So you wanna be a pilot? ■w^k Thei ne Easterneastern Learn how to get off the ground in one of Eastern's most unique programs/B4 Presidential State, local police step up patrol, have students seeing red evaluation up in the air Clauses in contract confuse regents, senate on legality

BY JENNIFER ROGERS Assistant news editor Evaluation Eastern's Board of Regents and Faculty Senate are exploring their options in conducting a pres- idential evaluation. A presidential ■ The Board of Regents By- evaluation is required in Laws state. "A president shall President Robert Kustra's con- be evaluated during the sec- tract and Board of Regents ond and fourth j&v of service bylaws. and every four years there- Board bylaws state the presi- after. The evaluation shall be dent will undergo evaluation dur- conducted for the Board by ing the second and fourth year of the Executive and Academic Affairs Committee." service. The president's contract Corey King/Progress calls for an evaluation after two ■ President Robert Kustra's complete years of service. Kustra contract with the university is in the third year of his contract. stales. The Board shall first Eastern students wait on one ot several cop cars to pass before a riot Aug 13 at the Cherry Pit, located on Second Street Police offi- Merita Thompson, faculty evaluate the President after crossing Main Street Thursday. City and state police have increased cers also set up a checkpoint at U.S. 25 North and the Eastern Bypass regent, says the evaluation two complete years of service the number ot officers on patrol during the weekend was partly due to Thursday and Saturday where several citations were made process lies in the Board's hands and shall thereafter evaluate the Pitsinent each succeed- and that the Board did not evalu- ate the president during his sec- inc two years to determine Patrol ond year. whether empioyoment shaB Thompson submitted written be continued." by the comments to the Executive and ■ Kustra's contract also states, "Beginning on July 1, numbers Academic Affairs Committee and 'Going downtown' other Board members at an Aug. 2000. and extends* indefr 3 meeting. The comments served nUeh/. and after consideration to "emphasize the importance of a of the bieoaW presidention broad-based faculty and staff input evaluation... the tern of 24 into the process of presidential empfoymen twill be extended assessment." biennially and automatically for two years." has new meaning Police See EVALUATION. A4 BY ALLISON HALEY Downtown Staff writer Thursday - Saturday An increase in security in downtown Richmond, spurred by recent vio- lent incidents in the Program review area, is getting mixed 16 reviews from law enforcement, stu- dents and local workers after its DUIs second weekend in action. begins this fall The number of state, county and Issued over local police officers nearly doubled the weekend on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights after a riot broke out at the BY JENNIFER MULUNS " We're on a five Cherry Pit. located on Second News writer Street, in the early morning hours An open faculty forum will take year schedule. of Aug. 13. Two Richmond police 9 place Wednesday and Sept. 12 to Libby Wachtel, officers were hurt during the brawl. review Eastern's new academic- But the extra security measures, Corey KirKyProgress Drug program review. The forums will associate vice which include up to 15 city police, Arrests be centered around a new set of president for planning four sheriffs deputies and five state Downtown goers walk by the road baracade at Main Street and a portion of guidelines that will govern the police patrolling a seven block area, Second Street Thursday night Issued over and assessment the weekend academic program review are the result of several recent checkpoint at U.S. 25 North and the assaults on bar-goers, automobile "We can't have citizens and stu- process. » dents in fear of their lives when Eastern Bypass. There were seven The academic program revjew break-ins and various other viola- they come downtown on the week- DUIs and 21 citations issued during tions that will not be tolerated, said is the result of an effort by the that had less than 12 graduates ends." stops on Thursday and Saturday university's academic affairs coun- per year and masters programs Charles DeBord. director of public- Over the three-day period, police nights last week. Friday night, they cil to review its programs, after that had less than seven were safety for the Richmond Police did not set up the checkpoints. 5 stationed downtown issued five the Kentucky Council on asked to be considered first," Department. Debord added the riot weapons charges, nine drug "There were other things we had Weapon! Postsecondary Education Wachtel said. was only one of the reasons for the charges, nine DUIs and made 21 to do." said Mark Merriman. approved closings or suspensions Wachtel will chair and vote on upgraded security. alcohol-related arrests. Found by of 106 degree programs across the proposed academic program "The biggest issue here is pro- Additionally, state police set up a See DOWNTOWN, A5 police the state. review committee that will be tecting the students," Debord said. Seven programs at Eastern formed to coordinate the review have been suspended or recom- process. mended for suspension. Twenty- Also serving on the committee seven other programs are current- with Wachtel will be two faculty SGA holds ly up for review; those programs members from each college. The Employee grievances include certificate programs, asso- President, based on the deans' ciate degree programs, baccalau- nominations, will appoint mem- freshmen reate degree programs and mas- bers. Two students will also serve ters degree programs. prompt insurance switch on the committee along with the Elizabeth Wachtel, associate faculty and the director of institu- BY JAMIE VINSON Kustra said part of the deci- vice president for planning and tional research, who will be a per- elections News editor "Obvloulsy sion to switch was due to assessment, said the programs manent and non-voting member. employee reaction. PROGRESS STAFF REPORT currently up for review are pro- Wachtel said that eventually Eastern employees are feel- "We had numerous com- grams that met a certain criteria. every program here at Eastern ing "reassured" about their there were plaints from employees that The Student Government "Last spi ing, all the institutions will be up for review. insurance. problems their physicians were not in in Kentucky were asked to initiate "We're on a five year sched- Association will hold elections for The university recently the MedBen program and that freshmen positions on Wednesday. a review process that looked at ule." Wachtel said. made the decision to switch with was clearly unacceptable," the number of graduates from The five-year schedule will The senate has four freshmen posi- from MedBen insurance back Kustra said. tions that need to be filled. individual programs over a five to Anthem insurance. MedBen." William Roberts with facility year period. Bachelor programs See REVIEW. A5 Twelve freshmen will vie for the Cindy Shain, associate services said he has been at spots. Chris Whitworth. Student director of the Regional Cindy Shain, Eastern for 11 years and this Senate Community Policing Institute associate director of is the first time insurance has chair of in the college of justice and the Regional been such a conflict. elections. ►Inside ►Weather safety, said she has never "MedBen seemed good, well said voting Ad Index B4 heard of anyone doing this Community Policing have to see (with Anthem)." is restricted before. Institute Roberts said. "1 am upset to freshmen Accent B1 "Obviously there were prob- about the increase in medica- be ^^^M| TOOAV lems with MedBen." Shain tion." the provisions of previous held Ircmi i«««««-«-. Classifieds A4 Hi: 89 said. Doug Freeman, president ,,, ,., 10 a..m. to 4 p.m. plans that were not offered by 10 am. until Low: 68 Kustra made the final deci- and CEO of MedBen said he Anthem for the 2000-2001 4 p.m. in A6.7 Conditions: Partly Cloudy sion to switch back to Anthem is understandably disappoint- the lobby of in mid-July after it became year, would be extended until ed with Kustra's decision. Police Beat A4 Sept.1. the Powell apparent MedBen had an inad- "Employees of Eastern Building. ,„ mi: Partly cloudy equate network of providers. A memo dated Aug. 14 from enjoyed an old 'all you can eat' The fol- Colonel Corner A2 ^ par1|y d(XJdy Kustra sent out a memo Doug whitlock lists changes. type of health insurance prod- lowing freshmen are on the ballot: Sport. B6-8 «** Party cloudy April 17 announcing that Several of these changes uct, the cost of which was Richard Crask. Sam Shelton. MedBen had been chosen as include, new emergency room increasing uncontrollably and Rebecca Bridwell. Brooke Reardon. What's On Tap B2 Eastern's benefit administra- co-pay will be $50, with the probably far exceeded the uni- Sarah Darnall, Gregory E. tatham, tor and that plans and benefits urgent care co-pay remaining versity's expectations of ability Bart Law. Nicole Brooks, Phil Brun, ►Reminder would not change. at $25, insurance providers no afford." Matt Hinds-Aldrich, Shaun A second memo dated July longer allow flat $10 co-pay for Freeman said it was Kustra's Mclntosh and Andrea Custer. job to take the necessary steps There are no classes Monday due to the Labor Day r-.oliday. 21. stated that the university all prescriptions in plans like Freshmen have only been had made a deiscion to siwtch Option 2000 Advantage and to control die costs. allowed to be on the Student back to Anthem and some of HMO plans, etc. See INSURANCE, A5 Senate since last fall. V A2 The Eastern Progress, Thursday. August 81.2000 Sincerely, Shane COLONELCORNER Big boys need time Seek advice, laugh, cry and solve complicated puzzles — all while releasing stress. to play with toys too Collegiate Press Word Search Off The Mark My boyfriend has a split per- Relationships require a lot of sonality. When he's around work. It's a job in a sense. The more me he shows me nothing work you put in. the better the bene- but love and affection, but as soon fits. After weeks and months of as I am not around he turns into a work, sooner of later, there has to 1-m WORD wild child. He's an avid strip club be a moment of rest and relaxation. guest and loves to drink. God Some of us just spend time alone, MD AdOTHlfR Ir4 rtl&ZAP/ knows what else he does. It's like he while others call up a bunch of MM SEARCH has more fun with his friends than friends for a night on the town. Rela- with me. I am afraid he might be tionships need breathing room In- cheating on me. What should I do? hale months of being with one per- -J.C. son — exhale with a night out with Czcchoslovokian Hockey Players the guys or girls. DearJ.C, Z R K UL JOENLQKX 1 VHTZV D Boys will be boys. Even big However, Bke I said, letting the boys like to have time to play wild child come out while away O M N 1 TMPQYNTNFZNZEPP Q with their toys. from your loved one doesn't mean A Y P HQSBHFNEMECEKAKG U Women tend to forget that cheating will follow. Yes, some Q H K PLJD8RE IXKMHLPAZ C men like to play. Not cheat, but men are regular visitors of strip J Y G HAAMMZQNR 1 LFGCHE H play. There is a differ- clubs, but that's not cheat- FXMVTFRBAOFLSWSJ ing. Eye candy maybe, but P W B Q ence. But, then again, ACR 1 A 1 RTAY 1 UQUAV N men also tend to forget not physical cheating. Y X S that women like to play Again, boys will be boys. P 1 F UFQNHCRGDSQEEMHH L too. If s one of those dou- Looking at other women V J Z UEGBMMGNAKIQZGOWU ble-edged sword situa- naked may not be most V H N 1 L ICKAATJYGETKHR M tions — either way, some- women's cup of tea, but 1 G O PGZKPBJVKUDJEHCH F most men tend to find all -*■•■•»>,.-•> one is going to get cut Z W C PVKEQDUOYTRDPWNRW Most relationships the visual stimulation an P 8 Y VUENSEHVUHRO 1 KXL B seem to hit this same ol' alternative to those Ho-Ho The Bell Curve snag over and over again. SHANE WALTERS cravings. V W K BAJAPRKZZKSNZQAZ U One person declares total AtMcu cotumntt My advice — if your B Y A TEJCANBTEA 1 CKNEL Q devotion while the other boyfriend's lifestyle is too V L E MLB 1 CHMSKGEV 1 AFW 1 says he or she does, but does dif- much, tell him about it If you Z 1 VBEXANRMHBZDHV Y think he might be cheating, ask H Q D THe&ellCurve ferent outside the realm of love. Al- ZAGRKHARESUNEDVE D ~».~-- HI «,n»nrin I—■ mt »»■■»■ im m* utnu fc—i most everyone has a wild child in him about it If you really care X L E them. If s there. And. from time to about him and if he really cares N J Q CSCQPRPNGKKUBOBZ C time, the party animal lurks out about you, there should be no real AWBGO IMTFCVMODVMZYE 1 Basically, it all evolves around problem. Everything will come clean in the wash. Love is what time. Everyone needs time away Ilttp: M ">\ i|i\< n >-.imil li-.iln 1 ■ •. In II In 111 from his or her relationship. No matters here. If the love is strong, let your boyfriend have his time matter how strong the love might Bicanek Hnilicka Ncdvcd be, there comes a moment when alone. Remember though, you you say to yourself, "I am tired of have the right to have your fun Elias Jagr Nemecek this person.'' It's human nature. If too. I heard Chippendales are Hasek Kohn PaJfly coming to Lexington ... you eat Twinkies everyday, sooner Hejduk Kuba Spacek or later you're going to be sneak- Sincerely, Shane. ing out buying some Ho-Ho's. ■ Hlavac Kubina Trnka THS CWtATioH OF WITOP ■PwRuiHi^a" Here's another snag. Women Have a problem or concern? and men both let their minds shift Need advice? If you do, send a one into parallel universe mode when paragraph question addressed to Web Watch the Ho-Ho craving comes around. Sincerely, Shane via email at The mind starts to wonder, and [email protected] All questions the first thing a person thinks must be submitted before 5 p.m. when their significant other is hav- every Sunday following the Thursday Do you ever wonder where that paper money in your pocket has been, or where it will go next? This is the place to find out. ing more fun with his/he^friends publication of The Eastern Progress. Where's George can track the natural and geographic circulation, a bill spent in the normal course of everyday life, after entering is. They must be cheating." No names needed. Initials only. the denomination, series, and serial number of any US dollar bill, and a current USA Zip Code. Registration is free. Check it out.

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<- r The Eastern Progress, Thursday. August 81,2000 NeWS A3 New ViPs New vice president of student affairs plans Daugherty looking forward to the switch to keep an open door policy with students from working with new students to old ones

BY JCI—mn Sawum BYJAMKVWSON Staff writer - Wore really Just News editor "Everything I've done Dee Cockrille is nothing short When Eastern alumni decide of ecstatic about getting to know working hard to to tap back into the university this In my career lent itself the students here at Eastern. year, they'll probably recognize a Cockrille has been named design now well-known face. to making mo a bettor the vice president of student Skip Daugherty, former dean affairs after Tom Myers was programs that kind of student development since administrator and a asked to step down from the 1986, has been named the associ- position last spring. of energize students ate vice president and executive bettor person. One of Cockrille will make $105,000 Lfc director of the National Alumni yearly in the position, according and got them Association. our irgos In life Is to give to the 2000-2001 salary roster. Daugherty made $75,094 last After the success of New interested In being students, year as dean of student develop- back. A lot of my giving back Student Days and the Montell ment, and jumped to a salary of Jordan concert, Cockrille is doing well academically being $85,000 for the new position, was through voJunteerlsm." very excited about organizing according to the salary roster for events in order to make the at the top of the list, of the 2000-2001 year. Skip Daugherty, associate vice president students happier with their free Daugherty stepped into the of alumni relations time while attending Eastern. position (July 1) because he said Cockrille came from West Dee Cockrille, vice president of student affairs there was an opportunity there. "This job is a public relations ence in the positions is involve- Virginia, where she was the "It fit into this time in my job," Daugherty said. "It requires ment with students. As dean of dean of student affairs at career and the opportunities that a lot of leadership skills which I student development, Daugherty Marshall University. think I bring to the table. had contact with students daily. academically being at the top of putting together a Web site that were afforded me at this time," Her degrees range from a Daugherty said. "New challenges "Everything I've done in my Daugherty said he has several the list, of course," Cockrille said. will allow students to participate in career lent itself to making me a goals for the new position. bachelor's degree in education, One of the activities that she chat room discussions about what and changes are exciting. This is Spanish, social studies and a mas- the logical next step for me at this better administrator and a better "We need to do a better job re- mentioned was a "Road Rules" is going on. and also to e-mail con- person." Daugherty said. "One of engaging our alumni." Daugherty ter's degree in counseling, along type of trip. The university is cerns or praises concerning sub- point due to the options that were with a doctorate in education. available