

Basin Research (2015) 27, 546–572, doi: 10.1111/bre.12088 Detrital thermochronologic record of burial heating and sediment recycling in the Magallanes , Patagonian Julie C. Fosdick,* Marty Grove,† Stephan A. Graham,† Jeremy K. Hourigan,‡ Oscar Lovera§ and Brian W. Romans¶ *Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA †Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA ‡Earth Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA §Earth & Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA ¶Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA

ABSTRACT The Patagonian Magallanes retroarc foreland basin affords an excellent case study of sediment burial recycling within a thrust belt setting. We report combined detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and (U–Th)/He thermochronology data and thermal modelling results that confirm delivery of both rap- idly cooled, first-cycle volcanogenic sediments from the Patagonian magmatic arc and recycled sedi- ment from deeply buried and exhumed foredeep strata to the depocentre of the Patagonian . We have quantified the magnitude of heating with thermal models that simultaneously forward model detrital zircon (U–Th)/He dates for best-fit thermal his- tories. Our results indicate that 54–45 Ma burial of the produced 164–180 °C conditions and heating to within the zircon He partial retention zone. Such deep burial is unusual for and may have resulted from combined effects of high basal heat flow and high sediment accumulation within a rapidly subsiding foredeep that was floored by basement weakened by previous Late rifting. In this interpretation, Cenozoic thrust-related deformation deeply eroded the Dorotea Formation from ca. 5 km burial depths and may be respon- sible for the development of a basin-wide Palaeogene . Results from the Cenozoic Rıo Turbio and Santa Cruz formations confirm that they contain both Cenozoic first-cycle zircon from the Patagonian magmatic arc and highly outgassed zircon recycled from older basin strata that experienced burial histories similar to those of the Dorotea Formation.

INTRODUCTION provenance interpretations. Such factors are critical for assessing long-term sediment budgets, interactions Sedimentary basins chronicle the erosional history of between tectonics and sedimentation, nutrient flux from their sediment sources, offering invaluable information the continents into the deep sea and the distribution of about orogenic unroofing histories and inferred deforma- natural resources. tional events in diverse tectonic environments (e.g. Dick- Sediment recycling is expected in many tectonic set- inson & Suczek, 1979; Steidtmann & Schmitt, 1988). tings, such as foreland basins, where the path followed by Integration of complementary sedimentary provenance grains initially derived from erosion of a basement source methods including conglomerate and petrogra- region typically involves significant intermediate stages of phy, palaeocurrent measurements, geochemical analysis crustal evolution before the detritus is finally incorporated and detrital zircon geochronology can provide powerful into tectonically stable basin strata. Figure 1 illustrates fingerprinting of source regions (e.g. Suttner, 1974; Gra- how sediments eroded from the active thrust belt may be ham et al., 1986; Dickinson, 1988; Heller and Frost, tectonically buried beneath advancing thrusts and sedi- 1988; Degraaff-Surpless et al., 2002). In tectonically mentary overburden and later re-exhumed by thrusting complex environments such as thrust belts, however, to serve as the source terrane for younger sedimentary more information is often required to recognize sediment rocks in the basin (e.g. Schmitt & Steidtmann, 1990; Gra- recycling of lithologic units and older thrust belt ham et al., 1993). The shallow crustal histories experi- cannibalization that can lead to ambiguous sedimentary enced by eroded sediment are associated with important differences in thermal histories (Fig. 1) that go unde- Correspondence: Julie C. Fosdick, Department of Geological tected by traditional provenance methods, but are poten- Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47404, USA. E-mail: [email protected] tially recoverable by thermochronologic methods.

© 2014 The Authors 546 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

Unroofing of upper crustal levels of orogenic highlands



Detrital zircon cooling paths

Sediment derived from Sediment-source thermal history multiple sources

150°C 150°C

Burial TIME

150°C Basin burial & heating

Basin exhumation Uplift and exhumation Basin historythermal of basin strata

Erosion and 150°C transport to younger depocenter

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of sediment source terranes and basinfill in a typical foreland basin setting showing the thermal evolu- tion of sediment during its detrital exhumation history (upper panels) and its subsequent basin thermal history (lower panels).

The Patagonian Magallanes retroarc foreland basin of thrust belt throughout the latest Cretaceous and early southern South America (Fig. 2) provides an excellent Cenozoic, it is likely that foreland basin sediment – also geologic setting to explore complex sediment and source batholith-derived – of this age experienced protracted lat- thermal histories via combined zircon U–Pb and He age est Cretaceous – early Cenozoic burial. Continued thrust dating. Many stratigraphic and provenance studies have deformation ultimately exhumed and eroded these strata focused upon the Upper Cretaceous Patagonian Magall- and reworked the detritus into younger Cenozoic depos- anes basin strata (e.g. Katz, 1963; Macellari et al., 1989; its. In some cases, Cenozoic thrust burial of Upper Creta- Biddle et al., 1986; Wilson, 1991; Fildani et al., 2003; Fil- ceous strata occurred to depths sufficient to partially dani & Hessler, 2005; Romans et al., 2010; Bernhardt degas He from zircon (Fosdick et al., 2013). et al., 2011; McAtamney et al., 2011) that have demon- Thermochronology relies upon the balance of radio- strated sustained sedimentary connectivity between the genic ingrowth and thermally activated diffusive loss of southern Patagonian batholith (Herve et al., 2007b) and daughter products of radioactive decay in minerals and the age-equivalent thrust belt and marine foredeep in the thus provides a sensitive tool for constraining tempera- Patagonian Andes. Throughout the , sed- ture–time histories. Detrital thermochronology methods iment dispersal systems provided a remarkably continu- such as 40Ar/39Ar in muscovite and K-feldspar, and fis- ous supply of batholith-sourced zircon to the basin sion track and (U–Th)/He analysis of apatite and zircon (Fig. 2). Recent work on the Palaeogene nonmarine ba- have been widely exploited to elucidate the thermal histo- sinfill also records a prominent arc source during early ries of sedimentary basins and their respective source Cenozoic Patagonian foreland basin evolution at this lati- regions (Reiners & Brandon, 2006). Combined dating of tude (Otero et al., 2012; Schwartz et al., 2012). However, two or more chronologic systems with differing tempera- the detailed path taken by this batholith-derived detritus ture sensitivity in the same phase can significantly remains unclear. Because of the tectonic activity of the increase the ability to interpret detrital thermochronology

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 547 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

Uplifted Cretaceous Magallanes Basin detrital zircon age distribution (n = 550)

48°S Pacific Ocean NPK3 K2 K1 J

h c

n e r Pz-Mz mb T

e l i

h 0 255075100125150175200 C U-Pb age (Ma) ICE N NIA O Relative probability distribution G TH RVB us TA LI o PA HO e 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 AT c B ta l e il U-Pb age (Ma) r -f C in s d a e b ft li s p e n U a ll a g a M Figure 4 51°S PALEOGEOGRAPHY Drainage divide IC O S A Z E A’ Cretaceous sediment O N EN A dispersal direction C LL GA Oligocene-Miocene position of A-A’ A IN M S sediment dispersal schematic crustal A section Fig. 14 B LITHOTECTONIC UNITS RVB Cenozoic foreland basin-fill Patagonian thrust-belt Patagonian batholith bimodal volcanics Paleozoic & metamorphic basement (Pz-Mz mb) BATHOLITH INTRUSIVE AGES Neogene (25-15 Ma) Paleogene (67-40 Ma) Late Cretaceous (126-70 Ma) Mid Cretaceous (136-127 Ma) 0 100 km Early Cretaceous (144-137 Ma) 70°W Jurassic plutons (157-145 Ma)

Fig. 2. Tectonostratigraphic map of the southern Patagonian Andes showing the location of the study area (Fig. 4). Triangles show pluton ages of the Patagonian batholith, a major sediment source to the foreland basin (intrusive intervals defined by Herve et al., 2007b). Grey arrows indicate general sediment dispersal patterns for the Late Cretaceous basin (solid) and Oligo- cene–Miocene basin (dashed). Inset: compiled detrital U–Pb age distributions from the Patagonian Cretaceous Magallanes basin (compiled from Fildani et al., 2003; Romans et al., 2010; Bernhardt et al., 2011) in comparison to the batholith intrusive ages (shown by coloured panels). results. Consequently, U–Pb and He double dating of zir- such data with numerical models that fully explore con has been increasingly exploited in provenance studies parameter space (e.g. Lovera et al., 1999; Ketcham, 2005; to extract complementary crystallization age and thermal Guenthner et al., 2013) allows otherwise unobtainable history information from the same detrital grains to better estimates of the magnitude and duration of dynamic pro- assess source region characterization (e.g. Rahl et al., cesses in active tectonic settings such as thrust belts. 2003; Reiners et al., 2005; Saylor et al., 2012). The ability In this study, we have measured combined detrital zir- to quantitatively constrain basin heating requires careful con U–Pb and He ages from the Maastrichtian through integration of complementary approaches such as com- Middle Miocene Magallanes basin sediments to address bined U–Pb and He dating of detrital zircons (e.g. Rein- the following questions: (1) How significant was foreland ers et al., 2005) with other geologic constraints. Analysing basin burial heating during Cenozoic advancement of

© 2014 The Authors 548 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin thrust deformation? (2) Can we differentiate between sed- 2007). Closure and basin inversion of the northern iment derived directly from the magmatic arc vs. Rocas Verdes Basin that began in Early Cretaceous time reworked Cretaceous deposits exposed in the thrust belt? (Dalziel et al., 1974; Wilson, 1991; Fildani & Hessler, (3) How has growth of the Patagonian thrust belt altered 2005) culminated in Late Cretaceous development of the Cenozoic sediment dispersal patterns? Answers to these east-directed Patagonian thrust belt (Fig. 2) (Wilson, questions not only improve our understanding of Patago- 1991; Kraemer, 1998; Fosdick et al., 2011a). nian foreland basin evolution but also provide valuable insight into the broader interactions between tectonics Southern Patagonian batholith and sedimentation, basin thermal histories, and signals of sediment recycling in convergent basins. The southern Patagonian batholith was emplaced into Our study initially focuses upon the thermal history of predominately Palaeozoic metasedimentary wallrocks that detritus from deeply buried Maastrichtian deposits whose exhibit a broad range of Mesoproterozoic to early Meso- He age systematics primarily record foreland basin heat- zoic zircon U–Pb ages with prominent clusters occurring ing. We then examine the Middle Miocene sediments that between 250–300, 550–600 and 950–1150 Ma (Forsythe appear to have received first-cycle sediment input both & Allen, 1980; Herve et al., 2003; Pankhurst et al., 2006). directly from magmatic arc sources and indirectly as recy- The southern Patagonian batholith itself was constructed cled detritus eroded from deeply buried and exhumed in six major intrusive phases since Late Jurassic time Upper Cretaceous strata. Our analysis includes develop- (Herve et al., 2007b), although initial magmatism over- ment of a forward modelling approach to systematically lapped in time with intraplate magmatism associated with explore a wide range of temperature–time histories of zir- Gondwana break-up (Pankhurst et al., 2000). Middle con to deduce the family of conditions capable of repro- Jurassic magmatism and generation of bimodal volcanics ducing the measured U–Pb and He age distributions. We that overlapped with the time of rifting of the southern first modelled our detrital zircon results individually and Atlantic Ocean was focused mostly in the east (Pankhurst then collectively to test the hypothesis that grains share a et al., 2000). Subsequent Late Jurassic to Middle Creta- common thermal history. Simultaneous modelling of all ceous calc-alkaline arc magmatism was established near grains in the age distribution was assessed statistically. the western continental margin (Fig. 2). Since Late Cre- Although our models emphasize common basin heating taceous time, arc magmatism has generally migrated east- histories, they are constructed in such a manner that they ward across the orogen (Ramırez de Arellano et al., 2012), are also capable of crudely simulating the earlier thermal giving rise to a belt of Palaeogene plutons emplaced along history of original source region. This novel modelling the axis of the composite Mesozoic batholith. Subsequent approach has allowed us to resolve first-cycle sedimenta- Neogene -related calc-alkaline and slab-win- tion from sediment recycling involving post-depositional dow magmatism of ocean island basalt affinity was distrib- burial heating and should be applicable to thrust belt set- uted over a broader region including positions farther east tings and similar environments elsewhere. into rocks of the foreland basin (Fig. 2) (Herve et al., 2007b; Ramırez de Arellano et al., 2012).

GEOLOGIC SETTING AND PREVIOUS Tectonic controls upon depositional patterns WORK in the Magallanes basin The Magallanes foreland basin is one of the thickest sedi- Thrust loading of dense oceanic and attenuated continen- mentary accumulations known within the South Ameri- tal crust along the eastern margin of the Late Jurassic– can continent and provides an excellent record of Andean Cretaceous batholith produced a deep axial orogenesis since Late Cretaceous time (Katz, 1963; Nat- depression that became the Magallanes foreland basin land et al., 1974; Biddle et al., 1986; Wilson, 1991; Filda- (e.g. Natland et al., 1974; Wilson, 1991; Fildani & Hess- ni & Hessler, 2005). The character of the basin is partly a ler, 2005; Romans et al., 2011). Detrital zircon results function of tectonic inheritance. Subduction-related pro- from the Upper Cretaceous Patagonian Magallanes basin, cesses, beginning with Gondwanan orogenic events, have summarized in the inset to Fig. 2 (Fildani et al., 2003; affected the western margin of South America since Cam- Romans et al., 2010), agree with other geologic evidence brian time (Pankhurst et al., 2006). Conversely, crustal that collectively indicate that the Late Jurassic through extension related to the initial break-up of southern Neogene plutons of the Patagonian batholith were the Gondwana and eastward drift of Africa away from South primary contributor of sediment to the Patagonian America formed a marginal oceanic basin, the Rocas Magallanes basin throughout its history at this latitude Verdes Basin in the Patagonian region in the latest Juras- (Forsythe & Allen, 1980; Herve et al., 2003; Pankhurst sic Period (Katz, 1963; Dalziel et al., 1974). Extension et al., 2003; Fildani et al., 2003; Herve et al. (2004); across the Rocas Verdes Basin culminated in the forma- Romans et al., 2011; Bernhardt et al., 2011). Sandstone tion of quasi-oceanic and attenuated crust characterized petrography and mudstone geochemistry of turbidites of by ophiolitic assemblages and bimodal volcanism located the Punta Barrosa Formation deposited in the east of the Jurassic arc (Allen, 1982; Calderon et al., incipient foreland basin also indicate that subordinate

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 549 Julie C. Fosdick et al. amounts of sediment was sourced from local basement new source of detritus into the Magallanes basin: recycled highs represented by the Rocas Verdes Basin, Palaeozoic Late Jurassic through Cretaceous arc-derived detritus to earliest Mesozoic metamorphic basement complexes, from these uplifted Cretaceous basin strata. Thermochro- and the Sarmiento ophiolitic complex (Fildani & Hessler, nology data from more deeply buried stratigraphy within 2005). the interior of the thrust belt record burial temperatures that exceeded ca. 190 °C (Fosdick et al., 2013). Whole rock K–Ar and phengite 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages between Southward-directed deposition 80 and 70 Ma from the Late Jurassic Tobıfera Formation Palaeocurrent data from many studies establish a south- have also been interpreted to record regional exhumation directed sediment dispersal system, reflecting an axial of the Tobıfera metavolcanic rocks through 350 °C basin configuration that persisted for ca. 20 Myr during (Galaz et al., 2005; Herve et al., 2007a; Calderon et al., the Late Cretaceous (e.g. Katz, 1963; Scott, 1966; Winn 2012). & Dott, 1979; Fildani & Hessler, 2005; Crane & Lowe, Beginning in Oligocene time, the locus of exhuma- 2008; Hubbard et al., 2008; Armitage et al., 2009; tion shifted eastwards across the batholith (Thomson Covault et al., 2009). As the Patagonian thrust belt wid- et al., 2001) and the Patagonian thrust belt (Fosdick ened and propagated eastward, erosion of uplifted Upper et al., 2013). Available apatite fission-track data indicate Jurassic volcanic rocks of the Rocas Verdes Basin and that significantly less exhumation and erosion occurred Jurassic–Cretaceous granitoids of the Patagonia batholith within the Patagonia batholith relative to the thrust provided detritus to Coniacian strata (ca. 88 Ma) of the belt during this time. Figure 3 shows the distribution northern Magallanes basin (Romans et al., 2010). In addi- of apatite fission-track cooling ages from the batholith tion, abundant metamorphosed rhyolite clasts derived and Palaeozoic basement (Thomson et al., 2001, 2010), from the Tobıfera Formation appeared in the basinfill at and zircon He ages from the Andean thrust belt this time. Overall, zircon age distributions and sandstone (Fosdick et al., 2013). The oldest apatite fission-track petrography varied little during Late Cretaceous basin ages are Palaeocene and Maastrichtian and come from evolution, with the bulk of sediments shed from the bath- rocks that are located along the westernmost parts of olith and lesser components derived from metamorphic the orogenic belt, where Early Cretaceous plutons basement and ophiolitic complexes. intrude Palaeozoic metamorphic wallrocks (Fig. 3) (Thomson et al., 2001, 2010). The majority of the batholith records Miocene apatite fission-track ages Cenozoic basin configuration (Fig. 3). A major shift in sediment dispersal patterns within the Patagonian Magallanes basin occurred during the early Cenozoic Era. By Palaeogene time, the deformational STRATIGRAPHIC CONTEXT OF front of the thrust belt had migrated ca. 40 km eastward CENOZOIC SAMPLE SUITE across the foreland (Fosdick et al., 2011a). Thrust faults shortened and uplifted the Cretaceous depocentre, dis- Sampling for detrital thermochronology was performed placing the Eocene through Miocene shallow marine and from two areas within the Maastrichtian through Mid- fluvial-deltaic foredeep eastward (Fig. 2) (Dalziel, 1986; dle Miocene Magallanes basin to compare along-strike Wilson, 1991; Malumian et al., 2000; Fosdick et al., changes in sedimentary provenance and thermal history 2011a). Subsurface imaging of the sedimentary infill char- (Fig. 4). The Rıo Baguales and Cordillera Chica strati- acterizes dominantly northeast-directed prograding clino- graphic sections (Fig. 5) are separated by ca. 80 km forms within Lower Eocene through Oligocene strata along the east-dipping frontal monocline of the Patago- (Biddle et al., 1986). Palaeocurrent indicators measured nian thrust belt (Fig. 4). Three samples were selected from outcrops depict a locally more complicated picture from the Cordillera Chica section, whereas two during Cenozoic basin history. Eocene and Oligocene samples were obtained from the Rıo Baguales section coastal plain and deltaic sedimentation suggest more (Fig. 5). northwesterly sediment transport (Le Roux et al., 2010; Stratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies of the Upper Pearson et al., 2012), possibly indicative of backbulge- Cretaceous–Middle Miocene foreland basin strata have derived sediments transported westward into the foredeep established dominantly shallow marine, deltaic, and (Schwartz et al., 2012). Fluvial systems developed in fluvial depositional environments (Natland et al., 1974; Early to Middle Miocene time document eastward trans- Riccardi & Rolleri, 1980; Macellari et al., 1989; Le Roux port of coarse sediments that were shed off of the thrust et al., 2010). The regional distribution of these deposits belt (Malumian et al., 2000). spans national borders and local provinces, leading to numerous stratigraphic names for lithologically similar Source region thermal history formations. We follow the stratigraphic subdivisions of Malumian et al. (2000) with revisions from the The early Cenozoic tectonic deformation and uplift of the proposed stratigraphic nomenclature of Bostelmann et al. Upper Cretaceous depocentre introduced an important (2013).

© 2014 The Authors 550 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

Lithotectonic units 75°W

Cenozoic foreland basin-fill Pacific 48°S Patagonian thrust-belt Ocean (uplifted Cretaceous basin-fill) Late Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks

Late Jurassic-Neogene batholith Paleozoic and Mesozoic metamorphic basement

National border

Patagonian ice sheet

0 100 km

Basement and thrust-belt thermochronology 51°S RB <5 Ma 5-14 Ma Apatite fission track data 15-24 Ma from Thomson et al. 25-34 Ma (2010) and references therein CC 35-44 Ma 45-54 Ma Zircon (U-Th)/He data 55-64 Ma from Fosdick et al. (2013) >65 Ma

Fig. 3. Distribution of published basement and thrust belt thermochronology data from the Patagonian Andes. Apatite fission-track data (circles) are compiled from Thomson et al. (2010) and references therein. Zircon (U–Th)/He dates (diamonds) from the Patago- nian thrust belt are from Fosdick et al. (2013). Both data sets show a general eastward younging of thermochronometer ages. Sampled stratigraphic sections are indicated by black bars and refer to the Rıo Baguales (RB) and Cordillera Chica (CC) sections.

– ally to shoreface and lagoonal facies (Riccardi & Rolleri, Maastrichtian Lower Palaeocene Dorotea 1980). The depositional age of the Dorotea Formation is Formation well-established as Maastrichtian, although the upper- The stratigraphically lowest sandstone samples were col- most section is debated due in part to differences in strati- lected from the top of the Maastrichtian Dorotea Forma- graphic preservation from place to place. However, tion, which consists of deltaic sandstone deposited in a vertebrate fossils from the Rıo Baguales area suggest a southward progradational axial foreland basin (Katz, Maastrichtian age (Riccardi & Rolleri, 1980; Macellari 1963; Covault et al., 2009; Romans et al., 2009; Hubbard et al., 1989), farther south in the Cerro Castillo area, the et al., 2008; Schwartz et al., 2012). This formation crops youngest strata could be Palaeocene, based on a Danian out along the border (Fig. 4), and corre- foraminiferal assemblage (Malumian & Carames, 1997). lates to the upper part of Cerro Cazador and overlying For the Cordillera Chica stratigraphy (Fig. 4), detrital Dorotea formations in Argentina (Fig. 5) (Hunicken,€ zircon U–Pb ages establish a Maastrichtian (ca. 72– 1955; Malumian & Carames, 1997). To the north near 68 Ma) maximum depositional age of the Dorotea Forma- Lago Argentino, the Dorotea Formation transitions later- tion (Romans et al., 2010; this study) (Fig. 5).

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 551 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

Si Map Legend and Geologic Units e B rr ag a d u e a Quaternary alluvium l lo es s Cenozoic Miocene-Pliocene volcanics Magallanes foreland basin Santa Cruz, Ea. 25 de Mayo 09-207 & Río Leona formations Río Baguales

Río Turbio/ A section


L Paleocene unconformity N HI E

C 51°00’S Dorotea Formation RG A

Upper Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation Magallanes foreland basin Formation

Punta Barrosa Formation

thrust subsurface bedding Cerro 15 thrust attitude Castillo fault

Detrital zircon thermochronology sample Cordillera Chica section International border

Township km 010205

U lt im a

E s p e ra nz a S ou 09-226 nd 72°W

Fig. 4. Sample localities for detrital zircon geochronology and thermochronology. The Rıo Baguales and Cordillera Chica study areas are located along the eastern margin of the Patagonian thrust belt in Chile and Argentina between 50°30’S and 51°40’S, where Ceno- zoic foreland basin strata are uplifted into an east-dipping monocline. Geology modified after Wilson (1983), Malumian et al. (2001), and Fosdick et al., (2011a).

The Dorotea Formation is separated from Middle are restricted to Tierra del Fuego (Malumian and Ca- Eocene and younger strata by a significant unconformity rames, 1997).The regional foreland unconformity has (Fig. 5), resulting in a wedge-shaped formational geome- been interpreted to have been produced by an episode of try that thins towards the east and the north (Hunicken,€ crustal shortening and associated foreland uplift in rela- 1955; Biddle et al., 1986; Malumian et al., 2000; Sch- tion to propagation of the thrust front (Malumian et al., wartz et al., 2012). The geologic significance of this regio- 2000). nal unconformity is debated. Early workers supported a gradational depositional contact with little missing time € Upper Eocene through Upper Oligocene (Hunicken, 1955; Yrigoyen, 1969; Nullo et al., 1981). stratigraphy More recent subsurface stratigraphic mapping, biostrati- graphic and chronostratigraphic studies document a In the Cordillera Chica area, the Dorotea Formation is regionally extensive erosional surface and suggest ca. unconformably overlain by the Eocene–Oligocene (?) 30 Myr of missing Upper Palaeocene through Middle Rıo Turbio Formation, which is characterized by a Eocene record (Biddle et al., 1986; Malumian & Nanez,~ shallow marine and lagoonal cobble conglomerate, sand- 1988; Malumian et al., 2000; Schwartz et al., 2012). Else- stone and siltstone interbedded with glauconitic where in the Magallanes Basin, reported Palaeocene strata intervals, claystone and coquinas (Fig. 5) (Hunicken,€

© 2014 The Authors 552 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

Cordillera Chica Stratigraphy

Pliocene Legend 09-235 3000 18.1 ± 0.4 Ma (ψ) conglomerate volcanic ash Santa Cruz sandstone and coal seams siltstone Formation cross-bedding lava flows Estancia Sample for detrital thermochronology 25 de Mayo

Lower Formation Miocene

Río Guillermo/ Río Leona Formation Río Baguales Stratigraphy 2000 21.7 ± 0.3 Ma (ψ)

Baguales Upper volcanics 09-230 Pliocene Río Turbio Oligocene detrital zircons Oligocene Lower U. Formation ? 1500 1500 Santa Cruz Formation 09-207 Upper 19.7 ± 0.4 Ma (ψ)

Ea. 25 de Mayo/ Eocene Eocene biozones Río Leona F. Oligocene-Miocene late - middle Lower Olig.-Lower Miocene rmity Maast.- Danian biozones L. Man Aike F. ene unconfo P. 09-226 1000 aleog 1000 middle P 68.6 ± 1.4 Ma (†)

Dorotea DZ 09-208 Formation 69.9 ± 2.4 Ma (†) Dorotea Formation 500 500 Maastrichtian

Maastrichtian Monte Chico Upper Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous E. Formation 71.9 ± 2.2 Ma (‡) Tres Pasos Tres Pasos Formation 0 m Formation 0 m shale silt sand congl shale silt sand congl Campanian ~ 80 km North South

Fig. 5. Generalized stratigraphy and geochronology for the Rıo Baguales (north) and Cordillera Chica (south) study areas, following the stratigraphic nomenclature of Bostelmann et al. (2013). Stratigraphy of the Cordillera Chica composite section is simplified from Malumian & Carames (1997) and Malumian et al. (2000). Stratigraphy of the Rıo Baguales section based on this work and Le Roux et al. (2010). White bull’s-eyes show locations of detrital zircon thermochronology samples used in this study. Radiometric dates (grey stars) are eruptive ages of interbedded volcanic ash and lava flows (w after Fosdick et al., 2011a), and maximum depositional ages mea- sured from the youngest detrital zircon U–Pb age populations († this study; ‡ after Romans et al., 2010). Depositional ages are based on these dates and microfaunal assemblages (see text for references).

1955; Malumian & Carames, 1997; Pearson et al., 2012). Formation in the south (Hofftstetter et al., 1957; Otero Thick and mineable coal seams are also a distinct com- et al., 2012). Early biostratigraphic studies suggested ponent of the Rıo Turbio Formation in the Cordillera that deposition of the Loreto/Rıo Turbio formations Chica area. Based on similar depositional age and gen- spanned from the Palaeocene–Eocene at its base to Mio- eral lithostratigraphy, this formation has been correlated cene at its top (Yrigoyen, 1969; Riccardi & Rolleri, regionally to the Man Aike Formation in the north 1980; Russo et al., 1980). More recent studies have (Furque, 1973; Casadıo et al., 2009) and to the Loreto alternatively indicated a more restricted Eocene age for

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 553 Julie C. Fosdick et al. the entire formation (Malumian & Carames, 1997; Otero under a binocular microscope to remove obvious contami- et al., 2012). In particular, vertebrate palaeontology, nants, mounted on tape in epoxy resin, and only lightly botany and radiometric data sets from the Loreto For- polished to maximize grain preservation for subsequent mation have supported an Upper Eocene age (Otero He analysis. U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology was con- et al., 2012). Additional detrital zircon U–Pb dating of ducted by LA-ICP-MS analysis at the LaserChron Cen- the lower Man Aike Formation corroborate a Upper ter at the University of Arizona following the procedures Eocene maximum depositional age (ca. 36–40 Ma) in outlined in Gehrels et al. (2006). Detrital zircons were the Rıo Baguales area (Le Roux et al., 2010; Schwartz randomly analysed from a linear swath of grains across et al., 2012). We collected one sandstone sample from the sample mount to minimize sampling bias in character- the upper Rıo Turbio Formation (Fig. 5). izing all detrital populations. Interpreted U–Pb ages use the 204Pb corrected 206Pb/238U ratio for <1.0 Ga grains 204 206 207 > Eocene through Middle Miocene stratigraphy and the Pb corrected Pb/ Pb ratio for 1.0 Ga grains. Analyses that were >30% normally discordant or The Rıo Turbio Formation is overlain by the nonmarine >5% reverse discordant were excluded from interpreta- Rıo Guillermo and Rıo Leona formations, which consist tions. Analytical results are reported in the Supporting of fluvial and coastal plain conglomerate, sandstone, coaly Information. claystone and abundant silicified tree trunks (Fig. 5) (Malumian & Carames, 1997). Riccardi & Rolleri (1980) Detrital zircon He thermochronology assigned an Oligocene–Miocene age to the Rıo Guillermo Formation, and equated it with similar units across this Zircon He thermochronology is based upon retention of stratigraphic interval of the Magallanes basin. An inter- alpha particles (4He nuclei) produced during the decay of bedded volcanic tuff collected from the upper Rıo Guil- radioactive 238U, 235Uand232Th. At high temperatures, lermo Formation yields a zircon U–Pb age of 4He diffusivities are sufficiently high that helium cannot 21.7 0.3 Ma (Fosdick et al., 2011a). This Middle Mio- be quantitatively retained in the U- and Th host phase cene radiometric constraint on depositional age is consis- (Zeitler et al., 1987; Wolf et al., 1996; Farley, 2002). As tent with the growing consensus derived from rocks cool towards the Earth’s surface, He diffusivity also palaeontological assemblages (Bostelmann et al., 2013). declines until diffusion is sufficiently sluggish that 4 He The Early Miocene marine transgression across Pata- produced by U- and Th decay is quantitatively retained. gonia resulted in widespread deposition of shallow marine The temperature range over which this transition occurs and estuarine strata of the Estancia 25 de Mayo Forma- is termed the partial retention zone (PRZ) and nominally tion (Cuitino~ & Scasso, 2010). This unit is characterized corresponds to ca. 200–160 °C for 4He in zircon (Reiners by mudstone, sandstone, interbedded volcanic ash and et al., 2004; Hourigan et al., 2005), and perhaps as low as abundant oyster fossils and plant remains. Radiometric ca. 140 °C for zircons affected by radiation damage (e.g. studies from the Estancia 25 de Mayo Formation con- Guenthner et al., 2013). Robust thermochronologic inter- strain deposition age between ca. 21 and 19 Ma (Cuitino~ pretations of He dates require accurate characterization of et al., 2012). This unit grades upward and laterally into zircon He diffusion kinetics, which can be affected by fac- the Middle Miocene continental Santa Cruz Formation, tors such as grain size, crystallography, anisotropic varia- which includes fluvial claystone, sandstone, conglomer- tions in He diffusion and radiation damage (e.g. Reiners, ate, volcanic tuff and a diverse faunal assemblage assigned 2005; Cherniak et al., 2009; Guenthner et al., 2013; Ket- to the Middle Miocene South American cham et al., 2013). The effective uranium concentration Land Ages interval (Malumian et al., 1999; Bo- eU serves as a useful proxy for radiation damage (where stelmann et al., 2013). In the type-locality near Lago Ar- eU = U + 0.235 x Th). As such, positive or negative He gentino, the 22–14 Ma age of the Santa Cruz Formation date-eU correlations can provide further constraints on a is well-constrained by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and rep- sample’s thermal history. resents the youngest preglacial basinfill preserved in the Zircon He analyses were performed in the (U–Th)/He Magallanes basin (Blisniuk et al., 2005). In the Cordillera thermochronology laboratory at the University of Califor- Chica study area, zircon U–Pb geochronology from inter- nia in Santa Cruz on a subset of detrital zircons for which bedded volcanic ash collected from the top of the Santa U–Pb ages had already been determined. The lightly sec- Cruz Formation yields a ca. 18.1 Ma 0.4 eruptive age tioned and polished grains were extracted from epoxy (Fosdick et al., 2011a) (Fig. 5). mounts, characterized, and encapsulated in Nb tubes. We selected between 17 and 26 grains per sample, targeting the major U–Pb populations with emphasis on youngest METHODS grains and the Cretaceous and Jurassic populations. This – Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology approach allowed us to directly compare He dates and U Pb crystallization ages for representative populations. Zircon extractions were carried out using standard crush- Complete gas extraction, mineral digestion procedures ing and sizing procedures following the methods in Filda- and analytical data are reported in the Supporting ni et al. (2003). Final zircon concentrates were inspected Information.

© 2014 The Authors 554 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

RESULTS presented in the same stratigraphic order. Each panel shows the U–Pb probability distributions on the x-axis Detrital zircon U–Pb ages are shown in Fig. 6 as proba- for reference. The green bars in Fig. 7 represent the bility plots and corresponding histograms for the five acceptable range in depositional age, based on available sampled horizons in ascending stratigraphic order. The sources of data including biostratigraphy and the geochro- combined U–Pb and He results shown in Fig. 7 are nology of interbedded volcanic ashes (Supplementary

19 09-207 Santa Cruz 09-207 Santa Cruz n = 79 n = 62/79

104 109 154 92

09-235 Santa Cruz 11 6 09-235 Santa Cruz n = 77 n = 71/77

37 92 84

09-230 Río Turbio 39 09-230 Río Turbio n = 41 n = 38/41 Relative probability

28 76 102 144

09-226 Dorotea 99 09-226 Dorotea n = 97 n = 75/97 104 85 154 68 148

09-208 Dorotea 111 09-208 Dorotea n = 93 n = 83/93 95105

70 85 154 100


50 09-207 (Mio sc )

09-235 (Mio sc ) 09-230 (E-O ) 25 rt 09-226 (K-Pd )

09-208 (K-Pd )

Cumulative probability (%) 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 50 100 150 200 Detrital zircon U-Pb age (Ma) Detrital zircon U-Pb age (<200 Ma)

Fig. 6. Detrital zircon U–Pb crystallization ages from the Maastrichtian–Middle Miocene Magallanes foreland basinfill. Top: nor- malized probability distribution for all grains (left panel) and Jurassic and younger zircon (right panel) showing prominent age peaks (small numbers). Bottom plots show cumulative probability distribution for all measured zircon ages and those less than 200 Ma. K- Pd- Dorotea Formation, E-Ort-Rıo Turbio Formation, Miosc - Santa Cruz Formation, n - number of grains <200 Ma/total grains analysed per sample.

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 555 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

100 (e) 50

40 75 30

50 20 U-Pb < (U-Th)/He zircons 10 09-207 (n = 17) 25 Santa Cruz Formation 0 0 1020304050 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 (d) 09-235 (n = 27) 50 Santa Cruz Formation rcons 40 75 e zi 30

50 20

U-Pb < (U-Th)/H 10 25 0 0 1020304050 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 (c) 09-230 (n = 25) 50 Upper Rio Turbio 40 75 Formation 30

50 20

U-Pb < (U-Th)/He zircons 10 25 0 (U-Th)/He date (Ma) 0 1020304050 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 (b) 09-226 (n = 26) Dorotea Formation 75


U-Pb < (U-Th)/He zircons


0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 (a) 09-208 (n = 26) Dorotea Formation rcons

75 e zi


U-Pb < (U-Th)/H


0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 U-Pb Age (Ma)

Fig. 7. Combined zircon U–Pb and He results from selected zircons from the Maastrichtian–Miocene Patagonian Magallanes fore- land basinfill. Green bars indicate timing constraints on depositional age (from both palaeontology and radiometric sources). Dashed black line indicates concordant line where U–Pb and He dates are equal.

© 2014 The Authors 556 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

400 100

80 300

60 200 40

100 Fractional loss (%) 20

Effective radius (um)

0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 U-Pb age (Ma) U-Pb age (Ma)

100 160

09-207 (Mio sc ) 09-235 (Mio ) 80 sc 120 09-230 (E-Ort )

09-226 (K-Pd )

60 09-208 (K-Pd ) 80 40

40 Fractional loss (%) 20

Zircon (U-Th)/He Age (Ma) 0 0 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 eU (ppm) eU (ppm)

Fig. 8. Detrital zircon U–Pb and He results from the Patagonian Magallanes basin showing relationships between crystallization age (Ma), effective radius (um), fractional helium loss (%), He dates, and effective uranium concentration (eU). Most zircons have restricted effective radii between 40 and 120 lm, with scattered ages across a range of grain sizes. Data show a positive correlation between U–Pb age and fractional He loss, where youngest grains have lower levels of He loss compared to older zircon. Zircon He dates show no coherent correlation with eU.

Data). To evaluate potential influences of grain size and 50 and 81 Ma. Two Palaeozoic zircons yield He dates chemistry on thermochronology ages, we show the He between ca. 54 and 57 Ma, similar to the Palaeozoic zir- dates as a function of effective grain radius (diffusive cons in sample 09-226 (Fig. 7a). All measured grains in length scale) and eU in Fig. 8. this suite are characterized by effective radii between 28 and 56 lm and have eU values from 100 to 1803 ppm Dorotea Formation (Fig. 8). Neither parameter correlates strongly with He date (Fig. 8). Sample 09-208 (Rıo Baguales section) Detrital zircon U–Pb ages from sample 09-208 range from Sample 09-226 (Cordillera Chica section) 70 to 1644 Ma and are characterized by well-defined Zircon U–Pb results from 09-226 yield an age distribution Middle Cretaceous age peaks at 70, 85, 95, 105 and from 66 to 2689 Ma that features broad Middle to Late 111 Ma, and a pronounced late Jurassic peak at 154 Ma Cretaceous age peaks (68, 85, 99 and 104 Ma), and smal- (Fig. 6). Overall, about 70% of measured U–Pb ages fall ler late Jurassic peaks (148 and 154 Ma) (Fig. 6). The between 80 and 120 Ma, with most dates clustered youngest peak at 68 Ma is composed of five grains that between 90 and 110 Ma (Fig. 6). Late Jurassic through yield concordant ages between 66 and 69 Ma, with a Early Cretaceous (145–100 Ma) grains constitute an addi- weighted mean of 68.6 1.4 Ma. Palaeozoic grains rep- tional ca. 10% of the distribution, with ca. 20% Palaeozo- resent 15% of the sample. These include a pronounced ic and older zircons including 275–316 Ma, 451–713 Ma peak at 270–315 Ma and a broader distribution of grains and 1.10–1.60 Ga. between 370 and 540 Ma. Precambrian grains constitute Twenty-seven zircons selected from sample 09-208 ca. 6% of the distribution and exhibit 570–720 Ma, 1.0– yielded He dates between 35 and 82 Ma (Fig. 7a). The 1.06 Ga and 2.0–2.7 Ga populations (Fig. 6). youngest He dates (35–41 Ma) were collected from Late Nineteen zircons selected from sample 09-226 yielded Cretaceous grains, whereas Middle Cretaceous grains He dates between 89–37 Ma (Fig. 7b). The youngest He yield a spread of He dates between 41 and 74 Ma. Late dates were yielded by Late Cretaceous and one Late Jurassic zircons yielded slightly older He dates between

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 557 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

Jurassic zircon. The remaining Cretaceous and Jurassic Palaeozoic zircons yield He dates between 76 and 147 Ma zircons yielded He dates broadly dispersed between 89 (Fig. 7d). Sample 09-235 is characterized by the widest and 37 Ma. The three Palaeozoic grains yield He dates range in grain size of any of the samples. Effective radii of between 63 and 52 Ma. Effective grain radii for all zircons the grains selected for analysis range from 52 to 493 lm. ranged from 20 to 275 lm and exhibited no correlation Conversely, the range of measured eU for grains in this with He date. The eU values varied from 46 to 3464 ppm sample is relatively narrow compared to the other samples with most grains between 100 and 1000 ppm. The three (orange triangles in Fig. 8). There is a slight correlation grains with anomalously high eU (>1200 ppm) had Late with grains with low eU also yielding young He dates. Jurassic U–Pb ages that yielded 86–41 Ma He dates (Fig. 8). Sample 09-207 (Rıo Baguales section) – RíoTurbio Formation Zircon U Pb results from sample 09-270 yield ages between 15 and 2669 Ma, with over 60% of the analyses Sample 09-230 (Cordillera Chica section) defining a central peak at 19 Ma (Fig. 6). The relatively minor amounts of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic zircons in Zircon U–Pb results from sample 09-230 yield ages this sample yield U–Pb ages similar to those described between 25 and 584 Ma, with a minimum age peak at above for older samples, with age peaks at 92, 109 and 28 Ma defined by four grains, a dominant Palaeogene 154 Ma. The proportion of Precambrian zircons in peak (39 Ma), and with less pronounced Cretaceous peaks 09-207 is higher (10%) than that detected in the other at 76, 102 and 144 Ma (Fig. 6). Over 50% of the analysed samples (Fig. 6). zircons are 25–45 Ma (Fig. 6). A few (8%) Palaeozoic We measured He dates from 17 zircons in sample 09- and Precambrian (2%) grains are present (Fig. 6). Of the 207. All of the results fell between 14 and 97 Ma 25 selected grains from 09-230, 80% yielded He ages (Fig. 7e). The Middle Miocene grains all yield He dates between 86 and 22 Ma (Fig. 7c). All Palaeogene zircons that are nearly concordant with their respective U–Pb yield He dates between 22 and 35 Ma with the majority ages (Fig. 7e). He dates from zircons with Cretaceous and between 22 and 28 Ma. He dates from the Jurassic grains Jurassic U–Pb ages are between 60 and 95 Ma, except for are 24–80 Ma, whereas Cretaceous grains exhibit a youn- a single Early Cretaceous zircon that yields an ger cluster of He dates between 45 and 60 Ma with one 18.8 1.2 Ma (1r) He date. The single Palaeozoic zir- younger age (27 Ma). Effective grain radii are between 37 con yields a Late Cretaceous He date. The grain size dis- and 80 lm. The single Palaeozoic grain selected (not tribution for sample 09-207 ranges from 33 to 72 lmin shown on Fig. 7) yields a 22 Ma (U–Th)/He date. radius. There are no apparent correlations between He dates and grain size or eU (Fig. 8). SantaCruzFormation Sample 09-235 (Cordillera Chica section) INTERPRETATION OF DETRITAL Zircon U–Pb analyses from 09-235 range from 17 to THERMOCHRONOLOGY RESULTS 2622 Ma and are defined by six distinct peaks in the age distribution (Fig. 6). The youngest single grain yields a Sediment thermal history 17.3 0.2 Ma (1r) age. A prominent Palaeogene peak The availability of combined U–Pb crystallization age (37 Ma) is defined by 15% of the measured ages (Fig. 6). (ZPb) and He (ZHe) dates from the same detrital zircons Most of the zircon U–Pb ages within this sample (68%) provide the means to simultaneously evaluate provenance are mid-Cretaceous, with age peaks at 84, 92, 104 and and sediment thermal history (Reiners et al., 2005). In 116 Ma. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous grains (140– this section, we first discuss the most straight-forward 150 Ma) constitute only 3% of the sample (Fig. 6). A sin- interpretations regarding the thermal evolution of gle Palaeozoic peak at 290 Ma accounts for ca. 5% of the Magallanes basin sediment by calculating the total frac- age distribution. Precambrian grains account for the tional loss of helium (f) in zircon relative to U–Pb crystal- remaining 5% of the sample results, in which most grains lization age: are between 550 and 590 Ma, with a single analysed ZHe 2.6 Ga grain present as well (Fig. 6). f ¼ 1 100 ð1Þ He dates measured for the U–Pb analysed grains ZPb selected from 09-235 fall between 16 and 147 Ma (Fig. 7d). The single Miocene zircon yields the youngest This parameter f is strictly correct only for volcanic He date, whereas the Palaeogene zircons yielded a narrow first-cycle zircons, but nonetheless is a useful measure of range of He dates between 27 and 35 Ma. Mid-Creta- the grain’s composite thermal evolution that permit us to ceous zircons gave dispersed He dates between 40 and classify our combined zircon U–Pb and He results from 120 Ma with most between 48 and 75 Ma. The several the Patagonian Magallanes basin into two categories: (1) Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous zircons selected first-cycle volcanogenic zircon or rapidly exhumed bed- yielded He dates between 67 and 90 Ma. The two rock zircon with statistically similar or moderately similar

© 2014 The Authors 558 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

U–Pb and He ages, and (2) zircons with significant helium and He dates between 35 and 25 Ma (Fig. 7c). We pro- loss indicating protracted or complex cooling histories. pose that the Eocene–Oligocene zircons were derived Only a small percentage of our results fall into category from the magmatic arc, where high exhumation rates 1. Rapidly cooled zircons, such as those entrained in mag- facilitated erosion and transport of these sediments east- mas erupted from volcanoes or emplaced as dikes or plu- ward and northward into the foreland basin. The Oligo- tons at hypabyssal depths (

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 559 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

There are a variety of approaches for numerically mod- Conceptual approach for thermal modelling elling thermochronology data (e.g. Ketcham, 2005) that The premise for our numerical thermal model is that sedi- take into account both diffusive loss and radiogenic ments that undergo basin heating will share a common ingrowth for a particular grain. As numerous nonunique phase of thermal history, superimposed on the individual, temperature–time solutions exist for a single fractional prebasin detrital cooling histories derived from source helium loss value, our approach leverages the combined areas. Given the substantial degree of post-depositional U–Pb and He data set to assess the magnitude of reheat- partial resetting of He dates in the Dorotea Formation, we ing using all grains. To quantify the magnitude of basin focus our modelling on quantifying the timing and magni- burial heating and assess the range of plausible thermal tude of the shared basin phase. When diffusive He loss histories for these sediments, we developed a simple during basin heating is comparatively minor and tempo- numerical model that incorporates He ingrowth and dif- rally well-constrained, it is possible to extract the original fusion in terms of basin reheating and prebasin (sediment sediment source thermal history information from indi- source) cooling (Fig. 9). The range of possible tempera- vidual grains by applying a common correction for basin ture–time histories is restricted through the use of avail- heating (e.g. Reiners et al., 2005). Similarly, simple inter- able geologic constraints on the depositional age and pretations are also possible when post-depositional heat- setting, sedimentary provenance, and tectonic deforma- ing is sufficient to completely outgas zircon, leading to tional history for the Patagonian Andes. reset He dates. However, a fundamental problem that limits meaningful forward modelling of basin heating for Model design and parameters combined U–Pb and He detrital zircon data sets is a lack of constraint upon the prebasin thermal history for indi- This modelling approach exploits the relationships vidual grains. This problem is made smaller to the extent between the Arrhenius behaviour for thermally acti- that basin heating is the predominant control upon He vated volume diffusion and the Fourier number (F0) loss in zircon. Nevertheless, efforts to constrain the mag- obtained from fractional loss equations (Mcdougall & nitude and timing of basin heating will need to simulate Harrison, 1999 and references therein). The fractional the prebasin thermal history to correct for it. loss (f) of a grain during episodic helium loss at

Model Parameters

Basin t d = Sample depositional age exhumation t s = Timing at surface t h1 = Timing of peak reheating Basin burial Detrital zircon T = Peak burial temperature & heating cooling paths max Δt 1 = Duration of peak reheating Temperature Temperature

t h2 = Timing of TH-s PRZ segment Time (Ma) TPRZ = Temperature of TH-s PRZ t t Δt 2 = Duration of TH-s PRZ segment s d 2 Modeled thermal history path Δt Peak segment Tmax temperature and average duration 4 th Thermal path of syndepositional Sediment-source volcanic zircon thermal histories

Temperature Temperature Δt 1 Δt Tmax 3 2 zircon He TPRZ 1 PRZ

th1 th2 Post-depositional burial heating High temperature crystallization

Time (Ma)

Fig. 9. Model setup for forward modelling of thermal histories using detrital thermochronologic data. Top panel shows conceptual thermal evolution from Fig. 1. Two heating stages are modelled: the prebasin thermal history of sediment source represents thermal conditioning of zircon during post-emplacement cooling and exhumation prior to deposition in the foreland basin. The second heating phase represents post-depositional burial heating and subsequent basin exhumation. Geologic constraints provide fixed model parame- ters that include sample depositional age (td), erosional and/or age of overlying strata (ts) and the temperature bounds defined by the zircon He PRZ. For numerical simplicity, the youngest and oldest ZPb ages define the temporal boundary on the Source thermal history thermal window. Forward modelled thermal paths are defined by the timing (th) and duration (Δt) of the peak basin heating (Tmax) using incremented 2 °C temperature steps and 2 Myr time steps.

© 2014 The Authors 560 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin constant temperature is a function of the dimensionless heating and residence at maximum burial temperature in Fourier number (Fo) characterizing the volume diffu- stage 3, and subsequent basin exhumation to the surface sion (eqn 2), in stage 4 (Fig. 9). The following steps summarize the modelling work- Dt F ¼ ð2Þ flow for iterative calculation of model thermal histories 0 r2 and associated He dates: Step 1: Define the searchable T-t space for the thermal where D = Do e(E/RT) is the thermally activated dif- fusion coefficient, E is the activation energy, R is the gas history paths using sample depositional age (td), ero- sional unconformities and/or age of overlying strata constant, Do is the frequency factor, T is the temperature, r is the effective diffusive length scale for He in the grain (ts) and the temperature bounds defined by the zircon and t is the duration of the square pulse heating (Mcdou- He PRZ. For numerical simplicity, the youngest and gall & Harrison, 1999). For spherical grain geometry, the oldest ZPb ages define the temporal boundary on the total fractional loss of He is characterized by: source thermal history window. Forward modelled thermal paths are defined by the timing (t ) and dura- X1 h tion (Δt) of the peak basin heating (T ) using incre- f ¼ C 6=p2 ð1=n2Þ½1 I ð3Þ max 0 n mented 2 °C temperature steps and 2 Myr time steps n¼1 (Fig. 9). where Co is the total normalized He produced since Step 2: For each modelled thermal path, calculate an crystallization and In is the convolution integral of the apparent He date for each grain, using the accumula- production and diffusion factors (see Lovera et al., 1989; tion and diffusion of helium since the time of crystalli- Mcdougall & Harrison, 1999): zation age. Z F0 Step 3: Compare the modelled distribution of apparent a2 a2ð Þ ¼ nF0 þ a2 n F0 x ð Þ In e n e dx 4 He dates to the measured distribution of He dates 0 using the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff (K–S) statistical test where an = np and k is an effective He decay constant. (Press et al., 1989) for populations. To model geologically meaningful thermal histories such Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each defined thermal as those in a foreland basin, the Fourier coefficient is path (n = 70 000). replaced by the time integration of the diffusion coeffi- Step 5: Select best-fit model results using K–S proba- cient D(T): bility test with probabilities greater than 0.68. For Z t visualization purposes, plot the average age (th) and DðTðt0ÞÞ duration (Δt) for peak basin temperatures (stage 3) and F ¼ dt0 ð5Þ 0 r2 prebasin PRZ segments (stage 1) for best-fitting 0 results. Given a thermal history since the time of crystallization The numerical model is calibrated using measured = – (to measured zircon U Pb age), Fo is completely deter- grain dimensions to approximate the effective diffusion mined from eqn (5), and the He fractional loss can be cal- radius r(Table S3), activation energy E = 40.4 1 2 1 culated using eqns (3) and (4). The apparent He date of kcal mol and diffusivity D0 = 46 mm sec for He the sample is then calculated from equation: diffusion parameters in zircon (Reiners et al., 2004). Run- k ning the model for the range of prescribed thermal histo- Age ¼ k 1 lnð1 þðe t0 1Þð1 f ÞÞ ð6Þ ries (e.g. ca. 70 000) identifies a subset of paths that For detrital grains, we make the simplifying assump- satisfy the measured fractional loss values and measured tion that they share the same diffusion properties and ZHe age of each grain in a detrital sample. We compare compare them with the measured (alpha ejection-cor- the model results with measured He data by employing rected) He dates. For grains buried in a foreland sedimen- K–S statistic on the calculated cumulative zircon He date tary basin and subsequently exhumed during thrust distributions as a goodness-of-fit criterion (e.g. Lovera advancement, we prescribed a simplified eight segment et al., 1999; Cina et al., 2009). Input parameters and T-t path for our model that characterizes sediment source model results for each sample are reported in the Sup- cooling, basin reheating to a peak temperature (Tmax)and porting Information. basin exhumation (Fig. 9). In stage 1, zircon grains crys- tallize in the magmatic arc and cool through intermediate Thermal modelling results temperatures during unroofing to the Earth’s surface (Fig. 9). During stage 2, sediment is eroded and trans- Hypothetical burial heating. To illustrate the effects of ported to the foredeep depozones of the Magallanes fore- basin heating on a suite of Mesozoic detrital zircons, we land basin (Fig. 9). Stages 1 and 2 together constitute the first calculate He dates for a 10 Myr square pulse heating older ‘source thermal history’ in our model. Once in the event between 50 and 40 Ma (Fig. 10). Zircon U–Pb ages basin, the sedimentary layer and detrital grains undergo a and measured grain sizes are based on sample 09-208. shared basin thermal history that includes basin burial Results show progressive younging of He dates with

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 561 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

Deposition Detrital zircon U-Pb ages Dorotea Formation yield best-fit temperature–time paths

20 Surface that produce model He dates with a broadly overlapping spread of measured He dates (Fig. 11). Figure 11A pre- 240 sents the 180 best-fit results from 74 880 model runs, 160 160°C Heating pulse 170°C each of which fit the population of zircons for a unique Temperature 180 180°C at 50-40 Ma thermal history for a K–S statistic of probability >0.68. 190°C 200 Model results indicate that Cenozoic post-depositional 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 basin heating reached peak temperatures between 164 and Time (Myr) 180 °C that were attained between 54 and 45 Ma. The mean values for all best-fit basin thermal paths indicate a 200 post-depositional peak temperature of ca. 175 °C centred 180 Assumed He dates decrease in at ca. 45 Ma. In the light of the dispersive behaviour of rapidly cooled age due to partial 160 detrital zircons helium loss detrital He dates for a simple square pulse burial thermal history (e.g. Fig. 10), the thermal model results for sam- 140 160°C ple 09-208 are a successful first-order approximation for 120 the total magnitude of fractional loss (Fig. 11b). Some 100 170°C individual grain results show more scatter between mod- 80 elled and measured ages. We attribute this scatter to vari- able diffusive properties of the grains and heterogeneous 60 180°C (U-Th)/He date (Ma) 190°C source thermal histories of individual grains, neither of 40 which are considered in this simple model. Nonetheless, >190°C, He dates fall on 40 Ma 20 isochron (time of heating) the coherence of the measured vs. model He results con- 0 firm that the thermal history of the majority of detrital 0 50 100 200 250 300 350 zircons from this sample was strongly influenced by basin Crystallization age (Ma) thermal history. Although our modelling design makes simplifying Fig. 10. The effect of progressive burial heating on a Maas- assumptions for the predepositional temperature–time trichtian detrital zircon sample. In this simple example, initial zircon He dates are assumed to be equal to U–Pb ages as a result segments of individual grains, results show that a broadly of rapid post-emplacement cooling (green diamonds). Top panel defined range of predepositional thermal histories are shows a schematic square pulse heating event between 50 and required to achieve acceptable He dates (Fig. 11a). For 40 Ma. White triangles show U–Pb age distribution of detrital these older source thermal histories, results indicate that zircons. As peak temperature of the heating pulse increases, He most Mesozoic grains had already cooled below 180 °C ages decrease and the detrital sample exhibits scatter in helium by at least Late Cretaceous time. As grains derived from dates (blue triangles, purple circles and pink squares) related to syndepositional volcanism are assumed to have essentially diffusion properties such as individual grain size and chemistry. zero fractional helium loss prior to deposition, we are able > ° At high temperatures 190 C, all He dates have been suffi- to rely heavily on the zircon population with youngest U– ciently reset and fall on the 40 Ma isochron (red stars) and Pb ages (ca. 68 Ma) to constrain the maximum extent of record the end of the heating episode. Modelled data are based basin burial heating. Best-fit thermal histories yield model on detrital U–Pb ages and grain sizes (effective radii) from sam- ple 09-208. He dates for these young grains that are slightly older than measured dates (Fig. 11b), suggesting that the mag- increasing temperature. In this simple example, we nitude of basin heating phase constrained by the model assume that initial detrital zircons were rapidly cooled using all detrital grains may be a minimum. and had restricted helium loss (<10% for green diamonds The model ages of some grains deviate significantly on 1:1 line) prior to deposition (Fig. 10). As basin heating from measured He dates. Although the spread of ages can progresses, the suite of He dates decreases and develops a be influenced by individual zircon grain characteristics spread in age that reflects intrinsic diffusive heterogeneity such as individual grain diffusive properties or misrepre- of individual zircons (such as diffusive length scale). At sentation of diffusive length scale (grain radius) (e.g. higher temperatures within the PRZ ca. 190 °C, zircon is Flowers et al., 2009; Guenthner et al., 2013), we note no nearly fully degassed of radiogenic He and record a uni- strong correlation between these factors and therefore form cluster of He dates at 40 Ma that reflects the end of consider them relatively minor influences. Alternatively, the heating pulse (red stars) (Fig. 10). Although these cal- we hypothesize that this misfit reflects important differ- culations are performed for a single heating event with a ences in predepositional thermal histories relative to that single square pulse thermal history, they effectively dem- experienced by the majority of grains in the distribution. onstrate how detrital zircon He dates respond to progres- For instance, a group of older Jurassic grains generally sive basin heating at different isothermal conditions. have younger modelled best-fit ages than measured ages (Fig. 11b), suggesting that their individual bedrock Basin heating of Maastrichtian Magallanes strata. Numerical source thermal histories were likely higher in temperature, modelling results for zircons from the Maastrichtian longer in duration and/or younger than other grains.

© 2014 The Authors 562 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

(a) Peak burial temperatures (TMAX) 125

n Δt Best-fit maximum


i t

i Tmax temp. and average s

o heating duration p

e th 150 d


Temperature (°C) Temperature 200 Post-depositional Sediment-source Schematic burial heating thermal histories thermal history path 225 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Time (Ma)

Fig. 11. Thermal modelling results for (b) Model versus measured (U-Th)/He ages burial heating of detrital zircons from the 150 Best-fit modeled dates (>95%) Dorotea Formation (sample 09-208). (a) 125 Measured ages Best-fit peak temperatures (Tmax) for all prescribed thermal histories that satisfy 100 the K–S goodness-of-fit statistical test with probability value >0.68. Blue line 75 ins segments show the average heating dura- gra 50 /He Th)

tion for each peak temperature. Superim- U- n (U-Th)/He date (Ma)

Pb = ( o

i t posed dark blue squares show central age le U- i 25 s

-cyc o first p of each Tmax segment. (b) Comparison of e best-fit modelled zircon He ages (vertical 0 D blue bars) and measured zircon (U–Th)/ 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 He dates (grey diamonds). U-Pb Crystallization age (Ma)

Although these estimates are based on best-fit thermal histories capable of reproducing the observed He data dis- model results within the geologic context of the basin suc- tributions for Cretaceous and Jurassic zircons. Best-fit cession, one significant source of complexity arises from results (n = 215 model runs for K–S probability >0.68) the uncertainty of the depositional age of overlying Mid- suggest peak temperatures during Palaeocene heating of dle Eocene–Oligocene(?) Rıo Turbio Formation. Specifi- ca. 160–180 °C that were reached between 55 and 44 Ma, cally, its lower age bracket from correlative units and a broad temporal range of Cretaceous thermal histo- elsewhere in the Andes (Otero et al., 2012) coincides with ries (Fig. 12a). Respective modelled He dates for these the age range of reported zircon He dates and timing of thermal histories yield overall compatible range of dates, burial heating. Additional chronostratigraphy of the Pal- although single grain discrepancies are evident. Specifi- aeogene strata would improve our estimates of burial cally, the best-fit results for late Cretaceous and Jurassic heating and elucidate the significance of unconformities grains overestimate the degree of fractional loss and yield developed within the basin succession. model He dates ca. 10% younger than measured dates (Fig. 12b). Mid-Cretaceous grains, in contrast, are Thermal histories of Middle Miocene sediment sources. The slightly older than model results, suggesting differences observation that all measured Jurassic–Cretaceous grains in sediment source thermal histories that are not resolved from the Cenozoic sediments define a relatively restricted by the model (Fig. 12b). range of zircon He dates between ca. 80 and 40 Ma pro- Figure 13 compares the best-fit thermal histories for vide a strong indication that sediment sources had a the Palaeogene basin heating from both the Maastrich- broadly similar thermal history to the Maastrichtian tian Dorotea Formation (blue) and thermal histories Dorotea Formation. We consider the thermotectonic his- calculated for grains inferred to have been recycled tory of the Cretaceous strata exposed in the thrust belt from older Magallanes basin fill into Middle Miocene and hypothesize that these rocks were a predominant (orange) depositional systems. Given the considerable source of recycled sediment to the Cenozoic basin. To test similarity between modelled thermal conditions for this hypothesis and constrain the plausible thermal histo- these samples and previous consistent He results from ries of Miocene sediments, we performed thermal model- deeply exhumed Magallanes basin strata (Fosdick et al., ling on the Mesozoic zircons from the Middle Miocene 2013), we conclude that it is highly likely that the Pat- Santa Cruz Formation (Fig. 12). agonian Miocene depocentre received significant recy- Results for 78 880 model runs of Mesozoic zircons cled detritus derived from deeply buried, Cretaceous from combined samples 09-207 to 09-235 are shown in basinal strata that were uplifted and eroded as the Fig. 12 and portray the permissible temperature–time thrust belt evolved.

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 563 Julie C. Fosdick et al.

(a) Peak burial temperatures (TMAX) 125 Δt Best-fit maximum

n Tmax temp. and average


i t

i heating duration s

o th p

150 e D


Temperature (°C) Temperature 200 Post-depositional Sediment-source Schematic burial heating thermal histories thermal history path 225 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Fig. 12. Thermal modelling results for Time (Ma) the Middle Miocene basinfill for thermal conditions that reflect burial and exhu- (b) Model versus measured (U-Th)/He ages mation in the Cretaceous foredeep. Only 150 the Mesozoic zircons are modelled to test Best-fit modeled dates (>95%) sediment recycling. (a) Best-fit peak tem- 125 Measured ages peratures (Tmax) for all prescribed ther-

s mal histories that satisfy the K–S 100 ain gr He goodness-of-fit statistical test with proba-

75 b = (U-Th)/ bility value >0.68. Orange line segments U-P cle show the average heating duration for first-cy 50 each peak temperature. Superimposed Deposition

(U-Th)/He dates (Ma) dark blue squares show central age of 25 each Tmax segment. (b) Comparison of 0 best-fit modelled zircon He ages (vertical 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 orange bars) and measured zircon U-Pb Crystallization age (Ma) (U–Th)/He dates (orange diamonds).

120 buried and underthrust, and subsequently exhumed as Dorotea F. (Maastrichtian) Santa Cruz F. (middle Miocene) Deposition the orogen evolves (Fig. 14). The Palaeogene thermotec- 140 tonic record in the Patagonian Magallanes basin is one of the least understood stages, due in part to an incomplete 160 stratigraphic record and lack of clearly dated Palaeogene structures in the thrust belt. Our detrital geochronology 180 and thermochronology findings illuminate major changes in sediment source areas from the Cretaceous history into Temperature (°C) Temperature Δt early Cenozoic events and constrain an important Palaeo- 200 Tmax Post-depositional gene thermal history resolved in the partially reset He t burial heating h dates and thermal modelling. By integrating our prove- 220 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 nance and thermochronology findings with structural Time (Ma) reconstructions and palaeoenvironmental data, we are able to develop a simplified palaeogeographic reconstruc- Fig. 13. Comparison of thermal modelling results for the bur- tion of major Maastrichtian–Neogene tectonic events that ied Cretaceous Dorotea Formation (blue) and recycled sedi- affected the studied areas of the Patagonian batholith, ments (Mesozoic zircons only) in the Middle Miocene Santa thrust belt and foreland basin (Fig. 14). Cruz Formation (orange). Refer to Figs 11 and 12 for individual The foredeep sediment dispersal system in the Patago- sample modelling results. Similar best-fit thermal histories for nian Magallanes basin was stable throughout Maastrich- the Palaeogene basin heating stage are consistent with our inter- pretation that the Neogene basin received sediment derived tian time, during southward progradation of the shelf- from orogenic recycling of the deeply buried Cretaceous strata slope system and deposition of the Dorotea Formation exposed in the thrust belt. (Fig. 14a) (Covault et al., 2009; Romans et al., 2009; Hubbard et al., 2010; Romans et al., 2010). For the shoreface sandstone lithofacies, the similarity in zircon DISCUSSION provenance signature throughout the entire ca. 1000 m Geodynamic implications of Palaeocene– thick formation indicates no major shift in source region Eocene thermotectonic evolution during ca. 10 Myr interval of southward basin-filling (Fig. 14a). The mid-Cretaceous batholith persisted as The retroarc foreland basin of an orogenic belt is a an important sediment source during this time. In addi- dynamic region in which sediments can be deposited, tion, the remarkable similarity between detrital zircon

© 2014 The Authors 564 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

(a) Maastrichtian Deposition of Dorotea Formation southward prograding Late Cretaceous arc shoreface & well-mixed west-flowing fluvial N sands into foredeep

thinned lithosphere

(b) Paleogene Stratigraphic Units Burial heating of foredeep strata Neogene deposits Paleogene deposits crustal thickening Paleocene unconformity across thrust-belt Upper Cretaceous foreland sediments rapid subsidence and Lower Cretaceous sediments N foredeep sedimentation Upper Jurassic volcanics

burial heating Fig. 14. Schematic depiction of palaeog- (c) Oligocene-Miocene eographic evolution of the Patagonian Exhumation of Cretaceous Unroofing of deeply thrust belt and Magallanes basin showing foreland basin strata buried clastic wedge tectonic structures, sediment dispersal East-flowing sediment transport systems and lithotectonic terranes during N (a) Maastrichtian deposition of Dorotea Formation, (b) Palaeogene burial of fore- land basin deposits during rapid sedi- mentation and tectonic loading and (c) Oligocene–Miocene propagation of thrust front and unroofing of the Creta- ceous clastic wedge. Refer to Fig. 2 for deep-seated thrust approximate location of section. faults distributions within the upper Dorotea Formation for at temperatures within the zircon He PRZ (ca. 140–190 °C), least ca. 80 km along depositional dip (between the Rıo and stratigraphically deeper rocks exposed in the thrust Baguales and Cordillera Chica study areas) suggests that belt yield zircon He dates that yield entirely thermally the Palaeocene shelfal sands were thoroughly mixed dur- reset Early Miocene dates (Fosdick et al., 2013). ing southward progradation of the shelf. We consider three plausible geologic explanations for Our temperature–time modelling of combined U–Pb regional burial heating of the Dorotea Formation: (1) tec- and He results indicate that the Dorotea Formation tonic burial by advancing thrust sheets, (2) regional heat- achieved post-depositional burial temperatures between ing by mafic plateau volcanism and (3) sedimentary burial ca. 164 and 180 °C, and between 54 and 45 Ma (Fig. 11). in an actively subsiding foredeep. Structural repetition of Although other thermal indicators from these outcrops the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy is reported in the wes- are currently lacking, this magnitude of burial heating for tern domain of the Patagonian thrust belt (Wilson, 1991; the Maastrichtian deposits is surprisingly high, given the Skarmeta & Castelli, 1997; Kraemer, 1998; Fosdick et al., restricted thickness of stratigraphic overburden along the 2011a). However, evidence of major over-thrusting is not Andean foothills (Fig. 5). Sparse vitrinite reflectance val- apparent across the eastern flanks of the Patagonian thrust ues of ca. 0.5%Ro obtained from outcrops of the Upper belt, where outcrop and subsurface data depict a monocli- Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, exposed near Cerro nal belt of gently east-dipping strata (Biddle et al., 1986; Castillo (Fig. 4), have been modelled to infer only ca. Harambour, 2002; Fosdick et al., 2011a). Although thrust 2 km of stratigraphic overburden at this location (Skar- faulting within the Dorotea Formation has led to a small meta & Castelli, 1997 and references therein). More component of thickening within this monocline belt, recently, zircon He data from these rocks indicate that over-thrusting alone is an insufficient explanation for these strata have been subjected to post-depositional burial heating.

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Palaeogene heating observed in the Dorotea Forma- contrast, rapid erosion rates (ca. 0.5–2.7 mm years1) tion could be attributed to regional mafic volcanism that are required to remove this stratigraphic overburden has been documented in Patagonia. Eocene collision of prior to deposition of the Man Aike/Rıo Turbio Forma- the Farallon-Aluk-spreading centre with the Chile tion in Middle Eocene time. These estimated sediment trench has been invoked to explain Eocene mafic lavas accumulation and erosion rates are typical of high rates in Patagonia (Nullo et al., 1993; Kay et al., 2002; Ramos documented elsewhere in actively deforming orogenic & Kay, 2002). Although Eocene volcanic rocks have yet belts and efficient sedimentary routing systems (e.g. to be identified as far south as the Rıo Baguales and Einsele et al., 1996), and are thus permissible for the Cordillera Chica study areas, elevation in basal heat flow burial and unroofing interpretation of the Patagonian due to the spreading centre may have contributed to Magallanes basin. heating of the Dorotea Formation. Local geochronology Our combined zircon U–Pb and He results shed light has not identified these volcanics, although undated on the nature of Palaeogene events in the Patagonian basaltic sills in the Rıo Baguales merit further investiga- Andes during an interval where the sedimentary record tion of this mechanism. However, we note that mafic preserves no direct information (Malumian et al., 2000). intrusive volcanics are not observed in the Cordillera Further south, the Palaeocene–Eocene tectonic evolution Chica area, and yet along the depositional axis, the simi- of the Tierra del Fuego region includes a period of larity in overall timing and magnitude of partial reset- active basement thrust faulting, internal deformation ting and basin heating of the Maastrichtian sediments (Ghiglione and Ramos, 2005; Klepeis et al., 2010), and suggests that the foredeep trough underwent concurrent major unroofing of the orogen to supply sediment to the subsidence and burial, thereby requiring a regional Palaeocene and Early Eocene depocentre (Biddle et al., mechanism for heating. 1986; Barbeau et al., 2009); Zahid & Barbeau, 2010). An alternative and our preferred explanation is that the Thermochronology performed in this region has docu- deep burial responsible for the post-depositional heating mented an important episode of Palaeogene exhumation was largely depositional and driven by flexural foreland of the Cordillera Darwin and a similarly timed phase of subsidence and sustained high rates of sediment supply hinterland thrusting (Kohn et al., 1993; Gombosi et al., during Late Cretaceous and early Palaeogene time 2009). Although the Palaeocene–Middle Eocene sedi- (Fig. 14b). In addition, high heat flow during Eocene mentary record is missing at the latitude of our study magmatism very likely affected the thermal regime and area in the Magallanes basin, we regard it very plausible led to elevated geothermal gradients as well. Using an that despite differences in kinematic history, synchro- average 30 °Ckm1 geothermal gradient for Patagonia nous deformation and active sedimentation were operat- (based on measured heat flow from Hamza & Munoz,~ ing in the Patagonian orogenic segment and led to 1996) and a surface temperature of 20 °C, the modelled enhanced foreland subsidence and sedimentation during 164–180 °C peak temperatures correspond to 4.8–5.3 km Palaeogene time. burial depths (see supplementary materials for full The development of the Magallanes basin on thinned calculations). lithosphere during Late Jurassic backarc rifting has Such a burial heating mechanism is attractive in the important geodynamic implications for subsidence and light of the fact that the Patagonian Magallanes basin fea- sediment thickness distributions. Flexural modelling of tures a regionally developed erosional unconformity above the Cretaceous Patagonian foreland subsidence suggests Maastrichtian deposits. The preserved post-Palaeocene that weakened crust and lateral variations in strength can sedimentary succession is insufficiently thick (ca. 800– explain the unusually thick foredeep deposits (Fosdick 2500 m) to explain the magnitude of observed basin heat- et al., 2011b). Moreover, crustal heterogeneities promote ing, however, the ca. 25 Myr stratigraphic gap permits an episodic depocentre migration behaviour, in which pro- unknown thickness of overburden to have been deposited longed periods of subsidence and sediment accumulation and later removed (Biddle et al., 1986; Malumian & are terminated by abrupt depocentre migration, causing Nanez,~ 1988; Malumian et al., 2000). Palaeogene basin foreland uplift and widespread erosional bevelling of fore- burial and heating followed by rapid erosional removal of deep strata (Waschbusch & Royden, 1992; Fosdick et al., ca. 5 km of overburden has important tectonic implica- 2011b). The exceptional magnitudes of burial heating and tions for thrust belt – foreland basin interactions in the subsequent uplift and erosion that we report should be foreland region. considered as possible diagnostic features of convergent For the end-member conditions of Early Eocene peak basins that develop on similarly attenuated convergent burial temperatures of ca. 164–180 °C, we estimate settings elsewhere. The overall exhumation depths exhib- decompacted sediment accumulation rates of ca. 0.3– ited by the frontal margin of the Patagonian thrust belt 0.5 mm years1 (see Supplementary Information). are unusually large compared to other segments of the These first-order estimates do not account for transient Andean orogenic belt. In the south central Andes, for cooling due to rapid deposition of sediments, but are example, frontal thrust sheets have been exhumed from considered here as minimum sedimentation rates relatively shallow crustal depths < 4-5 km and uplifted required for deposition of ca. 5 km overburden between Cenozoic basinfill strata preserve detrital zircon He age 70 Ma and peak burial between 54 Ma and 46 Ma. In distributions (Fosdick & Carrapa, 2012).

© 2014 The Authors 566 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

Neogene sediment recycling and eastward similar thermal histories for the pre-Cenozoic zircons migration of the drainage divide support an interpretation in which grains shared a com- mon Palaeogene burial heating history (Fig. 13). The character of the foreland basin system in Patagonia In contrast to the stable sediment dispersal system in changed markedly after Late Eocene time and sedimenta- the Late Cretaceous axial foredeep, the detrital zircon tion shifted eastward, where predominantly shallow to record from proximal Oligocene–Miocene foreland basin nonmarine conditions persisted throughout the Neogene strata show along-strike heterogeneity in sediment (Fig. 14c). Foreland thrust propagation in Oligocene and sources. We interpret many of the Palaeogene zircons Early Miocene time resulted in a wider orogenic belt that (29–45 Ma) with nearly overlapping He dates in these provided sediment to east-directed fluvial systems younger strata to be derived from the Palaeogene mag- (Fig. 14c). Our detrital thermochronology results empha- matic arc and its volcanic carapace that blanketed the oro- size the importance of sediment recycling of the Creta- gen and have since been eroded (Fig. 14c). Active arc ceous foredeep strata, heterogeneous sediment magmatism during this time would have elevated the provenance and persistence of rapidly cooled volcanogen- regional Palaeogene heat flow. Upsection, detrital geo- ic sediments. chronology from the Santa Cruz Formation shows vari- The combined U–Pb and He dating of zircon from the able zircon U–Pb age distributions, indicating an active Patagonian Magallanes basin reveals that burial of basin volcanic source in the north (Rıo Baguales area) and a lar- sediments and subsequent exhumation and erosional ger component of recycled thrust belt and Palaeogene arc recycling of this sediment into younger strata were impor- sources in the south (Cordillera Chica area). These signa- tant processes throughout the Cenozoic era. tures are consistent with development of a transverse The Middle Miocene basin record indicates a pro- drainage pattern during the Middle Miocene evolution of nounced resurgence of the Cretaceous and Jurassic zircon the Patagonian Andes. populations, similar in distribution and relative magni- Presently, the retroarc foreland basin is geographically tude to those measured in the upper Dorotea Formation isolated from the Mesozoic batholith by the Tobıfera (Fig. 6). This reappearance may be attributed to uplift thrust sheets in the Patagonian thrust belt (Fig. 2). Based and recycling of sediment derived from the Upper Creta- on the presence of Palaeogene volcanic zircons in the ceous foredeep via thrusting and/or rejuvenated fluvial Middle Miocene sediments, we suggest that east-flowing connectivity to the batholith sources (Fig. 14c). Our rivers drained the topographically high Palaeogene arc results and thermal modelling lead us to favour the inter- and traversed large regions of the thrust belt (Fig. 14c). It pretation that these pre-Cenozoic zircons were predomi- follows that the modern drainage divide (located ca. nantly recycled from the nearby Upper Cretaceous– 100 km east of the Palaeogene arc) was established some- Palaeocene foreland strata that were deeply buried and time after deposition of the ca. 19-18 Ma Santa Cruz For- now exposed in the thrust belt. mation. The timing of thrust belt widening and The model results (Figs 11 and 12) and our interpreta- corresponding eastward shift in the drainage contrasts tions of them do not preclude the possibility of an addi- with events in the Fuegian Andes, where an abrupt reduc- tional direct source from the Jurassic and Cretaceous tion in batholith-derived zircons and a change in heavy magmatic arcs to explain the observed Eocene He dates mineral assemblage are interpreted to reflect much earlier (Fig. 7). In fact, the existence of detrital zircons with isolation of the Magallanes basin from the batholith in nearly concordant U–Pb and He dates in the Cenozoic Late Eocene time (Barbeau et al., 2009; Zahid & Barbeau, samples (Fig. 7), in conjunction with abundant volcanic 2010). Taken together, these detrital records suggest dia- lithic clasts, provides compelling evidence of continued chronous northward progression of thrust belt widening direct sedimentary transport from the Cenozoic magmatic and migration of the drainage divide across Tierra del Fu- arc to the Magallanes basin. For the Mesozoic zircon ego and the southern Patagonian Andes. component in Cenozoic deposits, however, we favour a recycled thrust belt provenance rather than a direct con- tribution from the Mesozoic plutons themselves. This CONCLUSIONS notion is based on the similarity in thermal histories for both the Cretaceous strata and Mesozoic sediment in the Combined detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and He Middle Miocene deposits. Although regional denudation thermochronology from the Maastrichtian–Middle Mio- can produce uniform age distributions (e.g. Lovera et al., cene Patagonian Magallanes basin demonstrate that sedi- 1999), it seems unlikely that our results can be explained ment was derived from the Patagonian batholith and by regional denudation patterns within the Patagonia recycled Upper Cretaceous strata in the Patagonian thrust Batholith. This interpretation is consistent with indepen- belt. Rapidly cooled Palaeocene–Eocene zircons confirm dent geologic evidence for Early Miocene structural uplift continued connectivity to the magmatic arc during Ceno- and unroofing of the Cretaceous foredeep from >5km zoic foreland sedimentation. Forward modelling of He depth (Harambour, 2002; Fosdick et al., 2011a, 2013). dates from prescribed thermal histories for Mesozoic Although the batholith continued to be a source of grains suggests extensive post-depositional heating of the detritus to the foreland basin until at least ca. 14 Ma, the Maastrichtian Dorotea Formation to ca. 164–180 °C

© 2014 The Authors Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 567 Julie C. Fosdick et al. between 54 and 45 Ma. In the light of best-fit thermal Table S1. Sample location information for detrital zir- modelling results, we hypothesize that such heating was con thermochronology samples. caused by continued high rates of basin subsidence and Table S2. Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronologic analy- sediment supply, leading to stratigraphic burial during ses by LA-ICP-MS analysis. The * indicates radiogenic Palaeogene time. Moreover, the attenuated Patagonian Pb (corrected for common Pb). All errors are reported at lithosphere was further weakened by Eocene magmatism, the 1r level. which likely led to elevated temperatures in the subsiding Table S3. Combined zircon U–Pb and He data from foreland basin. These findings shed light on an important subset of selected detrital zircons. Ft is the alpha-ejection time interval when the Patagonian foreland basin record correction after Farley (2002). Samples in italics indicate is represented by a ca. 25 Myr unconformity across the discordant grains that are not included in probability dis- foreland. tribution calculations. Thermal modelling of Mesozoic zircons in the Middle Table S4. Thermal modelling input parameters for Miocene Santa Cruz Formation suggests that these sedi- calculating forward modelled He dates. ments experienced similar thermal histories to those of Table S5. Parameters used for decompacted sedimen- the Upper Cretaceous deposits. Based upon deformation tation and erosion rates. the exhumation record of the Patagonian thrust belt and Figure S1. Tera-Wasserburg Concordia diagrams for our analysis of information regarding the denudation his- zircon U–Pb data. All plots were made with Isoplot (Lud- tory of the Patagonian batholith, we suggest that Middle wig, 2008). Miocene sediments were most likely derived from recy- Figure S2. Cumulative probability distributions for cling of deeply buried Upper Cretaceous strata in the Pat- modelled zircon He dates calculated from best-fit thermal agonian thrust belt. Additional detritus was derived from histories. Best-fit distributions are shown for thermal the Cenozoic magmatic arc. The interpretations for the models that pass the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff statistical test Middle Miocene Patagonian Magallanes basin and its (K–S) with probability values >0.68 and >0.95 compared complex sediment provenance demonstrate the added to measured cumulative distribution of He dates (black value provided by thermal history data for discriminating line). Top: Maastrichtian Dorotea Formation (samples between different dispersal interpretations compared to 09-208 and 09-226). Bottom: Miocene Santa Cruz For- having sediment age information alone. Our thermal mation (for > 65 Ma grains from samples 09-235 and 09- modelling approach offers insight into the effects of burial 207). See text for details. heating on thermochronology data and constraints for testing plausible geologic scenarios in tectonically active foreland basins. REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ALLEN, R.B. (1982) Geologı´a de la Cordillera Sarmiento, Andes Patago´nicos, entre los 50°000 Sy52°150 S, Magallanes, Chile. The authors thank Andrea Fildani, Anne Bernhardt, Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria, Chile, Boletin, 38, George Hilley, Theresa Schwartz, Jacob Covault, Lisa 1–46. Stright, Matthew Malkowski and Enrique Bostelmann ARMITAGE, D.A., ROMANS, B.W., COVAULT, J.A. & GRAHAM, for invigorating discussions about the Magallanes Basin. S.A. (2009) The influence of mass transport deposit surface U–Pb analytical assistance was provided by personnel at topography on the evolution of turbidite architecture: the the University of Arizona LaserChron Center. Matthew Sierra Contreras, Tres Pasos Formation (Cretaceous), south- ern Chile. J. Sediment. Res., 79, 287–301. Coble, Trevor Dumitru, Samuel Johnstone, Melanie BARBEAU, D.L., OLIVERO, E.B., SWANSON-HYSELL, N.L., ZA- Michalak and Guangsheng Zhuang provided assistance in HID, K.M., MURRAY, K.E. & GEHRELS, G.E. (2009) Detri- the noble gas laboratories at Stanford University and UC tal zircon geochronology of the eastern Magallanes Santa Cruz. We gratefully acknowledge funding from the foreland basin: implications for Eocene kinematics of the Stanford School of Earth Sciences, AAPG Grant-in-Aid northern Scotia Arc and Drake Passage. Earth Planet. Sci. Program, GSA Student Research Grant Program and the Lett., 20,23–45. Industry Sponsors of the Stanford Project on Deep-water BERNHARDT, A., JOBE, Z., GROVE,M.&LOWE, D. (2011) Palae- Depositional Systems. 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© 2014 The Authors 568 Basin Research © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Detrital thermochronology of the Magallanes basin

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