, Upper, and tribs (1702-0107) Impaired

Waterbody Location Information Revised: 02/07/2017

Water Index No: (MW2.4) ER-3 Water Class: C Hydro Unit Code: Bronx River- (0203010201) Drainage Basin: Atlantic- Water Type/Size: River/Stream 35.1 Miles Reg/County: 3/Westchester (60) Description: stream and tribs above Bronx-Westchester Co. line

Water Quality Problem/Issue Information

Uses Evaluated Severity Confidence Water Supply N/A - Shellfishing N/A - Public Bathing N/A - Recreation Impaired Known Aquatic Life Impaired Known Fish Consumption Unassessed - Conditions Evaluated Habitat/Hydrology Fair Aesthetics Fair

Type of Pollutant(s) (CAPS indicate Major Pollutants/Sources that contribute to Impaired/Precluded Uses) Known: PATHOGENS, Aesthetics (floatables, debris), Oil and Grease, Silt/Sediment Suspected: OTHER POLLUTANTS, (biological impacts), LOW D.O./OXYGEN DEMAND, NUTRIENTS (phosphorus), Chloride/Salts, Nutrients Unconfirmed: - - -

Source(s) of Pollutant(s) Known: URBAN/STORM RUNOFF, OTHER NON-PERMITTED SANITARY DISCHARGES, Streambank Erosion Suspected: Habitat Alteration, Hydro Alteration Unconfirmed: Industrial Discharges

Man agement Information

Management Status: Verification of Sources Needed Lead Agency/Office: DOW/Reg3 IR/305(b) Code: Impaired Water Requiring a TMDL (IR Category 5)

Further Details

Overview This portion of River is assessed as an impaired waterbody due to recreational uses that are considered to be impaired by pathogens, nutrient enrichment and floatable debris from urban runoff, sanitary overflows and illegal/unpermitted discharges and industrial discharges. Low dissolved oxygen levels are also a concern and may be impacting aquatic life. The impact of an increasing population of geese in the at the upstream end of this segment is also a water quality concern.

Use Assessment The Upper Bronx River is a Class C waterbody, assessed for general recreation use and support of aquatic life, but not for use as a water supply or for public bathing.

Recreational uses are considered to be impaired due to pathogens, floatable debris and other aesthetic concerns. The most recent sampling results indicate low dissolved oxygen levels are inadequate to fully support aquatic life. Fish Consumption use is considered to be unassessed. There are no health advisories limiting the consumption of fish from this waterbody (beyond the general advice for all waters). However due to the presence of impacts/contaminants in the stream and the uncertainty as to whether the lack of a waterbody-specific health advisory is based on actual sampling, fish consumption use is noted as unassessed, rather than fully supported but unconfirmed. (NYS DOH Health Advisories and DEC/DOW, BWAM, December 2014)

Water Quality Sampling Biological (macroinvertebrate) assessments of the Bronx River in Tuckahoe (at Crestview Station) and in Valhalla (at Legion Road) were conducted as part of the RIBS biological screening/monitoring effort in 2013 and 2014. Sampling results reflect moderately impacted (poor) water quality, with sensitive taxa reduced, and the distribution of major taxonomic groups significantly different from what is naturally expected. Samples are dominated by more tolerant species. Impact source determination was not conclusive regarding the sources of impact. Aquatic life is considered to be impaired, however conditions in this portion of the river approach the slightly impacted range. These results are consistent with biological surveys of the River in 2003 and 1998 (see below). (DEC/DOW, BWAM/SBU, January 2015)

A biological (macroinvertebrate) survey of the Bronx River at multiple sites between the Bronx and Valhalla was conducted in 2003. Sampling results indicated that water quality in the Bronx River was assessed as slightly impacted at Valhalla and moderately impacted from White Plains to Bronx,. Siltation and organic wastes impact the river at Valhalla, while municipal/industrial discharges, including substances of organic and/or toxic nature, affected the downstream sites. Compared to previous studies (see below), water quality in the Bronx River appears unchanged. (Bronx River Bioassessment Report, Bode et al, DEC/DOW, BWAR/SBU, December 2003)

A biological survey of Bronx River at multiple sites between the Bronx and Vahalla was also conducted in 1998. Sampling results indicated generally moderately impacted water quality conditions. The poorest water quality was noted at White Plains, where a significant organic input occurred. Low dissolved oxygen and toxic influences were also noted at the site. Impacts along the reach were most similar to organic wastes and municipal and industrial discharges. A number of permitted SPDES discharges (small industrial) are located along this reach, but no municipal or significant industrial discharges. (Bronx River Bioassessment Report, Bode et al, DEC/DOW, BWAR/SBU, April 1999)

Source Assessment Urban stormwater runoff, sanitary sewer overflows and illegal (unpermitted) sanitary discharges are sources of pollutants. The stream flows through a highly developed urban area.

Management Actions This reach of the Bronx River lies upstream of the City border in Westchester County. Although the NYC Waterbody/Watershed Facility Plans (WWFPs) and Long Term Control Plans (LTCPs) actions for the Lower and Middle Bronx River are related to and may help inform water quality restoration efforts in this reach of the river, the majority of those actions are aimed at water quality in the downstream segments. (DEC/DOW, BWC/NYCC, August 2010)

Section 303(d) Listing This portion of the Bronx River is included on the current (2016) NYS Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. The stream is included on Part 1 of the List as an impaired waterbody requiring development of a TMDL to attain water quality standards for pathogens and dissolved oxygen. This waterbody was first listed on the 2002 Section 303(d) List. (DEC/DOW, BWAM/WQAS, May 2011)

Segment Description: This segment includes the river and tribs above the Bronx–Westchester County line.