Primary Care Networks (PCN) The City picture

Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drgandalf52) Joint Clinical Director Nottingham City East PCN (@ncepcn) PCNs

 Groups of practices of roughly 30-50,000 registered patients in same geographical locality  In City, 8 PCNs based roughly on the Local Authority wards (12 in county )  Number of practices in each city PCN varies from 2 to 11  Not legal entities but collaborations or practices Map of PCNs in Nottingham City & Top Valley (PCN1) BACHS (, Aspley, , , Strelley)(PCN3) Radford & Mary Potter (PCN4) Bestwood & Sherwood (PCN5) Nottingham City East (PCN6 /St Anns/ ) City South (PCN7 ) Clifton & Meadows (PCN8) Unity (PCNU = Universities)

NCE Team

 Dr Hussain Gandhi  Dr Margaret Abbot  Nurse Robana Hussain-Mills  Pharmacist Sajad Nandjy  SLW Andrew Simpkins

 Practices: Wellspring Surgery Family Medical Centre Windmill Practice Greendale Surgery Bakersfield Surgery NEMS Platform One Victoria and Mapperly Practice Primary Care Networks – general aims

1. Stabilise general practice 2. Improve the health of the local population 3. Work together as GP practices and with community professional colleagues to achieve 1&2 4. Work with community voluntary groups and patients to achieve 1&2 Decisions re priorities for PCNs

 PCNs have had Public Health Profiles of each PCN – deprivation , demographics, social and health needs  Had educational events and data in 2019/20 on the clinical areas of greatest health variation in city – diabetes, cancer, COPD, mental health, alcohol, frailty  Have drawn up action plans for these clinical topics  Created posters to inform others about their current priorities Poster of PCN challenges & aims(prepared for launch of City ICP November) Not the final word but give a flavour PCN specifications 20/21

 Structured Medication reviews for complex patients by network pharmacists  Reviews of patients in a care home by MDT approach  Improving cancer screening and awareness. New PCN patient facing staff  Government funding to provide new staff but only if employed across the PCN  2019/20: Clinical director (P/T), 1st clinical pharmacist, 1st social prescriber,  2020-23: Increased funding for roles for the network need New PCN patient facing staff  Network Pharmacist  First contact physiotherapist  Physician associates  Community paramedics (2021)  Primary care mental health workers (2021)  Pharmacy technicians  Occupational therapists  Dieticians  Podiatrists  Care coordinators/ Well being coaches Challenges

 Finding the workforce  Preventing destabilisation of practices and other providers  ESTATES  Changing the public and professional view of healthcare  Digital literacy and integration Solutions

 Collaboration  Network of networks  City and wider areas working together  Digital support – Patient Knows Best  Support primary care Achievements

 Developing workforce  Collaborative care  Community created identity - logo  Text services for patients Questions? Key points

 Collaboration of practices with wider partners and patients  Aim to stabilise primary care  Tackle local healthcare needs  Support primary care