ^B ,£. J^ % 1^^ W " ^

Shelton W. Bowen Aurora mmm ^M^H^^^^H^HI Betty Sue Branch i( Greenville j|^^k jS^\ ft*''' ^0^^^. Jerry Braswell Monroe j^^» jM f *" * Betty Brickhouse Aulander »* if** T

' £ f*~f.:£, l*MM| Rich Square ^^E^^^^^Sh^^^^^^hIh John R. Brown Washington f^^\ ^^^ . Marvin E. Brown Rockingham K fH Charlie T. Buck Grimesland flE* - E"*l Alice Bullard Wilmington It & LT^

Hazel Burke LaGrange JO Carolyn Burnette Hopewell, Va. jB"»V' JR?^^* d^^^i M^^^b -|j

Anne Butler Greenville i ' ^^^| J- % £L Hi fL - 1 fc r Patty Butler Clinton ! W^ JB W^ | j H. fl

™^^^^^ ^ *j Martha Deane Byrd Maysville *4Ekl* Joyce Calhoun Greenville ^H^H ^f^tk. ^tS\. ^r^^ WfL Thurston Callahan Whiteville W^ lW f^f •^"H "* ^ William Carr Rocky Mount ~ J. M^ J P~ Cl J ~~* Wl~F Cecilia Cartwright Englehard j^L^" bBL Ik » ^K jlm, T^- ' .

.OF 1952

^^fc ^^^^ Earl Grey Oastellow Windsor f ' ^m Gerald Castellow ....Windsor ^^ J0B^ 11 N- * v Amy Cayton Winterville aJ0H^^ " | #"^*^S Hfc^ Marion Chesson Roper Jgf< 1^-A 1 £ ~Jf' |V ^A\ Wr^-*- ^m fl Kinston

Carolyn Clark Greenville Lewis E. Clark Greenville Mary Agnes Clark Sanford Betty R. Cole Sanford

Thelma Collier. . . Clarkton

^m^ ^mm^^ Archie Congleton, Jr. . . Ahoskie ^^^\ ^Tl ^^^9 IpiH Hookerton • ^F^ 4 Jr~~ ' *^fl W* *fi John G. Costulis Belhaven ^Iw^J *S» - i %^ F ,0 Aon Co,h " n U*°* ;

,i^W^l . f.j* i .i.£^ Ann CoX Walstonburg *4*t_ - * » ,**j Edna Anne Crum ler Mount Olive ~ «% - r ^»* «K I C«w» -*'^*§ P I - f . J§ ?$L jf % [4 1 Pat Crumpler Salemburg '. |r^ Walter E. Culbreth, Jr Goldsboro K W ! L~~H ^* '^ rn„Lois Dake Jacksonville,i „ __^^ **~ ^ /.-#*'-» Mar Anne DaIlas Leaksville JBtifai $#' m i'«b y * i 1 Joanne Darden Stantonsburg JTw > Jf ..,,_ - fe* J * "4" »' ' Betty Daugherty Fayetteville L ^ '"i> % J. ^ ™ r*l < Annell Daughtry Clinton jBr" A P W |f£ fl

^^hhS warsaw i^^i^'^'' ±*li Dillwyn Denton ^G •i^'"V ^BD'l 5^1 /4P^ Bunn £*' ' J 1 Frances Dickson Rose Hill If /b ' ' ^ f "' W I J jQ Frances Dixon Henderson *^" %5 ^~ : r Horace B. Dixon Wilson <^ W^ W I™ l»Uw 5iJ " Jean, Doddnn Fourf OaksOL ^BT"^fe Myra G.ilc Dorsey Wilmington ^T Glad s Dougherty Kinston I ^^S y V - ¥ > tl ™ Anne Dun" Greenville "~ ^ IKL- VI ^T JHJ BC~ ^1 K^^l Carmen Dunn Greenville

Hi I, IT/ /./ ^HHfll ^BPPgB Anne DuRant Wilmington 8> ^f^\ Harold Edwards Chicod Peggy Edwards Kenly -fi ***<•' »=H R**« 9U-H m L4- 1 Dolores Eisele Statesville " ' ^- ^^^^^^ PV Jl Elaine Elium Salisbury

ohn E1Hott Chapanoke N ' ^^. H^^^^M J ^^^ jtf£^ dRl^^ William P. Emerson LaGrange ^P^^] ^^^^fc-' Carolyn D. Everhart New Bern *• * 55 S *= N»» \^ iB^ *BlS m" * G W^ W Mildred G. Faison Fa