human for Eighty percent of the world’s hungry ood consumption in many regions remains inadequate despite im- population and those Fprovement in aggregate world pro- duction. In the next decade food con- lacking adequate sumption in the Caribbean and Latin access to live America is expected to stagnate, this means 32 per cent of its population will

in rural areas. Progress not meet nutritional requirements. Sub- Photo: Were at achieving hunger Saharan Africa, the only place where the Mango and banana number of hungry and malnourished planted in a filled and sanitation targets people continues to rise, is expected to . account for 50 percent of the food gap in are lagging behind, the next decade. more so in rural areas. Rural poor account for 80 percent of the world’s 800 million hungry people. Scarci- Conventional measures ty of food drives them to cultivate and overgraze fragile environment, threaten- to improve food ing resources upon which their lives security and sanitation depend on. The WHO report, 2005 esti- mates one in three children and one in six progress has been made in ameliorating have been ineffective adults to be malnourished. Of the 10.4 sanitation and still more than 2 billion million children under five years that died people lack sanitation. Conventional as chemical in developing countries in 1995, 50 per- approaches have largely failed in rural and water-based cent died of malnutrition. Clearly, hidden areas, alternative approaches of protect- hunger due to micronutrient deficiency is ing human health while improving food sanitation are not only a major problem. Ironically, poor people security and protecting the environment costly but have adverse have begun suffering from overconsump- ought to be sought. tion and diseases that accompany it. (EcoSan) offers an alternative to conven- environmental effects. Hunger and malnutrition increases mor- tional sanitation and endeavour to solve bidity, decreases productivity, drains poor some of society’s most urgent problems: Ecological sanitation people financially and reduces cognitive infectious diseases, pollution of the envi- offers alternative development. Among other factors food ronment and degrading soils. insecurity is caused by lack of knowledge Young Authors on the World Development Report 2008 Report Development World the on Authors Young solutions by promoting on agricultural practices, water shortage, What does «EcoSan» mean? soil infertility, high cost of chemical ferti- of human excreta lizers and high morbidity. At household on farmland and in level, poor sanitation and ignorance on In ecological sanitation «EcoSan», human food handling aggravate nutrition insecu- excreta are valuable resources required to essence does boost rity. restore . is sani- linkages between tized at source either by dehydration or Improving food security composting thereby making it safe for sanitation, reuse. Requiring little water for operation, EcoSan is attractive and viable in water and protection of Besides increases in food production and scarce areas. It eliminates use of fresh wa- environment. use of food supplements, food security ter as transportation medium and sink for can be improved by control of public human waste, predicament inherent with health diseases. Each year, water borne water based sanitation. Worldwide only 50 diseases claim 1.7 million lives and cause percent of solid waste and 10 percent of Elizabeth Were suffering across developing nations. waste water is adequately treated. The rest Department of Water and Recurrent incidence of diarrhoea and pollutes land and water – significant Environmental Studies worms lowers the ability of human body sources of food. An integral part of EcoSan Linköping University to absorb nutrients in food. Even though is full involvement of end users in identifi- Linköping, Sweden improved sanitation can reduce water cation of sanitation needs, design, con- [email protected] borne diseases by 35 percent, little struction and maintenance of the .

54 agriculture & rural development 2/2007 shoot and root development and fast this should not nullify application of poor Models for rural areas maturity of crops while builds topsoil as significant improvements can fibre and health of plants. For human sur- be achieved as indicated in table 2. Arborloo is made of a 1 meter deep pit, a vival must be recycled as its portable slab and a superstructure. Wood supply is limited. is plentiful in What are the benefits of ash and soil is added regularly to reduce the atmosphere while potassium can be fly breeding and odour. When the pit is obtained from wood ash. EcoSan? three quarter full, the slab and superstruc- As an excellent , huma- ture are removed and mounted on a near- nure increases uptake of nutrients and  EcoSan promotes self-reliance among by shallow pit. The open pit is topped up efficiently regulates light and tempera- rural families. Compared to a conventio- with at least 15 centimeter of soil, leaves ture utilized by plants. It also increases nal , initial investment is and other organic material to aid in the water holding capacity of soils thus small. It has a simple and flexible decomposition. A tree is then planted on plants grown with humanure require less design, making use of local skills and top soil to make use of nutrients in the watering and can withstand better harsh materials such as grass and maize stalks decaying pit. The cycle is repeated and in weather conditions such as drought. possible. More significantly, families can time a woodlot or fruit orchard will cover Compared to chemical fertilizers and ani- enrich the soil and improve their diets. the landscape. mal , humanure improves plants  Full involvement of end users means ability to withstand attacks and diseases that everybody, be it women, men, Fossa Alterna consists of two 2 meter from insects through improved microbial young and old people can adapt EcoSan deep chambers used alternately. Wood agents. Incidences of plant parasites and to their needs and economic capability. ash and soil are added regularly after use nematodes in soil along with effect of soil  Like organic farming, EcoSan promotes and when one is filled up; leaves, soil and borne are reduced. can sustainable agriculture by improving wood ash are added to reduce odour and be used as insecticide, reducing the need water, soil and biodiversity, which are flies. The top up ingredients also change for chemical spraying. very essential renewable assets. EcoSan biological make up of excreta by introduc- As a storehouse of nutrients humanure also enhances human capital by build- ing beneficial bacteria, fungi, worms and slowly releases nutrients during growing ing on skill and creativity of farmers. insects that enhance air circulation and period due to prolonged breakdown of  Returning organic matter, of which 50 conversion to humus. A family of six organic matter and availability of boron, percent is carbon to the soil locks up would fill up one pit within eight months manganese, iron,