MINUTES of a meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, duly convened and held at the Council Chamber, , TN1 1RS, at 6.30 pm on Wednesday, 23 July 2014


The Mayor Councillor Julian Stanyer (Chairman) Councillors Dr Basu, Backhouse, Barrington-King, Bulman, Chapelard, Mrs Cobbold, Mrs Crowhurst, Dawlings, Derrick, Elliott (Vice-Chairman), Gray, Dr Hall, Hastie, Hill, Hills, Horwood, Jamil, Jukes, March, Mrs Mayhew, McDermott, Munn, Neve, Noakes, Ms Palmer, Rogers, Rusbridge, Scholes, Scott, Sloan, Mrs Soyke, Mrs Thomas, Tompsett, Waldock, Wauchope, Ward, Weatherly, Webb, Weeden, Williams and Woodward

IN ATTENDANCE: William Benson (Chief Executive), Wendy Newton-May (Democratic Services Officer) and John Scarborough (Head of Legal Partnership)


FC15/14 Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hall, Lewis, Patterson and Smith.


FC16/14 No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.


FC17/14 The Mayor made the following announcements:

(a) Since his appointment, the Mayor had attended 44 engagements in 42 days and had opened a number of carnivals and fetes across the borough. (b) He had opened new housing developments at Ramslye and Culverden. (c) He had visited Skinner’s Kent Academy, Primary School (where two brothers had organised a triathlon to raise £750 to buy new PE equipment), and Speldhurst Primary School (where two pupils had organised a whole year’s assemblies for their school). (d) The Royal Marines had been welcomed by the Mayor who had skied, sailed, cycled, canoed and run their way around Europe to raise £6 million for charities ministering to the needs of injured ex-servicemen from recent global conflicts. (e) The Secret Garden project at St. Barnabus’s school had been opened by the Mayor, a wonderful mural expressing the four seasons which had been produced by the pupils and the artist Jane Churchill. (f) A number of older residents had been visited in their care homes, to share a cream tea with and learn about their experiences and needs. (g) The Mayor had been invited to Southborough School of Dance and he attended the Tunbridge Wells International Young Concert Artists, which attracted young musicians from around the world. (h) He had also attended a number of AGMs and Garden Parties.

(i) The Mayor mentioned that he had seen and admired projects aimed at those less fortunate, such as the Challenger Troup and K College Tri-angle Awards. (j) The Mayor had attended a number of events commemorating the brave men and women who died in both major wars. (k) He had met colleagues from across Kent sharing what was happening in other authorities and attending civic occasions. (l) The Mayor’s team won the bowls match against the Grove Bowling Club. (m) The Mayor reminded members of the reception for the Lord Mayor of and Delegation to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Twinning Charter, which was taking place on Friday 25 July. (n) He also reminded members of the First World War commemorations in Calverely Grounds on 3 August at 2.30pm. (o) Members were advised that the Mayor now had a second granddaughter – born the previous day.

The Mayor mentioned that he would not have been able to keep up the frenetic pace without the incredible help and support of Katie and Jerry and he publicly thanked them for making the year such a success.

The Leader, Councillor Jukes, made the following announcements:

(a) The demolition of the cinema site had commenced. He stated that he was pleased that the process had followed the legal route and not required compulsory purchase. He added that he thought petitions had made very little impact on the developer. (b) Members noted