PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, The Only Straight-Out Republi- in the third stoty of the brio!; Work corner of Main and Huron MreeiB, can Paper in Detroit. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. intraiee on Huron street, opposite the Gregory House. THE WEEKLY POST FOR 1815. CARB & GOULET IDITOBS AND PUBLISHERS. It U generally conceded by intelligent readers ivin^ tho opportunities of comparison, that in 1 that goes to make up a first-class newspaper Terms, $2.00 a Year in Advance. hE POST bus no equal ninon^ Michigan journals. n each of its edition*, and in allot its departments, JJ^TES OF ADVERTISING. t is edited with great care, preserves a healthy [Twelve lines or less considered a square.] nd elevated tone, und has a well-earned repnla- ion for ability, scholarship, good taste and vigor- 1 w. 8 w. 6 w. 6 m. 1 year Ua originality. ' STACK. As a Family Newspaper, THE WEEKLY POST, 1 square.. $ 75 $1 25 $1 50 U 75 *4 00 $6 VOLUME XXIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1874 NUMBER 1510. while culling from all sources of information,-la asquares.. 1 50 2 00 3 5"0 6 0(1 iireful to remember that its columns are for the g squirm.. 2 00 9 50 3 50 r> oil 7 50 ounc as well as the old, and that the mori'ls as well as the mind are part of a newspaper eduugh this medium, it will scrupulously guard L column 7 00(10 00 12 CO15 0020 00 30 gainsnst doing individual luirinharm. BY EUGENE J. HALT . prevented her from responding to her me." her daughter." >ook form, according to a design JCOUimn.. 0 00il5 00 IS 0022 00 3500 GO 00 100 00 SEWING MACHINE. Thee "Literrti " y Character of THJC WEEKLY PORT is step-mother's kindness in the same Mrs. Renwicke silently thanked heav- Mrs. Renwicke impulsively clasped adopted by that gentleman at the Vic- lgflCl r 11i1n lA/Jli ton; ilUle Lnn l./A'./