Songs of freedom Learning how to win Jackson Browne holds Nicaraguan benefit After losses to UOP, softball team looks to bounce back against UNLV

, SEE ENTERTAINER [ 1 SPORTSPAGE 5 TAN DAILY Volume 88, No. 31 Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Thursday. March 12, 1987 Drugs found in student apartment Two suspects arrested, released in connection with illegal steroid sales

By Victor Manuel Inzunza Santa Clara County Jail and later re- Information received from two In speaking with a doctor for the Daily staff writer leased on hail. individuals who said they were con- company that manufactures the drug. 3 Two SJSU students were taken Deputy District Attorney Mike tacted about drug sales led to the po- Durov said he was told the liquid into custody after a search of their Galli said Wednesday he was review - In speaking with a doctor for the company that lice investigation, Durov said. chemical is used to promote growth in apartment at 405 S. 10th St. Friday ing the case and planned to tile charges One of the people who spoke to cattle in Europe. night netted university police a cache against the two by the end of the week. manufactures the drug, Sgt. Alex Durov said police about buying steroids said he "The doctor said that it is some- of anabolic steroids and 140 syringes. University police Chief Lew he was told the liquid chemical finajet 30 is spent $452 on the drugs in a one- thing that is used by body builders or Yale William Long. 23, and Erik Schatz said he believed two individu- month period, according to Schatz. weight lifters to increase their hulk." John Webb, 21, both residents of the als have been selling anabolic steroids used to promote growth in cattle in Europe. Alter receis ing the information. Durov said the University Police Department 10th Street apartment, were arrested front an apartment since approxi- "However. the danger of that sought and received the search warrant on suspicion of possession of con- mately the beginning of the semester. particular chemical is not known,'' he trolled substances, intent to sell those Sgt. Alex Duro% , who led the from Santa Clara County Municipal added. substances, sale of controlled sub- search, said intOrmation he has re- offers to buy drugs. dianabol. testosterone sypionate. man- Court Judge Rise Jones Pichon. stances and possession of hypodermic ceived indicates weight lifters and The drugs confiscated in the drolone, and finatet 30. One of the drugs in question, fi- Durov said the doctor told him needles. body builders were being contacted in search were decadurabolin, methan- It is illegal to purchase steroids najet 30. is banned in this country. that although there has been a study of Long and Welsh were taken to the Spartan weight room and receiv eil drostenolone inekis ar, testosterone. vs ithout a doctor's prescription. Durov said .Cce DRUGS. page Carter attacks Iran arms deal Kicking off '87 Ex-president SJSU football fills schedule, plays Eastern Illinois in opener speaks at By David Barry Daily staff writer The contest with Stanford Una- It was a match made out ol neces- versus is scheduled for Sera. 26. The sity. Spartans had open dates on Sept. 5, local campus With three open dates on its 1987 Nos.. 21 and Nov 211. football schedule. SJSU needed an op- Eastern Illinois hecanie available By Deborah J. Kaplan ponent. when the opponent it was to have Daily staff writer Vern Wagner. interim men's ath- played Sept. 5 backed out to play an- President Jimmy Carter said this letic director, had talked to such tradi- other team. week the Iran-Contra affair would tional powerhouses as Oklahoma, "From my best information, not have happened under his admin- Houston, Texas Christian University of the schools we had a contract with istration. and Tulsa. went to play another school." said "It would have been inconceiv- But on the dates those teams Eastern Illinois Associate Athletic Di- able to me for something of that mag- wanted to play, SJSU could not. rector Ron Paap. nitude to go on in the White House The result is a Sept. 5 contest at "The late date really made us without my full knowledge and atten- Spartan Stadium with Eastern Illinois scramble for a game. We advertised in tion," Carter said at a Tuesday news University's National Collegiate Ath- the NCAA magazine and talked to va- conference at Stanford University. letic Association Division I-AA squad. rious people. We discovered that San Carter was at Stanford to re- "This was the one we could Jose State had an open date and we ceive the Jackson H. Ralston Interna- match up." Wagner said. "For other talked to them." tional Law Award, an honor recog- schools, we would have had to change With the addition of Eastern nizing his foreign policy the Stanford game. See FOOTBALL. bail page achievements. These include the Camp David accords, the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel and the SALT II Spartans hire new assistant treaty with the Soviet Union. Carter denied a report published to lead outside linebackers by the Atlanta Constitution which stated that most covert activities cur- By Nlark Foyer hackers. rently under investigation began dur- Daily stall writer Although this will be the first ing the Carter administration. Spartan football Coach Claude time Rea coaches for the Spartans, it "I would doubt that very se- Gilbert has filled all his coaching posi- won't he the first time he has worked riously. I had a few covert activities. tions for the 1987 season by naming for Gilbert the most significant of which was Donnie Rea as new outside linebacker Rea was an assistant for Gilbert at giving some aid to the Afghan free- coach Wednesday. San Diego State University from 1975 dom fighters after the Soviet inva- Rea replaces Dan Henson. who to 1980, when Gilbert was head coach. sion," Carter said. was named SJSU's quarterback and re- While at Southern . "If I had told my people they ceiver's coach a month ago. Rea coached Jack Del Rio, a former could deliver arms to the Ayatollah The 38-year-old assistant, enter- 1984 All-American now playing for Khomeini, I would certainly have re- ing his 17th year of coaching, comes the New Orleans Saints. membered," he said. to SJSU following a four-year career at He also coached Duane Bickett, Carter responded to Reagan's the University of Southern California. the 1984 Pacific 10 conference de- fogetfulness by saying that, as where he coached the outside line- See COACH. back page human beings, we have a tendency to rationalize things. "We tend to remember our ver- sion of an event, usually in favor of Club circulates us. President Reagan is not unique in that respect." he said. Carter said he was voted out of office in 1980 because President Reagan told the American people "if anti-fee petition he were elected, everything would he Michael Burke Daily staff photographer OK." Former President Jimmy Carter spoke Tuesday at Stanford University on a variety of topics including the By Larry Aragon "We would he so powerful. Daily staff writer Iran-Contra affair. Ile said he would never consider giving money to the Ayatollah Khomeini. See CARTER. back page A campus club is circulating a pe- tition to repeal the $8 student associa- tion fee increase passed last year. In May 1986. 671 students voted to increase the fee from $IO to $18. Bakersfield educator New sorority to join The initiative passed by 213 votes. The petition written by Students for Responsible Government states: "Whereas: the current A.S. gov- to speak on equality Panhellenic council ernment has shown that it will not rep- resent the majority of students at SJSU By Diane BeJarano ol the Western College Associa- and it has shown that it can not spend Daily staff writer tion. By Annie M. Belt money in a responsible manner, we, The School of Education is "The issue is to make college Daily staff writer the undersigned students of SJSU call presenting a forum on equality in equally available to everyone. Stu- The addition of a new sorority to 'We're hoping about for: education by CSU-Bakersfield dents from underrepresented back- SJSU in fall 1988 was approved Tues- I. Last year's per semester President Tomas Arciniega. grounds need the right kind of day by Robert Martin. dean of student 50 undergraduates will A.S. fee increase be repealed to return The forum is one in a series of counseling to cope with college," services. Paul Romero fees to their previous level. events designed to enhance aware- said Judith Lessow-Hurley, SJSU "Our system is growing." said join the new sorority.' . . . ASAP candidate 2. That any future fee increase be ness of underrepresented minorities elementary education professor. Susan Ruhne. president of Panhelle- Susan Ruhne. approved by two-thirds of the voters in ASAP candidate for Associated Stu- education at SJSU. "College life is not something nic, the council of SJSU sorority presi- in Panhellenic president any presidential election and by three- dents vice president. The seminar is today at 1:30 most minority students are natu- dents and representatives. fourths of the voters in any special But the A S. election hoard has p.m. in the Student Union Umun- rally accustomed to," Lessow- The fraternities "love (the new addition) nities ranges from 35 to election." found two problems in the petition. hum Room and is open to the pub- Hurley said. and want more." said Jim 80. while the Knoll, average membership of a sorority is The club collected approximately The state education code states a lic. Other educators will respond to In terms of academic excel- president of the Interfratemity Council. 45, Ruhne said. 600 signatures Tuesday and Wednes- measure to increase fees needs only Areiniega's remarks. lence, the current policies in educa- "We',-e hoping about 50 day and expects today to have the 638 the majority of a student vote to pass, Arciniega. who served on the tion have created stricter academic The new sorority, Alpha Omicron under- Pi, will graduates will join the new sorority.'' required signatures to place the peti- whereas the petition's second clause California State University Chan- standards. Because of this, there bring the number of Panhelle- nic she said. tion on the 1987 general -election bal- would require three-fourths of the stu- cellor's Commission on Hispanic has been a larger emphasis on test sororities to eight. There are 13 The new house members will lot, said Paul Romero. Students for dent vote, said Jim Cellini. A.S. ad- Underrepresentation, is president See TASK FORCE, back page fraternities on campus. Membership in individual frater- See SORORITY, hack page Responsible Government member and See PETITION, back page Forum Thursday, March 12, 1987/Spartan Daily

Punished Oaf the Unvenaly and rne Anersty communly tne OssdiiwsIoiJrs,irnaeyn 3:EAT/211.1i and Mass Communcabons Sc ''..,l

Scott G. Hamilton, Editor Lynn Hunter, Advertising Director

Paula Ray Christiansen, City Edda Jeff Ogden, Retad Sales Manager Adam Brown, Art Director Frank Michael Russell, News Editor Lee Cooper, National Advertising Director Michael P Fox, Producton Director Andy Bird, ko,,,,Editor Jeff Rausis, Special Sedans Manager Sheryl Gorier, Marketing Manager ho Len Gutman, Srorfs Fdrof Jenny Mahiman, Downtown Retail Manager Jennifer Munday, Co-op Manager sc 9." Editorial for 42 City council members need a raise RIC

Because of the efforts of Mayor Tom Though at one time the mayor and city de rAcErtery. considerations are being made council positions were considered part time, to raise the salaries of 'the members of the this is not so anymore. San Jose voters ap- San Jose City Council and the office of the proved last November to classify these jobs as mayor. full-time and to increase the power of both po- The San Jose City Council members and sitions through Measure T. the mayor merit a raise in salary because the Because of the demands of these jobs, the wages they receive are much less than elected low salaries as compared to others, and the officials in other local cities. growing need for well qualified individuals for The mayor of San Jose receives an annual these offices, the Salary Setting Commission salary of $37,000. Other California city mayors should increase the salaries for the offices of have higher salaries than the mayor of San mayor and council members. Jose. Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Fran- Running one of the cisco, earns $107,349 per year in her position fastest growing cities in the nation, as mayor. San Jose elected officials are forced to deal with an ever increasing amount City council members of San Jose receive of legislative duties. It is simply unfair to give $27,000. In contrast, the Santa Clara County somebody more work while not giving them supervisors earn $55,824. more salary. 7)-1E -11-ISZEE FAMES Neither the city council nor the mayor re- pensions for their civic work. Pension San Jose needs to attract the very best for ins ceive de plans are crucial to these jobs if the city is the postition of elected officials and a higher going to attract competent city officials. Full- salary is an added incentive for qualified candi- va time work deserves a full-time pension. dates to run for office. sh Beastly brats Letters to the Editor Daily Delivery belong at home Proposed record store good for SJSU Daily needs less fraternity coverage Editor. Editor, Jane!! Children are terrific. No one has more imagina- I have been following with interest Paul Morris' plans for I am not alone when I state that I am so tired of reading tion. life and joy than a little child. Children bring a non-profit record store at SJSU. I feel the A.S. hoard and about the latest doings of one of our mischievious fraternities Hall light (and endless responsibility) into their parents' other hesitant people should allow him the chance. in the headlines of the Spartan Daily. It seems every other issue th45 lives. But these same kids often become rampaging Speaking for myself. I would he delighted for a record contains either a headline or full blown photo revealing the lat- youngsters when brought into a restaurant and their store here. It is well known about city "redevelopment" and est misconduct of one of SJSU's fraternities. We of the general parents must take the responsibility of teaching them also that not much exists for record buyers downtown. As a population at SJSU are simply not interested in these kinds of Wintertime blues to behave in public. wrongdoings anymore. Why not put them in their own little disabled person in a wheelchair, going off-campus can be a W th only 12 days into March, it seems as A restaurant is a very dangerous place for kids section on the hack page and title it "fraternity corner" or ni hazardous proposition. Having records available would elimi- though this month will never end. who run amok. Food servers zoom by carrying huge. something of equal adolescent connotation. it nate an off-campus trek. I commute by bus from Milpitas and March. at least for a student accus- heavy trays, which. if dropped on a little head, could We, through Associated Students. fund part of the Spar- Iii things being available here would be a wise use of time, money tomed to having at least one day a month off from possibly maim. Coffee pots are tan Daily -- why not more coverage of Associated Student ac- 1)t and energy (physical and otherwise). school, is a month devoid of diversion. It travels notoriously hot objects and will tivities'? There is nary a mention of our Hillel students society Although SJSU is a "commuter school" to a large extent straight through, copying every day of the week from Viewpoint burn a kid who bumps into the in the pages of the Spartan Daily. There wasn't even a mention I feel the image would he brightened, as well as have commu- February. unless it's leap year. bearer of such a pot. of the A.S.L.S. two-aside volleyball tournament that took nity interests served through on-campus record store. Studies The only days of note in March are Ash Wednes- Meatcan restaurants, such as the one where this place this last weekend - that was funded through Associated for feasibility are fine, but availability and word-of-mouth are day Of you're Catholic), and St. Patrick's Day. (if writer works as a waitress, serves food on hot plates. Students. The only time of the year when you do present ad- the best measurements. you're Catholic and Irish). But unfortunately, neither So if kids insist on pulling on a tray a server is hold- equate coverage of an A.S. event is during the school elec- Mary Jane Dulleck of these days afford a student away from school and ing or investigating the contents of a tray set up on a tions -- and then it is way overdone. How many issues are de- homework. stand, they will most likely get a burned hand. Senior voted to an upcoming election'? How many articles are devoted Behavioral Science/Sociology And of course, the homework is always heavier You'd think kids are too young to he rude, hut to one of the parties' platforms, interviews, etc.? Then look at in March because it's midterm season, the time when they leant front their parents. One four-year-old as- the results 10-12 percent of the entire student body actually all instructors gang up on students for a group torture votes for these people! Let's rid ourselves of fraternity head- I Move Seventh Street crosswalk session. It must he a difficult task for professors to or- lines and place more attention to those areas of students' inter- le in such a way that each student must Editor. ests. ganize midterms take a test for every single class within a one week pe I expect many of us have had occasion to jaywalk across ( 'art Bentencourt nod. San Carlos Street near Seventh. I recollect very little jaywalk- Junior Is it still March'? This month is much too long. Julie ing last year at this season. With the new path routed around Ilchrc o S tuundii7s construction, the temptation to bypass an inconvenient cross- To add insult to injury, the weather in March Laffrenzen walk is unavoidable. Unfortunately. not only do people now Higher fees fair for foreigners generally doesn't even clear up enough for a poor stu- avoid the crosswalk, we are hold in our disobedience to the sig- tuition dent to have an enjoyable weekend. The weekly del- nals. A dangerous situation develops. Already there is talk of Editor, uge usually hits full force on about Saturday or Sun- authoritarian fencing. I have been grieved by the controversial issue of foreign day. I would like to suggest a compromise. In many places, in students fees. March has had a reputation of foreboding since tontshed her server when, as she is as served her shir front of fire stations for instance, there are large "keep clear" It is absolutely inaccurate to concede that any injustice is the soothsayer warned Julius Caesar to "beware the ley temple. snarled. "It's about time!" The flabber areas. I propose moving the crosswalk limit line to the gym being done to foreign students. Despite the fact that I am an Ides of March." Things have gone downhill for the gasted server rolled her eyes at the tyke's daddy, who side of the new asphalt road. Just as elementary schools place American citizen by birth. when I came to SJSU I paid a non- month since then. the grace to say. "Nina. that's not a nice thing to temporary crosswalk warning signs, we could daily place a resident Million fee for one year. had March 4. 1841. William Henry Harrison, say!" Darn right it wasn't. Next time, Nina gets her synchmnited portable stoplight midway across the new limit How is it discriminating'? Perhaps the students writing and Onwas inaugarated as the ninth president of the line. This large crosswalk area would allow us to cross in the claiming such discrimination should make a comparative anal- drink in her lap. . It was a rainy day in the nation's Another charmer insisted is hen his food arrived manner of urban crowds crossing through an entire city inter- ysis of tuition fees paid by foreigners in other American uni- capital and Harrison contracted pneumonia. he had ordered something else. It's had enough when section. In turn, students would agree to obey the lights, as we versities. Moreover, when an American citizen from another A month later. Harrison adults do this, hut with kids it's intolerable. "I or- have done in the past. state has to pay nonresident tuition fees until they gain resi- died. He was the first dered a big cheeseburger!" this particular lad, intent By respecting the compromise, larger crosswalk, obey the dency -- why do foreign students make such a hue and cry'? president to die in office. Every president elected in 20 year increments on raising hell. shrieked. The fact that cheeseburgers lights, we would create a safer situation, improve motor traffic Certainly they should pay the minion like other American since Harrison has died in office. The weren't on the menu is totally irrelevant. flow, and see a net advantage to the pedestrian. students to gain their objectives and appeal to higher authori- last to die was John F. Kennedy. Ronald Reagan, who Kids hold their parents in thrall and they know On completion of the sports complex, Seventh Street will ties for redress if they feel like underdogs or they are being dis- was shot in March. has two years left to break the it. They babble excitedly when the server is trying to once again he a thoroughfare, and the temporary crosswalk criminated against. cycle. take the order of others at the table and constantly in- will dissolve. Rena Singh Ghai And all of this trouble began because of the Graduate month of March. terrupt their parents, who think this assertive behav- Lon Price ior is adorable. Public Administration One might question how a month could be re- (;radusie student sponsible for such devastation. I. too, was such an un- "Mommy, Mommy. Mommy, I want. I want, I I. ducat ion want!" they yell at the top of their lungs. Half the Bikes and boards fast transportation heliever. But while reviewing past experiences in my life, some of the worst times in my life occurred in time they don't know what they want, taking up the Editor, servers valuable time while the parents coo. -Now, Reagan should listen to Congress March. Let me add my voice to Prof. Thomas Wendel's March 3 , Three relationships in three consecutive years darling, would you prefer a bean burrito or a taco'?" Editor, letter championing the cause of hikes and skateboards on cam- ended in March. Well, now that the kid has the attention of the entire Jeff Goularte was outraged with the media's treatment of pus. I have never been hassled or injured by a skateboarder or to let it go by , Every time my car has broken down, it was in table plus the server, he isn't going our President's "somewhat flawed foreign policy" initiative bicycler, and, frankly, when I do come to this campus after President should apologize March. making a quick decision. regarding Iran. He didn't think the dark to study or do research. I would he grateful for the means if a kid has a logical food-or- I once caught strep throat twice in the month of Parents who act as for his actions, but Mr. Goularte was missing the point. Presi- to get where I need to go in a hurry. than the kids March. dering mind of his own are a worse pain dent Reagan's policy was more than "somewhat flawed." Mr. Bikes and skateboards are a whole lot faster than weary order for the kids and themselves. They should just Reagan said many times that we should not deal with terrorists. feet March was darkened by the deaths of such anyway. Last he done with it. They probably won't eat it while secretly doing so. Would Congress have approved such a Elizabeth Grimes celebrities as actors James Cagney and Ray Mil- The worst, the bane of the restaurant staff and deal'? No. Should they have had the power to interfere'? Yes. Graduate land and novelist Bernard Malamud. This other customers alike are the screamers. No one stops The idea of Congressional control of the Treasury dates hack to Mass Communications March, we have already lost actor Danny Kaye, in ad- them! A tiny baby will cry for a good reason - wet our colonial and democratic origins as a nation. The Colonial dition to the nine killed at a Detroit airport and the diaper, bottle time or whatever - -- but older kids legislature had control of the money and could restrain the Brit- countless drowned on an English ferryboat. scream lust to hear it echo off the walls. ish appointed governor. The American public has consistently And March still has 19 days left, including an- Now, parents are really more to blame for this. expressed opposition to U.S. military intervention in Central Forum Page Policy other Friday the 13th. Babies can and should be removed, since they can't America, whether direct or indirect. As with the Vietnamese Now this is not to say that March is necessarily a he told to shut up Just take them outside or to the War, in 1984 Congress checked the presidency that was out of had month for all people. Several people near and dear restmom. But older children must he told to shut up touch with public opinion, cutting off funding for the Contras The forum page offers an opportunity to ceprevs views on important issues. to me were actually horn in March and lived to tell They ruin everybody else's dinner. in Nicaragua. about it. (my mother for one). The Spartan Daily encourages readers to write You'd he surprised at the parents who just let The grave problems which we face today are not solely Some might contend letters to the editor. /Welters must bear the writer's that March is wonderful be- their kids squall. ignoring them while other custom- the responsibility of the president. Just 14 years ago, Congress cause spring begins in this month. Spnng name, major, phone number and class level. Phone does not ers are developing ulcers One such family had a two- faced the Watergate crisis. Once again, the House and Senate start until near the end of the month, which means we numbers and anonymous letters will not be printed year-old who absolutely would not shut up and they were unable to control excessive executive recklessness and have Deliver letters to the Dady (Rice on the second to live through two-thirds of the "lion" before absolutely would not stop him. Other customers America's credibility was severly damaged. In addition, both we get to the "lamb." Floor of Dwight Berne! Hall, or at the information cen- looked extremely ill. The manager finally went over branches of government are responsible for our horrific na- Others might think I am ter in the Student Union. singling March out, ar- and asked them to quiet the child. tional debt, growing trade dificit, increasing dependency on guing The Spartan Daily reserves the right to edit let- that August is also barren of holidays. But, Au- "Do you have children of your own?" the Foreign sources of energy, three million homeless citizens. and ters for libel, length, taste and clarity. gust occurs in the middle of summer vacation, when, mother snapped world in increasing danger of nuclear war. Weekly columns and columns appearing on a ro- if we're not employed, we can happily visit the beach "No, hut The United States is desperately in need of good and ci Daily editors and reflect every day. "Well, then you don't know what it's like! You fective leadership. Mr. Goularte, the solution is not a president tating basis are written by their individual opinions. Despite the scant arguments against it, March have to ignore them or else they never learn!" And who merely dictates foreign policy to the American pub'', not seem to have any Pieces labeled Viewpoint are written by. Dail does outstanding redeeming the kid never did shut up The president must formulate a foreign policy in consultation qualities. at least an \ s isible to the staff writers and are also opinions of the individual naked eye. Waiting on a polite, quiet, adorable child is a with Congress and in concert with American public opinion The forum page will periodically feature opinb,,,, Janell Hall is the feature editor and obviously pleasure. However, brats who can't behave and haw. Nforch. If you hate March too. write a letter Daniel R. Davis written by active community members, and will up parents who won't make them - belong only in res- to your congressman telling him you want to abol- Junior pear under the heading Community Perspective. taurants no nicer than McDonald's until both learn ish larch and include a copy of this column, some manners. Political Science ,, Currents Spartan Daily/Thursday, March 12, 1987

Around Other Campuses Dateline

Stanford to add a student committee from Cal Poly to its ranks last month. Sex education gets '80s update Stanford University's Board of Trustees raised under- The Associated Student sponsored committee will act graduate tuition 6 percent and room and board 5.4 percent as a voice for students on city and university -related issues. SACRAMENTO (API The state Board of Edu- last month. The Student Senate must approve the committee before cation on Wednesday narrowly adopted California's first Drug testing unconstitutional Undergraduate tuition will now be $ I 1,1180; room and it is formed later this month. specific guidelines for teaching students about homosex- Ath- board will he $4,995. SAN JOSE (AP) The National Collegiate uality. AIDS. contraception and other sex-related issues. letic Association's mandatory drug tests are an unconsti- The hoard also approved tuition increases for several State Superintendent of Public -Instruction Bill tutional invasion of privacy, a judge ruled Wednesday in schools. The School of Engineefing topped the list with a Honig said the guidelines will accomplish an important granting a preliminary injunction against the NCAA to 9.7 percent rise. Cal State Fresno goal. Stanford University diver Simone LeVant Tuition payments are the largest single source of funds "We've got a disease problem. We've got a re- for the A California State University at Fresno professor ex- The ruling in the first legal to the university's annual operating budget. In 1985-86, sponsibility problem. We've got a pregnancy problem." 42.8 pressed concern last month over the bad effects caused by NCAA's 11/2 -year-old drug-testing program holds broad percent of operating revenues came from tuition pay- he said. Therefore, schools need to be telling students. ments. irrigation of the San Joaquin Valley. implications for thousands of athletes, although it ap- The problem is the accumulation of salt in the soil "you should he avoiding sexual activities because plies right now only to LeVant. caused by intensive irrigation. When the water you're not equipped to handle it emotionally, you're not The 22-year-old senior will he the only athlete at evaporates. it leaves behind salt particles, the professor said. equipped to take the responsibility . championship qualifying events in Arizona this week- Condom dispensers may be installed in selected resi- The salt build up is threatening about 400,0(X) acres of After two previous meetings and nearly three hours end. and possibly the NCAA finals in Indianapolis in dence hall and library bathrooms at Stanford University. agricultural land on the west side of Fresno, and by the year of haggling over morality issues Wednesday. the hoard two weeks. who will not have to submit to urine tests. The associate dean of student affairs still must approve 2000, I million acres could be affected, said a water spe- voted 6-4 to adopt new family life education guidelines Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Peter G the installations. The plan was formulated after conducting cialist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. that suggest homosexuality should he discussed begin- Stone agreed with LeVam that mandatory urine tests are a survey of about 5(8) Stanford students, which asked their ning in the 7th grade in a manner that does not encourage an obtrusive, unreasonable and unconstitutional invasion view on the proposal. The surveyed students responded pos- or condemn the behavior. ot privacy and said there is a "reasonable probability" itively, one of the students who conducted it said. The guidelines say youths should be taught that she would win in a trial court. Humboldt State feelings of affection for people of the same sex are not The judge said the testing program does not appear necessarily an indication of homosexuality and that early to accomplish its goals and has very little relationship to Humboldt State University students may pay $35 more experiences of a homosexual type do not necessarily in- in fees next year, but the increase won't aid programs until the health of athletes Cal Poly San Luis Obispo dicate homosexuality. participation in the 1988-89 school year. Stone said the student's voluntary Students should be taught about contraceptives and not require him or her to give up any rights. A California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Student fee revenues are sent to the California State sports does sexually-transmitted diseases, and abstinence should he tests may reveal ir- Obispo student is asking the student council for reimburse- University Chancellor's Office and delayed there for ap- including privacy He noted that the ment of her ambulance costs, incurred after she was injured emphasized as the only sure way to avoid pregnancy and relevant or personal ;natters about the student. proximately a year, causing the gap. disease, according to the guidelines. at a council -sponsored concert. The fee increase must still be approved by several Under certain. hers narrow circumstances, drug Two students were injured at the concert last quarter The policy also suggests: tests may pass constitutional muster. Stone said. committees and is being contested by students. Sex education should he pan of an overall health when the band encouraged the audience to rush the stage, The decision by the University Center Board of Direc- The preliminary injunction will remain in effect thc associate director of the Associated Students said. program that starts in the elementary grades as early as until her suit goes to trial. No date has been set for the tors to raise student union fees from $54 to $89 was aimed the fourth grade and promotes the "commonly -held val- The student requesting the reimbursement claims to at keeping programming at the same level, an official said. trial. have suffered cracked ribs when she fell and was trampled ues" of society. Archer argued that LeVant and other athletes have when the crowd rushed the stage. The AS. 's insurance Parents should be in% olved in planning sex edu- no constitutional right to compete in NCAA events. He company is investigating the claim. cation programs and in reviewing instructional material. said that it they choose to compete, they must conform Masturbation should he discussed in a way to to NCAA guidelines, including the 11/2 -year-old drug Cal State Hayward dispel myths about it. testing program. The University Union Advisory Board voted last Abortion should he discussed as a medical act The NCAA's main concern, Archer said, was in stu- that terminates a pregnancy but should not be presented month to ban smoking in all public areas of Cal Poly's A Hayward woman is offering a cooking, cleaning and protecting the integrity of its sports competitions, be- as a method of birth control. Both pro-choice and anti- dent union. errand service at $5 an hour to California State University at cause all banned drugs are capable of enhancing perfor- their pri- abortion arguments should be presented, but the poten- Faculty members will he allowed to smoke in Hayward students. mance. vate offices located in the union. tial medical and psychological consequences of abortion Peal Conlon, 52, started her "Rent-a-Mom service The decision was made at an open meeting, but no one should be noted. after she shopped for Christmas presents for a friend of her Hawaii not so cheap after all showed up to oppose it. son. (AP) - - A Chicago-based trav-el Around Other Campuses is compiled by Daily staff agency has agreed to stop misleading advertising of $29 The San Luis Obispo City Council voted unanimously writer Turn Dunlap. Researchers urge firearms control round-trip air fares to Hawaii. according fit the state at SACRAMENTO (AP) Guns have become Cali- tomey general's office fornia's eighth leading cause of death and 95 percent of World Travel Vacation Brokers Inc. also agreed to Spartaguide the killings are intentional, say university researchers, pay a $50.000 fine and make apologies to newspaper whose seven-year study concluded that firearms control readers as part of a consent judgment, said Jerry Smilo- The Ski Club is having a sign up Room. Call Deb Boogaard at 277- English" meeting from 1:30 to 3:30 is the solution. witz, an assistant attorney general. for a Kirkwood trip today in front of 2272 for information. p.m. today in Administration Build- Of 26,442 gunshot deaths in the state between 1977 The 529 air fare, taken on credit card over the tele- the Student Union. Call Gene at 295- ing, Room 222. Call Muriel Andrews and 1983, 48 percent were suicide, 47 percent were mur- phone. actually enrolled customers in a travel package 4505 for information. The Career Planning and Place- at 279-4575 for information. der. just 3 percent were accidental, and the remaining 2 deal that cost from $225 to 51,20). Smilowitz said. ment Center is holding a "Field Work percent were of undetermined causes, according to a The classified newspaper ads noted only that ’’re The Associated Students Leisure Preparation," required for students The School of Engineering is study released by the University of California. Davis. strict ions apply .' said Smilow Services is having a sign up for intra- starting co-op internships, at 3:30 p.m. sponsoring a seminar with Charles Medical Center in Sacramento. He said the "restrictions'. turned out to be inflated mural soccer from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 today in the Student Union Almaden Knowles from ADEPT Technology at The study shows firearms were the major factor in rates at hotels that had to be hooked through World p.m. today in the Old Cafeteria Build- Room. Sign up in Buiding Q. Call Deb 4 p.m. today in Sweeney Hall, Room homicide deaths generally and the number one cause of Travel. The rates were usually 10 to 20 percent higher ing, Leisure Services Office. Call Boogaard at 277-2272 for information. 100. Call Prof. Williamson at 277- death from suicide. than travelers would pay by booking themselves. he Deane Lamont at 277-2858 for infor- 2499 for information. California's firearms death rate is at about mid- said. mation. point for all 50 states, contributing more than 10 percent Smilowitz said the cost of the package was compet- The Alpha Phi Sorority is spon- The Associated Students Program of the average 30.10) gunshot deaths annually in the na- itive with what other travel agencies offered. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance is soring a "Lunch with a Phi" auction Board is showing the film "Quadro- tion. according to the study, which researchers called the "But, from our perspective, if a hook is deceptive. meeting from noon to 1 p.m. today in from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the Alpha phenia" at 9 pm. today in Morris Dai- first to provide a detailed look at the role of firearms in even if thereafter the company is telling the truth, we the Student Union Guadalupe Room to Phi House, 210 S. 10th St. Call Leslie ley Auditorium. Call Andy Slean at the state's homicides, suicides, and accidents. still feel it's a violation of California law." he said. discuss activities for the semester. Call Bryant at 287-5755 for information. 277-2897 for information. Steve at 293-4630 for information. The Fantasy and Strategy Club is The Tae Kwon Do Club is having The Career Planning and Place- holding a business meeting at 7 p.m. a practice session from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Lizard ment Center is holding "Interview I," today in the Student Union Montalvo today in the Spartan Complex Room a lecture on techniques for effective in- Room. Call Larry Machado at 277- 75. terview presentation, at 12:30 p.m. 8212 for information. breaks skin today in the Student Union Almaden Instructional TV is presenting SALE Campus Ministries is having a "Soviet TV" from 11:30 a.m. to SANTA ANA (AP) Paula Bible study in Vietnamese from 5:15 12:30 p.m. today in Industrial Studies Baird thought petting Iggie the iguana to 6:30 p.m. today at the Campus Building, Room 113. Call V. Shenk at at the Santa Ana zoo would he fun 1,RTTNING rvERTTIVR6 Christian Center. 10th and San Carlos 277-7756 for information. EVERVTRIRE EVERVTN1 Spartan Daily and it did leave her in stitches. ..:..rVEIVTRINE CHEW:VV. 0.1. streets. Call Tien at 270-1226 VaRTTRINE. EVERTTWIRG . Serving the San Jose State for in- Iggie took a bite out of her and -,.,ERVTRING EVERYTHING EVENV formation. The Multicultural Educational city to give her 5500 for [HEWN!. EVE University Community she wants the EvCIITTRINC EVERT,. Enhancement Task Force is sponsor- the pain, inconvenience and medical EVERVTRING EVERVTRIRG EVE,1 Since 1934 EVERTTRING EVRRYTNIN. The Department of Math and ing a panel discussion on "Excellence bills. .r.EVERTTRIRE EvERYTWING EVEIVI (UCPS 509-480) Computer Science is sponsoring a lec- and Equity in Education: Implications really did a job on "That iguana EVER:VIM paid Cahforma cvcsmnitic ture by Prof. Joe Buhler of the Math- of Current Reforms for a Diverse So- my finger," Ms. Baird said. "He had EVERTTNIRC LVOV, Member of l'alitornia Newspaper Publishers Asso- EvERVTHINE EVEPYTNIRC ciation and the Also:tenon WENN Published daily ematical Sciences Research Institute at ciety," with California Slate College such a death grip on my finger I just EVE,VTNING (VEXYTINIMG EVCRYT' EvElOYTNIRG EVERYTHING by San low State University. dunng the colkge at Bakersfield President Tomas Arci- _mYTNIFC EVERVTRINL the University of California at Berke- knew he was going to pull it off." ..RING EvERYTRIMG EvER7TuVIG EVERTMING EVERY, year The opinions exprmccd in the paper are not EVERV/HING EVER,TNIN, EVECTRING Vier:TRIM ley at 4 p.m. today in MacQuarrie niega from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. today in ./RING neeemanly those of the Ikpaninent tit Animalism She filed her $500 claim against -..EIVTRING EVERYTHING EvERVTRIMG EvERTTHIRE EvEr ESTRTTNI and Mass Communications. the University *dem, Hall, Room 324. Call Marilyn at 277- Student Union Umunhum Room. Call THINE EVERVTRING EVERvIRIMG EVERVTRIRE the city last week. EVERTTNIRG EVEOTTPING CH, ideation or any student or faculty organuation Mail 1RVTNING 2411 for information. Prof. Hurley at 277-2946 for informa- Zoo workers cleaned the wound RC EVERYTNING EVERVTNIRC EVERvVIIH, EVERVT sabscriptionc accepted net remainder of semester THING EVE MMMMMM G EvERTTOING EVERYTHING p [RV basis Full academic year. Sly Each +Mr., tion. and wrapped her right index finger EVERYTHING [HERM.. EVERVT.NG 37 50 Off-carnpus price per copy. 15 cents Ow The Student Health Services is with a bandage after lggie let her campus delivery paid for through Associated Si.. dents at S 50 per partromung enrolled student holding a testicular exam seminar from The Associated Students Leisure loose, Ms. Baird said. Her doctor gave Phone Editonal 277.1101 Advertising 277-7171 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today in Services is holding sign ups for intra- her a tetanus shot and closed the gash Printed by Fricke Pad s Oro Raiment, Pleas. send all address corrections to Health Building, Room 208. Call mural softball today from 8:30 a.m. to with eight stitches. Spartan Daily. San lose State University. One Oscar Battle at 277-3622 for informa- 4:30 p.m. today in the Old Cafeteria Zoo Superintendent Claudia Col- ..ninpion Square tin lin,- ('4 9,19* tion. Building, Leisure Services Office. lier said she was unfamiliar with the MARCH 13-14 STAFF Call Brian McNamara at 277-2858 for claim, but she did confirm that Iggie The Student Health Services is information bit Ms. Baird. FRI - SAT Editor Scott G Hamilton holding a breast exam seminar from I The only other animal bite Ms. Advertising DItatctor I ynn Hunter City Editor Paula Ray Christiansen to 2 p.m. today in Health Building. Collier could remember involved a SAN JOSE ART News Editor Frank Michael Russell Room 208. Call Eunice Solis at 277- woman who reached down to pet a 4 Mrrl 10 SSCorm ir !TX:. ' Assistant News Fdllor Sue kyebu 3437 for information. guinea hen in its nest. That woman got 4 Forum Editor Andy Bird **Malan' Forum Editor Dan Kier "My secret to a nip on the knuckle. 11. 4Ii8-29l88422 Sports Editor t an Gutman Air Force ROTC is sponsoring a Emitter* Editor Antal Hai success' Entertainer Editor Amy I Pabalan blood drive !frdm 10 a.m. to 3 p.m '4 KM KM EM KM KM KM KM RM. KM KM KM KM KM KM Photo Editor Smtl today in the Student Union Loma Advertising in KM70 *uncial* Editors Oscar Guerra F C Walkers Phew Room. the Spartan Daily. ChM' Photograph., Julie Bennett 70 Retell Advertising Manager Jell Ogden 277 3171." Downtown Retell Advertising Manager The Community for International Jenny klahlriffin Students is having a "Conversation in '1r 'ft 7Ie '1, 'ft .1. 'Ic National Adyerlising Manage. lee Cooper ad 70 Netffinel Assistant Manage. Renee Crawshew Marketing Manage. Sheryl Gods, 70 ad Co-op Menmper Jennifer Windily Special Soctione Manager Rausis SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Special Sections AssisteM Manager 70 Juliet Banks An Manager Adam Brown Production Director Michael P Fox 70 Reporters 1987 Larry kw., FI.VIN Amon. John Bagley. David Barry, Omns limarann. Annul M Bab LIN Bobadilia. Page Borgal, Tom Dunlap. SPARTAN GAMES!! 70 phew Ellison. Judah Faught Mark Foyer, Jell WOMENS GlAINAST/CS COMPETITION Goularla Deborah G Guadan, Hans Ingebret N.. Victor Manuel iniunga. Orry Asia, Gene 70 Johnson Jr Deborah J Koptan, Jolt. I attrern ear, Stsphannt M Nichols. Rosa Tong i.e .Ike advantage of our Spring Wardrobe Phologrephebt 1Prr#1.' 70 Robert Amid. 11101141, Burke. Joe Gown, Crag Power Package; Team up with a friend to X Kohiruss, John 8 I amen., Edward Ledeerna. Mangin, Nancy Nadel. Brat J Polvorosa, invest in a finer quality suit for those Brad VS. 70 Georg* Sakkestad important interviews. Artiste 12TH RANKED MICHIGAN STATE OW Asher, Regina Airlift. Shannon Begun, Ste Cathy Just come in together and each buy a 70 ahem. Carroll. Clinsta Cooh. Danny I., 15TH RANKED OREGON STATE untet, Corinne Malmod. Sheryi Vivemo regularly-priced suit ($345) at Roy Moses X Karen Wallet 70 Nettagml Account Ccocuttroo 15TH DIVISION!! U.C. DAVIS and get both suits including normal Sureness Xisnalim Carol Huber Sharon Com. olUD LIGHT xprOS SpOCIal Sections account cocutiroo alter)th,n, for 11141 ,A2C Trews Rossetti.. Barham Hens...* Veromcs NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED TEAMS 70 Alverer SEE THESE Markelffig Consultants MAtiktel Dixon. Jolene Garrett. Colette KNION1 FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, 7:30 P.M. 70 Pant McCasillan. Lon Ann Urshan Johnny Yu SPARTAN GYM ent AND SAN CARLOS Account [connives 10821 Lam Bow Cheryl Chaffin, Athena Chilmas, Vic SPONSORED Sr EDIJGHT AND SPARTAN SHOPS ROY MOSES 70 lone Fakes. PeInclt Evans. Wesley Fong, Chris WEAR A TOGA AND GET IN FOR HALF PRICE MUNSWF AR N. WOLFF S. Johnston, Wendy Kaaramolo, JIlt Kress Rich FOR WORE INFO. CAIJ. MEANS 725-0o0o Nolvdon, Jerry Raymond. Gail Taylor. Kendra CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 70 Vondonakkor, Ion kffigand ADVERTISING FUNDED IH ASSOCIATED STUDENTS M M KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM Page 4 bpons Thursday. March 12, 1987/Spartan Daily

Full Count SJSU coach mad

Len about NIT picks Gutman By David Barry (PCAA I tournament. lien) ).int Daily stall writer But aside Man the anger. Berry SJSU basketball Lo.1,11 Bill Berry will he interested in the tournament for will watch the National Invitational several reasons. Picking a winner and NCAA basketball tournaments One is the appearance i,f long- with interest and a hit of anger. time rival Santa Clara in the NCAA the exception of the World Series, there is With lie believes that his team, which tournament. Earlier in the year. SJSU nothing I enjoy more in the world of sports finished its season at 16-14 after losing heat the Broncos 75-73 than the NCAA basketball tournament. 94-69 to UNI.V in Saturday's PCAA By capturing the W('AC tourna- During the regular season college basketball is an championship finale, should still he ment over the weekend. Santa Clara exciting sport, but once the field is narrowed down to playing. earned the right to play Iowa Friday. 64, the excitement doubles The tact that the By his figuring. the Spartans "I think they deserve a hand."

tournament is single -elimination has something to do should have been selected tor the 12 - Berry said. "The) were overachiev- with it, Imp overall the level of play increases so much that many of the teams are equally matched Not just the hest teams survive, though. The Basketball Berry will, of course, also he fol- team i that know how to win under pressure, even il lowing the plight of UNIV. The Run- they' e not as good as their competition, can surprise team NIT field ahead of PCAA coun- nin' Rebels defeated the Spartans three even the top-ranked teams in the nation. terpart Fullerton State, who played at times this year. Remember the 1985 Villanova Wildcats' victory the University of California in the over Georgetown? And who'll forget Jim Valvano's tourney Wednesday. "They certainly could win the North Carolina State Wolfpack team of 1983? Valva- "I thought we had an inside championship," Berry said. "I will he no's reaction as his team beat Houston will go down in chance at the NIT." Berry said. "We very surprised if they get heat in the the annals as one of the greatest moments in sports his- came in second in the conference and first two rounds.'' tory. in the (PCAA) tournament. Against Berry is no stranger to the NCAA So here we are about to start the 1987 tourna- common opponents, we were 12-9, tournament. He has been there three ment. Which teams will rise to the occasion and win? while Fullerton State was 10-10." times --- once with SJSU and twice as Which teams will fold under pressure? Which team an assistant as Michigan State. big was the non- will win it all'? The difference "It's the most exciting basketball conference record's of the teams. Ful- The road to New Orleans is a tough one. But the time I've ever esperienced." Berry a 7-2 record against question probably on most people's minds is whether lerton State. with said. "It's something you don't for- or not t INLV can finally win the big one. !doubt it. non-PCAA foes, finished the year at get 17- II. just 9-9 in the PCAA The West regionals are stacked with talented clubs - UCLA. Oklahoma. Pittsburgh and Iowa. to The Spartans were 10-8 in league While at Michigan State, Berry name a few. Should the Rebels get by their first two action. Berry feels more emphasis even had the opportunity to savor a na- contests. UCLA seems a likely opponent. What a should he given to the latter records. tional championship. game that would he - the battle of the West. "It's unfair," Berry said. "But I "In order to win it, you have to If they beat the Bruins. Oklahoma will probably know that Fullerton State had this have some luck, a couple of great he waiting in line. Oklahoma is the only team to have problem before, and so did we." players. Ill other good players and a beaten the Rebels this year, although the Rebels also good coach." heat the Sooners. The Rebels would love to get a third When Berry was in his second Taking this into consideration, shot at Oklahoma and prove how dominant they are. year at SJSU, the Spartans finished at Berry has his eye on a number of In the Southeast Georgetown is a heavy favorite. 21-9 hut were left out of the NCAA Craig Kohlruss Daily stall photographer teams. But narrowing it down, he be- The Hoyas are playing great basketball right now and tournament. men's basketball coach Bill Berry. shown here in a game against IMP Feb. 28, lieves that Temple. Alabama, North they should reach the Final Four. never hesitates to point out. -thing that he feels is wrong. The eight -year coach believes "They selected Utah State who Carolina and UNLV will make it to the Kansas. Clemson. Alabama and Big F.ast-rival the Spartans should he in the National Invitational Tournament instead of Fullerton Slate. we had beaten hv 36 points in the Final Four. Providence are also tough teams in that region. Watch out for the Crimson Tide, they could shock everyone! Over in the East. North Carolina must get past a host of *Rid teams. Michigan. Notre Dame. Purdue NCAA underdogs filled with upset hopes and Syracuse have a great chance at upsetting the Tar- heels. And don't count out that amazing Wolipack. Associated Press They have a little (pressure) on them. .. I expect to surprise "Sonic people say it's like David and Goliath. It's like After this weekend's N.C. State win in the ACC Was it fair to favor Fairfield'? Idiotic to invite Idaho a few people down on Tobacco Road." our football team playing Oklahoma," Idaho State Coach championship, anything can happen in the East. State? Peculiar to pick Penn? Silly to select Santa Clara? 1.efkowitz and crew surprised Memphis State in 1985 Jim Boutin said. In the Midwest. look for Indiana to ease its way Like it or not, agree or not, believe it or not, these four when, as the 15th seed, they extended the Tigers before fall- Idaho State almost played UNLV earlier this year, but at least through its first three contests. Then they have-not', - with a combined record of 61-56 - - are in the ing 67-55. Memphis State ads anced to the Final Four that lost to Navy in a first-round game of the Las Vegas Classic. should he up against either DePaul or Temple. two NCAA Tournanient will such haves as Nevada-Las Vegas, year. "When we saw that Las Vegas handled Navy with strong teams that could give the Hoosiers some trou- North Carolina, Indiana and Georgetown. ''l think that the key thing is that we've had a lot of ease, we were glad we hadn't played UNI.V.'' Boutin said. ble. And don't count out LSU. The Tigers came out (il The have-rots weren't invited to college basketball's experience since then against top ranked teams.' Lefko- There'll be no dodging the Rebels this time. however. nowhere to make the Final Four last season. biggest shindig. They crashed the party as automatic qual- wit/ said. "Again. 1 don't mean to sound like I'm cocky or "The thing for us is to he able to handle their defensive So who am I picking to he in the Final Four? ifiers from their respective conferences. brash or confident. but I think we can play with these pressure. We have to do a very big Mb in handling that." Simple - UNLV, North Carolina. Georgetown and Once inside, they got the sporting version of the table guys." How? Indiana. And look for Bobby Knight and his Hoosiers nearest the kitchen - first -round games against some of On paper. the guys facing the biggest test are the Beng- "We're not a particularly big team. Maybe a lot of to he cutting down the nets on March 30. the top basketball teams in the country. als ol Idaho State. 15-15, who drew top-ranked Nevada-Las prayers. Knowing that our kids are going to play hard, you There are also sonic longshot possibilities. Keep Vegas ',May hope that you're not going to he embarrassed... an eye on the Fighting Irish, Missouri and UCLA. But does that bother these teams'? Not on your life. Stranger things have happened, especially in college "We're going to enjoy this trip." Santa Clara Athletic basketball. Director Tom O'Connor said of his team, the West Coast Athletic Conference tournament champs, who will take an 18-13 record into their game against Big Ten power Iowa on ADVERTISE SJSU WOMEN'S SOFTBALL last thing. SJSU has scheduled Eastern Illi- Friday at Tucson. Ariz. One nois to open its 1987 football season at Spartan "We're going to spend some money on the trip and say IN THE DAILY TODAY! alarf Stadium Sept. 5. thanks to some people who have helped us," O'Connor I have one question. How in the heck did Vern said. "And the $80,185) (the school's share of the first- AND FILL Wagner. SJSU men's interim athletic director, come round proceeds) is not entirely athletic department money. ,1,40F#4tr- vs Nevada-Las Vegas up with Eastern Illinois'? In the next week, we'll he talking with the administration YOUR (uNiv) What happened to all the hype about Arkansas. Mout how it will he used. Thursday, March 12, 1987 6:00 p.m. Texas Christian or Wyoming playing the Spartans' Why are we playing a Division I -AA team? Why not "But it will have a significant impact on athletics. POCKETS PAL Stadium (King Rd exit at 280) play Hayward or Davis if we're going to stoop to that We're going to put it toward some needs, and I'd like to put Adults $3.00 SJSU Students $1.00 level? Who cares if they're a good I -AA team'? For a thin some scholarships." 277-3171 For further information call (408) 277-FANS legitimate chance at a national ranking next season. Mitch Buonagum, coach of a Fairfield team that split rkinded by As.K talvd Students SJSU needs to play well-known teams not un- 30 games, tried to put the hest possible lace on the Stags' known. first-round assignment -- No. 4 Indiana at Indianapolis. It sounds like a major cop-out to me. Let's lake "I think it is a tremendous thing to play Bobby Knight the money and run. What a lousy attitude. in Indiana. I think it will he a very difficult game, hut the it's about time the administration decided on a kids will be up for it," Buonagum said. waiting for a leader new athletics director. I'm tired of "Indiana, the top seed, in Indiana, in the Hoosier

while other schools continue to improve their athletic Dome is tough." forward Tim O'Toole understated. "We programs. Doesn't Wagner know that it's politics that will go in and do our best." gets quality teams to play you and politics that gets however. That's a theme ISJET you into the National Invitational Tournament? No concession of defeat. President Gail Fullerton has some quality choices sounded by coaches and players of all four teams, who are For SJSU's new A.D. and I think she should get on anxious to prove they belong. with the process before the whole athletic department "We wouldn't be very good competitors if we didn't $40* Falls apart again. think that we could go down there and try to pull something Call der, or weekerwir Wagner is not the answer. off." Penn Coach Tom Schneider said, (415) 32/-0841 off any 18K ring. Len Gutman is the sports editor. De apologizes for Where the Quakers. 13-13. are going is Charlotte. everyone whose day was ruined Wednesday by the N.C.. and the team they'll be trying to pull something off absence of his column. Don't lose faith look for against is second-ranked North Carolina. IKAPLAN Full Count next Wednesday. "We're loose. We have no pressure onus." Penn cen- STANUT H. KAMAN IDUCATIONAl (Wit LTD ter Bruce Lelkowitz said. "They're No. 2 in the nation. I a JI,J I ii MI'( Ii Will. A NAIL AN ',II II 4 Ni III 1. /NI $3o. tssl off any 14K ring if gm me MYTHOLOGIST .5. 5.. Method sot on Morrtleing In Me Smitten 15.11 is.. gloom elloir gm to enlighten me to the demographic intermatieo on die mop!. oho mad the Spartan Dello sod IWO send yam a media Mt that coalmine the Into, mitten ass seed to reach 22,000 meow boa.

Call 277-3171 Today! 3:PA1:stal off a I ly 10K rb1g:

For one week only, order and save on the add ring of your choice. For complete TH OF details, see your .kistens representative , /4 tJ041,1115 S " 4 I15V. Aire*\ Now thru March 13th! 7/ Spartan Bookstore 10:00-6:00 K E . 1, FREE Sunglasses Chris Mackey Chris Laplante Scott Free and Kean Butterfield" And Rick McGough Terry McCarthy guitar singing duo Jumbo Cup Terry Munday Jay Ligda With Purchase SPA WJA N Chris Cognac Jihyan Chang Thursday, March 12 Noon to 1 p.m. W)()KSTOR1:11 Student Union Sponsored by SUPRO !MARTA% SIP irti tO 151 '. Service 44 our Major Brothers Tea hing Brothers Upper Pad Free, of course Spartan DailyrThursday, March 12, 1987 sports Page S Spartans to face UNLV after losing two to UOP lierry tt John nt fru Daily stall writer said 'She was throw mg in the 12th After tieing swept in Monday ins' as hard as she was in the first in- 'Defensively we have long night's doubleheader by the UOP Ti- ning. I had no reason to pull her out CAA gers. the Spartan softball team hopes The two-hour and .16-minute lust performed well. We SJSU to bounce hack against Nevada-Las game could have ended much sooner it Vegas today at 6 p.m. at PAL Field. the Spartans had gotten more clutch could use more clutch urns- SJSU coach Kathy Strahan said hits. They stranded sty nmners on base Clara heating the Rebels won't be easy. in the first game. missing a great op- hits, but what the team ty. "All of these PCAA schools are portunity in the bottom of the ninth. really needs is to learn incl.' good, it not great. liallclubs." Strahan In that inning SJSU third base- hiev- "Vegas is lust as good as UOP man Tiffany Cornelius started off the how to win.' II we %ant to yiiip this team or any inning tor SJSU with a triple, deep into the left field corner. UntOrtu. Kathy Strahan, e fol- nately. nobody could bring her home. sist m.rthati coach Run- Softball The game ended in the top of the three 12th. when UOP center fielder Mary PCAA team. ss,.- ss ill need more key Harper hit a three -run, inside -the-park SJSU pitcher Days n Hilgenhurg hits. home run off Dean. The shot put an and the rest 01 the Spartans eventually the "All of the schools in our corder- end to the game and turned the lights regrouped and retired the side, how- ill be ence play well." Strahan said. "We out for eser the dalliage was done. n the have to play everyone tough it ue are The second game was a low scor- Itt the bottom half of the inning. to win. I do feel ue will he ready (to- ing affair. The only run produced in with one last shot to split u oh the Ti- CAA night)." the game came in the top of the sev- gers. the Spartans went down in order. three Currently the Spartans reciitil enth. According to Strahan. s whines ce as has slipped to 6-6 and 0-4 in contei - In that inning. Tiger lead -all hat- tor her team won't COIIIC easily from ence play. The Spartans lost the 12 -in- ter Wendy Hopper walked. Lisa De- now on. ihall ning first game Monday against 1.'01' Benedetti singled to lett With runners "The easy part id our schedule is decry (the longest softball game in SiSll his at first and second and nobody out An- over." Strahan said "It is going to he for- tory I 3-0 and continued on a dos(( - gela (lenient kept the rally alive, rip- a tough season Irom here on in. This ward spiral losing the second I-0. ping an RBI single down the lett field team must improse greatly it the are to ely we base performed line. scoring Hopper That made it 1-0 sucee.slully compete in this confer- Berry well." Strahan said. "We could use with nobody out. ence " a na- more clutch has, but what the team really needs is to learn how to win.'' In the I irst game. SJSU pitcher ve to Gale ikan stayed on the mound the great entire game. I kan's 12 -inning perfor ind a mance was the longest by a starting ACCOUNTING pitcher in SJSU history MAJORS Mon. According to Strahan. Dean vs.,'. Tr of not pulled because of a depth problem The Internal Revenue Services offer:, e he- (SJSC only uses two starting pitcher, -careers,- not "jobs- in tax administration to vlonh in their rotats in o the "She was kept in because she accounting graduates who are accepted for was still t brim ing well." Strithan the position of REVENUE AGENT

Craig Kohlruss Daily stall photographer Myth: We also have 25 CO-OP positions available SJSU pitcher Dan Archibald eyes his target against St. Mary's Tuesday at Municipal Stadium. Archibald low- College students can't afford For further information, visit your Career s like ered his ERA to 2.59 and raised his record to 4-0 as the Spartans crushed the Gaels 9-1. to go out very often. Planning & Placement Center or contact 'oach Fact: Elizabeth Laverty at (408) 291-4527. No . hut Seventy percent of San Jose written test is required. ssic. SJSU extends streak students and to 10 State faculty with ymid go out for entertainment at ver least once a week. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE with triumph over Gaels Advertise An equal opportunity employer U.S. Citizenship required ot 03, Jeff Goularte first ended up in a run-down. The wanted to let somebody else get some 277-3171 , you Daily staff writer Gaels' first baseman dropped the hall, work. It's a long season." The SJSU baseball team has been however. and SJSU ended up scoring a Hanil I played i solid game. winning with good pitching and solid run. drawing three w alks :aid scoring defense. Nevertheless. Piraro was not twice. In addition, he yiole a base and Throughout their nine game win- happy with that sequence of events. started two double plays, ending Si. When you open the door ning streak the Spanans have been "We ended up scoring, but I'm Mary rallies. plagued by a lack of timely hitting and dissatisfied with the way we ran that Thomas leads the Spartans in hit- to the unknown, run production. They have averaged play (double-steal)." he said. "We ting with a .344 average. RayMrd is less than three runs per game. can't afford to miss signs. They are an second at .341. Anderson's baiting at a there's no telling who will drop in... That all changed against St. important part of the game." .328 clip and Pierce is pushing the Mary's Tuesday at Municipal Sta- Archibald pitched eight innings .3(8) plateau with a .291 as erage. or who will drop dead. dium, as SJSU scored nine runs on and reduced his ERA to 2.59 before giving way to reliever Frank Gomez in Editor's note: SISU icheduled to Baseball the ninth. Gomez allowed a lead-off play Santa Clara Wethwsday night but single. but induced Tracy Deldotto to results were not trailable ta press ground into a double play. Thomas nine hits to defeat the Gaels 9-1, rime. See Friday' A Dail y for il,i.erage. made a diving catch in right -center to stretching its winning streak to 10. end the game. Fernando Viera's two RBI double in the first inning, his third game-win- ning RBI of the year. was all the sup- port SJSU pitcher Dan Archibald .(SJSU pitcher Dan needed to raise his record to 4-0. (("orona Rick Anderson added three sin- Archibald) did a good gles and two RBI and third baseman Bob Straight contributed a double and job. . .keeping the Extra a single as the Spartans improved to ball down.' OFF 15-4. 75' 6-PACK Archibald, whom pitching coach Scott Hertler, with this coupon Scott Hertler said was coming down SJSU pitching coach with the flu, appeared shaky in the Wen price $5.99 plus taxi early innings. But Archibald settled Until 3/27/87 down to limit the Gaels (10-10) to eight hits and one run, striking out five Archibald said he could have COLLEGE MARKET and walking just one hatter. Hertler pitched the ninth, hut he understands was impressed with Archibald's effort. Piraro's philosophy. corner at 8th & Williams "After the fourth inning, Dan set- "I wasn't tired and I could have I block south of 7th St. Garage tled down," Herder said. "When he SUN TRUSS RAM IDIMI pitched the ninth." Archibald said FRI SAT SAM 111DMIGMT 2934158 had runners on base, he did a good job "But we got the win. Coach just concentrating on keeping the hall down and making the opposing team swing at his pitches." That's just what Archibald did in the second inning when St. Mary's MEN threatened to score with runners on first and third and one out. The result DANCING was a textbook double play turned by second baseman Mike Haruff and GREGG shortstop Monte Brooks. LIZENBERY The Spartans scored quickly in the first inning. Haruff drew a one-out walk and Straight doubled. leaving Spartans on second and third. Then, Viera cleared the bases with a double down the first base line. After Steve Reyes' fielder's TED SHAWN choice moved Viera to third. Anderson BARTON MUMAW drove Viera home with a sharp single JOSE LIMON to left. The Spartans never looked MURRAY LOUIS back. DANIEL NAGRIN WITCHBOARD KARL SCHAFFER Piram said scoring three runs in DONALD MCKAYLE the first was a confidence booster for MARK MORRIS CINEMA GROUP presents A PARAGON ARTS INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION WITCHBOARD his improving team. Starring TODD ALLEN TAWNY KITAEN STEPHEN NICHOLS Co starring KATHLEEN WILHOITE BURKE BYRNES With Special Appearance by ROSE MARIE "With a guy like Archibald pitch- Executive Producer WALTER S IOSTEN Produced by GERALD GEOFFRAY Supervising Producer RON MITCHELL Associate Producer ROLAND CARROt ing, storing three runs lessens the Director of Photnyraptiv RCN H WAGNER Written and Netted by KEVIN S TENNEY (1)))1 pressure on the team." Piram said. ' It RRm. 1, Rem.% WOR.M.,,et was a typical game for us good pitching and defense -- but our exe- online 0.,4, cution was not crisp." What Piram was referring to was SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 14 & 15 some shoddy base running in the sixth inning. 800 PM After scoring two runs on a St DANCE STUDIO THEATRE (SPX 219) Starts Friday the 13th at a specially selected theatre near yon. Mary's throwing error, the Spartans $5 Students/$7 General had runners on first and third. Piraro PRESENTED BY AS PROGRAM BOARD called a double -steal, but the runner on FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS third missed the sign and the runner on Campus Thursday. March 12, I987/Spartan Daily

Prompt action key, Slow ride aid director says By I.isa Bobadilla "Berkeley does the analysis Daly stall writer its tracking program sends out letters The sooner financial aid applica- requesting other documents." he said tions are submitted, the sooner the re- These are supplementary documents cipients will he notified such as the parents' and students' in- The process of reviewing the come lax forms. applications is long and confusing, so The money for campus-based the critical element is the timely sub- programs everything hut Pell mission of the documents." said John Grants and guaranteed student Bradhury associate director of finan- loans is sent to SJSILI's financial cial aid. The file must he complete aid office, and the office generates a and accurate. Then we can help. check to the student and disperses "It's a lengthy process because of he said. the regulations and guidelines," he The guaranteed student loan is said. federally guaranteed. Students who The earlier the applicant submits apply for the loan receive and repay it the application the better chance of re- through a lending institution. The stu- ceiving aid before returning to school dent submits the form, and the finan- the following semester, he said cial aid office certifies the informa- Although priority filing deadlines tion. have passed, a student should not hesi- Because the loans are hacked hy tate to apply. The priority filing date the government, payment is guar- was March I . ' anteed to the hank it the student de- "We encourage them to apply. faults on the loan. The student then But those who did apply on time will owes payment to the government. he he given priority for the money." he said. said. The financial aid office deter- Approximately 10,000 Student mines the amount granted to the stu- Aid Application for California forms dent. Each student is budgeted accord- have been received by the financial aid ing to his or her particular situation. he office, and about 3.000 applications said. for Guaranteed Student Loans and The office considers the student about 4,(X)0 Pell Grant applications. combination of resources and finan, 1.11 The first step in the application aid, and the student cannot receoc process is the SAAC form, which de- more than the original budgeted It may not Real, hut "P.J.,- marketing senior, and around the Student 1 'Mon on P.J.'s 1954 Schss inn tandem. P.J. likes termines student need. It is sent to the amount, he said. he El ('amino hest of a sunny day cruising the attention the "chicks dig it." College Scholarship Sers ice in Berke- Based on the anal> sis. the office lids Miller, finance senior, make the hike attracts and, he said. ley where an initial anals sis is done. tries to give a combination of aid to The application is then tor%arded to Meet student needs, he said the Pell Grant processor. lie s:inl Chinese bank to offer Visa to clients SAN MATE() (AP) Officials of Visa International say the Bank of China soon will begin offering Visa ;On his attempt to improve upon Lowenbrau's formula for the best way charge cards to its clients. The company already is design- in the world to brew beer, Albert stumbled upon another formula. ing a Visa card to he issued by the hank for use in China and abroad. Cur- rently, no international cards are is- -.I sued in the People's Republic of IIVIM1/4tr44,: ..".s.e0k14,ts ’ .s China, officials said. Visa has been accepted by mer- k`itk , chants in China since 1981 and cur- syNs. , rently is honored by about 1.000 mer- chants. Company officials said that g10,1 , ,s , number is expected to double by the end of next year. "For the card industry. China is .i market of great potential." said Carl IsVIRCIIMIlklts"Vss, Its Pascarella, chief general manager of tt, 4. Visa International for Asia and the Pa- cific. "Card transactions in China have increased thirty -seven -fold since -ER '/IPC\ (HA 0-0)') JQUL ;,1 AlaMil 1983 to $130 million annually and are expected to rise by 50 percent in kAtitt;/ 1987". -T--WkR I. ..11411V4tAi leitiettlAsil Visa recorded more than $70 mil- i5tik, i_lAtAAA-054 lion in card and travelers' check busi- kftrle Ltbi 01101- . j ness in China in fiscal 1985-86. Early in his career Albert 5 '7)k-VI:V3 1,5* realized that his life's dream of improving Lowenbrau's formula was a futile one. Correction Bottle by bottle, he would Due to a reporter's error. examine and discuss the sub- the Spartan Daily incorrectly re- 16 96PC CI(46 di> 6r- tiC' NO(VII.ti-lo -} atomic particles of Lowenbrau's ported Wednesday that Clark rich taste. He would often theorize Library officials might consider purchasing a second Kurmeil friwitvi4, 4teAtk Vek,m4w)64\ 1 that Bavarian supervision, plus Reading Machine if student de- HW+mitti_ivIT+ ,6 , the richness of Bavarian hops mand increases. Yxosii) 1 n \IFA COCkil) brewed fresh and smooth, was the According to Disabled Stu- best way in the world to brew beer. dents Adviser Donna Ellis, there We. a% hem, U And at about ten o'clock on are no plans to purchase another 194 tlIZDYcr machine at this time any given Thursday, he and the J other professors in his department would gather at the Cyclotron (M= Tavern where they would obtain THURSDAY 10(a4- e-ti hard evidence to support their I Tkl_.(L't&!..trittft,74 ) findings. Usually a tournament of NIGHT (r3 y o. 13. )= E) ) quarter bounce would evolve, dur- 0,, ing which Albert and his friends Refittii4 czrniusiei would lose all track of time and CINEMA 54’41461 `i space. Finally, by evening's end, ---' ..----LANC- he would further theorize that PRESENTS '1-644/1(4,Or --M-C461- Lowenbrau's mass appeal would grow exponentially in an ever- ---titOetzt expanding universe, and in all the 0 great beer drinking countries, --F-4561- because,.. it's the best way in the 118(0-7 I world to brew beer. C41. ft TcAt.vilur This World Calls

4 4,.0t l'io ,OWIF.N.IloitsVes’,11.110116,16,..r.101,,,lit,,CV;---,--,::...... ,..----....1...... 7.i...... m. for Lowenbrau. ,:.' 4 e, , e. - ...._

QUADROPHENIA TONIGHT 9PM MORRIS DAILY [le AUDITORIUM C I- tttt" Milktr Firrwlitk t ,11 %milk. %I FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PERVORM Spartan Daily/Thursday, March 12, 1987 Campus

Bloom County Berke Breathed Yesterdaily On This Date... RIC GalPAIESS - 1 41/ MX& OW-- ofeAr ltr1 maw Campus . . in 1942 wow mriardw.. bet WUE pars lair 4r'rPIA 0117 TOZT/ Forty-one candidates from three parties announced Beginning next quarter there will he a new science it.* WO? 41.01.0 JtAttiCALLY AtfflarEr their intention to run in the Associated Students elections. course for women interested in analytical chemistry. an- 70 MASAN A I.AZY RERICUr gaze/ scheduled for March 25 and 26. The three panics are Re- nounces Dr. P. Victor Peterson, head of the Science depart- - ?WNW sponsible Alliance. Hedonistic Opponunist Guild, and ment Inaugaration of this type of course is due to the fact ASAP. The presidential candidates are Dave Carroll, that industry is calling more and more for women who can Susan (HOG). Chargin (ASAP) and Michael McLennan do chemistry and control work. Formerly, the demand for (REAL). men was far greater than for women. hut now it is reversed due to the man-shortage. A proposed $10 admission lee hike for California State University applicants is heing protested by members of a statewide coalition called Third World Student Organiza- . . .in 1965 `s. tions. Members of the coalition are scheduled to speak be- A Seventh Street rally, conceived as a "warm-up" fore the California State Legislature on Thursday. They be- for Isaac Newt lieve the state should take on more of the salaries for new today's demonstration and march to San Francisco. turned Shona Neal employees. into what one coed described as "an all -Negro battle cry." Urging Negroes to withdraw from support of Dr. Mar- I LOVE POPPAti- A special session tin Luther King, Jr.. Alfred XX (Turner), "God is prolong- of the Associated Student Board ol SKATE BOARD Directors was scheduled for yesterday to ing your (white men's) judgment. When we integrate with amend the lease MINEELTe-s that will enable the Washington Square Federal Credit white people. we integrate with snakes. I don't hate them, 1 Union to open in the A.S. Business Office. feel sorry for them." A machine has been bought by Clark Library that en- . . .in 1980 ables seeing-disabled students to read printed hooks. The $21,000 Kurzweil Reading Machine is programmed with an A professional nude cake popper sparked controversy optical scanner that can read a variety of typestyles. The Monday when two people involved in "Womyn's Week" machine then synthesizes speech. protested her appearance in the Student Union Forum pro- gram. Raising their own funds, the SJSU Choraliers will "Did you know you are being advertised as tits and travel to San Antonio, Texas, to perform at the 1987 Ameri- ass?" Robin Williams, co-director of "Womyn's Week" can Choral Director's Association. The event is scheduled asked the cake popper. Good Clean Fun Gene Mahoney for March 12-15. The 24-voice Choraliers is the only mixed The woman said she was neither being exploited nor choir from the Western Division of the association to he in- exploiting other people. "I feel I am a free agent." she said ?OMIT- No ONifeARITzt NC(LiSt vited to perform at the convention. "I'm not forced to do this." VU WOW I Mitai6. E so 0_ REF ' I ; ! Cx:rr NICE. 5i'e t'li,1 grPt3VCE? \ ''"1 OF M7r ,, , Business booms for ' / honest retailer , . i, if 'f. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Hon- letti. "We're 1(X) percent honest. With hack and taste again on a second 'AIL`24,61, AN' esty makes the difference. says Gary the exception of the wine we're forced round. tuatp vi Marcaletti, co-owner of a hustling II' sell because of demand, we never "Again, we eliminate the wines , wine-spirits shop he claims grosses sell a bottle of wine without believing we don't want, then go to a third more money than any other San Fran- in it." round. On we pull off cisco independent retailer. To hack that pledge, the shop the paper hags and evaluate them as to Mr. Liquor draws an estimated conducts several wine tastings a month the price and brand." 10,000 customers from the San Fran- for employees after closing time. The place seems to break all cur- cisco Bay area and beyond to spend. rent retailing rules and fads for stores - 811.111.11 ilMWrur.""iiki* 4 'We do it on volume." said Mar- "We taste a minimum of 150 dealing in food and drink. Mr. Liquor caletti, partners with John Rag. in a wines a month." said Marcaletti. "We closes at 6:30 p.m., is open only six Home On The Range Bill Lukas cluttered rear office not unlike a bulg- open them, let them breathe, put days a week, accepts no credit cards ing broom closet. "We move about brown paper hags over them and we and won't give you 10 percent off on THEN portr I TAKE AERIAL 500 cases a day. minimum." taste and spit, taste and spit. WELL -, We elimi- case purchases because, he says, dis- reoToutrAPw. "People like us," said Marca- nate the wines we don't wanl. then go counts are built in 100 HAVE A REQ01-Aiz 'T013 FO A- Classified

ANNOUNCEMENTS orders by phone Mon-Weds A hen SJSU Clean quiet. ay. IM- For Information call HOW ed 294 Sat A Sun Outstanding earning MEDIATELY' 1 Ith San For. 8311 ciwo ABUSE TREATMENT PRO- potential Call 370-9090 rondo. call 294-3493 415-572- INSTANT CREDIT. NO credit check. GRAM Enhance person.' 11. pro- 0662 ORIENTATION LEADERS. For Au No interest charges, you are 11191. Roston.' growth es Volunteer In. gust 87 Oneoletton Program on APT FOR RENT. 2 bdon 217101. located Ns' Unlimited credit 11110 with lull tem In world renowned local cello. Stipend applications at 555 5 10th SI . rent $575. call color catalog. OCR. rswelry end program Counseling, support available In Student Actlyttles Of. 297-7554 more FREE Information please service.. sdmln dots processing. wrfte Rektor Home Shoppers. lice, Old Cate.. Bldg Apply by AVAIL ARl E NOW". LARGE 2 Bdren, 2 public awareness. fund-raising. 1310 Box 90359. Son Jose, Ca 95109 March bath opt One bat from umptis etc 611- mono-angual, all me' Taking reservations for fleet se- SIGMA ALPHA MU pledoe RAY R On.. gr. & undergrad Eirport ORIENTATION SERVICES STUDENT mere Call 297 5316 or 8670642 MAJERKUS Is cortang. 59 ones from clerical to post-gred, ASSISTANT posillon evellable sharp Good luck, you'll he. The Classified introlo-extrovert WE NEED YOU Work frith the design & imp. ROOMING HOUSE FOR EASE, err,., mentellon of summer lime of your Me From your Rig Nem campus ICEF PO Box orientation on 0th SI noel SJSU looking for dependable service et AFEORDA- progrorns $4 50-$4 90 hr, 15- Bra entry, loc. A deardbolts en- Per page and hourly noes Aime- 952, S.J.95106. call 2110-5055 group Renting preferred, price Mont (Ponsele)923-7810 RL RATES" Call Peen .1 247- 20 hrs wk rolled. num. keying Ce6 900 during spring semester $1600 mo cash Joe Cl 267-2090 VISA MASTERCARD' Gel you, card d. Branham sr. Free disk .tot M, OPTICAL PLAN Mania Clara) Further eon. STUDEfff DENTAL I this Sal (Sun by ACADEMIC AND PROfESS1ONAt STENO TYPING full-time during the summer today' Also new credit card, no to 600 Moo age PROF Ings with referred discounts, Enc. now, Save your teeth. eye. or 272-7396 Applications further Inform. - one retuned' Call 1 516-4563546 eVpl only) iicsosed-boncled-fro- word procesaing PJ Word Pro- SERVICE .1 264-4504 and money too For Information PROFESSION. EDITING OF term pe- Hon evallabkr in the Student Ac - STUDIO APT. 2 mlies NORTH of cam. Fot C-21113 24515 b. 105. dieCoun, on labor with cessing Sonde otters quality FINEST KIND WORD PROCESSING' pers. theses, end brochure see AS OM. or tirades & Services Office, CAL pus $425 not hes extrs on (stu- this act Spelei rates for seeor gueranteed work E rower.. in and dIssertetion. All types of papers, ell loofahs Plea. ma (406)3714611 Bldg Apply by March 20 dy bdon for one) Call 2.- calrens. SISU shedents. aloft & term papers thesis, group pro- 0.115546650 SERVICES SI 35 page Typeng & 6647 275-9509 or 1-600474-8200 lecully FREE estimates 'EMER- pels. resume., manuscripts and SUCCESS ENTERPRISE PROFFES PART & FULL TIME RETAII MEI P.. BACKACHE, PALMER COLLEGE OF 51 65 page typing & full proof- AUTOMOTIVE Also need pert-lime manager GENCIES ANYTIME' Cell Ron Niters Only minutes from cam SION.. typing & these.. send. National arm preparing for Spring CHIROPRACT1C-West I. currently reading Campbell areatoce 110 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON, starting in May Hughes. Every.. I ocksmith pus Coll P.1.1 923-2309 Ices Fest reasonebie, and near A Summer work It ecepted. you ...Ong petted. lot FREE ex pickup 14.110,71 8666960 Securtly Services. 270-3277. Son Now point, pe. pit et. good gels will earn SI 1 75 stoning. PT (20) '920 DECORATOR APARTMENT.' ACADEMIC WORD PROCESSING-971 university Call (408)292-4047 amlnotion. & treernent. as pert of SECRETARIAI maeoge. runs well, $900-13.1 Josee All work guaranteed DAYSTAR Prot.. *ern per wid equal $235 FT (40) CONDO style. 1 bedroom Ave!, research protect 11 you have 6461 200. STUDENT DISCOUNT SUCCESS ENTERPRISES PROFES- 374.1457 atonal student typist and skilled oder Cali earnings per veld ewe! 5470 No able for mature pore. Long term PROFESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOG All formals (APA. Mt A. 'NO 1.01ffin SIONAL typing had low bock polo for Iflora then word, Dependable and end business eel) Is of our in- preferred Must be financially re- RAPHY by SJSU gr. Chen.l, etC arid group protects welcome 77 HONDA ACCORD, GOLD Runs needed bee.. six months A ere 20-55 yews old. test' Perfect ant.*d documents services rest reasonable and herring pro- aponsible. deem quiet and sober your price.. ersemon. Honer Free spell check .040)5k stored. neer university Cell groat new tires. very deperelable tensive on the lob pies., cell the college et horn laser printer (no typos. 1408) 292- gram Good moth A reading skills only 551-553 S 615 St 793 Budget end Ado. peck... Eaperlencod these end public 4047 Must soil SI 500 bo 746-5976 (4001244-0907 .01 whiteout eiC ) Si 50 per page ere (Kos Some everting & wears - 0989 287.2077 after 5pro $450 available Compameniary 0 x 10 lion typist Standard and micro- RARE IT ALL'Stop shoving wowing. Cell Sharon II 3562717 (To my TERM PAPERS RESUMES. Need COMPUTERS end positions ore evallabie & SING' E OCCUPANCY when you mention thls ad For ce.etio transcripten Word pro- Nreering 01 using thornier deplit repeat clients, call to re.rve help, Cell S 0 S Word Pro- some flexibilay Is olio.114 during FREE appointmeot call Paul instruction evoked. 910 WE SELL. ISM COMPATIBLE com- tones Let no permenently re- for your protects bearn end-rd- cessing Spell Check Leder Oust fined @yams In wadltion, a you PERSONALS 501110 Photognophy al 758-1329 5 Mon -Fri By appointment system for (chin. ....rush is .1 Ity Printers Resumes puter XT complete no. your unwanted heir Chrystal 9234441 1,0 CH.* gooey, corporate eholorships EXPLORE YOUR POSITIVE FUTURE. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY by KIRK $570. AT complete system for bikini. tummy mo.tacher. etc) EDITING WORD PROCESSING 266- ) Cover totters Envelope. are sworded. Internships are pos. First-class metaphysical counsel. KU11RIAN Distinctive portraiture ACCURATE. ACCOMPLISHED. 31195 PC-COM. computer A sc. 15 percent discount to dudeots 94. Former English motor con Photocopies chol. 01 paper sIbie. & you may *ern 2,3.4 c.0. log Is eacellent for anding tol dl wan sensat. touch A ferrety AWARD WINNING typist 10 min- ce.orie. 404 5 3rd St , corner of and faculty Call before June 1, amidst w grammar. yocsbulary, E epee-One. Yet inexpensive it. qt, or semester During your reclion and purpose, vocational choose front el ute. hoot SJSU 10 veers xperl- San Seery... 7911606 We oc. 1967 ond gel your est spot et 1 2 of parekages to structure Term re- 135-6645(5101) Sunnyvale winter. spring & eentenc ...dimity sum. gulden.., deep sell knowledge, reeeonabry priced By eppoet- once typing research papers.

' JOSS' J095. ideal tor she today. lents Join our marketing stet ii Tear new and fanawei numerine Page S Campus I hursd,t. Marc 1987/Spartan Daily Carter disputes Reagan arms deal Football season set OWBAL./.. / ward to coming to San Jose ; CARTER, from page 1 President Reagan could have "We're excited about it. nois, SJSU has now completed its done that in November when Attorney said Ron Paap, the school's asso- alb militarily and economically . that no 1987 schedule. Eastern Illinois will General Edwin Meese first announced ciate athletic director. "We just one would dare challenge our word or serve as the opener for a five-game the sales of weapons had been chan- hope we don't get a lesson in foot- ... authority or influence around the home schedule. 'If I had told my neled to the Contras and President ball." ad.0'- world, and I think the American pen- "I think they are a very rep- Reagan could do that today, he said. SJSU finished the season with II pie believed that. although a lot of it could resentative team and a good test." people they The resurgence of the Democratic a 10-2 record and captured the Pa- e was fallacious," he said. Wagner said. "I think it will he a Party in November's elections has cific Coast Athletic Association r Caner said there was a hunger in deliver arms to the good opener." confirmed the southern Democrat as championship. the American people to hear that Rick Resnick. SJSU's offen- an important pan in choosing the In addition to Eastern Illinois, ,.. Americans are superior. God's chosen Ayatollah Khomeini, I sive coordinator, agreed with Wag- Democratic nominee in 1988. Caner SJSU will play PCAA opponents people, and that anyone who disagrees ner. would certainly have said. California State University at Ful- with Americans are from an evil king- "They are a very good foot- "It is almost impossible for a lenon. New Mexico State Univer- .:dom. ball team and it should be a good remembered.' Democrat to win the White House sity. University of Nevada at Las "Americans did not face real- game." Resnick said. Carter, without strong support in the South, Vegas, and University of the Pa- ity." Caner said. Jimmy Last year. Eastern Illinois, lo- because there are western states, as cific at home. At a news conference in 1984, former United States President cated in Charleston. Ill., finished you know, that habitually go with the On the road, the Spanans will Caner said Reagan never has taken re- the season with an 11-2 record. The Republican nominee," he said. play PCAA opponents Utah State :: six)nsihility for anything unpleasant or Gateway Conference team ad- Carter said there is a possiblity of University, CSU-Long Beach and ? unsuccessful and hasn't had a single vanced to the Division I -AA quar- Vice President George Bush being the CSU-Fresno. international achies einem terfinals before losing to Eastern have handled Republican nominee. Caner said he still believes this to vient to him. That fact remains to be it much diffrerently. Kentucky University. Stephanie M. Nichols contrib- "If Bush is the nominee, he'll he true. seen." Caner said. 'I think Reagan should call in Eastern Illinois is look ing (or uted h, 'hi.% report ,-0 "I didn't see anything in Rea- "(With Reagan) it is always the Nonh and Poindexter and, as com- have President Reagan's support, and gan's speech that contradicts anything James Watt or the North or the Poin- mander in chief, command them to to he'll he kind of a descendant of Presi- make a full accounting dent Reagan. but he won't overwhelm said. Reagan's psychological motiveetion dexter or the Casey or his predecessors to him. person- is not to admit that any unplea- or the Congress or some foreigner that ally, of all the weapons sales, the the Democrats with charisma," Caner r-santness or error is directly attributable is responsible for anything that goes funds that were derived for the sale of said. New assistant coach r-io him. he said. wrong," he said. American weapons and what has hap- Caner also said the Democrats ,... Reagan did make a claim that he Caner ,.11,1 it he were in the situa- pened to the funds since then. com- have an excellent chance to be suc- ; as betrayed h I hose vs h .ire stibwr- tion President Reagan is in. he would plete and in writing:* he said. cessful in 1988 joins football staff New sorority COACH. from page 1 Equality to be topic was defensive captain both years. fensive player of the year and 1985 He started his collegiate football No. 5 accepted; first American Football Conference de- career at Ventura College. fensive rookie of the year, now play- Following his senior year at San of educator's speech ing for the Indianapolis Colts. and Diego State, he was as a graduate as- in nine years Marcus Cotton, a 1986 second team sistant for one year. TASK FORCE, front page 1 cruitment and retention of minority . SORORITY , from page 1 All-American, who is entering his se- After graduating in 1972, he was scores. But this does not address students, recommend policies, and nior year. promoted to a full-time assistant lorm a corporation hoard of local the needs of minority students, she promote cultural perspectives in the Rae is respected by his players coach. He stayed at the university until alumnae who will select and buy a said. curriculum. Lessow-Hurley. said. and coaches, said Ron Turner. an as- 1980. house this coming fall semester. So- Student Affirmative Action MEET!' is one of three affir- sistant coach at USC. Rea became defensive coordina- rority members will leave the house developed the Multicultural Educa- mative action task forces on cam- "All the players that he has tor in 1981 of Chula Vista High $14,1118) . from the corporation board. tional Task force in the School of pus. The lottery granted coached thoroughly love him." Turner School, near San Diego, and then went fund the project. The schools of Members tar Alpha Omicron Pi Education to address faculty sensi- Lew Schatz, said. "He is very helpful to his play- to Brigham Young University a year I will he drawn from Applied Art and Sciences and Hu- among rushers not tivity towards problems minorities trPf) chief ers, and the players are very respectful later where he coached the Cougars' picked up by established sororities face in college. manities and the Any also have pro- at him. inside linebackers.

:during "rush week," the Greek sys- Funding from lottery money grams. 'Donnie is very loyal and very In 1983 he was the inside line- tem recruitment period, the first week and faculty development grants Each task force is responsible Tip leads dedicated to his players." he said. backer coach for the Los Angeles Ex- -01 the semester. said Rebecca Purdin. have allowed the school to produce tor lormulating its own ways to Rea played linebacker at San press of the defunct United States 'Panhellenic secretary. activities for multicultural enhance- tackle minority problem. Lessow- Diego State in 1969 through 1970. He Foothill League. "Rushees are undergraduate ment. Hurley said. students who are considering joining a Two SJSU faculty members In 1986 the task force changed UPD to soronty or fraternity. have been given leave from teach- the dean of education's job &seri- Established sororities will ing and received $750 to write a tion to include a multicultural back- "rush, or recruit select rushee% lb!. guide for teachers who want to ground requirement. steroids ,the nes house throughout next semes- strengthen their course work in The original three task forces DRUGS, from page 1 kr. Purdin said. multicultural education. will serve as models to he estab- Cards about the new sorority will MEETF activities are de- lished in each school until the entire the drug's effects on rats. no research Intramural

he mailed to all entering undergraduate signed to increase faculty aware- university is involved in educatio- on humans has been done. women next semester. Flyers will he ness, enlist faculty to increase re- nal enhancement, she said. In the meantime, police are en- passed out to potential members. Pur- couraging anyone who has taken ilk Softball din said. gaily purchased steroids to seek medi The corporation hoard and mere cal attention. hers from the nearest Alpha Omicron Club tries to repeal "I'm recommending anyone who League Divisions Pi chapter in California will give rush has taken those drugs or any type at Men Women CoEd IFC parties to select new members. Purdin those steroids, since it was not done said. without a doctor's approval, to at least SignUps Delta Zeta was the last sorority to $8 student fee increase see their doctors," Durov said. March 2-16 in Leisure Services join the SJSU colony in 1979. The col- Dumv also asked that anyone Signup I'l 111 ION, from page (next to the pub) - any began in 19.18 with Chi Omega. election. it must then go to President with quantities of the drugs in their League starts March 23 Alpha Phi and Delta Zeta. Delia Zeta Met. Gail Fullerton for final approval. possession turn them in to the univer left campus during the 1960% before Steve Cressy. club member and Cressy said. sity Cost . returning 1978, said Houston. in Nada candidate for controller, met with the "We feel that they raised the fees One of the persons in posse r $25.00/team adviser to WC and Panhellenic. election hoard Wednesday. without truly consulting the majority of the drugs has already done plus $10.00 forfeit fee Sorority charter applications were "(The second clause) will not ap- of the students at San Jose State." Ro- Dumv said. narrowed down from eight to three he- pear on the ballot from what I'm told no mero said. University police said they had Call 277-2858 for more information lore Alpha Omicron Pi was selected, now. but (the election hoard) is still Tom Boothe, A.S. president. knowledge of whether any of the drugs Houston said. seeking legal counsel on the whole said. "I feel he is spreading misinfor- were sold to Slat athletes. 4,:af s The Panhellenic selection com- wording, so we won't know yet." mation. I have seen nothing to sub- mittee considered the eight applicants Cressy said. stantiate the allegations. on the basis of national strength, alum- "There also seems to be some "If you want to accuse us of '41.11" 111111111111111111111111 11.11111 MOM *ATM nae support and a videotaped presenta- controversy regarding the first clause being partial to special interests. I'll tion submitted by each sorority. Ruhne because there are rules and regulations argue that that special interest is stu- um- 'mai lar-sirw84 ri 041111,68111INI MIK MN said. covering fee increases and fee abolish- dents." he said. NMI MIL IN MI III III 1111111 Campus represtruati es. includ- ments, but not decreases or repeals of ing Knoll and Associated Students things that have already occurred." he Mr WPM 1111 President Tom Boothe. viewed the vi- said. deotape presentations ot the three so- Cellini said he would consult AFFORDABLE rorities and made recommendations. legal counsel in the next two days to A Woiff Ruhne said. determine if the petition's first clause HOUSING The committee then presented a can he included on the ballot March 25 linal recommendation to the sororities and 26. for a final vole. If the first clause is ruled as an Each sorority voted March 2 to abolishment, the club sill have to col- approve the Panhellenic committee's lect signatures from 1(1 percent of the

recommendation of Alpha Omicron student body - - approximately 2,700 10 GRAND Pi. students -- to get the proposal on a off Martin approved the recommen- ballot for a special election. Cressy 1st dation Tuesday and finali/ed the se- said. wk's lection process the initiative passes a special ent w this coupon OPENING NO First and Last FREE Utilities GIVE BLOOD, PLEASE. FREE Housekeeping SPECIALS! Fully Furnished American Red Cross - San Jose State Spacious Rooms Blood Drive Easily Accessible to Bus Routes and Freeway 11FREE VISIT! 10.00 a.m. to 300 p.m. One tree visit per person with this coupon MOTHER OLSEN'S Only one coupon per person will be honored Monday, March 9 through Friday, March 13 INNS during this special Student Union - Third Floor OFFICE OPEN 7 DAYS Coupon expires April 1.1987 This ad is a community service brought to you by 72 North 5th St., S.J. the San Jose Medical Group, Inc. 998-0234 ONE MONTH THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO 1111/ Coupon expires April 1. 1987 BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. Maintenance fees not included And they're both repre- sented by the insignia you wear EXKUTAN as a member of the Army Nurse 2095t Corps. The caduceus on the left (408)996-0500 means you're part of a health care EXKUTAN system in which educational and 1058 Leigh Avenue, San Jose career advancement are the rule, (al Southwest E xpressway) not the exception. The gold bar j (408) 947-71166 on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Clifton, NJ 07015. Or call toll free 1 -800-USA-ARMY. ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALLYOU CAN BE. lion to Eastern Illinois, play PCAA opponents ;talc University at Ful- Mexico State Univer- rsity of Nevada at Las University of the Pa-

mad, the Spartans will opponents Utah State CSU-Long Beach and nay M. Nichols contrib. coach staff ve captain both years. entertainer fled his collegiate football No. 5 4 v/s Entertainment l'hursda . Mardi I 2. 1987 'ntura College. Supplement to the Spartan Daily ing his senior year at San he was as a graduate as- ne year. traduating in 1972. he was to a full-time assistant tayed at the university until

wattle defensive coordina- i of Chula Vista High r San Diego. and then went Young University a year he coached the Cougars' A:kers. 3 he was the inside line- h for the Los Angeles Ex- le defunct United States igue.






r! Rive 2 Thursday . March 12. 1987 Diversity found 'Take Aim' For a good time . . . in fine magazine all experien little ones, In :he so/I111! .11 For Wethose terse- racking heart. there is 'Dial- A 1 oom lit Pao!, Boreel press I he 111.1111 theme Soto con moments iii hotedom Ettir% and "Dial V.,. //..,a is the last v, oid iii the e)s is now that he's user 50. he's w hen 1111e JOCS11.1 know N1111 to di, 55 1.10111 Sli11, Amy L. Pabalan :Nmenean Heritage Dictionary "arguing less and less and letting with time N Tooth Fair it's also the lirm word in literary "people he right. coin ii they're T..,..111111C,L Nos tide 111 To deal with sus It moments . a reosrdine Fame: hum, maga/ines on the West Coast dead wrong... is sinning soon and that he willbc 1 ii,,ther turkey scolding het chance to laugh. meditate. pra) 01 son II your The strange title. meaning lie goes riser hits and pieces ol bringing a lot (il treats But the him: lathe! get stimulation is lust a phone call tins, he'd he turning his lite. proving his point. He has ,rice adds bunnies also eat good he's away. inset Ii its gra% y .. she says. come to the conclusion that tihids like carrots. crisp lettuce "no longer sucker. All you have hod() is dial Or Pages a loudmouth. lea% es and other % egetahles. which Date. turns out to puncher. the firm one at a part) and reach out and use your touch-tone be the "nastiest numher the the phone could also he an Easter treat ''any 01 various tropical American the last Sr go home " In short. he's A vowman's since. hare!, weevils 01 the genus fy /ova. often "become agreeable... 'Dial- .5 ’ is an In ''Dial- A -Wee -Wisdom sy raunchy whisper, hl/ilfre Story . a sweet . 11:111:1111 WILT tells destructive to plants." is ,is There are also many good inc VI:11,15 e lo 111111/C One's warns that the message contains .1.101A about a little girl .is Its cover i hald. naked woman IN wills in this issue, hut one ol the time in Iii' oi ultimate boredom Cs pl wit se% talk and callers should ill he nest ho she is It \k J, .1 holding a hall mer her chest best is Timothy Steele's "Ponran 01 From "Dial- Joks" 1,, 1)1,11.A be more than I S-.\ cars old

ly//yva's second anniversary a Woman in a Museum. It de Date,’ there are %arum. hive pleasant tale with religious The soicc related a prm,tcallie issue contains 17 literary works and scribes a woman slew mg a painting recorded it to hi e% cry connotations situation, which v,on't he told in 15 all works by %arum% published in a museum and shows how ,dike person s need. Sr hawser that inay But it's almost a shame that detail now The message was authors and artists the portrait and the woman are. It he children would hase to learn such del tnitel.s or male callers only. hut Resembling a book. inure than uses so man) cies Cr metaphors that hatever happened to equal w114, are lacking in lessons 0% em the phone Isn't Tv a maga/ine. Zy//%%a containsno, shorto, point comes across with 11% mg h'r People opportunit)..' There was no se%) escerpts I.rom his spiritual guidance. "Dial- A- ' stne,.o colors. %owe lor ladies to listen to. Meditai ion is a soothing two or male 'wins. photos and charcoal draw- II 1.), //) % has one downhill in 1 rue to its 11:1111r "Dlal-A three minutes A male voice asks iii ings However, unlike a hook. A,' - the issue. it's Steven Benson's "On Junks'.'' Is rifle big laugh Nol that second thought. it you to Cilia 111 truth great realm hut they are es sas chapters don't lollow one an- Time In Another Place " What the hikes are hilarious, Onsomeone is really that bored and to contemplate Biblical stories other and are completely unrelated started oil as a good idea hills flat in the kind that one can't help hut with the, that desperate to The vim e is deep and meaninglul. The oyerall purpose 01 this 'nag- practice laugh: they are that dumh reach out and resort to listening to hut slurred, as it the speaker had :a/me is hard to Judge although it The actual way the piece is Johnny Steel 01 Megaphone strange recorded messages lot one too many drinks. contains great pieces ol work written is very contusing. In places Company supplies the hikes With entertainment something is One panicularl) good piece is where the type is double-spaced on It is Just hard to imagine canned background laughter. he definitely wrong with this world by Fred Schow alter, a novelist -to- the page, the reader can read each anyone reaching a diflerent coill oi belts Mil three or lour pikes at However, the "Dial -A-Meditation he Entitled "No Matter Where You line in sequence and it will make consciousness % ia a phone call tune tor-Planet -Earth' ' line %v as buss Go, There You Are." it's an ex- perleci sense. Howe%. in places cerpt front his upcoming novel. It where the type is single-spaced, the sof ins olves two men of indistinguisha- reader must alternate, reading every apteee tkizat, vs ble age who eat Nand, microwaved other line until a sentence ends, then Zoltautotst NDW7AS lurid in a hole -in -the -wall diner go back to get the nest sentence c,=1 tit 3clitess’ Laak at thi cOwleaR weapons' We ItItr,1011 One (il the men. Ed. the narra- ivess I S.d 4 re..e., t..1, at all these Deplestion' where the first one began tolt tor. has been working three days the events m4' the last Ira le,tal.,1,anS' All londs eC nr.F.r.ess' All this back and lorth, skip. t the" ,30 veal% beFeAt tneaWsr,S. vottat'S straight on a 1110dCI a a 45 -story ping lines and trying to find sen- See A building. In a lit of delirium. Ed tences is so oven.vhelming that it is Clench' flocks the model pink. like a impossible to folkis what the au- Christmas tree, and thus inust hide thor is If) ing to say . it from his architect firm. Although 7.)rty% a is an excel- As the two men banter hack lent literary magaime. is is not tor and forth. they drop some great the unimaginative nor the unedu- lines, such as "the aftertaste of my cated Its not meant to be read :it Ide had overtaken my appetite.' ' one sitting. hut to he savored and re- viol_ - is Naer s. t7 %hail I send in wit unla ono even Gary Solo's "Agreeable." read in anticipation ol the nest 11. AST ? IttslItilet (Imo, commeRciil, an essay from a collection -in -pro issue j'ank lov' 540 SunplOnS' God set `) I Meh Calendar 1(1014/.1 I st` The Catalyst in Santa Ow will The Nonhstde Theatre Com- a won, IF& lilt host a KSJS welcome tonight pany of San Jose will hold a rum- Dreams So Real plus Agitpop and mage sale lundraiser Irum noon to h Kage featuring former Dead Kenne- p.m. on March 14 at the Olinder " / i/I, dy. guitarist East Ha) Ray Admis- Community Center in San Jose SIR YO sion is SI at the door Call Richard Orlando at 2K8-7820 The state i.e the lor more inlormat ion. ges, yeN I knew winS -t exactly '1"6' Trainer What ,"1:11,s' Of c.vatf I tha t toni .artt. 's ''.rs lid see mt aboid know Out, pqrwt Reqettaa tenth Roc k 11101C ' I Gad" Entertainer The Entertainer supplement is an arts/entertainment guide that appears each Thursday in the Spartan Daily.

Editor I think 9eu Amy L Pabalan should OOD Photo Editor the non la/in

April Swift 5or tint Et the anti" con* shouldion ' okay, 1..60 ',I to C,00d trw revlel sst 'rot Special Sections Manager 4ou shahl4' 14...u,o,c1c,,id;nt:wth oks4 eaath, load f 6.41' air," ! Phaie 9hoo14 1165u:id:en Jeff Rausis att 905, ' craa you" t"'"That Cover Photo by George Sakkestad reetivole::.7, tI71 Jackson Browne sings in protest of activities in Central America at a benefit for the Palo Alto-Stanford Medical Aid in Central Amenca and the South Bay Covenant. The concert was held Sunday at the San Jose Civic Auditorium. I' 1 1

Thursday , March I ' '157 Page -

NMI IST. D NC NG Muzzie's tilt50 might OW tad, . 1,3/101 @n011.R. KIRK O'CONNELL wash as new club STARTING WAR 13 UVE BA NDS for local bands NU a KING NS at SOARS By Tom Dunlap 541 Two entertainment directors The Kingpins were the last all 41 BROWNs 71v recently hired at a sedate Saratoga hand to play on the Laundry Works' f DINNER 1 THE bar and grill will try to transform the stage one month ago, also on Friday & SAY NEVER ;ar place. beginning tommorrow night. the 13th. I NEVER into a new haven for local alterna- Two other local hands. Dinner , I s H ISO R.* tive-music hands. With the Browns and Never Say 41. 0.5 II 01551511 The area badly needs a "new Never are scheduled Saturday night. - Laundry Works" a club where Beginning next month, Trippet local hands are hooked three or four said the 18-and-older club will room. .=1.11.11111

nights a week. said Mike Thripet, begin hooking local hands on John B Lawrence Daily staff photograph. r co-entertaiment director at Muzzle's Wednesday through Saturday nights Frank law rence, manager, and his wife. Carol %tinker, owner. survey upcoming shows at their place. Bar and Grill. in almost exactly the same way the Desparados Inc. bought the Laundry Works did. Laundry Works last month and Not quite as large as the Laun- play bigger clubs." he said. play lasurilcs when hooking hands. He and his partner. Grey Mat- when won't hook hands the remod- dry Works. Muzzles will not try to He also said he expects to at- '1 want to make it very clear ter drummer Sean Galvin. presented eling is complete. compete with other clubs. Trippet tract a different crowd from the one that we plan on being unbiased the club owner with a 10-page pro- 'I think what we have here is said, hut will try to fill a void for frequenting Essex Junction. a disco (when booking hands). First Strike posal on booking hands, he said. the definitive answer to the Laundry local hands tell by the closing. in the same shopping center. hands will play here, hut this won't The owner liked it and the two will Works' closing." said Trippet. "We're not going to try to Trippet is also the manager of he Grey Matter's playhouse.** he he sub-contracting the work. Tomorniw night. The King- compete with the larger clubs like Grey Matter, one of 13 hands in a said. "We were in love with the pins and The Shapes are scheduled The Cabaret or One Step Beyond. loose collective known as First I encourage other hands to Laundry Works. Few people were to inaugurate Muzzie's new stage This club will he or hands to per- Strike. get in touch with me, send me demo as crushed as us by the closing," he and new comniit men' to live fect and hone their skills so they can However, he said he would not tapes or whatever,'' he said. said. Jazzy performance shines at S.J. Pops concert

By Paula Ray Christiamen touch of humor for the classics, Canney and John Lennon's "Here. Symphony, with her smooth-yet- Cleo Lainc composed a sponta- Cleo Laine's voice and John making them entenaining, fun and There and Everywhere." raspy, sometimes eerie voice. neous, fun, gentle performance that Dankworth's saxophone joined to- definitely Dankwonh's own. Dankwonh played "Misty" "Come in from the Rain" was made "just another performance" gether to jazz up the San Jose Sym- The first hour and a half of the for the audience in a saxophone solo strong and vibrantly sung. as was a of the San Jose Symphony Orches- phony Orchestra for a Pops perfor- show was reserved for The Dank- backed by the power of the orches- collection of poetry that Lame had tra another performance to he re- mance last weekend at the Flint worth Quartet performing with the tra. The man is amazing in his per- set to music by Arthur Young and membered. Center in Cupertino. symphony orchestra. formance of various reed and brass Duke Ellington. Laine is recognized intern.. Backed by the San Jose Sym- Jon Ward played bass. 1.arry instruments. In the course of the The poems included selections tionally lor her talents as a singer 01 Koonse was on guitar, Jim Zimmer- evening he alternated between clar- from E.E. Cummings. William jazz. popular, classical and operatic man played drums and Ray Loeckle inet, saxophone, alto sax and flute. Shakespeare. and T.S. Eliot's music and has been nominated for Music was on reeds. with Dankworth oc- Laine brought the magic of the "English Teeth." a funny little live Grammies. Her album "Cleo at casionally intervening on sax (or voice instrument to the stage for the diddy about food and its place be- Carnegie: The Ulth Anniversary phony last Saturday night, they whatever instrument seemed to second half of the evening, starting tween the jaws. Concert" won her a Grammy played to a full house of definite catch his fancy). off with a fast rendition of her own In closing with three songs Award for Best Jazz Vocal Perlin music-appreciators young and With Dankworth conducting. jazzy favorites. from a broadway musical in which mance by a Female in 1986. old, hut mostly old bringing the the lour wove their style into the Proceeding to vocalize every she played the mistress of an opium Dankworth, her . house down in full applause. symphonic harmony of the orches- note of the scale, she gave the den, Laine once again displayed her songwriter and husband, was ap- The program was a son ol tra with an ease that did not give audience a sample of her amazing talent for comedic acting, voice pointed Pops Musical Director by "make it up as we go along ordeal way to the fact that, as Dankworth talent for tone and depth of voice. range and lyrical spontaneity. the Symphony in May. that included a rhapsody of "Three put it. the entire show was "thrown A quick saxophone riddle of Two of the songs were per- 1985. Blind Mice scampering between together" at very short notice. her husband's composing, was formed in an English "cockney" The relationship between the lines of Beethoven. Bach. Tchai- A grouped version of "London matched by what seemed to he accent and the other in a "posh" ac- two as husband and wife lent a spe- kovsky. (which Dankworth dubbed Bridge is Falling Down" with Duke Laine's suppressed vocal strength. cent. Her ability to drift from one to cial air of musical understanding to "Mousekovsky' ' 1 and Mozart. Ellington's "Satin Doll" and Dave Laine had no problem being the other duplicated her unbelieva- the stage worth seeing again and Ending with the mice in the Burbach's "Take Five" was fol- heard above any individual instru- ble vocal agility. again. And it would probably al- "Nutcracker Suite.** it was a nice lowed by a clarinet solo of Paul Mc- ment, let alone the entire San Jose Together. John Dankworth and ways he surprisingly surprising. Senseless 'Therapy' plot needs medical help

By John Bagley chiatrists for help. Untortunately. psy chiatrist in the adjacent office and Hag