
W pM ip»AT,J60roBll W, I H r . _|V T'- iRitul|[pfiitrr Cimtfng

M r., aad Mm W m M D. Atkis- t h e aaml annual oatk ig jM thJ?^m Sjr‘«!d *5S?"«CASJ^^ 7691 ia for conatruction of barracks, de­ bindaied. And dm extra-long shiit-taila behave partectly] pots and basea in thla country and ing and (he Town Court will S 4 overseas for the Army, the Navy be closed. I.,ondon, Oct. 11— (jP)— Woven plaid in autumn thadea. Ever lovely, ever wethable and the Air Force. Qua HaU, one o f fe a r top IT. $L St. Louis, Qct. The Atomic Ebiergy commls- Communist boll jumperi, wi Britain today warned the ex­ James P, . Finnegan, formar DeMAIO BROTHERS combed totton gingham. Senforised, colorfeat Sises 30 to 4 to the Senate. said he will strive for "some our exteniivc collection. real accompUshments'* in his well as of other foreign lives and cepUng a $380 check foom a fim TaoelH r Bntkeriae B atten anM The compromise is approximate­ Texarkana, Tex., Oct. 11—UP)— property, rests u1th the Egyptian Involved in Income tax dlfflenl- ly $21«,000,000 below what Mr. new post. It was knrder Ike next day to Uft Communist party members from government." Ucs. Rnn— y Oaritoa’ nt aa Indianap- Truman asked for. The others were under a fadaral Administration leaders, hoping New York Mexico stewed today MAY OUT AUTO OUTPUT Urges Evaonatlon Not Exactly aa niuatratad oHa echooL She demoastraitea Demonstrations against British law prohlbltnlg a governmwit haw eke kolsted tke aeven-yci for a Oqhgreaaional adjournment while Gus Hall, fugitive party sec­ Washington, Oct. 11—<^P>—Ih e employe from receiving eompao-, by the end of next week, may be government Is reported to hara and other foreign Influences swept eld boy the t n j prevtone to re- retary arrested In Laredo yester­ Cairo and Alexandria after Prime aation for serviceo involving a eow> 1HE IDDNICIfr COLOR slowed down by the debate on the day, stewed in a federal correc­ decided to curtail aotomobtle troveniy In which the govonunenl Bev« hhn of n ring that had lodged foreign aid bill. Minister Mustspha El Nahaa Pas­ In hia threat ahd waa eholdng tional Institution here. prodncUoa by about It per cent to a party. Some Republicans are demand­ under present ontpnt aM allow ha on Monday called suddenly for him. Sammy ia back in sdiool These two developments fol­ the evacuation of British troops Finnegan, a ganlaL loquaotous ing that these funds be cut - to lowed Hall's capture in Mexico 860,000 cars to be prodooed In friend or Proaldent Tnliuh,' ’ haa hat the ring Is at heme. • (AP around 87,000,000,000. the Srat three months of 1960. from the Suez Canal'area and for IRAT TAKES YOU W bep k n to). City and his swift movement to annexation of the Anglo-Egyptlan been the central figure In haar- But a big obstacle to quick ac­ Fpi men at the border town of ings before a House Wi KY..O. o ; P. FOR TAFT Sudan. tion loompd in the form of a Re­ Laredo: Britain, acting for the North Means eubcommlttet In i publican demand that the foreign- 1. A group in Mexico City, in­ LoolsvUle, Ky^ Oct. II—