Storia e Futuro All for federalism. Fiscal demands in during the first years of independence Rivista di Storia e Storiografia Contemporanea online


Categories: Agenda, Numero 30 - Laboratorio, Numero 30 - Novembre 2012, Numero 30 - Rubriche Tags: Centralism, Federalism, Fiscal matters, Guanajuato, Political Class

Page: 1 Storia e Futuro All for federalism. Fiscal demands in Guanajuato during the first years of independence Rivista di Storia e Storiografia Contemporanea online

di Carlos Armando Preciado de Alba

Abstract english The establishment of centralism in Mexico in 1835 provoked protests from the elite of different regions. This article will explain the growing demands of Guanajuato’s political class for the restoration of the National Constitution of 1824. The demands were mostly focused on the fiscal area, as in this way the financial model of the First Federal Republic (1824-1835) would return to operation. These demands were seen reflected in debates at various levels of government. In federalism, the people of Guanajuato saw an opportune way to liberate themselves from their fiscal obligations and to avoid the demands of the national government, as in this system national jurisdiction and the range of available sources of income to them was weakened in the fiscal sphere. As a result we find a fierce defense of Guanajuato’s territorial interests when facing the national authorities.

Introduction The establishment of a centralist regime in Mexico (1835-1846) unleashed diverse protests from the elite of different regions; this happened in spite of the fact that the project could count on the support of multiple political participants throughout the country. Within this framework there are two principle objectives to this presentation; the first is to explain the growing demands of Guanajuato’s political class (Mosca 2004) for the restoration of the Constitution of 1824. Although this petition was made practically from the time that centralism was first established, it intensified during the first half of the decade of the 1840s. The demands were largely concentrated in the fiscal area as this would bring about a return to the model of treasury operations of the first Federal Republic (1824-1835). These demands were seen reflected in the debates and discussions occurring in meetings, assemblies and local and national congresses as well as between legislators and different governors. I here propose at least a few explanations for this catalyzing. Firstly, the numerous plans and pronouncements that impacted the structure of the national government during this period created a shifting scene immersed in political conflicts. Looking for a way to legitimize these movements, the protagonists called for multiple meetings, assemblies and congresses with the intention of strengthening the nation. These national, state and department-based bodies, as well as the legislation emitting from them, generated ample space for political and social mobility, which in addition created good conditions for new relationships to be forged between members of the economic elite and the consolidation of these relationships. These business ventures were to lay the foundations for many future important private business ventures.

Page: 2 Storia e Futuro All for federalism. Fiscal demands in Guanajuato during the first years of independence Rivista di Storia e Storiografia Contemporanea online

Another reason that favored the growth of federalist intentions was also based on ev