DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES STATE OF WISCONSIN Division of Quality Assurance Bureau of Health Services PO Box 2969 Madison, WI 53701-2969 Community Mental Health Program Certification Directory By County, City, and Provider Name ADAMS FRIENDSHIP ADAMS COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROGRAM 3243 108 E NORTH ST TOM CHARLES Initial Cert: 01/17/2019 FRIENDSHIP, WI 53934
[email protected] Cert Eff: 02/01/2020 County: Adams Phone:(608) 339-4505 Cert Exp: 01/31/2022 Surveyor: Tina Dary Fax: (608) 339-4593 Services Adm Code Service Begin/End Dates MENTAL HEALTH-COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROGRAM DHS 63 02/01/2020 01/31/2022 NO BRANCH LOCATIONS ADAMS COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPT COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 2810 108 E NORTH STREET DIANE OSBORN Initial Cert: 12/10/2008 FRIENDSHIP, WI 53934
[email protected] Cert Eff: 03/01/2021 County: Adams Phone:(608) 339-4505 Cert Exp: 02/28/2023 Surveyor: Tina Dary Fax: (608) 339-4585 CCS Affiliaton:CENTRAL WISCONSIN HEALTH PARTNERSHIP V2 Begin: 01/01/2016 Services Adm Code Service Begin/End Dates CCS REGIONAL MODEL SHARED SERVICES DHS 36 03/01/2021 02/28/2023 NO BRANCH LOCATIONS ADAMS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1253 108 E NORTH STREET REBECCA BURRESS Initial Cert: 09/01/1990 FRIENDSHIP, WI 53934
[email protected] Cert Eff: 03/01/2020 County: Adams Phone:(608) 339-4505 Cert Exp: 02/28/2022 Surveyor: Tina Dary Fax: (608) 339-4585 Crisis Intervention Services Regional Designation Begin End Lead BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TRAINING PARTNERSHIP 01/01/2020 BRIDGEWAY