01S-Spiritual Contents.doc 1

The Spiritual Journey The Interior Life

Our Mothers' Voices

The Road to Emmaus: Our Journey with the Risen Christ Gregory Mohrman, OSB

The Spirituality of St. Madeleine Sophie and the Educational Mission of The Society of the Catherine Baxter, RSCJ

Madeleine Sophie Barat's Doctrine of the Interior Life Mary Quinlan, RSCJ

The Spirituality of Philippine Duchesne as Revealed in Her Letters to Madeleine Sophie Barat and Joseph Rosati Selected Passages Catherine Donlan Schmitt

Perspectives on Being Contemplative and Apostolic Annice Callahan, RSCJ

A Special Call From God: Spirituality for the Elder RSCJ Judith Brown, RSCJ

Do This in Remembrance of Me Dolores Aleixandre, RSCJ

Listening and Loving The Eucharist as Mirror of Sacred Heart Spirituality Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ

Three Titles for Mary in the Society Marie-Thérèse de Lescure, RSCJ

O, Lady, You Haunt My Heart Highway Commitment Anna Mae Marheineke, RSCJ

Mater Admirabilis Pauline Perdrau, RSCJ

Early History of Devotion to the Sacred Heart an excerpt from The Society of the Sacred Heart in North America Louise Callan, RSCJ 02S-Spiritual voices.doc 1

The Spiritual Journey: The Interior Life

A genuine spiritual life compels us to breathe, live, and move in God alone. Life, breath, action – that is the whole person. But let our living, breathing, and doing be only for God, through Jesus


St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

Go on advancing, you are on the true road. Remember, it is not you who have taken it but God who has placed you there. Walk trustfully and may nothing in the world be able to dishearten you. May Jesus' Spirit dispel from you that other spirit which makes you discouraged and mistrustful. Give your heart, once and for all, to love and trust.

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

O, Eternal Father, I come to You through the Heart of my Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through this divine Heart I adore You for those who do not adore You; I love You for those who do not love You; I gratefully acknowledge You to be my God.

Prayer of St. Philippine Duchesne

Let all be thoroughly convinced that prayer is the foundation and the support of the Society, and that if neglect thereof should become general, the ruin of the Society would speedily follow.... Let all then apply themselves lovingly to prayer which will lead them to the Heart of the Divine

Spouse, and then unfold to them its adorable perfections, especially its immense charity; let them place their happiness as much as possible in this holy exercise which by purifying their hearts will unite them closely to the Heart of Jesus, by conformity of sentiments, of affections and of will. 02S-Spiritual voices.doc 2

Constitutions of the Society, 1826

Let us ask Mary, who formed the Messiah by her fidelity to the Spirit, for those attitudes of contemplation and obedience in view of the Kingdom. May she obtain for the Society, for this

Chapter, the gift of union and conformity with the Heart of her Son, this Heart that our Mother

Foundress showed us as source and symbol, center and model.

Superior General Conception Comacho, RSCJ, 1970-1982 03S-Emmaus-DF.doc 1

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The Road to Emmaus: Our Journey with the Risen Christ

Gregory Mohrman, OSB

I have always loved the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but in recent years it has taken on even more significance as I have come to touch ever deeper into the rich heritage which our tradition offers concerning the Word of God and its relation to our encounter with Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As a devoted son of the Sacred Heart, I offer this reflection to all those who cherish the charism of the Society and the Spirit that lies at its heart.

That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven m