Introduction ...... 2

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking ...... 4

Cognitive Flexibility ...... 6

Curiosity ...... 9

Abductive Reasoning 11

Visualization ...... 13

Abstract Thinking 15

Visionary Thinking 17

Imagination ...... 19

Deferred 21

About the Author 23


n the first IEEE-USA e-book in this series onCritical Thinking Skills for Engineers, we delved into analytical skills—the ability to examine some- Ithing carefully, whether a problem, a set of data, or text. People with well-honed analytical skills create richer, better solutions to real-world challenges. In the second e-book in the series, we expanded on critical thinking—from that of an individual, to that of a group—where both oral and written communications will be essential to group effectiveness in achieving a specific goal. This third e-book builds further upon critical thinking, yb exploring creative approaches for both individuals and groups. Creativity is often considered the core of engineering; because from creativity, we devise unique solutions to society’s challenges. Don’t just take my word for it. The World Economic Forum moved Creativity up from #10 to #3 in its ranking of important attributes required for jobs of the future.1 LinkedIn’s Learning Study ranked Creativity #1 in its poll of critical job skills.2

Some engineers may not feel they are “creative types”; but as you will learn in this e-book, you can enhance your innate creativity in many ways. Dr. Robert Sternberg, professor of Human Development at Cornell University, provides this encouraging perspective in his book on The Theory of Creativity: “People are not born creative or uncreative. Rather, they develop a set of attitudes toward life that characterize those who are willing to go their own way. Examples of such attitudes are willingness to (a) rede- fine problems in novel ways; (b) take sensible risks; (c) “sell” ideas that others might not initially accept;(d) persevere in the face of obstacles; and (e) examine whether their own preconceptions are interfering with their creative process.”3

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CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS FOR ENGINEERS–BOOK 3: ON CREATIVITY 2 Creativity is, indeed, within us all—and it simply needs activation to over- come a longheld belief—that we are otherwise not creative.

Sir Ken Robinson, expert, says, "There are various myths about creativity. One is that only special people are creative; another is that creativity is only about the arts; a third is that creativity cannot be taught; and a fourth is that it’s all to do with uninhibited self-expression. None of these is true. Creativity draws from many powers that we all have by virtue of being human.”4

In this e-book, we’ll take a deeper look at creativity; and discover how we might enhance this capability so critical to engineering. We will cover the following:

• Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

• Cognitive Flexibility

• Curiosity

• Abductive Reasoning

• Visualization

• Abstract Thinking

• Visionary Thinking

• Deferred Critical Thinking

In each of the chapters, I will share with you a number of ideas and practices to stimulate your creativity. The more you apply what you learn in this e-book, the more you’ll see how your full creative processes can be unleashed. I encourage you to do the recommended