The original documents are located in Box 24, folder “Democratic Presidential Candidates (1)” of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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Dear Fellow American: I suppose you are wondering why Governor Wallace is writing to you. Well, I want to discuss two things with you today. I realize the first subject is a personal matter, but I've had so many people asking me to speak out on national issues that I thought I would like to conduct a national sample of opinion. I've enclosed a National Issues Poll for you. I would like your opinion on the crucial issues facing our country today. Please take only a moment of your time to fill out this poll and send it back to me right away.

Knowing how you and some others that I plan to ask in your area feel about these crucial issues will be very helpful to me. I do intend to seek the Democratic Presidential nomination next year. In preparing for 1976, I plan to continue speaking out on some issues that are quite disturbing to me. I'd like to list a few of these for you. 1) Crime is increasing at an alarming rate and the judicial process is in desperate need of reform. 2) Inflation has been eating up your paychecK because the Federal spending has doubled in the last five years. And the budget deficit projected for next year is a staggering 70 billion dollars. 3) I'm deeply concerned about the issue of busing. Why should Federal bureaucrats be able to tell you where you must send your children to school. 4) I am concerned that most politicians in want to

A copy of our report is filed with the Federal Election Commission and is available for purchase from the Federal Election Commission, Washington, D. C. I I ~i'f page 2 take a lot of your money and give a guaranteed income to people even if they are healthy and refuse to work. 5) I am worried that in less than 10 years America went from clear military superiority over the Communists to now being militarily weaker than the Communists. I don't want to make this a long letter, so that's all the issues I'll mention today. But unfortunately there are many, many other serious problems that are coming out of Washington these days. And now I'm getting to the second reason I'm writing to you today. Just as I am writing to you today, I hope to be able to write to others in your area and let them know of some of the extremely serious problems facing America, and ask for their vital opinions. But I won't be able to do any of this unless my friends such as you feel they can afford to make a contribution toward this effort. I'm not asking for a large amount of money. Although I realize whatever you send me is money that you could have spent on some­ thing for yourself or your family. I would like to suggest that you consider a contribution in the $5 to $10 to $25 range, or more if you can. The reason I'm suggesting this amount is that I don't want a few people to have to bear the en