Savage and Hitchcock, Former Cadets, Are Major League Stars New Instructors in Academic Department Commandant of Cadets Comments
Twelve School _ Reports Go Home Days Until Next Tuesday ram Exams Vol. 30. Staunton Military Academy, Kables, Virginia, Friday, October 18, 1946 No. 2 Savage and Hitchcock, New Instructors in Academic Department Commandant of Former Cadets, Are Cadets Comments Major League Stars On the Blue Book Savage Pitches for Athletics and Lists Four Basic Principles Hitchcock Shortstops for Which Should Always Senators Guide Cadets Among the hundreds of cadets who Staunton is essentially a Military have participated in athletics at S.M.A., School and the authorities promise par- many of them have gone on to make ents of cadets strict supervision. This names for themselves in the sports world, supervision can only be administered both in college and in professional circles. through regulations. Among these are two youngsters, Bob No matter how adequate regulations are Savage and Billy Hitchock, who are now or how carefully they are drawn, they doing things in a big way in major league are useless unless they are read and un- baseball. derstood. Bob Savage, S.M.A. class of '42, is a An important part of a cadet's training native of Manchester, New Hampshire. is that phase which requires the planning In his three yars at S.M.A., he pitched of the use of time. Time must be allotted Major Dey's diamond crew to three suc- for study, for rest and recreation. A cadet cessive state championships. During those must learn to be self-sufficient and stand three years he experienced one undefeated on his own feet and be responsible for his season, averaged a phenomenal eighteen own acts.
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