Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 40648-023 February 2016

Period: July 2015 – December 2015

IND: Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism - Tranche 1

Submitted by Project Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, Shimla

This environmental monitoring report has been submitted to ADB by the Project Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, Shimla and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.



July to December 2015

Department of Tourism, Government of

This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management or staff and may be preliminary in nature.

EMR July to December, 2015 Page i


ADB–Asian Development Bank NGO–Non-Governmental Organization NHAI–National Highways Authority of BOD–Biological Oxygen Demand NOC –No Objection Certificate CCMP–Comprehensive Conservation Master Plan O &M–Operations & Management DC–Deputy Commissioner PFR –Periodic Financing Request DP Development Plan – PIU –Project Implementation Unit DSC –Design & Supervision Consultants PMC-Project Management Consultants EA- Executing Agency PMU–Project Management Unit EARF – Environmental Assessment Review Framework REA –Rapid Environmental Assessment EIA –Environmental Impact Assessment RH –Rest House EMP –Environmental Management Plan RPM–Respirable Particulate Matter FCA–Forest Conservation Act SADA –Special Area Development Authority GoI –Government of India SEAC –State Expert Appraisal Committee GoHP – Government of Himachal Pradesh SEIAA–State Environment Impact Assessment Authority HPIPH Himachal Pradesh Irrigation & Public Health – SPM–Suspended Particulate Matter HPPCB–Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board SPS –Safeguards Policy Statement HPSEB Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board – TCP–Town & Country Planning IDIPT–Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism TDS –Total Dissolved Solids IEE–Initial environmental examination TSS–Total Suspended Solids MLD–Million Liters per day VFDS –Village Forest Development Society MOEF–Ministry of Environment and Forests YSS–Youth Services & Sport MSL–Mean Sea Level

EMR July to December, 2015 Page ii


1 In troduction 1

2 Compliance status with National / State / Local statutory requirements 2

3 Compliance status with the environmental covenants as stipulated in the Loan Agreement 15 Compliance status with the environmental management and monitoring plans and environmental assessment and review 4 15 framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the environmental documentation as agreed with ADB 5 Approach and methodology for environmental monitoring of the project 19

6 Follow up actions & conclusions 20


Environmental Monitoring Status Chart 21

Annexure–Copies of NOCs and Statutory Approvals obtained by HPTDB 47


Environmental Closure Report: Package 1.1 (Circular Road) 1 2 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.1 (TRC, Pong)

3 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.2 (Parking, Pong)

4 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.3 (Camping, Pong)

5 En vironmental Closure Report: Package 3.4 (Jetty Pong)

6 Environmental Closure Report: Package 5.1 B (FRH, Dhameta)

7 Environmental Closure Report: Package 8.1 (Parking, Brajeshwari)

EMR July to December, 2015 Page iii IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648


1. Introduction

1.1 The Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism (IDIPT) envisages environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially inclusive tourism development in the project states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand. The expected impact of the project in the four states is sustainable and inclusive tourism development in priority State tourism sub-circuits divided into marketable cluster destinations that exhibit enhanced protection and management of key natural and cultural heritage tourism sites, improved market connectivity, enhanced destination and site environment and tourist support infrastructure and enhanced capacities for site improvement and sustainable development with extensive participation of the private sector and local communities.

1.2 Supporting programs will be established for developing the capacities to promote private sector participation and small businesses to increase the benefits they gain from tourism, and stimulating more active tourism-related economic and livelihood activities. Consultancy will support project implementation and programs for developing the capacities of sector agencies for sustainable management of tourism and related infrastructure and services. Two batches of subprojects are anticipated from each participating state, which the government will then consolidate, if applicable, and forward to ADB in the form of periodic financing requests (PFRs).

1.3 The investment program uses a sector approach which requires reparation of an Environmental Assessment Review Framework (EARF) that sets out specific procedures to be followed for subprojects, and for implementation of the project as a whole. The EARF is in accordance with Government of India (the Government) rules and Asian Development Bank ADB) safe guard policies. The EARF reviews the types of subprojects anticipated under the project and summarizes potential environmental impacts. The EARF provides an overview of the regulations of the Government, as well as the states and ADB (as per its Safe guards Policy Statement, 2009 [SPS, 2009]) related to environmental assessment, specifically concerning project environmental classification, review and clearance requirements. Organization for environmental management and responsibilities for project tasks are enumerated within the project team and the respective state Tourism Departments, along with guidance on capacity building needs.

1.4 This report is divided into three parts. Part A contains the status of compliance for subprojects in accordance with applicable national, state and local environmental legislation. It also contains the compliance status as per the ADB Loan Covenants and status of subproject documentation especially with respect to IEE and EMP and the proposed monitoring mechanism to be followed. Part B contains the factual information on the basis of site visits by the Safeguards Specialists of PMC. Part C contains the Environmental Closure Reports of the completed subprojects.

EMR July to December, 2015 Page 1 IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648

2.o C mpliance status with National / State /Local statutory requirements is as follows:

Sr. Name of Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Status No. project Complied Partially Not Actions complied complied 1 Naina sub project proposal 1.1 Circular Statutory approval for  Obtained from the a) Work completed and there is no any residual impact Road – 1000 diversion of forest land MoEF, GoI found at site. m x 3.75 m): for non-forest purpose (condit