100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees Celebrating a legacy of HR consulting. Pre-1900s 1901–1920 1921–1940 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 1981–1990 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees Pre-1900s Pre–1900s 1901–1920 the colony. become defending disabled to benefits colonists who pension law providing pension thefirst Plymouth enacts 1636 1921–1940 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 1981–1990 be paidat leastonce aweek. requiring laborers to all inMassachusetts, is passed First wage payment law 1879 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1901–1920 Pre–1900s 1901–1920 1921–1940 state pensionsfor theover-70s. means-testedcontributory Act isintroduced, offering non- The UKOldAge Pensions 1908 1941–1960 1961–1970 Fund intheCity of New York. submitted toPolice Pension the nameof George B.Buck First under report actuarial 1913 1971–1980 retirement plans. financing sound of the basicprinciplesof on August 1–pioneered City withtwo employees Actuary opensinNew York George B.BuckConsulting 1916 1981–1990 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1921–1940 Pre–1900s 1901–1920 retirement system. asound Boston establishes to theCity of Bostonafter Mr. Buckreceives thekey 1923 1921–1940 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 1981–1990 plans. public andprivate pension interest upnew insetting goes intoeffect, arousing by Franklin DelanoRoosevelt Social Security Actsigned 1937 for employees inUK. Pay Actproviding paidholidays Introduction of theHoliday 1938 1991–2000

2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1941–1960 Pre–1900s higher paidemployees. prohibit infavor discrimination of Revenue Act amendments more generous healthbenefits. companies andunionstooffer wagesstagnant both cause insurance toemployees; benefits Stabilization Acttying health U.S. Congress theWage passes 1942 1901–1920 1921–1940 Health Service intheUK. Health Service Introduction of theNational 1948 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 New York. should anH-Bombwipeout plan for services actuarial Reserve regarding contingency Mr. letter Buck sends toFederal 1954 1981–1990 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1961–1970 Pre–1900s 1901–1920 discrimination. work from sex-based wage and menwhodothesame Equal Pay Actprotects women 1962 1921–1940 introduced. cafeteria compensation is The concept of flexible or Commission iscreated. Equal Employment Opportunity places andemployment; the public inschools, discrimination Civil Rights Act outlaws racial 1964 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 between ages 40 and65. protection toemployees in Employment Act gives The Age Discrimination 1967 integration rules. proposed SocialSecurity Treasury Department’s newsletter, analyzingU.S. “For your client Benefit” Buck publishesfirst 1968 1981–1990 1991–2000 owned corporation. held,employee-closely Buck isrestructured asa 1970 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1971–1980 Pre–1900s 1901–1920 American presence.American office, expanding North Buck opensToronto 1972 schemes regulated.schemes earnings-related, occupational contributionspasses, are fully UK SocialSecurity Act 1973 1921–1940

contribution pensionplan. introduction of thedefined into law, bringing withitthe Security Act(ERISA) signed Employee Retirement Income 1974 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 Reports toCongress. newsletter entitled: PBGC your Information” client Buck publishesfirst“For 1978 1981–1990 1991–2000 market. 401(k) plansintroduced to employers). the financialinterest of (dedicated toprotecting a multiemployer group Buck istheonlyfirmwith Amendments Act passed. Multiemployer Pension Plan 1980 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1981–1990 Pre–1900s invented. IBM PC andemailare 1981 1901–1920 1921–1940 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 North America. North expansion beyond Buck beginsglobal 1987 1981–1990 quickly onaglobalbasis. information sharing World Wide Web fosters 1989 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 1991–2000 Pre–1900s (GESOP). Stock OwnershipPlan first Global Employee Buck develops the 1991 1901–1920 family reasons. andmedical 12 monthperiodfor certain protected leave withina 12 weeks of unpaidjob employees totake upto Act (FMLA) eligible allows Family andMedical Leave 1992 enacted. frameworkregulatory is and 2020, andstronger from 60to65between 2010 Pension Age (SPA) toincrease Pensions Women’s Act, State to come. communications for launched, revolutionizing First phone smart 1993 1921–1940

1941–1960 1961–1970 into law. Mental Health Parity signed term careinsurance. tax-favored treatment for long- and HMOs, andestablishes coverage, group health plans individual healthinsurance standards forand portability provides nondiscrimination and Accountability Act Health Insurance Portability 1996 1971–1980 1981–1990 stakeholder pensions. Pensions Act introduces Welfare Reform and the Century. Investments’ Top 100Men of as oneof Pensions & George B.BuckSr. named 1999 1991–2000 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 2001–2010 Pre–1900s 1901–1920 1921–1940 savings for employers. employees andcost benefits equitable for Solution™ toprovide its-kind BuckSeverance Buck introduces first-of- system inUK. pensions regulatory Pensions Act reformed 2004 1941–1960 of ACS. of independent subsidiary Buck becomes an 2005 1961–1970 in UK. and indirect age discrimination prohibits unjustified direct (Age) Regulations 2006 The Employment Equality of theiremployees. more onthehealth closely to help employers focus kind GlobalWellness Survey Buck launches first-of-its- 2006 1971–1980 1981–1990 1991–2000 Obamacare) enacted. Affordable Care (akaAct Company. by Xerox, aFortune 100 ACS andBuckacquired 2010 2001–2010 2011–Present Celebrating alegacy of HRconsulting. 100 Years of Healthy, Happy Employees 2011–Present Pre–1900s © 2017 Conduent Business Services, LLC. All rights reserved. Conduent™ and Conduent Design™ are trademarks of Conduent Business Services, LLC in the United States and/or other countries. BR19187C countries. other and/or States United the in LLC Services, Business Conduent of trademarks are Design™ Conduent and Conduent™ Authority.. reserved. Conduct rights All Financial the LLC. by regulated and Services, Business authorised are Limited Conduent © 2017 (Healthcare) Consultants Buck and companies Limited liability Investment) limited & private are which (Administration Consultants 172919), Buck number 4AN. (registered EC4V Limited London (Healthcare) Street, Victoria Consultants Buck Queen and 160 at office 1034719), registered number their have (registered All Limited Wales. and England &Investment) in registered (Administration Consultants Buck 1615055), number (registered Limited Consultants Buck for UK the in name atrading is Services HR Conduent employees. employer contributions for most auto-enrolment andcompulsory workplace pensionreform, including Pensions Act of 2011includes income drawdown. and lifetime allowances, annuitiesand Finance Act changes rulesonannual 2011 1901–1920 Health England inthe UK. established Authority, Healthwatch andPublic England, NHSTrust Development Care TrustsPrimary abolished;NHS Strategic HealthAuthorities and a pensionscheme. employers tooffer theirstaff access to forthe UK,makingitcompulsory Auto enrolment isintroduced in 2012 1921–1940 to receive benefits. spousal opening the door for same-sex partners DOMA’s definition of marriage, U.S. strikes Supreme Court down 2013 1941–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 employers andtheirpeople. serve and benefit technologies to Buck launches market-leading HR 2015 1981–1990 engagement of employees. the health,wealth, career and and lookstothefuture tosupport Buck celebrates 100 2016 1991–2000 from Xerox.from company formed after separation the businessprocess services armof Conduent, the HRservices Buck Consultants goes tomarket as 2017 th anniversary anniversary 2001–2010 2011–Present