Archaic and Classical

The University of Western Ontario Department of Classical Studies CS3904F Fall 2019 Stephanie Dennie

This syllabus is subject to change and preliminary


Course Outline Course Description Welcome to CS3904F: Archaic and Classical Sparta. In this course we will explore the cultural, social, economic, and political life of Archaic and Classical Sparta. We will approach the material both chronologically and thematically starting with the Late Stone Age and concluding with the Battle of Leuktra (371BCE). The first half of the course will focus on the historical development of Sparta and the region of Lakonia. We will then explore Archaic and Classical Sparta from a thematic perspective including lectures on art and architecture, government, gender and sexuality, demographics, and education. We will explore ancient sources, material culture, modern scholarship and contemporary depictions of Sparta (including scholarly approaches and Sparta in pop-culture). We will be addressing questions such as What made Sparta unique? What can we really know about Sparta? How did the image of Sparta that we have today develop from antiquity?

Class Time and Location Tuesday: 10:30am-12:30pm UC 1225 Thursday: 11:30am-12:30pm UC 1225

Instructor My name is Stephanie Dennie and I am your instructor for this course. Please call me Stephanie. I have been a doctoral student at Western since 2017. I received my Masters Degree in at Brock University and my Undergraduate Degree in Classics at the University of Guelph. In my research I study history and Archaic and Classical Greek literature. I love all aspects of but focus specifically on military psychology. I seek to understand how soldiers are made in ancient , from a psychological perspective, and what motivates them to fight and die in combat. I have been studying Sparta for the last few years focusing on how young men are brought up and educated to be citizens, soldiers, and men. Contact Details Office: Lawson Hall 3228 E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours and Appointments I will hold office hours twice a week, for one hour each. Tuesday: 12:30-1:30; Thursday: 1:30-2:30 Appointments can be booked outside of these office hours over e-mail. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns about the course material. If you want to discuss your grades or any aspect of your evaluation in this course, please come to my office hours or schedule an appointment. Grades will not be discussed over e-mail.


Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes The primary objective of this course is to understand the social, political, and cultural of Sparta and their development from the Age to the Classical Period. We will do this by critically examining the available primary material. To accomplish this objective, you will learn to do the following;  closely read, comprehend, and summarize ancient literary sources in translation.  Understand and critically examine a variety of material evidence.  Read and evaluate scholarship.  Engage in discussion of the course material. Students in this course will acquire the following skills;  An understanding of the limits of primary sources in representing historical facts  Critical reading and thinking  Strong research and writing skills  An understanding of the importance of historical context and how social norms and customs develop over time and are shaped by geography, people, and events.

Course Website All additional material, assignment instructions, and online readings can be found on the course website on OWL under resources. All primary source readings not included in the required texts are posted on OWL.

Using Electronics in the Classroom The use of electronic devices for any other purpose than taking notes is distracting and disrespectful to those around you. Please refrain from surfing the internet, using social media, and watching videos during class. Please do not use your cellphone during class or have your cellphone out of your bag/pocket during class.

Required Texts Kennell, Nigel. 2010. The Spartans: A New History. Blackwell Publishing. . 2005. On Sparta. Richard Talbert and Ian Scott-Kilvert (translators & editors). Penguin Classics. *Additional readings assigned on OWL*

Assigned Reading There are two required textbooks for this course as listed above. There are required additional readings including articles, primary source readings, etc. that must be completed for class. All of these are listed as required reading in the schedule of readings. It is important to do the readings before the lecture. The lectures will compliment the readings, address specific aspects of the readings, and present additional material. Testing will be based on both the material from lectures AND the assigned readings. Thursday’s discussions will be based on the readings assigned and the lecture material from Tuesday’s class. The quizzes will also be based on the readings.


Course Assessment

Midterm 20% Oct.22 Research Paper 30% • Proposal & 5% Nov.7 Annotated Bibliography • Research Paper 25% Dec.5 Final Exam 30% TBA Participation 15% Ongoing Weekly Quizzes 5% Thursdays

Assessment Information Class Attendance and Participation It is crucial that you attend every class. 15% of your final grade is based on participation in class discussions, especially during our Thursday classes. This will be discussed in detail during the first class. Each Thursday class, with a few exceptions noted in the schedule of readings, will have a quiz on the material assigned that week (both Tuesday and Thursday). The quizzes make up a total of 5% of the final grade, each is weighted the same. The format will vary. This will be further discussed in the first class.

Assignment Information Each Assignment has an assignment sheet describing in more detail the expectations and evaluation of each assignment. Please see OWL for further information.

Midterm and Final Exam We will discuss the format of the Midterm and the Final exam in class. There is an information sheet regarding the format of the Midterm and the Final Exam on Owl under Resources. The Final Exam will BE CUMULATIVE. The weight of the Midterm and the Final Exam will not be altered. If a makeup examination is required, the format will vary.

Proposal and Annotated Bibliography AND Research Paper You will right a research paper in this class of 2500-3500 words. In preparation for this paper you will submit an essay proposal and annotated bibliography. There is an assignment sheet for each of these assignments on OWL and we will discuss both assignments in class. There is a list of potential topics on the assignment sheet, but the choice of topic/research question is up to you. Please come and talk with me about your topics – I would love to hear what you are thinking and provide advice about primary and secondary sources. There is no specific number of required primary sources or secondary sources for this paper, but you must consult the primary and secondary sources appropriate for your topic. For notes on evaluation see Department of Classics Grading Rubric for Honors-Level Essays at the end of this document.


Department of Classics Grading Rubric for Honors-Level Essays

90 – 100 / A+ (Outstanding) Writing strongly demonstrates: i) significant originality and high degree of critical engagement with primary sources and secondary scholarly literature, ii) sophisticated synthesis and analysis of theoretical and conceptual dimensions of topic, iii) all major primary and secondary sources have been consulted, iv) prescribed format of paper including proper citation of sources is rigorously followed; mature prose style free of grammatical error. 80 – 89 / A (Excellent) Writing clearly demonstrates: i) originality and high degree of critical engagement with primary sources (written or material) and the secondary scholarly literature, ii) writing is perceptive and probing in its conceptual analysis, iii) topic is focused, logically organized, and thesis effectively presented and argued, iv) majority of primary and secondary sources have been consulted, v) prescribed format of paper including proper citation of sources is followed; well developed prose style virtually free of grammatical error. 75 – 79 / B+ (Very Good) Writing demonstrates: i) above average analysis, critical thinking, and independent thought, ii) topic is addressed in reasonable depth and/or breadth, thesis is well presented and clearly argued, iii) representative selection of primary and secondary sources has been consulted, iv) prescribed format of paper including proper citation of sources is followed; good intelligible prose style relatively free of grammatical error. 70 – 74 / B (Good) Writing demonstrates: i) satisfactory attempt at analysis and critical thinking; arguments supported by reasonable evidence, ii) topic has been addressed in some depth and/or breadth, iii) somewhat limited selection of primary and secondary sources has been consulted, iv) text is generally well written; some problems with grammar and prose style. 60 – 69 / C (Competent) Writing demonstrates: i) only adequate engagement with the topic, ii) limited depth and/or breadth in conceptualization and discussion of topic, iii) insufficient number of primary and/or secondary sources has been consulted, iv) paper has numerous problems of organization, clarity of argument, and grammar. 50 – 59 / D (Poor) Writing demonstrates: i) inadequate engagement with topic, ii) factual errors regarding primary sources and lack of understanding of secondary literature, iii) few of key primary and secondary sources have been consulted, iv) prose style is difficult to follow, improper format for paper, incorrect citation of sources, many grammatical errors.


Below 50 / F (Unacceptable) Writing demonstrates: i) failure to comprehend the topic, ii) topic is not clear, text is disorganized and/or unintelligible, iii) few or no relevant primary and/or secondary sources have been consulted, iv) writing skills do not meet the minimum university entrance-level standards. 0 (No Grade due to plagiarism)

University of Western Ontario Policies

NOTE FROM THE DEAN OF ARTS and HUMANITIES: You are responsible for ensuring that you have successfully completed all course prerequisites and that you have not taken an antirequisite course. Lack of prerequisites may not be used as basis of appeal. If you are not eligible for a course, you may be removed from it at any time, and you will receive no adjustment to your fees. These decisions cannot be appealed. PLAGIARISM and other Academic Offences: Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. Whenever students take an idea, or a passage of text from another author, they must acknowledge their debt both by using quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing such as footnotes or citations. Plagiarism is a major academic offence (see Scholastic Offence Policy in the Western Academic Calendar). POLICY ON ACCOMMODATION: [downloadable Student Medical Certificate (SMC): ces.pdf Students seeking academic accommodation for any missed tests, exams and/or assignments worth 10% or more of their final grade must either complete a Self-Reported Absence Form (provided the conditions for submission are met) or apply to the Office of the Dean of their home faculty and provide documentation. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATION CANNOT BE GRANTED BY THE INSTRUCTOR OR DEPARTMENT. In addition to completing a Self-Reported Absence Form or applying to the Office of the Dean of their home faculty, students seeking academic accommodation must communicate with their instructors no later than 24 hours after the end of the period covered by either the self-reported absence or Student Medical Certificate, or immediately upon their return following a documented absence.


WESTERN ACCESSIBILITY POLICY: Western has many services and programs that support the personal, physical, social and academic needs of students with disabilities. For more information and links to these services: WESTERN SUPPORT SERVICES: Students who are in emotional/mental distress should refer to Mental Health @ Western for a complete list of options about how to obtain help.