4/4/13 Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (28 Mar. 03 Apr. 2013)

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (28 Mar. 03 Apr. 2013) Thursday, 04 April 2013 00:00

Hebron – Israeli soldiers arrested an international solidarity activist during a demonstration in commemoration of the Palestinian Land Day in al- Mafghara village

Israeli Forces Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the occupied Palestinian territory oPt

The Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian civilians and wounded a third one in village, east of .

A child and a boy were wounded during an incursion into Hebron.

The Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protests in the . An Irish journalist was wounded in al-Nabi Saleh protest while a Palestinian civilian was wounded in Kofur Qaddoum protest. A Palestinian boy was wounded during a peaceful protest in the center of Hebron, in protest to the death of the Palestinian prisoner Abu Hamdiya. 6 Palestinian civilian, including 4 children and a photojournalist, were asrrested.

The Israeli forces conducted 65 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. 30 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children and a woman, were arrested.

Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the from the outside world. During the reporting period, the border crossings between the Gaza Strip and were completely closed for 4 days. The Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. 5 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were arrested at checkpoints. www.pchrgaza.org/portal/en/index.php?view=article&catid=84%3Aweekly-2009&id=9382%3Aweekly-report-on-israeli-human-rights-violations-in-the-occupied-… 1/20 4/4/13 Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (28 Mar. 03 Apr. 2013) 5 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were arrested at checkpoints.

The Israeli forces have continued to attack the Palestinian fishermen in the sea and conducted 2 airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli forces continued to fire at Palestinian fishing boats to force them to sail within the 3 nautical-mile limit only.

Israeli has continued its efforts to create Jewish majority in occupied East . A Jerusalemite was obliged to demolish a room attached to his house.

The Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property. The settlers uprooted 200 olive seedlings in al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem. The settlers continued their attacks against the Palestinian civilians and their property.


Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period 28 March – 03 April 2013:


During the reporting period, the Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian civilians and wounded 5 others, including a child and an Irish journalist, in the West Bank. In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces continued to fire at the Palestinian fishing boats in order to minimize the allowed fishing area to 3 nautical miles instead of 6 nautical miles. Moreover, the Gaza Strip witnessed 2 airstrikes on an agricultural facility and an open land.

In the West Bank, in an excessive use of lethal force, the Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian civilians and wounded a third one in Anabta village, east of Tulkarm. This happened when the Israeli forces stationed at Annab checkpoint, east of the said village, opened fire at a group of boys protesting in the vicinity of the checkpoi