An Updated Review of the Risks and Harms Associated to the Use Of
An Updated Review of the Research on the Risks and Harms Associated to the Use of Marijuana Dr Darryl Plecas, Jordan Diplock and Len Garis; Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley Introduction Currently and in recent years, there is a continued debate over the personal use of marijuana in North America and around the world. The debate remains adversarial and is receiving a large amount of public attention in various media. It is commonplace for former supporters of the existing drug control policies to publicly announce their changes of opinion. In British Columbia, several former Attorneys General joined a growing number of activists looking for decriminalization and legalization (Mulgrew, 2012). In early 2012, the former US District Attorney, John McKay, who prosecuted Marc Emery, a Canadian, for selling marijuana seeds to American residents, has publicly denounced prohibition policies (CBC News, 2012). At the same time, the focus of the marijuana debate continues to be dominated by arguments about how prohibition does nothing more than put money into the pockets of organized crime, punish otherwise law abiding citizens, violate people’s right to put whatever they want into their bodies, and throw good tax dollars after bad on a failed war on drugs (Harris, 2012). Decriminalization or legalization of marijuana, the advocates commonly argue, is really the only sensible solution. What seems to have become increasingly lost in the debate over the personal use of marijuana, however, is a consideration of the negative effects that marijuana can have on users and how those harms can be addressed within any policy direction.
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