Domestic : Ideologies, Groups, Symbols and Tactics Hosted by: Billings Police Department Billings, Montana

May 25th-26th, 2021 8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m. Register at ***Cost: $329 per person***

This relevant and timely training will provide law enforcement officers with an introductory overview of numerous domestic groups and criminally subversive subcultures which are encountered by law enforcement professionals on a daily basis. The course will provide a definition of and focus on identifying individuals and groups that attempt to advance social or political beliefs through force or violence.

Day 1: Day 2:  Anarchist/Antifa  Sovereign Citizens  White Supremacy/White Nationalism/National Socialism  Militia Groups/III%  INCEL Movement/Anti-Feminist Groups  Boogaloo Movement   Paper Terrorism/Harassment  The Base/Atomwaffen/The Green Brigade/Eco-Fascism  Anti-Government Individuals  Black Militias/NFAC  First Amendment Auditors  Animal Rights Issues  Anti-Law Enforcement Agitators  Eco-Terrorism  Civil Unrest  Social Media Usage for Recruitment and Propaganda

At the conclusion of training, attendees will be able to:  Identify racially motivated violent extremism and associated ideologies.  Recognize and understand the numerous criminal subcultures and extremist groups living and operating in their jurisdiction.  Understand and predict the dynamics of encounters with the various criminal subcultures presented.  Complete safe, competent and thorough investigations involving criminally subversive groups and/or racially motivated individuals.  Define, explain, and train fellow officers on the recruitment tactics and social media platforms most commonly used by the groups discussed.

**NEW**All classes will include an update and overview on the impact of issues such as COVID- 19, civil unrest, U.S. Capitol events, and the current posture of threat actors with anti-law enforcement beliefs.** Instructor: Rob Finch, Proactive Consulting, Inc. For registration, go to or email [email protected]