arXiv:2102.02272v2 [nlin.CD] 18 May 2021 cin aercnl eoeacmo hsclmod- physical common a inter- become higher-order recently Hence, have mu- actions effects. competitive, parasitic various predator-prey or of in tualistic, intertwining between common to very interaction due is the systems species where two than 11], more [10, to early very ecology need observed within the was interactions Historically, two higher-order than model more react. when components form, only biological patterns bind- catalysis certain or that ing dictate actually where mechanisms genes, chemical or in- metabolites, the represent proteins, correctly between to teractions graph inclu- short classical fall the [9], also biology from can cell structures In benefit dynamics. clearly group of [8] sion processes formation contact opinion epidemiology, in to group Similarly for the patterns model dynamics. interaction epi- can epidemiological In interactions different higher-order regions. functional [7], brain general activation more or demiology joint as neurons well the between as relationships neurons, areas brain of where several [6], co-firing of neuroscience encode in cou- can importance higher-order it crucial example, of For is pling hypergraphs. mod- be via necessary can is which elled interactions, it and higher-order insufficient consider considering is to between just model graph variables applications, interaction standard many state the a in suitable Yet, provide more vertices. links) ver- the or (or each one edges that has while is node) mod- dynamics standard (or The network tex few. for a approach name for- to and eling just opinion [4], [5], synchronization [1], theory [3], game networks spreading exam- neural For epidemic [2], mation includes systems. this dynamical ple, network using egantly hr r aypoess hc a emdldel- modeled be can which processes, many are There a aut fMteais ehia nvriyo uih Bo Munich, of University Technical Mathematics, of Faculty f at eIsiuefrteSine fCmlxt,19 Hyde 1399 , of Sciences the for Institute Fe Santa rp asadidct htte ih ea xeln unive excellent classical an on be dynamics might between resul they differences The that and similarities indicate patterns. and quasi-periodic the maps and of graph Laplac periodic hypergraph parameter of and bifurcation Laplacian classes between main differences the key o find and synchronization cluster strength chaotic coupling of regions robust map hypergra detect hypergraph states, synchronized coupled higher-order of call of analysis (in-)stability class we a which of propose are Laplacian, we maps letter, hypergraph the this node; In each at maps. map tent iterated single diffusive/L a of by interplay modelled the via sys generated dynamical patterns prototypical complex are (CMLs) lattices map Coupled ope yegahMp n hoi lse Synchronizati Cluster Chaotic and Maps Hypergraph Coupled c a lnkIsiuefrMteaisi h cecs Insel Sciences, the in Mathematics for Institute Planck Max INTRODUCTION oisB¨ohleTobias b opeiySineHbVen,JsftatrSr 9 1080 39, Josefst¨adter Str. Vienna, Hub Science Complexity e d nvriyo otapo,Uiest d otapo SO1 Southampton Rd, University Southampton, of University h lnTrn nttt,TeBiihLbay odnN12 NW1 London Library, British The Institute, Turing Alan The a hita Kuehn Christian , a,b aalaMulas Raffaella , h eutn alca a hnb ersne sthe as graph. represented ordinary be some then of can weights Laplacian the resulting as The encoded they however, be relations, betweencan pairwise are probabilities these transition pro- Since a at vertices. such looks of one generator hypergraph Thus, the a cess. as of Laplacian vertices a the identifies between and diffusion random a a or considers approach walk first The hyper- constructing Laplacians. for graph approaches Conceptually, possible two associated. are is there it properties which qualitative to hypergraph many the encodes of case, graph spectrum, its the and in [19], as Chung Fan graphs by for natu- introduced Laplacian was a that normalized is the chemi