The undersigned Daniele Bosone born in in the 4 / 12 /1962, C.F. BSNDNL62T04G388W, and resident in Torre d'Isola (PV) in Via Cascina Santa Sofia n. 3, pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000, aware of the penal sanctions envisaged by article 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 and subsequent amendments and additions for the hypothesis of falsity in documents and false declarations, declares under his own responsibility



Name and Surname DANIELE BOSONE In address Santa Sofia, 3 - Torre d'Isola (PV) Phone 348-1361400 - 0382-380449 Fax E-mail [email protected]

Nationality ITALIAN

Date of birth December 4, 1962

WORKING EXPERIENCE Dates (from - to) From December 25th 2019 to today Name and address of the IRCCS Foundation C. Mondino National Neurological Institute, Pavia employer • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Kind of employment Health director • Main duties and Institutional contact person of the General Management for what concerns the responsibilities elaboration of the company health policy; Develop business development and improvement programs. Proposes the Business Organization Plan to the General Management; Annual planning of assistance activities in line with the assigned budgets. Technical support activities for Top Management in the negotiation phase with ATS; Definition of the amount of economic resources available for the acquisition of human and instrumental resources aimed at the production of health services, in compliance with the economic objectives assigned; Relations with the ATS offices for the technical accreditation phases.

• Dates (from - to) From 1 January 2019 to today Name and address of the Quarenghi Clinical Institute employer San Pellegrino Terme (BG) • Type of business or sector Rehabilitation Hospital • Kind of employment Medical Director of the Presidium • Main duties and Responsible for the health and hygiene aspects of the hospital responsibilities Responsible for clinical documentation Head of the care organization Corporate Quality and Accreditation Manager Corporate Risk Manager Pharmacy Manager Head of the Outpatient Clinic Relations with ATS of Bergamo and other health structures for the health functions of competence He collaborates closely with the General Management to orient the company budget. He elaborates business development programs with the General Management.

• Dates (from - to) From 1 November 2018 to today • Name and address of IRCCS Foundation C. Mondino National Neurological Institute, Pavia employer job • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Kind of employment Head of Clinical Risk, Quality and Accreditation Unit e Deputy Health Director

• Main duties and responsibilities Planning of Clinical Risk Projects, reactive analysis of adverse events, preventive risk analysis, investigation and analysis of claims, participation in CVS, surveillance of hospital infections, monitoring adherence to the 18 Ministerial Recommendations on safety. PNE; Company Organizational Improvement Plan for the quality aspects related to the clinical-care aspects, Quality Audit Planning and PrIMO verification for the aspects of clinical-care competence. Review of company PDTAs on the basis of National and International Guidelines and their monitoring. Maintenance of the institutional accreditation and investigation requirements in the procedures for the new accreditation of the assistance activities envisaged by the Institute's Development Plan and initiated by the General Management. Relations with ATS offices for the technical accreditation phases.

Dates (from - to) From 2016 to 1 Novembre 2018. • Name and address of the IRCCS Foundation C. Mondino National Neurological Institute, Pavia employer • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Type of employment Medical Director of the Presidium e Health Director ff • Main duties and responsibilities In addition to the specific tasks of the contract, it implemented the new industrial plan through the realization of the following projects: 1) creation and accreditation of the new DAY THERAPEUTIC CENTER for adolescent psychiatric pathology for 14 patients, at a new operating site; 2) creation and accreditation of a new HEALTH CENTER for SPECIAL PROJECTS of adolescence at a new operating site; 3) logistical reorganization of hospitalization plans and health personnel; 4) Creation and accreditation of the new department and of a new outpatient area of the NPI with the insertion of a Protected Section for psychiatric acute situations 5) Start-up and gestures one of the new STROKE UNIT of II liv. At the San Matteo Polyclinic, with integrated network reorganization of the neurological emergency / urgency; 6) start of the realization of the LABORATORY of MOLECULAR GENETICS and CYTOGENETICS (completed works - accreditation phase); 7) reorganization of the URGENT NEUROLOGY area at the main hospital complex; 8) plan shift with logistical / organizational improvement of the NEURORIABILITATION area with an area dedicated to Severe Acquired Brain Injuries; 9) reorganization of the Special Neurology area with modalities of intensity of care, through the creation of OPERATING UNITS and REFERENCE CENTERS FOR PATHOLOGY, with consequent reassignment / reorganization of health personnel; 10) reorganization of outpatient activities consistent with the new organization and with attention to waiting lists, in particular as regards access priorities; 11) start of the outpatient area for PAYMENT (Solvency or Insurance); 12) project of continuity of assistance through the establishment of the ASSISTED RESIGNATION ORIENTATION GROUP, in continuity with the structures of the Territory; 13) activation of the TAKING IN CHARGE OF THE CHRONIC PATIENT project following the DGR X / 6551 of 4 May 2017; 14) implementation of the ELECTRONIC FUT in the wards and of the computerized NURSING and MEDICAL RECORD; 15) reorganization of the company group on RARE DISEASES; 16) implementation, in all departments, of the ministerial recommendation n. 17 on THERAPEUTIC RECONCILIATION; 17) launch of the project for the revision of the company PDTAs for the main pathologies on the basis of the guidelines recognized at national and international level pursuant to Law no. 18) launch of the structured SELF-CHECK and SELF-ASSESSMENT project of the appropriateness of care and document completeness, as well as the correct compilation of the SDOs; 19) launch of the high-cost PHARMACEUTICAL EXPENDITURE MONITORING project, with reference to group H drugs (File F); 20) start of the project for the daily control of ADMISSION and RESIGNATION PERFORMANCE, in close contact with the Management Control for full compliance with the company budget objectives.

• Dates (from - to) From April 2014 to October 31 2018. • Name and address of the National Neurological Institute “Casimiro Mondino” Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Type of use Corporate Risk Manager • Main duties and responsibilities - establishment of the Management Unit and the Company Clinical Risk Coordination Group; - establishment of the Claims Assessment Committee; - census of the operational guidelines and documents related to them in the various areas of clinical practice and of the adherence indicators (articles 5-6- Law 24/2017) - monitoring of compliance with the ministerial recommendations on the subject of "safety of care"; - orientation towards discharge: preparation of the “Social Risk Card” and the procedure for use for all hospitalized patients; - sharing and reviewing the work of the Fall Group and starting the use of the yellow “fall risk” bracelet for patients at high risk of falling; - "Closure of Medical Records" reorganization project in implementation of the provisions of the Gelli Law (n.24 / 2017) in collaboration with the Head of the Archive Office; - working group for the internal regulation of patients; - emergency-urgency path with the collaboration of AREU (signing of a specific agreement and drafting of the internal procedure; - activation of the Anesthesia service at the Mondino Institute, in agreement with the San Matteo Polyclinic of Pavia; - ATS Appropriateness and Quality table - creation of a Pharmacological Recognition and Reconciliation Form meeting the specific needs of the Foundation, taking into account the Min. Rec. 17 and the intervening DGR n.7383 of 20/11/2017; - path for the administration of drugs (S PINRAZA) - collaboration in the accreditation of the “Reopen the World” day center with activities aimed at preventing risk; - issue of the following safety procedures to improve the documentary tools used by healthcare professionals in daily activities to make them more and more responsive to the peculiar frailties of our patients and to facilitate communication between operators and towards the user; - creation of a Company Risk Management system through the treatment, management and monitoring of adverse events / near misses aimed at reducing the outcomes (through audits, site visits and / or examination of clinical documentation, Corrective Actions (AC) and improved safety of care; - safety walk around in the UU.OO. clinics, managed both as moments of confrontation and as checks "in the field"; - scientific manager of training events (in line with the provisions of article 1, co.538-539-540 of the 2015 Stability Law); - analysis and in-depth analysis of the aspects of clinical risk related to hospital infections in order to increase the culture of infectious risk and adherence to surveillance procedures (self-assessment, audit and monitoring regarding the recognition and management of sepsi cases, field testing and administration of operators of a self-assessment questionnaire regarding hand hygiene indica according to the WHO). - implementation of a web-based computerized system for the reporting of events and “near-events”.

• Dates (from - to) From May 2013 to October 2016

• Name and address of the National Neurological Institute “Casimiro Mondino” Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute

• Type of Medical Assistant to the Health Management employment • Main duties and responsibilities

• Dates (from - to) From March 31st 2008 to today. • Name and address of the “Casimiro Mondino” National Neurological Institute Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Type of employment Responsible with managerial autonomy of the "Laboratory of Neurocardiovascular Diagnostics and Neurovegetative Physiopathology" belonging to the Department of "Neurodiagnostics and Services" according to the guidelines of the Scientific Direction with staffing of 3 doctors and 2 Neurophysiopathology technicians.

• Main duties and responsibilities

• From you (from - to) From December 2002 to March 31 2008 • Name and address of the National Neurological Institute “Casimiro Mondino” Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Type of employment 1st level Medical Director with "High Professionalism" position • Main duties and responsibilities

• Dates (from - to) From 1997 to December 2002 • Name and address of the “Casimiro Mondino” National Neurological Institute Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Type of employment 1st level manager at the Cerebrovascular Diseases Complex Unit of the Institute of which he contributed to the organization. • Main duties and responsibilities

• Dates (from - to) From 1995 to 1997 • Name and address of the National Neurological Institute “Casimiro Mondino” Foundation, Via Mondino 2-

employer Pavia

• Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute

• Kind of employment 1st level Medical Director with fixed-term employment contract

• Main duties and responsibilities Medical collaboration in the Start-up of the Stroke Unit

• Dates (from - to) From 1992 to 1995

• Name and address of the National Neurological Institute “Casimiro Mondino” Foundation, Via Mondino 2- employer Pavia • Type of business or sector Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute • Kind of employment Contra tto coordinated and continuous collaboration in the areas of agreement between Mondino and ASL Pavia. • Main duties and responsibilities Consultant neurologist at the Hospital. Organizer and manager of the new Day Hospital.

• Dates (from - to) From 2006 to today • Name and address of the University of Pavia - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery employer • Type of business or sector Specialty School in Neurology • Type of employment Professor • Main duties and responsibilities Adjunct Professor in Neurosonology of Intracranial Vessels and in Neurovegetative System and Neurovascular Diagnostics It 'S PERIENZA ADMINISTRATIVE President of the Province of Pavia from 15/06/2011 to 28/98/2016 with full legal and operational responsibility. During my mandate I had to completely reorganize the organizational and operational structure of the Body following the

Reorganization Law of the Provinces and (Delrio Law 56/2014). Among the significant projects connected to the healthcare world, I designed and promoted the creation of a Bio-incubator (Parco Tecnico Scientifico Scienze e Te ch per la vita) in collaboration with the Region, the University of Pa vie and the Banca del Monte di Foundation.

President with full operational powers of Multiservizi ASM Pavia SpA from 2000 to 2006.

Municipal councilor for public works, public construction, traffic, traffic and municipal police of the Municipality of Pav ia from 1996 to 2000.

Municipal councilor for culture, sport and free time, youth of the Municipality of Pavia from 1988 to 1990.

INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE Senator of the Italian Republic Collegio Lombardia (XVI Legislature) from 2008 to 2013. Vice-president 12th Permanent Commission on Hygiene and Health from 2008 to 2013. Rapporteur, among others, of the DDL on the subject of Medical Liability, the Balduzzi DDL, the fact-finding survey on the Red Cross, the fact-finding survey on the emergency urgency and transport of the sick. Member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the NHS from 2008 to 2013 , rapporteur of the inquiry on the organization of psychiatric assistance in and on the reality of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals, determining with the conclusions of the investigation their overcoming.

Sena tore the Italian Republic (XV Legislature) 2006-2008. Member of the 12th Permanent Commission for Hygiene and Health from 2006 to 2008 Member of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the NHS from 2006 to 2008, Member of the 9th Standing Committee of Agricultural and food production in the 2006-2008.

Municipal Councilor in Pavia from 1994 to 1996.

Group leader in the City Council of Pavia from 1990 to 1992.

Area councilor in Pavia from 1983 to 1988.


• Dates (from - to) From 08/04/2014 to 11/12/2014 • Name and type of education or Eupolis Lombardia - Higher Institute for Research, Statistics and Training - SDS training institution School of Management in Health • Main subjects / professional Management Training Course for Director of the Health Service (General skills covered by the study Manager, Medical Director and Managing Director of Health Service) • Qualification awarded Certification of Managerial Training with Distinguished opinion with thesis entitled: "Reorganization of the hospital network and integration with the social and health service: study on the Province of Pavia".

• Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) From 2003 to 2007 • Name and type of education or University of Pavia - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery training institution • Main subjects / professional Hygiene and Preventive Medicine - Public Health - Health Organization and skills covered by the study Management. • Qualification awarded Diploma of Specialty. Grade 50/50 with thesis entitled: The Monospecialist First Aid Model Integrated in the network in the emergency-urgency hospital system: The case of the “Casimiro Mondino” Neurological Institute Foundation. • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) From 1987 to 199 1 • Name and type of education or University of Pavia - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery training institution • Main subjects / professional Neurology skills covered by the study • Qualification awarded Diploma of Specialty. Grade 50/50 gained laude with sperimental thesis entitled "Role of Doppler ultrasonography do the follow-up of chronic cerebrovascular disease." • Level in the national classification (if relevant )

• Dates (from - to) From 1981 to 1987 • Name and type of education or University of Pavia - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery training institution • Main subjects / professional Medicine and Surgery skills covered by the study • Qualification awarded Degree. Graduation 110/110 cum laude with experimental text entitled " Evaluation of thiamin-phosphatase activities in rat nervous tissue with isoelectric focusing technique" • Level in the national classification (if relevant )

• Dates (from - to) From 1976 to 1981 • Name and type of education or Ugo Foscolo High School of Pavia training institution • Main subjects / professional Human Sciences skills covered by the study • Qualification awarded Classical High School Diploma awarded with a grade of 50/60.

• Level in the national classification (if relevant)


• Dates (from - to) 28/02/2020 - 28/04/2020 • Name and type of education Higher Institute of Health or training institution • Main subjects / professional FAD course: Health emergency from new SARS CoV-2 coronavirus: preparation skills covered by the study and contrast

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)

• Dates (from - 07/05/2019 - 03/12/2019 to) IRCCS C. Mondino National Neurological Institute Foundation, Pavia • Name and type of education Training course (24 credits) - The LEAN methodology to support processes in or training institution healthcare organizations - application of the fundamental principles and • Main subjects / professional techniques of the Lean methodology " skills covered by the study

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate) 05 / 12 /2018 • Dates (from - to) • Name and type of education Lombardy Region - Auditorium Testori or training institution • Main subjects / professional Conference: First Development - AFSSL 18037 / AE skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 2 0 - 22 / 10 /201 8 • Name and type of education 44th Congress Nazi onale ANMDO, P to dova or training institution • Main subjects / professional “Govern the hospital of the future. Innovation: challenge and opportunity " skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 13/09/2018 • Name and type of education Lombardy Region - Auditorium Testori or training institution • Main subjects / professional CERGAS meeting: The Remodeling of the Offer of Services and the Challenges for skills covered by the study the Management of Companies • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 20/04/2018 • Name and type of education or ECM - Congress Planning - Bologna training institution • Main subjects / professional " Law 24/2017: The role of the Guidelines" skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 25-26-27 / 06/2017 • Name and type of education or ANMDO National Congress, Florence training institution • Main subjects / occupational "Clinical Risk and Professional Responsibility - Hospital Safety Objective - Comparison skills covered by the study of Responsibilities, Strategies and Management Models" • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dat e (from - to) 21/06/2017 • Name and type of education or SDA Bocconi training institution • Main subjects / professional Conference: What's on in Healthcare “Demand Governance. Strategies, Tools and skills covered by the study Perspectives " • Level in national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 10/11/2016 - 11/11/2016 • Name and type of education Royal Hotel Carlton, Bologna or training institution • Main subjects / professional Cors or training GIMBE (24 credits) - Evidence for Health: "Evaluating the skills covered by the study Performance of Organizations Sanit arias - Appropriateness health services in the LEA. Systems for evaluating, verifying and improving efficiency and effectiveness "

• Live llo in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 04/11/2016 • Name and type of education or IRCCS C. Mondino National Neurological Institute Foundation, Pavia training institution • Main subjects / professional Regional System ECM-CPD-Lombardy Region Course: Work Stress - Correlated skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 28/10/2016 • Name and type of education Room GR "Burg io", IRCCS San Matteo Polyclinic Foundation, Pavia or training institution • Main subjects / professional Congress: Reorganization of the Hospital Network Management of Clinical Risk: In- skills covered by the study depth study and analysis of the Ministerial Guidelines

• Live llo in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 11/10/2016 • Name and type of education or ECM-CPD Regional System (3.5 ECM credits for the year 2016) - IRCCS Neurological training institution Institute Foundation c. Mondino - Pavia • Main subjects / professional Big Data for Neuroscience - XXVII Ottorino Rossi Award skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 29/09/2016 • Name and type of education or WISPO National Conference, Hotel Michelangelo Conference Center, Milan training institution • Main subjects / professional Clinical Trials - The new European Regulation: from Theory to Practice skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 24 / 05-09 / 06-07 / 07/2016 • Name and type of education or ECM-CPD Regional System (0.6 ECM credits for the year 2016) - IRCCS Neurological training institution Institute Foundation c. Mondino - Pavia • Main subjects / professional New Rules: Appropriateness of Care and centrality of the patient skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 10/03/2016 and 10/05/2016 • Name and type of education or MZ Congressi Academy of Qualitology Via Carlo Farini 81 Milan training institution • Main subjects / professional FMECA-FMEA techniques for risk analysis skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant) • Dates (from - to) 20/04/2016 • Name and type of education or Regional Council - General Welfare Directorate, Sala Biagi, - Piazza Città di Lombardia training institution 1, Milan • Main subjects / professional Regional and Corporate Experiences of HTA on medical devices in Lombardy skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) 10/03/2016 • Name and type of education or MZ Congressi Academy of Qualitology Via Carlo Farini 81 Milan training institution • Main subjects / professional FMECA-FMEA techniques for risk analysis skills covered by the study • Level in the national classification (if relevant) • Dates (from - to) 09/11 / 2015 • Name and type of education or IRCCS C. Mondino Pavia National Neurological Institute Foundation training institution • Main subjects / professional ECM -CPD course The integrity of scientific research skills covered by the study • Level in national classification (if applicable)

• Dates (from - to) 16/11/2015 • Name and type of education or Congress Team Project Srl Via F.lli Cuzio 42 Pavia training institution • Main subjects / professional ECM firefighting refresher course High Risk pursuant to Ministerial Decree 10/03/1998 skills covered by the study • Level in the national National Program for Continuing Education of Healthcare Operators classification (if relevant)

• Dates (from - to) From 11/11/2015 to 1 3/11/2015 • Name and type of education or GIMBE Foundation Via Amendola 2 Bologna training institution • Main subjects / professional ECM Course " From Risk Management to Patient Safety " skills covered by the study • Level n in the national classification (if applicable )

• Dates (from - to) 06/10/2015 • Name and type of education or MZ Congressi Via Carlo Farini 81 Milan training institution • Main subjects / professional SIMPIOS National CME Seminar Control of the spread of antimicrobial resistance. A skills covered by the study shared strategy • Level in the national National Program for Continuing Education of Healthcare Operators classification (if relevant )

• Dates (from - to) 18/09/2015 • Name and type of education or Salvatore Maugeri Foundation Via Maugeri 4 Pavia training institution • Main subjects / professional Regulation on hospital care standards: a bet for the quality of care skills covered by the study Guidelines - Protocols - Procedures • Level in the national National Program for Continuing Education of Healthcare Operators classification (if relevant )


• Dates (from - to) From 02/07/20 15 to 04/07/2015 • Name and type of training University of Bari Aldo Moro institution • Theme covered by the National Convention of Clinical Risk Managers of the public and private health service Conference “Implementation Science” for practices and patient safety


• Dates (from - to) 15-17 October 2014 • Name and type of training 40th ANMDO National Congress institution • Theme covered by the Course Risk Management as an opportunity for organizational-management improvement in structures

• Dates (from - to) 01/12/2015

• Name and type of training IRCCS C. Mondino Pavia National Neurological Institute Foundation institution

• Theme covered by the Course Sepsis and infections related to care practices: A danger to be known in time to be able to prevent it

• Dates (from - to) 20/05/2015 • Name and type of training IRCCS C. Mondino Pavia National Neurological Institute Foundation institution • Theme covered by the Course The “computerized” clinical risk the new reporting and analysis methods




ENGLISH • Reading skills GOOD • Writing skills GOOD • Oral expression skills GOOD

PERSONAL SKILLS AND The different clinical, divisional, administrative and institutional experiences have COMPETENCES allowed me to acquire a mix of skills ranging from ward medicine Acquired in the course of life and to hospital management , with a broad vision on public administrative and also career but not necessarily legislative processes of health policy ; this characterizes me in a quite unique way in recognized by official certificates the ability to face, with appropriate relational modalities, both simple problems, and diplomas connected with hospital routine, and much more complex ones (system), making the best use of people's skills . I have therefore acquired, in addition to a considerable design ability, also the problem solving ability and the sense of measure and limits within which to measure the directional action, never forgetting that the success of a difficult and delicate operation is also in sharing with each operator through which the hospital operates on a daily basis. The experience gained and the authority gained in human relations led me to a natural propensity for “conflict mediation”, a quality that, almost daily and at every level, must be implemented for the good functioning of the company.

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS Parallel to the pleasure of the relational aspect and the propensity for teamwork , I Eg. coordination and administration was able to develop my passion for organization both professionally and in the various of people, projects, budgets; in the administrative roles covered. workplace, in voluntary work (e.g. In the medical field I contributed to the organization and opening of the Day-Hospital culture and sport), at home, etc. of the Casorate Hospital, of which I was responsible with organizational autonomy from 1992 to 1995. From 1995 until 1997 I collaborated on the organization project of the Stroke Unit of the Mondino Foundation , opened in 1997. - I then developed the Laboratory Neuro cardio vascular and Pathophysiology autonomic of which I became a manager , with full organizational autonomy and 5 employees of which 2 doctors and 3 technicians , with effect from 31/03/ 2008 .

In 2013 I developed the Risk Management system of the Mondino Foundation, assuming the role of Risk Manager as delegated by the Health Department.

During 2017 and 2018 as Health Director of the Mondino Foundation, I developed the Project of the new Organizational / Industrial Plan coordinating all the logistical reorganization of the departments (extensions and transfers) as well as the operational reorganization between the different functions and specialties.

As a volunteer I contributed to the improvement of the organization of the Day Center for the Psychic Sick of the “Casa del Giovane”.

I developed particular organizational and administrative skills as Councilor for Culture, Sport and Youth of the Municipality of Pavia from 1988 to 1990 and then as Councilor for Public Works, Public Construction, Traffic and Local Police of the Municipality of Pavia from 1996 to 2000. In particular, I was able to exercise a top corporate role as President of ASM Pavia SpA, exercising my mandate from 2000 to 2006 with full delegation and responsibility from 2000 to 2006, the year in which I was elected parliamentarian. During the 6 years of Presidency I developed company expansion projects and started business aggregation processes both in the urban transport and in the energy sector, contributing decisively to the birth of "Linea Group Holding" of which I was vice-president and to the transport company "Line" of which I was Vice-President. I started a company dedicated to the development of the “Pavia network” technological networks of which I was President and which completed a broadband cabling plan in the city of Pavia. I was also the sole director of Metano SpA, first acquired by ASM and subsequently merged with ASM and Line a Group. This top-level experience has allowed me to acquire considerable knowledge in the field of business economics and to test myself in first-person guidance of complex realities, with hundreds of employees in a difficult phase of transformation of public companies from monopoly to market. In particular, I personally followed the corporate reorganization processes, the preparation of budgets and closing balance sheets as well as the implementation of the management control system never used before in the context of public companies. The administrative experience as President of the Province with full legal and operational responsibility in a particular moment of economic and social difficulty has given me the opportunity to further refine the ability to combine the relational skills gained at all levels with the administrative "skills" acquired in the various top management roles covered. In particular, I had to pay particular attention to the preparation of the forecast financial statements and the keeping of the final financial statements; Personnel management was very complex and formative, with the redesign of the operational areas and the reduction of senior management with the redistribution of managerial operational duties. My propensity to promote networking has led me to take initiatives, as President of the Province, for the promotion of an operational table for the reorganization in the provincial network of the various health functions present in the area, in order to make the most of through the operational synergies between the entities (IRCCS, ASST, CNAO), the patrimony of Sanità Pavese.

TECHNICAL SKILLS AND USED or currently popular program the writing and processing data on PC COMPETENCES (Windows packages) and h or good practice of surfing the Internet using different browsers. With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.

ARTISTIC SKILLS Music , especially guitar. Music, writing, drawing etc.

OTHER SKILLS AND Travel organization ; COMPETENCES Off-road driving skills. Skills not previously indicated.


PUBLICATIONS 1: Costa A, Bosone D , Cotta Ramusino M, Perini G, Ghiotto N, Zoppi A, D Apos Angelo A, Fogari R. Effect of Evening Bromazepam Administration on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Mild Hypertensive Patients. Pharmacology. 2019; 104 (1-2): 1-6. doi: 10.1159 / 000499371. Epub 2019 Apr 3. PMID: 30943497

2: Barb yesterday M, Maffoni M, Negro S, Maddalena D, Bosone D , Tronconi L. Volunteering in hospitals to improve the quality of long stays in rehabilitation units. Funct Neurol. 2017 Oct / Dec; 22 (4): 171-172. doi: 10.11138 / fneur / 2017.32.4.171. PMID: 29306354 .

3 : Fogari R, Costa A, Zoppi A, D'Angelo A, Ghiotto N, Battaglia D, Cotta Ramusino M, Perini G, Bosone D. Diazepam as an oral hypnotic increases nocturnal blood pressure in the elderly. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Jun 29. doi: 10.1007 / s40520-018-0991-0. [Epub ahead of p rint] PubMed PMID: 29959667.

4 : Bosone D , Fogari R, Zoppi A, D'Angelo A, Ghiotto N, Perini G, Ramusino MC, Costa A. Effect of flunitrazepam as an oral hypnotic on 24-hour blood pressure in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Aug; 74 (8): 995-1000 . doi: 10.1007 / s00228-018-2466-9. Epub 2018 Apr 30. PubMed PMID: 29713800.

5 : Barbieri M, Maffoni M, Negro S, Maddalena D, Bosone D , Tronconi L. Volunteering in hospitals to improve the quality of long stays in rehabilitation units. Funct Neurol. 2017 O ct / Dec; 22 (4): 171-172. PubMed PMID: 29306354.

6 : Costa A, Bosone D , Zoppi A, D Apos Angelo A, Ghiotto N, Guaschino E, Cotta Ramusino M, Fogari R. Effect of Diazepam on 24-Hour Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Healthy Young Volunteers. Pharmacology. 2018; 01 (1-2): 86-91. doi: 10.1159 / 000481665. Epub 2017 Oct 31. PubMed PMID: 29131129.

7 : Bosone D , Costa A, Ghiotto N, Ramusino MC, Zoppi A, D'Angelo A, Fogari R. Effect of ramipril / hydrochlorothiazide and ramipril / canrenone combination on atrial fibrillation recurrence in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with and without cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Arch Med Sci. 2017 Apr 1; 13 (3): 550-557. doi: 10.5114 / aoms.2016.62448. Epub 2016 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 28507568; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5420627.

8 : Guasch ino E, Ghiotto N, Tassorelli C, Bitetto V, Nappi G, Moglia A, Bosone D , Sances G. P043. Hyperechogenicity of the periaqueductal gray in chronic migraine and episodic migraine as a potential marker of progressive dysfunction: preliminary results with tran scranial sonography. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec; 16 (Suppl 1): A61. doi: 10.1186 / 1129-2377-16-S1-A61. PubMed PMID: 28132327; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4715073.

9 : Bosone D , Fogari R, Ramusino MC, Ghiotto N, Guaschino E, Zoppi A, D'Angelo A, Costa A. Ambulato ry 24-h ECG monitoring and cardiovascular autonomic assessment for the screening of silent myocardial ischemia in elderly type 2 diabetic hypertensive patients. Heart Vessels. 2017 May; 32 (5): 507-513. doi: 10.1007 / s00380-016-0898-7. Epub 2016 Oct 6. PubMed PMID: 27714469.

10 : Costa A, Bosone D , Ramusino MC, Ghiotto N, Guaschino E, Zoppi A, D'Angelo A, Fogari R. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure profile, orthostatic hypotension, and cardiac dysautonomia in elderly type 2 diabetic hypertensive patients. Clin Auton Res. 2016 Dec; 26 (6): 433-439. Epub 2016 Sep 13. PubMed PMID: 27624333.

11 : Canova D, Roatta S, Micieli G, Bosone D. Cerebral oxygenation and haemodynamic effects induced by nimodipine in healthy subjects. Funct Neurol. 2012 Jul-Sep; 27 (3): 169-76. Pub Med PMID: 23402678; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3812769.

1 2 : Canova D, Roatta S, Bosone D, Micieli G. Inconsistent detection of changes in cerebral blood volume by near infrared spectroscopy in standard clinical tests. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2011 Jun; 110 (6) : 1646-55. doi: 10.1152 / japplphysiol.00003.2011. Epub 2011 Apr 7. Erratum in: J Appl Physiol. 2011 Aug; 111 (2): 626. PubMed PMID: 21474700.

1 3 : Marchione P, Ghiotto N, Sances G, Guaschino E, Bosone D , Nappi G, Giacomini P. Clinical implications of patent for ramen ovale in migraine with aura. Funct Neurol. 2008 Oct-Dec; 23 (4): 201-5. PubMed PMID: 19331783.

1 4 : Bastianello S, Del Sole A, Bosone D , Cavallini A, Nappi G. Exploiting the full width of the therapeutic window to salvage the ischemic penumbra: imaging for a cost-effective personalized therapy. Funct Neurol. 2006 Oct-Dec; 21 (4): 181-5. PubMed PMID: 17367576.

1 5 : Bosone D , Ozturk V, Roatta S, Cavallini A, Tosi P, Micieli G. Cerebral haemodynamic response to acute intracranial hypertension induced by head -down tilt. Funct Neurol. 2004 Jan-Mar; 19 (1): 31-5. PubMed PMID: 15212114.

1 6 : Roatta S, Canova D, Bosone D , Micieli G, Passatore M. Noradrenergic constriction of cerebral arteries as detected by transcranial Doppler (TCD) in the rabbit. Ultrasound Med Bi ol. 2003 Oct; 29 (10): 1397-404. PubMed PMID: 14597336.

1 7 : Bo P, Marchioni E, Bosone D , Soragna D, Albergati A, Micieli G, Trotti R, Savoldi F. Effects of moderate and high doses of alcohol on carotid atherogenesis. Eur Neurol. 2001; 45 (2): 97-103. PubMed PM ID: 11244272.

1 8 : Trotti R, Carratelli M, Barbieri M, Micieli G, Bosone D , Rondanelli M, Bo P. Oxidative stress and a thrombophilic condition in alcoholics without severe liver disease. Haematological. 2001 Jan; 86 (1): 85-91. PubMed PMID: 11146576.

1 9 : R oatta S, Roncari S, Micieli G, Bosone D , Passatore M. Doppler sonography to monitor flow in different cerebral arteries in the rabbit. Exp Physiol. 2000 Jul; 85 (4): 431-8. PubMed PMID: 10918082.

20 : Micieli G, Bosone D , Zappoli F, Marcheselli S, Argenteri A, Nappi G. Vasomotor response to CO2 and L-Arginine in patients with severe internal carotid artery stenosis; pre- and post-surgical evaluation with transcranial Doppler. J Neurol Sci. 1999 Mar 1; 163 (2): 153-8. PubMed PMID: 10371076.

21 : Micieli G, Cava llini A, Bosone D , Castellano AE, Nappi G. Bromocriptine test in the evaluation of patients with syncope of unknown aetiology. A case-control study. Acta Neurol Scand. 1999 May; 99 (5): 297-302. PubMed PMID: 10348159.

2 2 : Roatta S, Micieli G, Bosone D , Los ano G, Bini R, Cavallini A, Passatore M. Effect of generalized sympathetic activation by cold pressor test on cerebral haemodynamics in healthy humans. J Auton Nerv Syst. 1998 Jul 15; 71 (2-3): 159-66. PubMed PMID: 9760052.

2 3 : Micieli G, Cavallini A, Bos one D , Poli M, Nappi G. Carotid artery atherosclerosis and risk factors for stroke in a selected population of asymptomatic men. Funct Neurol. 1998 Jan-Mar; 13 (1): 27-35. PubMed PMID: 9584872.

2 4 : Micieli G, Bosone D , Marcheselli S, Cavallini A, Rossi F, N appi G. Cerebral hemodynamics in primary headaches: the transcranial Doppler experience. Cephalalgia. 1998 Feb; 18 Suppl 21: 17-22. Review. PubMed PMID: 9533664.

2 5 : Micieli G, Bosone D , Costa A, Cavallini A, Marcheselli S, Pompeo F, Nappi G. Opposite eff ects of L-arginine and nitroglycerin on cerebral blood velocity: nitric oxide precursors and cerebral blood velocity. J Neurol Sci. 1997 Sep 1; 150 (1): 71-5. PubMed PMID: 9260860.

2 6 : Micieli G, Bosone D , Tassorelli C, Zappoli F, Castellano AE, Nappi G. In ternal carotid occlusion associated with migraine syndrome: a case study of a 22-year-old female. Funct Neurol. 1996 Jan-Feb; 11 (1): 45-51. PubMed PMID: 8936457.

2 7 : Micieli G, Tassorelli C, Bosone D , Cavallini A, Bellantonio P, Rossi F, Nappi G. Increased cerebral blood flow velocity induced by cold pressor test in migraine: a possible basis for pathogenesis? Cephalalgia. 1995 Dec; 15 (6): 494-8. PubMed PMID: 8706113.

2 8 : Micieli G, Bosone D , Cavallini A, Rossi F, Pompeo F, Tassorelli C, Nappi G. Bilateral asymmetry of cerebral blood velocity in cluster headache. Cephalalgia. 1994 Oct; 14 (5): 346-51. PubMed PMID: 7828193.

2 9 : Micieli G, Tassorelli C, Bosone D , Cavallini A, Viotti E, Nappi G. Intracerebral vascular changes induced by cold pressor test: a mod el of sympathetic activation. Neurol Res. 1994 Jun; 16 (3): 163-7. PubMed PMID: 7936082.

30 : Micieli G, Cavallini A, Bosone D , Tassorelli C, Barzizza F, Rossi F, Nappi G. Imbalance of heart rate regulation in cluster headache as based on continuous 24-h rec ordings. Clin Auton Res. 1993 Oct; 3 (5): 291-8. PubMed PMID: 8124060.

31 : Maurelli M, Marchioni E, Cerretano R, Bosone D , Bergamaschi R, Citterio A, Martelli A, Sibilla L, Savoldi F. Neuropsychological assessment in MS: clinical, neurophysiological and ne uroradiological relationships. Acta Neurol Scand. 1992 Aug; 86 (2): 124-8. PubMed PMID: 1414220.

32 : Maurelli M, Marchioni E, Bosone D , Boni S, Bolzani W, Cerretano R, Simonetti F, Savoldi F. Familial adult amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: report of cases. I tal J Neurol Sci. 1992 Feb; 13 (1): 75-9. PubMed PMID: 1559787.

3 3 : Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Callieco R, Maurelli M, Marchioni E, Bosone D , Zandrini C, Cosi V. Multimodal evoked potentials in diabetics. Acta Neurol (Naples). 1991 Jun; 13 (3): 228-35. PubMed P MID: 1927631.

3 4 : Mazzarello P, Poloni M, Patrini C, Bosone D , Rindi G. A lead conversion method for staining thiamine pyrophosphatase and other phosphatases in rat brain after thin layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing. Basic Appl Histochem. 19 88; 32 (4): 495-500. PubMed PMID: 2464990.

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Pavia, 03.03.2021 Dr. Daniele Bosone

Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of [BOSONE / Daniele]