Coll and proposed Special Protection Area (pSPA)

Advice to Support Management

Advice under Regulation 33(2) of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended)

Document version control SNH ref A1565943

Version Date Author Reason / Comments

Version 1 16/04/15 Emma Philip First draft of text & template for pSPAs. Version 2 17/06/15 Katie Gillham Comments on 1st draft Version 3 22/05/15 Emma Philip Update further to comments received from David Donnan, Erica Knott (generic renewables advice), Katie Gillham and Greg Mudge Version 4 05/06/15 Emma Philip Update consistency, add conservation objectives and maps Version 5 18/06/15 Emma Philip Final version Version 6 23/07/15 Greg Mudge QA completed Version 7 23/06/16 Malcolm Fraser Revised to address comments from SPA stakeholders workshop. Version 8 25/06/16 Emma Philip Final version for submission to Marine

Distribution list

Format Version Issue date Issued to

Paper Draft 27/04/15 Greg Mudge template Electronic Draft 04/05/15 Kate Thompson, Malcolm Fraser, template Carol Hume Electronic Fishing 12/05/15 David Donnan, Glen Tyler section only Electronic Version 1 12/05/15 Katie Gillham Paper Version 2 12/05/15 Greg Mudge Electronic Version 3 05/06/15 Greg Mudge and Colin MacFarlane Electronic Version 4 18/06/15 Glen Tyler Electronic Version 5 22/06/16 Emma Philip Electronic Version 6 28/06/16 Marine Scotland


Contents Purpose of advice ...... 1 Site summary ...... 1 Conservation objectives ...... 6 The role of conservation objectives ...... 6 Draft conservation objectives ...... 6 Management Options ...... 8 Purpose of management options ...... 8 Existing species protection ...... 10 Overview of activities ...... 10 Introduction to fishing activities ...... 12 Fishing – mobile gear ...... 13 Fishing – static gear ...... 16 Navigational dredging and disposal ...... 18 Ports and Harbours activities ...... 21 Recreational activities ...... 24 Introduction to renewables activities ...... 27 Wave energy ...... 28 Wind energy ...... 28 Summary of management options ...... 31 Annex 1. Background to the advice contained in this paper ...... 34 Annex 2. Map showing protected areas that overlap or are near to the and Tiree pSPA ...... 36


Further information on Special Protection Areas, the wider network and protected areas management is available on the Scottish Natural Heritage website.

The following documents provide further information about the features, evidence and assessment on the proposed Coll and Tiree SPA and should be read alongside this paper:

 Site selection document  Marine SPA stakeholder workshop summary report  Consultation overview document.


Purpose of advice

This is a working document that has been produced to support initial discussions with stakeholders about potential future management of activities associated with this pSPA during the formal consultation. It sets out the draft conservation objectives for the qualifying features and these provide the starting point for considering whether additional site management is required. This document also sets out management options based on our current understanding of the sensitivities of the qualifying bird species and their supporting habitats to marine activities. The development of site management is an ongoing process which will continue after classification. This paper covers a range of different activities and developments but is not exhaustive. It focuses on where we consider there could be a risk in terms of achieving the conservation objectives. The paper does not attempt to cover all possible future activities or eventualities (e.g. as a result of accidents), and whilst it identifies activities that could contribute to cumulative effects relating to the qualifying species, we do not at this stage have the information