Concept note for the LGBTQIA+ Refugees, Borders and Immigration Summit 2021, WorldPride and EuroGames

Date: 20th of August, 2021.

Time: - Walk in between 8.30 - 9.00. - Summit programme between 9.00 - 17.30 - Post summit mingle between 17.30 - 19.00

Physical location: Malmö Live, Dag Hammarskjölds torg 2, 211 18 Malmö.

Digital location: InvitePeople.

Format: Hybrid event: Physical and Digital participation.

Co-hosts: - Alice Bah Kuhnke: Swedish member of the . - Ulrika Westerlund: The Swedish LGBTQIA+ policy expert & project Leader at the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society and Swedish LGBTQIA+ policy expert

Opening Keynote Speaker: - Filippo Grandi, UNHCR High Commissioner

Closing Keynote speakers: - Melanie Nathan, Executive Director of the African Human Rights Coalition - Dennis Castillo, Founder and executive director of the LGBTIQ+ Institute on Migration and Refugee for Central America, IRCA CASABIERTA (Instituto Sobre Migración y Refugio LGBTIQ para Centroamérica)

Background information on the summit: The summit on Refugees, Borders and Immigration will take place in Malmö, and, as part of the Human Rights Forum of Copenhagen 2021, WorldPride and EuroGames. The event will have an international focus and target transnational situations. The aim of the summit is to generate conversation around the often sideline topic of LGBTQIA+ refugees and forcibly displaced people. It includes high-level speakers with a strong focus on community involvement, discussion and storytelling. It falls into the Human Rights Forum theme of Borders, decolonization and racism.

Objectives of the day: 1. To facilitate a space for in-depth experiential learning through storytelling about these often-sidelined topics. 2. Creating a deeper awareness amongst a larger public combined with calls to actions aimed at politicians and government officials regarding intersectional minorities. 3. 3. Generating an opportunity for politicians and government officials to learn from people with lived experiences moving them to change policy.

The summit will be composed of three tracks for knowledge sharing:

TRACK 1 Facilitating a space for in-depth experiential learning through storytelling about the often sidelined topics of different pathways to safety for refugees. Aiming to deepen the knowledge on these often sidelined topics.

TRACK 2 Re-thinking the way we work. Creating a deeper awareness amongst professionals that in their line of work meet LGBTQIA+ refugees. Examples of best practice and mechanisms that work or need to be improved will be shared.

TRACK 3 Generating an opportunity for policy makers and other actors to learn from people with self-lived experiences and experts in this field. The aim is advocacy and deciding on actions with a goal of also influencing future changes in policy. It will be in the format of roundtable discussions with politicians, government officials, activists and people with self-lived experiences. Each track will simultaneously run three separate breakout sessions at different points throughout the day

Target audience:

We have a very varied target audience due to the 3 different knowledge tracks that run simultaneously throughout the day. Attendees for track 1 will include activists from around the world both physically and digitally, many of which will be sponsored by different partner organisations and/or organisations who work in this field as well as the Copenhagen 2021 sponsorship programme. These have varying levels of knowledge on this topic. For track 2 and 3 we have local, national and international politicians including state representatives and a head of state who will join us. There will also be participation from international actors of organisations in this field and many experts and professionals who specialise in