Mission To advance environmental protection and improvement by reducing the carbon footprint of the local area Strapline Solutions for a Sustainable Future Charitable Objects The Charity’s objects (the Objects) are for the benefit of the public in the area in … the advancement of the conservation, protection the relief of fuel poverty by education about energy and improvement of the promoting the efficient use efficiency including the environment; of energy among persons provision and use of energy who are in necessitous in ways which reduce or circumstances including eliminate emissions of people in low income carbon dioxide and harmful households emissions Themes Climate Change Local Action Fuel Poverty Awareness Aims Within the local area to… Raise awareness of issues Promote a culture of climate Support local people in concerning climate change care through reducing reducing emissions, and and the need for action energy consumption, eliminating fuel poverty encouraging the generation of local renewable energy, and advancing a more sustainable lifestyle

Theme: Climate Change Awareness Aim: To raise awareness of issues concerning climate change and the need for action Objective 1. Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 1.1 Deliver a programme of lectures on climate David £150 room Attendance 50+ attendees March change and sustainability matters Howard hire and fees 2022 £60 income 1.1.1 Food for a Healthy Planet Talk by Grant Mike Valerie Expenditure: Number of 40+ attendees Sept 2021 Wilson followed by four 8-minute sessions: Bourke Morris Speakers, attendees +ve Feedback (1) (Eat Locally & seasonally (Tish Dockerty) Venue Hire Feedback Peter Lawley) (2) Grow your own organic Rachel Refreshments food (Valerie Morris with Shropshire Foster £150 Organic Gardeners) (3) Vegan & vegetarian Income- options (Peter Lawley(4) Healthy Eating charge £3 for (Christine Dunn of CS Medical Practice). non-members: Then visit stalls for info and refreshments. £30 income A Panel of all at end. Feedback Form and pledge printed.

1.1.2 Government strategy for tackling climate Mike David Expenditure Number of 30+ attendees Proposals Change Hymas Howard Speakers, attendees overall +ve by 1st June Venue Hire Feedback feedback 2020 Income deliver Nov Refreshments 2020 £150 Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 1.1.3 Develop and agree proposals for a Spring David ? Proposals Lecture 2022 Howard by 1st Sept 2021 1.2 Resources Topic Groups 1.2.1 Retro fit and renewable energy Jon Cooke Mike Bourke Encouraging Ongoing Phil & Sue community in Walker zero carbon David Haigh retro fit Jon Cooke

Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 1.2.2 Resource Management - Continue our David Jon Cooke Placards, Number of people 50 people By end of campaign to reduce plastics, and increase Matthews Valerie leaflets, engaged in 2021 recycling: Morris stickers, plastics and Rachel budget £50 recycling • Hold a local awareness raising event Foster discussion

outside the Coop as originally Number of 20 businesses planned for last year - retailers audited commit to • Re-visit local businesses to discuss and prepared to taking further their plans for elimination of single- take action actions use plastics, how they manage recycling, food waste (where Number of 12 campaigns appropriate), and whether they’ve campaigns completed a carbon footprint promoted calculation for their business. At least 15 • Promote at least one campaign Number of people people engaged related to resource management engaged in litter picking activity per month via social media (e.g. everyday plastics) • Address plastic waste in our local environment: Organise a litter picking activity (that can be conducted in groups or by individuals); Lobby the council/National Trust for improved recycling bins/take it home signage-

Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 1.3 Improve engagement with children and young adults. 1.3.2 Work with young people-Ranger Group at Jane ? ? Number of Increased Ongoing Scouts Wrench young people awareness of engaged climate change and action needed 1.4 Provide updates on technology, policy and issues

1.5 Develop effective communication of SCC agenda 1.5.1 Refresh Website. Incorporate suitable Lorna Jon Cooke IT increase continuing advertisements at a charge of £200 Taylor Marcus maintenance Site 'hits' number of hits Cash & Correspondence and development correspondence £515 1.5.3 Manage and Maintain our Twitter feed Lorna Marcus and Next Door for events Taylor Cash Jon Cooke 1.5.4 Publish & distribute Newsletter David Volunteers £250 printing Deliver 1 edition All households September Howard in Strettons 2021 1.5.5 Issue Press releases Jon Cooke nil No. of press Shropshire Continuing releases Star & BBC Shropshire Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 1.5.6 Plan for future Duck Race Jane Jamie Nil in 2021/22 Participation Households Duck Race Wrench Wrench to numbers with children 14th commentate May 2022 Volunteers

1.5.7 Engagement with policy makers and Mike Any impact of 1 meeting p.a. August politicians Bourke our meeting? with MP 2022 August to meet Philip Dunne MP 1.5.8 Provide critical response to government Mike GMC Travelling Success of Ongoing consultations/proposals-e.g. local Hymas costs comments and plan/renewable energy/ future energy potentially for representations strategy/EV Points/Net zero emissions Local Plan proposals Examination Attend Local Plan Examination to support our submitted Representations on climate £25 change issues

1.5.9 New SCC display material & leaflets Jon Cooke Lorna £300 Completion of Explain SCC WHEN? Taylor display and actions and Marcus leaflets opportunities Cash

Theme: Local Action Aim: To promote a culture of climate care through reducing energy consumption, encouraging the generation of local renewable energy, and advancing a more sustainable lifestyle Objective 2. Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure Programme by Buildings Topic Group:

2.1.1 Encourage existing and proposed buildings Mike Jon Cooke Number of people Encouraging Ongoing to become zero carbon ready and Bourke Phil & Sue given advice zero carbon encourage the generation of renewable Walker ready retro energy by publicising and explaining David Haigh fit opportunities for improving energy efficiency

2.1.2 Support Climate Action Mike Encouraging through membership of Retrofit and Bourke zero carbon Renewable Energy subgroup Jon Cooke ready retro- fit 2.1.3 Conduct a programme of free Home Carbon Mike Jon Cooke, No. of Reducing ongoing Footprint Assessments Bourke David Assessments carbon each year Howard footprints 2.1.4 Train and maintain a team of volunteers in Mike Nil number of active number of surveying techniques, and energy saving Bourke surveyors households and reduction technologies. David surveyed Howard Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 2.1.5 Assist households and others to implement Jon Cooke Nil ongoing Reduce C02 Ongoing any recommendations on energy saving Each year measures and renewable energy by giving them suitable and impartial advice and introducing them to appropriate agencies and suppliers and promote Green Homes Grant & RHI

2.1.6 Renewable energy/energy efficiency promotion Jon Cooke Local “green Number of visitors Local March homes” event. community 2022 £100 2.1.7 Set-up a Repair Café (Resource David Moira Venue, Toolkit Repair Café kick- At least 20 End of 2021 Management Topic Group Matthews Matthews, off event held repairs • Identify and appoint volunteer at least 6 Budget: £350 completed repairers and determine services local (see proposal) that could be offered repairers • Identify suitable venue and assess its viability and limitations • Publicise and hold kick-off event mid-year (if feasible) with at least one further event in Autumn • Establish from home repair services in case of future lockdowns • Establish Covid protocols

Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 2.1.8 Prepare, print and sell a Cook Book “Food for a Valerie ? Desk top Number of copies 100 copies to August 2021 Healthy Planet” Morris publishing-in- sold be sold house? NIL With sections to include advice on reducing Photography food waste, eating seasonally and gardening NIL? (Further details in Report) Printing 200 copies with colour cover + a little inside: £588 (£2.94 each) Sale of say 60 copies at £5 each income: £300 (100 copies: £500)

2.2 Pursue a sustainable Strettons agenda 2.2.1 Support the development of the David GMC Completion of Publication Draft Plan Community-Led Plan by Chairing Steering Howard Plan of draft and launch in Group and pursuing Our Submission to Final Plans September Environment Group 2021 & Publish Final Plan February 2022

Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 2.2.2 Support South Shropshire Climate Action Mike Mike Reports (includes - Bourke Hymas and etc) Conference and Main Sub (Transport) Conference Groups: Buildings; Transport; Jon Cooke Sat 22th Agriculture and Biodiversity (Buildings) May 2022? COP26 Nov 2021 2.2.3 Set up Transport Topic Group through CLP Mike Need a May need funds Agree terms of October Ongoing Hymas Chair for room hire Reference and get 2021 person too £100.00 members from community to join

2.2.4 Support Shropshire Climate Action David Lorna Nil Planning, tracking, Updated August Partnership Matthews Taylor communications ZCS plans 2021, - Planning projects (references tools and issued. and - References database database) templates December delivered as 2021 required.

References database updated. 2.2.5 Support Church Stretton in Jon Cooke ? NIL Actions by CSTC Reductions Review reducing carbon emissions in carbon March emissions 2022 Plan by CSTC Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescale No Measure 2.3 Organise an electric vehicle show to include Jon Cooke Trustees and Hire Town Number of visitors Local Autumn both cars and bicycles volunteers Centre car park community 2021 @ approx.. £125 Income from exhibitors 150 2.4 Hold apple pressing day jointly with Jon Cooke Autumn National Trust at CMV 2021 (Won’t this be too much in Autumn 2021?)

Theme: Fuel Poverty Aim: To support local people in reducing emissions, and eliminating fuel poverty Objective 3. Obj Sub-Objectives Lead Support Resources Performance Key target Timescal No Measure e 3.1 Provide support to fuel poor following Jon budget: £200 Number of Number of Home Energy Check. Cooke households practical supported interventions 3.2 Resume regular advice sessions at the Jon SCC volunteers Number of Weekly Sept Health & Wellbeing Centre Cooke sessions held and sessions 2021 ? people attended 3.3 Develop practical relationships with Jon MEA, Mayfair, Number of other support agencies. Inc promoting Cooke Age UK agencies Keep Shropshire Warm 3.4 Talks to community groups Jon Cooke

3.4.1 Talk to the clergy of the (& area) Mike Valerie Getting When Deanery of Church of Bourke Morris involvement of Covid (Has this happened through Zoom?) parishioners in permits addressing global heating