'Justified' Display

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'Justified' Display LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER | KENTUCKY.COM CITY | REGION FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012 A5 Call goes out ‘JUSTIFIED’ DISPLAY for big ideas to HARLAN CENTER WELL-STOCKED IN MEMORABILIA, PROPS FOR FANS OF THE TV SERIES By Nola Sizemore IF YOU GO Timothy Harlan Daily Enterprise What: Justified Olyphant por- Jus- memorabilia Fans of the TV series display trays Raylan tified can now see memorabil- improve city life Where: Givens, a Harlan Center, on Main ia and props from the show’s deputy U.S. second season at Harlan Cen- Street in downtown Harlan, just north of the U.S. 421-Ky. 38 Marshal, in ter. Justified, BLOOMBERG OFFERS to think big, start small and intersection move fast.” Harlan Center Director When: which is set CASH FOR INNOVATION Brandon Pennington said 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday Gray visited Bloomberg in through Friday in Lexington By Beverly Fortune 2010, soon after being elect- since the series premiered in Information: Call 606-573-4495 and in Eastern [email protected] ed, to look at his open office March 2010, the center has Kentucky. Lexington will enter a con- arrangement. Gray moved the seen an increase in people test to generate bold ideas mayor’s office from the 12th from all over the United ins; a copy of Boyd Crowder’s that improve city life and ad- floor of the Government Cen- States stopping by just to ask driver’s license; U.S. Marshal dress major challenges facing ter to the first-floor ballroom about the show. tags for Justified characters Justified cities, Mayor Jim Gray an- for more transparency. , set in Lexing- Art Mullen, Tim Gutterson, nounced Wednesday. Gray recently was invited ton and Eastern Kentucky in Rachel Brooks and Givens; The competition, spon- by Bloomberg to the 2012 and around Harlan, is based Raylan’s U.S. Marshal’s ser- sored by New York City May- Mayors Summit. Fifteen may- on novels and a short story vice certificate; Mullen’s rec- or Michael Bloomberg and ors from across the country by Elmore Leonard. Its main ognition award; and a Ken- funded by Bloomberg Phi- went to New York to examine character is Raylan Givens, a tucky license plate that says MARK SELIGER| FX lanthropies, will award a $5 the role of cities in restoring deputy U.S. Marshal. “Justified.” million grand prize and four America’s strength. Pennington said Dave Also on display are clothes we plan to hang separately.” ears that were blown off dur- $1 million prizes to five cit- The latest effort, called Blass, one of the producers of worn by character Coover Included in the props are ing the explosion,” Penning- ies that come up with break- the Mayors Challenge, invited the show, sent the memora- Bennett when he was shot. some maps of the fictional ton said. through solutions that can be mayors of 1,300 cities with bilia to Harlan Center. “You can see the blood coal mine, Black Pot Mining The display is set in a Justi- replicated by other communi- 30,000 residents or more to The items include a spatters and holes in the cloth- Corporation. There is also a 6-foot-by-4-foot glass case in fied ties. submit their city’s most inno- poster signed by Timothy ing,” Pennington said. “We photograph of Mags Bennett. the reception area of the cen- Gray said in a news release vative idea. The idea must im- Olyphant, who portrays Ray- have the bag he was carrying “A rare item in our collec- ter. Justified that Bloomberg was again prove city life by addressing a lan Givens; Raylan’s coffee at the time he was shot with a tion is a furby stuffed animal , aired on FX Net- showing “he’s walking the major social or economic is- mug; a photograph of Ray- big hole in it also. We have a that was blown up on one work, completed its third sea- talk. Putting his own capital sue; improve customer service lan’s ex-wife, Winona Hawk- jersey shirt Coover wore that show, and we even have the son in April. to good work.” Bloomberg’s for citizens or businesses; in- challenge represents a 21st- crease government efficiency; century step in the tradition or enhance accountability, of Andrew Carnegie, who a transparency and public en- century ago elevated cities by gagement. building hundreds of librar- Citizens should send ideas ies that improved the lives in writing to Gray at 200 East of countless Americans, Gray Main Street, Lexington, Ky., said. 40507, or by email to may- He invited Lexington resi- [email protected]. Label dents to submit ideas by Aug. letters and emails “Mayors 1. The city will evaluate the Challenge.” proposals and submit a final idea to Bloomberg by Sept. 14. Beverly Fortune: (859) 231-3251. He called it “an invitation Twitter: @BFortune201 You read Merlene Davis’ column in the Herald-Leader. Now you can enjoy more of her views and comments in her blog, “What’s Up? with Merlene,” every day at Kentucky.com. Summertime...and Selling Your Gold Is Easy! Get 10 % Extra! ( THIS WEEKEND ) OPEN EVERY THURS,FRI,SAT,&SUN WE BUY: 10 – 24k Yellow & White Gold • Platinum Sterling Silver • Kinked / Broken Chains Outdated Jewelry • Items Missing Stones Scrap Damaged Jewelry • Single Earrings Gold Coins • Old Wedding Bands 2 LOCATIONS: MON -SAT: THE SHOPS AT LEXINGTON CENTER THURS,FRI,SAT,SUN: FAYETTE MALL KIOSK (next to Coach) 859.225.4043 S HELIAB AYES. COM .
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