Table of Contents MAIN STORIES Arthur C

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Table of Contents MAIN STORIES Arthur C Table of Contents MAIN STORIES Arthur C. Clarke; Podkayne of Mars, Robert A 1993 World Fantasy Awards Nominations.........6 Heinlein. Sheffield, Simmons Win Reviews by Gary K. W olfe:................................23 Campbell, Sturgeon Awards.............................6 The Innkeeper’s Song, Peter S. Beagle; A Plague Reorganization in the Chains...............................6 of Angels, Sheri S. Tepper, Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodem Fiction, Marleen S. Barr; A THE NEWSPAPER OF THE SCIENCE FICTION FIELD Scott Meredith Agency Sold.................................6 Anne Patty Leaves S&S -Poseidon Eliminated.. 6 New Species: Gender and Science in Science Young-Adult Horror Bright Spot in M arket......7 Fiction, Robin Roberts; Scepticism and Hope in (ISSN-0047-4959) F ire!....................................................................... 7 Twentieth Century Fantasy Literature, Kath Crank!.................................................................... 7 Filmer; Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject EDITOR & PUBLISHER SF Magazines Raise Cover Prices....................... 7 in Postmodern Science Fiction, Scott Bukatman; Charles N. Brown SPECIAL FEATURES Ultimate Island: On the Nature of British Sci­ ASSOCIATE EDITOR Locus Silver Anniversary L etters...................... 52 ence Fiction, Nicholas Ruddick. 1993 Locus Survey Results.................................60 Reviews by Russell Letson:................................27 Faren C. Miller THE DATA FILE Ring of Swords, Eleanor Arnason; The Iron ASSISTANT EDITORS Russian Copyright Law Passes............................7 Dragon’s Daughter, Michael Swanwick; Mindstar Marianne S. Jablon Rushdie Update................................................... 7 Rising, Peter F. Hamilton; Manhattan Transfer, Carolyn F. Cushman Bookstore News....................................................7 John E. Stith. Convention News................................................77 Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:..........................31 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Announcements..................................................77 The Rising of the Moon, Flynn Connolly; The Kirsten Gong-Wong Market News...................................................... 77 Jaguar Princess, Clare Bell; The Well-Favored CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Awards News...................................................... 77 Man, Elizabeth Willey; Starpilot’s Grave, Debra Contest News...................................................... 77 Doyle & James D. Macdonald; Sam Gunn, Un­ Edward Bryant Magazine News...................................................77 limited, Ben Bova; SHORT TAKE: Wishing Sea­ Mark R. Kelly Video News......................................................... 77 son, Esther M. Friesner. Russell Letson Audio News........................................................ 77 Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:....................... 33 Rights & Options................................................77 Shadow Hunter, Will Baker; Shroud of Shadow, Tom Maddox INTERVIEWS Gael Baudino; Weird Romance, Alan Brennert et Scott Winnett Neal Barrett, Jr. - Life With Balloons.............. 4 al.; The List of 7, Mark Frost; The Man Who Gary K. Wolfe Karen Joy Fowler A Question of Identity..........5 Took a Bite Out of His Wife, Bev Jafek; Carni­ SPECIAL PROJECTS COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS vores, Penelope Banka Kreps; The Oxford Book People and Publishing.......................................... 8 of Modern Fairy Tales, Alison Lurie, ed.; An Eye William G. Contento Editorial M atters................................................82 for Dark Places, Norma Marder; The Canary PHOTOGRAPHER Locus Letters.......................................................82 Trainer, Nicholas Meyer, Stones of the Dalai Beth Gwinn Grania Davis; Dave Smeds; Martha D. Forward. Lama, Ken Mitchell; The Wizard’s Apprentice, LOCUS LOOKS AT BOOKS S.P. Somtow. Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the 1993 Dragon*Con/Locus Awards.....................50 Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS by Mark R. Kelly:............................................ 11 PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood Expanse #1; SFAge 7/93; SF Age 9/93;Amazing 8/ LISTINGS Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus 93; Amazing 9/93; Tomorrow 7/93; Tomorrow 8/ Forthcoming Books............................................36 Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661. 93; Analog 9/93; F&SF 7/93; F&SF 8/93; Interzone British Forthcoming Books............................... 46 7/93; Interzone 8/93; Asimov's 9/93; Omni 8/93; Magazines Received — July.............................. 62 Telephone (510) 339-9196 Books Received — July...................................... 63 FAX (510) 339-8144 Omni 9/93. Reviews by Faren M iller....................................15 British Books - June.........................................73 Individual copies are $3.95. Individual subscriptions in The Hollowing, Robert Holdstock; The Broken Bestsellers........................................................... 79 the U.S. are $38.00 for 12 issues, $70.00 for 24 issues OBITUARIES via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in God, David Zindell; Coelestis, Paul Park; Nim­ bus, Alexander Jablokov; Glimpses, Lewis Shiner; Chad Oliver........................................................ 80 Canada are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues Appreciation by Howard Waldrop................ 80 via second class mail. First class individual subscrip­ The Iron Dragon’s Daughter; Michael Swanwick. tions in the U.S. or Canada are $50.00 for 12 issues, Reviews by Edward Bryant:................................19 Appreciation by William F. N olan................ 81 $90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscrip­ Created By, Richard Christian Matheson; Close to Appreciation by John C lute...........................81 tions are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues via the Bone, Lucy Taylor; The Darker Saints, Brian Kiyoshi Hayakawa..............................................81 sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South Hodge; AfterAge, Yvonne Navarro; SHORT Drew W hite........................................................ 82 America via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00 TAKES: A Flash of White, Andrew Vachss; Chris Steinbrunner.............................................82 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Roadkill, Del Stone, Jr.; 2001: A Space Odyssey, Bruce C. H erbert................................................82 Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues, $130.00 for 24 issues. Californio Rooidonto please Ace................................... 10,44,45 INDEX TO ADS Locus..................................... 86 ■odd 8% o q Io o tax. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00 A von................................. .. ...75 Classified Ads............................ 75 Swann Galleries....................... 6 5 extra per year. Make all checks payable to Locus B aen................................ 12,24,32 LW. Currey................................ 4 9 Tafford Publishing............... Publications. All subscriptions, including Canadian, Bantam.............................. 34,35 DC..........................................3 6 Tor................................28,73,86 are payable directly in U.S. funds only. Overseas ? ............................................1 8 Dell.............................................6 7 The Wildside Press...............6 7 checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and include Carroll & G raf.......................14.20 Del Rey................................... 2,22 Worlds of Wonder..................... 74 com puter encoding numbers at bottom. When convert­ Dan Simmons, PHOTO LISTING Sarah Clemens.................... (F)55 ing from second class to first class delivery, please Charles Sheffield...........(EAH) 1 Christopher Schelling.... 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Brown, Connie Willis, Cynthia Felice...................... (F)56 We subtract one issue from your subscription for each Doug Beason, Amanda Beason, Terry Brooks................... (BG)51 Charles L Fontenay............(F)56 returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for Bill Clinton............................(F)8 Robert Bloch, Beth Gwinn, Teresa Jim Frenkel...........................(F)57 one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal or Richard Christian Matheson ... (F)8 Minambres, Linda Nightingale, Frank Kelly Freas.................(F)57 completely new. Kathleen Ann Goonan............(F)8 Ricia Mainhardt..............(RM)51
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