Greetings from the Chair

Fellow King County Democrats:

Welcome to first month of summer!

At King County Democrats, June is when we recognize education.

Last week was the end term for our K - 12 schools and the universities throughout State.

Please join me in recognizing our teachers, our professors, and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (1st CD) our administrators for their hard work throughout the school and Joel Ware at the State Convention. year. I also want to thank this year's class of 2014 retirees who will be leaving the field of education after their decades long work of preparing the next generation of leaders of our state and hopefully our Party.

These educators include classified staff, the bus drivers, the custodians, and our para-educators. All of you make a difference in the future of our State.

June is the month where the Washington State Democrats came together in Spokane to affirm our party values and pass a new party platform that will help shape future legislation in the years to come. I want to thank all of our delegates whose hard work made that happen and I am proud to say that King County Democrats were well represented in defining that platform.

June is also where we will all begin preparing for the Independence Day holiday in celebration of our nation's founding. As we enjoy fireworks displays and the company of friends and relatives, let's remember that today, this very moment marks 134 days before ballots are due on November 4th.

In that brief time our Party must make the argument to the voters of King County that our Party values are what Washington State needs in order to govern in Olympia and Washington D.C.

At this very moment our endorsed candidates are battling to make that change happen. However, these JUNE 24, 2014 campaigns are lacking the grassroots activism that is the hallmark of our party.

Although we speak of ourselves as a grassroots organization, I compel all of us to work harder this year. Harder than ever before.

A couple of weeks ago, U.S. Representative Eric Cantor, a standard bearer of the National Republican Party, lost to his Tea Party opponent in the Primary. Eric Cantor lost, to the grassroots of the TEA Party. Just last year, City Councilmember Richard Conlin, a long time Democrat, lost to the grassroots of the Socialist Alternative. And now, emboldened with their victory in Seattle, the Socialists are running a candidate against our Speaker, .

While we are strong today, we must never take our successes for granted.

When you go back to your legislative districts, I encourage you to speak with your members, that victory is far from complete and we need help to make victory possible for our neighborhoods and our Democratic values.

Democratic Victories happen because of you. Let’s build. Let’s grow. Let’s win. —Karl de Jong, KCDCC Chair Contents Contents

June Agenda 2 Coming Events 11 May Minutes 3-7 Resolutions 13-16 King County Dems Committee Reports 9-11

MARCHJUNE Agenda Agenda

June 24, 2014

6:30 p.m. Social 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Karl de Jong 7:02 p.m. Flag Salute 7:05 p.m. Chair’s Welcome Karl de Jong 7:10 p.m. Approval of the Agenda Approval of the April Minutes Jen Minich 7:15 p.m. Legislative District Reports Legislative District Chairs / Representatives Program: Forum on Metro Service Cuts 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Platform, Resolutions, & Bylaws Dean Fournier & Joel Ware 8:20 p.m. Treasurer and Finance & Development Dave Fish & Christina Lewis 8:30 p.m. Committee Reports 8:55 p.m. Good of the Order 9:00 p.m. Adjourn

Metro Service Cuts Forum Panelists:

 Rod Dembowski King County Council Member for District #1

 Andrew Glass-Hastings, Transit and Transportation Director for Seattle Mayor Ed Murray

 Rob Johnson, Executive Directo