ASG Revenue Task The opening of the 2nd session of the 35th Legislature of American Force now has experi- Samoa took place yesterday morning at enced economist the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium — as 3 Representatives and Senators convened for a joint session addressed by Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga. The old Fono building is currently in the process of PNA TUNA NEWS being demolished to make way for a new building — with the House now 5 holding their sessions in the Lee Audi- torium, while the Senate holds theirs at the Fono’s Fale Samoa in Fagatogo. Judge smashes his way [photo: THA] to Home Run



Y K DAILY CIRCULATION 7,000 , TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2017 $1.00 paints a bleak picture of ASG finances to Fono SAID HAS TO TAX RESIDENTS, WHILE LOOKING TO CONGRESSWOMAN TO REMOVE FED BARRIERS by Fili Sagapolutele cial future for American Samoa. The governor said that the government reduced Samoa News Correspondent CHALLENGES spending in other object classes; and the Customs and Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga has called on lawmakers The governor shared with lawmakers reasons why Tax Divisions were compelled to aggressively collect to give serious consideration on several revenue mea- the government is facing financial difficulties. For revenues owed to the government. sures, which will generate new money for the govern- example, the closure last December of Samoa Tuna These efforts, along with actions taken by depart- ment, that will be submitted to the Fono for review and Processors Inc., cannery laying off 700 workers and ments to collect outstanding revenues, helped recoup hopefully approved. delays in receiving federal funds, he said, has created revenues, which minimized the impact of our eco- He told the lawmakers at yesterday’s joint session cash flow problems for the government. nomic challenges, Lolo continued. of the Fono, “We have done all that we could pos- Furthermore, significant reduction in excise tax Based on actual revenues and spending for the sibly do from the local level and we now look to our collection in the first five months of fiscal year 2017 9 months of fiscal year 2017, he said it is projected Delegate to Congress for the removal of these impedi- — particularly on cigarettes — has created additional that total revenue collections at year-end will be 17% ments so we can stop taxing our people by expanding cash flow challenges. lower than revenue projections, thus expenses will be our economy.” In response to these financial difficulties, Lolo said restricted to ensure that ASG will not incur a deficit. The governor shared with lawmakers challenges the government took several actions, including reduc- With the success of these efforts in cutting costs, faced by the territory that threaten American Samoa’s tion of working hours — from 80 to 70 hours per pay Lolo told lawmakers all government employees future. period — for certain employees whose salaries are making $30,000 and below have been returned to a full He had requested a chance to address a joint session funded by local revenues. 80-hours per pay period. so he could discuss the government’s financial status He said grant funded salaries are exempted, “to Lolo expressed appreciation to locally funded gov- and the need to approve new revenue measures, as well reduce the harmful financial impact on our businesses ernment employees for the sacrifice they are making as repeal some current tax laws to ensure a solid finan- and our economy.” (Continued on page 10)


The Muagututia Aigafealofani Taulua Moli Young Tuatoo of Alofau clan came together for the first time to honor the passing of their beloved grandparents and to meet, reminisce and have fun. “One heart, One Soul! We shall be, as we embark on our lives’ was the theme of the gathering this past Sunday. The welcome service was held at Faleteine, Aloitafuna Alofau. The oldest living Tuatoo member is 80-year-old Muagututi’a Dr. Vaiula Tuatoo of Fogagogo and Alofau. The family hopes to come together once again in the next two or three years — God willing. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost] Page 2 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Current revenue short- fall is at least $2.3M per month for government FONO QUESTIONS ENFORCEMENT OF COLLECTIONS TO GOV’T’S REVENUE SHORTAGE by Fili Sagapolutele data, the sales tax (if enacted Samoa News Correspondent into law) is estimated to collect A presentation last Thursday $15.2 million for the remaining by the ASG Revenue Task months of FY 2018 (which Force to Fono leaders and sev- begins Oct. 1, 2017). There- eral lawmakers revealed that after, it’s estimated to bring in the government is currently $23.5 million annually. faced with a shortfall of at least After the presentation of $2.3 million to $2.5 million a the proposed laws was made, month, to cover monthly expen- Talauega pointed out that gov- ditures. The issue was reiterated ernment requires $10 million during the governor’s address at to operate every month, but the yesterday’s joint session of the truth of the matter is the gov- Fono. ernment is unable to secure that In his address, the governor amount of money, during this said the shortfall will have to time of the year, due to diffi- come from payroll cuts — refer- culty getting revenues — both ring to the reduction of working at the local and federal levels. hours — 80 hours to 70 hours Lolo said that as it stands — for ASG employee’s whose now, the average government salaries are funded by local spending on a monthly basis, revenues. including the full 80-hours of However, it should be noted work for its workforce as well that starting with the current pay as to produce and provide gov- period, ASG workers making ernment services, is about $10.5 $30,000 and less a year are now million per month. exempt from the reduction of However, Lolo said the gov- hours, along with others such as ernment is able to collect at this medical professionals, teachers, time about $8.2 million to $8.3 contract workers and federal million a month — which is a grant funded employees. difference of about $2.3 million Students of the American Samoa Community College’s Marine Science Program are spending a The current change was to $2.5 million. large part of their summer sharing their knowledge with people and students in Aunu’u. They are announced in a July 5th memo The governor said ASG is seen here last week arriving in Aunu’u. [courtesy photo] by Human Resources Depart- presenting these new proposals ment director Eseneiaso J. Liu. because there is no where else There was no indication of the to depend, but on our ourselves. exact savings that were achieved He noted the loss of revenue, through the reduction of hours, with the closure last December American Samoa Government or how much longer it will go of Samoa Tuna Processors Inc., on for those still affected. and the delay in federal funding. OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT The Task Force presenta- “Many of the issues we are tion last Thursday was made faced with today are beyond our by chairman, Attorney Gen- control,” he said, noting that the eral Talauega Eleasalo Ale, proposed bills would help the INVITATION FOR BIDS and described by Senate Presi- government’s financial situa- dent Gaoteote Tofau Palaie as tion now and heading into the IFB-065-2017 “very colorful” — at the Fono future. He again stressed that Guest Fale, to an audience that American Samoa has to depend Issuance Date: July 3, 2017 Closing Date: July 17, 2017 included Gov. Lolo Matalasi on itself, and be less dependent No later than 2:00 p.m. (local time) Moliga, some cabinet directors, on federal money. and task force members. During last Thursday’s 1. INVITATION It focused on the revenues presentation-meeting, House Sealed bids are invited from qualified firms to provide “Aunu’u Early Childhood the government needs to raise to Speaker Savali Talavou Ale Education Building Repairs, Renovations & Restorations of Facilities and cure a shortfall in current ASG and Senate President Gaoteote Construction of a New Sheltered Play Court with Playground” for the Department of collections, to cover its monthly Tofau Palaie, as well as other expenses. lawmakers who were present Education. The administration’s pro- voiced their concerns over the 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS posed legislative agenda to be enforcement of the proposed Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa presented to the Fono, which laws, if they are approved by convened yesterday to start the the Fono. For example, there is Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 2:00 p.m. (local time), July 17, 2017 Second Regular Session of the still concern of the enforcement at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 35th Legislature, includes new of collecting the 2% wage tax 3. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE revenue measures — such as from local businesses. the 7% sales tax — as well as Savali said all these pro- A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit for all contractors will be held on July 12, amendments to current tax laws. posed measures would not be 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at Aunu’u Eearly Childhood Education (ECE) Center. Bids will not be According to the timeline successful in raising revenues accepted from bidders who are not present at the pre-bid meeting. presented by the task force, for the government, if there is the 7% sales tax proposal will lack of enforcement when it 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS be submitted to the Fono this comes to collections. Electronic copies of contract documents, including Plans and Scope of Work can be month, and if enacted into law, Lolo agreed that the problem examined or obtained from the Office or Procurement during regular business hours free will start on or about Jan. 1, faced by the government is of charge. 2018. enforcement. He said he has Additionally, the sales tax given the task force a rec- 5. The American Samoa Government reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any bid. law should also contain lan- ommendation that instead of 6. The American Samoa Government reserves the right to waive any informality in bidding guage repealing the 2% wage repealing the 2% wage tax, it tax by Dec. 31, 2019 or sooner, should be enforced. (This would as may be in the best interest of American Samoa Government. depending on the sales tax be on top of the 7% sales tax.) performance. This same infor- He said businesses file taxes mation was emphasized by after each quarter, but don’t pay Talauega and the governor to this tax until later. The governor DR. ORETA MAPU CRICHTON lawmakers. said he recommended amend- Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action Chief Procurement Officer According to task force (Continued on page 5) samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 3 ASG Revenue Task Force now has experienced economist on board EXPERIENCED WITH STATE-LEVEL ECONOMIC DATA AND DEVELOPING STATE MACROECONOMIC MODELS by Fili Sagapolutele metric modeling and fore- overall assessment of the local Samoa News Correspondent casting. His contract is for two economy so far, Clayville said The Commerce Department years, but we aim to keep such he “needs more assessment has recruited a professional expertise as long as possible.” time to be able to come up with economist, whose first major Clayville was introduced a really good assessment of the project since being employed at last Thursday’s Task Force local economy here.” by the American Samoa Gov- presentation to Fono leaders However, so far, “it looks ernment, is working with the and several lawmakers during a really promising. It looks like government’s Revenue Task meeting at the Fono Guest Fale for the last few years or so, Force, which has come up with that was attended by Gov. Lolo we’ve been in a holding pat- recommendations to reform Matalasi Moliga and several tern... in American Samoa — EMPLOYMENT current tax laws. cabinet directors. that’s my guess — looking at it. Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Clayville, The economist spoke during I think that the way the economy 34, has been with DOC for the presentation, outlining the has developed, with the govern- OPPORTUNITY about a month now and will impact of the Task Force’s pro- ment, the canneries being so big be working closely with the posed tax measures to be sub- and we have a lot of retails,” he Treasury Department and ASG mitted to the Fono on the local said. Budget and Planning Office on economy, in areas such as per- “There are these really NEWS REPORTER budget matters, said Commerce sonal income which he says is defined sections of the economy Department director Keniseli “an important term when we’re right now. I think we’re ripe to Lafaele, responding to Samoa looking at physical impacts do some very interesting things News inquiries last Friday. from tax policy.” for the economy,” he said. Samoa News is looking for a news writer that has a “Clayville is a professional “Personal income, means all “Something like tax change — natural curiosity about our local community and is economist, has several years the wages, all the income. Any where we’re able to change the willing to report accurately for our newspaper readers. of experience working with way that the citizens here can tax code and reshuffle the deck state-level economic data and derive income and wages,” he a little bit, I think we can do a The successful applicant must possess bi-lingual, in developing macroeconomic explained. “It’s a good indica- lot for the economy. We’re in Samoan and English, speaking and/or writing models for states,” Lafaele said. tion of the impact because as this holding pattern, and we can skills. They must be able to meet daily deadlines His qualifications include you raise taxes, or as you give do a lot, kind of shape things up and if needed, to work weekends. advanced statistical/econo- tax relief, you can shift the per- and open up all new kinds of metric modeling and fore- sonal income, especially the opportunities.” Access to computer, camera and vehicle is a casting, Lafaele continued, disposable personal income. On a personal side, and per- definite advantage. adding that Clayville had served which at the end of the day, this haps the reason he looked at as deputy chief economist for is the amount of money that American Samoa, is that Clay- Call Samoa News at 633-5599 for an appointment the State of Idaho, Executive consumers have to go out and ville, whose faith is the Church to interview. Office of the Governor, - Divi actually spend in the economy.” of Jesus Christ of Latter Day- sion of Financial Management. “So if you drastically reduce Saints, grew up in Downey, in In his deputy economist the disposable personal income, Los Angeles County. “So the post, Clayville maintained the you’re going to cut consump- church I went to [in Downey], state’s economic and revenue tion,” he said, of an issue that I’m LDS, and the Ward was We’re Here For You! forecasting models; produced has always raised concerns actually a Samoan LDS Ward quarterly economic forecasts from lawmakers when there is that I went to,” he said. for the state, which included a move by the government to forecasting key economic vari- raise taxes or impose new ones, ables, and writing detailed anal- that will take money away from ysis; assisted in developing the the public thereby losing the state’s annual revenue forecast people’s buying power. useful for developing the state’s Speaking to Samoa News and annual budget; and tracked and KHJ News after the task force reported on revenue collections presentation-meeting, Clayville each month. said that prior to taking up the “Nate also has experience local post, he served as deputy in the Energy sector, having state economist for the state of worked with industry and gov- Idaho. “I came to American ernmental stake holders on Samoa because I was looking energy efficiency policies,” said specifically to come to -Amer Lafaele. ican Samoa,” he said during an Aside from his work at the impromptu press briefing. “So I DOC, “Nate will be working started looking around the gov- closely with Treasury and the ernment and if they have use for Budget Office on budget and someone like me, but I specifi- revenue matters,” Lafaele cally wanted to come here.” explained. “Moreover, he is He said American Samoa mentoring my staff who have has a unique characteristic — degrees in economics, or any with such a large government staff who’s interested, in the component as well as a cannery. area of statistical/macro-econo- When asked about his

FAIRNESS We make an issue of it every day. If you want to comment about our fairness, call Samoa News at 633-5599 Page 4 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Some students from Aunu’u Elementary met up with students in the American Samoa Community College’s Marine Science Program last week in Aunu’u. As part of the Marine Science Program this summer, the ASCC students are learning while giving back to their community. [courtesy photo] CORRECTION FBI: US soldier pledged A Samoa News story titled, “Definition of Cultural Fishing still being debated” quotes Western Pacific Regional Fishery Manage- ment Council staff member Eric Kingman saying, “But the way we’re thinking — in order to fish in the LVPA, you have to be allegiance to Islamic designated as ‘cultural fishermen’ for example.” This is incorrect and it’s the opposite of what Kingman said at the Honolulu meeting, according to the Council’s transcript of the meeting which Samoa News covered via live webcast. The transcript, provided yesterday by the Council, outlined State group Kingman’s correct quotes: “But the way that we’ve been thinking about it, I don’t think it’s in order to fish within the LVPA you HONOLULU (AP) — An martial arts fighter who thought controller based at ’s have to be designated as a cultural fisherman, for example.” active duty soldier based in he was dealing with Islamic Wheeler Army Airfield, had Kingman should also be further quoted (the correct quote): “So Hawaii pledged his allegiance State agents but were under- his military clearance revoked the way I’ve been thinking about this is not just in a designated to the Islamic State group, cover agents or sources instead. in 2012 for making pro-Islamic area solely for cultural fishing, but cultural fishing practices and helped purchase a drone for it Among the charges was that State comments while at work other fishing can be compatible once we understand definitions to use against American forces Kang copied military secret and on-post and threatening and how to evaluate that.” and said he wanted to use his documents in 2015 and wanted to hurt or kill fellow service Samoa News apologizes to Kingman and the Council for the rifle to “kill a bunch of people,” to provide them to the organiza- members. misquotes in the story and Samoa News archive records have according to an FBI affidavit. tion, according to the affidavit. His clearance was reinstated been corrected to reflect the correct quotes. Ikaika Kang, a sergeant first It also Kang says admitted that a year later after he completed class in the U.S. Army, made an he voluntarily pledged loyalty military requirements. initial appearance Monday in to Islamic State leader Abu However, the affidavit says federal court in Honolulu. He Bakr al-Baghdadi. the Army believed Kang was was arrested Saturday on ter- This occurred on Saturday becoming radicalized in 2016 © OSINI FALEATASI INC. RESERVES ALL RIGHTS. rorism charges. at a home in Honolulu, where and asked the FBI to investigate. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Friday, Paul Delacourt, the FBI he thought he was meeting an Kang has two firearms reg- except for some local and federal holidays. special agent in charge of the actual member of the organiza- istered in his name, an AR- Hawaii bureau, said no docu- tion, the affidavit says. 15-style assault rifle and a Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box ments made it to the Islamic They made combat training handgun. After the shooting 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799. State. videos he believed would be last summer at a gay nightclub Telephone at (684) 633-5599 • Fax at (684) 633-4864 Birney Bervar, Kang’s taken back to the Middle East in Orlando, Florida, he told appointed attorney, said after to help prepare the group’s sol- an undercover source that the Email advertisements to [email protected] Kang’s initial court appears diers to fight American forces, “shooter did what he had to do Email the newsroom at [email protected] that he still doesn’t know much according to the affidavit. and later said that America is about the case. He said he Kang, who received exten- the only terrorist organization Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. only talked to Kang for a few sive combat training, also in the world,” according to the Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in minutes. helped purchase a drone that affidavit. whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to The 26-page affidavit from he believed would help Islamic The document alleges he FBI Special Agent Jimmy Chen State soldiers escape from also later told the same source the Publisher at the address provided above. lays out details of the yearlong American tanks, the affidavit that “Hitler was right, saying he Please visit for weekend updates. investigation into the 34-year- says. believed in the mass killing of old soldier, who was a one-time Kang, a trained air traffic Jews.” samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 5 PNA TUNA NEWS and Papua New Guinea pre- cede Kiribati as Pacific Island nations with comparable export privileges as a result of estab- lishing Competent Authorities to ensure standards are met in American Samoa Government the handling and processing of fish for export. DEPARTMENT of COMMERCE Kiribati Fish Limited (KFL) is currently the sole tuna pro- cessing plant in Kiribati, 60% of which is owned by the Chinese Public Notice fishing firm, Shanghai Fisheries COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Tuna prices have risen con- Group, and 40% by the Kiribati Program Year (PY) 2017 tinuously since April from USD national government. $1,500 mt in Bangkok to USD KFL looks forward to sup- Annual Action Plan $1,950 mt, a high that has not plying Pacifical MSC certified The American Samoa Government (ASG) invites public comments on the PY2017 been seen for three years. frozen yellowfin tuna steaks Annual Action Plan (AAP) Draft as mandated in the provisions of 24 CFR &91.200 and The high market price is and loins to European and US 91.220 (b). Public comments are invited for a 30-day period commencing on Tuesday, attributed to low WCPO catch markets later this year. July 11, 2017 to Wednesday, July 26, 2017. The draft is available at the Department of rates that have resulted in lower NEW ZEALAND’S ‘WORLD Commerce, 2nd floor of the A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building. skipjack volume coming to CLASS SYSTEM’ PUTS A public meeting to accept verbal and written comments on the PY2017 AAP Draft will be Bangkok, coupled with strong FISHING STOCKS AT RISK demand from processors. held at the Department of Commerce Conference Room on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at Twelve authors of an article 4:30 p.m. Translation into and out of Native Language (Samoan) that is widely spoken will Recently canners began to published in the US-based be provided at the meeting. The Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs buy only hand-to-mouth, mini- National Academy of Sciences of American Samoa complies with 24 CFR & 91.220 (1) and Title II of the Americans with mums that meet their immediate are questioning New Zealand’s Disabilities Act, Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services, or needs, which has subsequently claims to be a world leader in special modifications to participate in the public meeting or to comment on the AAP Draft slowed the rapid growth in sustainable fisheries system should contact the HUD CPD Coordinator, Petti Matila at the following address. price. efficiency. Written comments on the Public review draft may be sent to: MARSHALL ISLANDS The authors are research sci- CANNERY IN OPERATION entists who geographically span Petti T. Matila, HUD CPD Coordinator Majuro-based company from New Zealand and Canada Office of the Governor KMI launched its new small- to England and Botswana and A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building, 3rd Floor scale cannery last week. This include expertise in fisheries Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 is the happy culmination of an as well as government and Office: (684) 633-5155 ext. 226 effort that began in 2015 with a industry. Fax: (684) 633-4195 pilot project and public forum, According to the authors, E-mail: [email protected] followed by the first Regional New Zealand fisheries fail to Comments must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 24, 2017. If Cannery Supervisor Certifica- collect independent scientific you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Petti T. Matila at 633- tion course in Majuro in 2016. data, relying instead solely on 5155 ext. 226. The Marshall Islands Office information provided by the of Commerce and Investment fishing industry. The scientists (OCI) and PNA worked closely also found that three-quarters with KMI to help ensure their of the NZ fish stocks have no success. formal assessment and that KMI’s next step is to see funding for stock assessments their canned tuna, labeled is about 45% of the levels seen ‘Jalele Ek,’ on Marshallese in the early 1990s. Furthermore, grocery shelves, helping to pro- there is evidence that only 8.4% mote the local theme: “Be/Buy of NZ fishing boats are cov- Marshallese.” ered with observers. Finally, a Regional Cannery Super- 2016 study by Dr. Glenn Sim- visor courses have subsequently mons reveals widespread illegal been held in the Solomon dumping and misreporting have Islands and one is scheduled skewed NZ catch statistics. for Palau in the near future to Unfortunately this means encourage establishment of the fish stocks may not be as small-scale canning operations sustainable as New Zealand in other PNA nations.EU reports and New Zealand may KIRIBATI READIES ITSELF not be the world leader in sus- TO EXPORT TUNA TO tainability and efficiency it pur- THE EU ports to be. The EU Competent US INCREASES FISHING Authority (CA) has given Kiri- IN COOK ISLANDS bati approval to export tuna The United States has pur- products to the European Union. chased an extra 100 fishing This is big news for Kiribati; days from Cook Islands for an only the Solomon Islands, Fiji (Continued on page 11) ➧ Current Revenue… Continued from page 2 ments for an enforcement that ASG’s financial difficulties. once the taxes are filed quar- He said the Fono will conduct terly by the business, the wage their own review of the issue tax owed is paid, instead of before moving forward. He also waiting until the end of the year. pointed to a lack of enforcement He said the Fono has the as the reason government reve- authority to make changes and nues are lacking. amendments to the measure pre- According to the Senate sented by the executive branch. President, the task force had Gaoteote said the word made a nice and “very colorful “tax” is not a good word to the presentation” but the problem community and a lot of people he sees as well as the question ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi Pato (center) congratulates the College’s Registrar Mrs. dislike it. However, he said, always raised in the past is, Sifagatogo Tuitasi (left) and Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources/Land Grant staff the administration has pre- how good is the enforcement of member Mr. Tusi Situfu on their reaching the milestone of 20 years of service at ASCC. sented proposals to help with collection? [Photo: M. Ah Kau-Sagapolu] Page 6 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Polygamous leader pleads not guilty to fleeing fraud charges SALT LAKE CITY (AP) of a pickup truck when he was — A polygamous leader who arrested June 14 near the small was captured nearly a year after South Dakota town of Yankton, escaping home confinement close to the state line. on federal food-stamp fraud He was captured after a pawn allegations pleaded not guilty shop employee looked online Monday to new charges from and discovered the man who his time on the run. had just sold him two pairs of Lyle Jeffs faces up to 10 Leatherman pliers was wanted years in prison if convicted on by the FBI. a felony charge connected to Jeffs had been in the area for being a fugitive. It is on top of about two weeks, was running charges in a multimillion-dollar low on resources and was strug- food-stamp scheme that he is gling without the help of fellow accused of helping orchestrate sect members, the FBI has said. in a polygamous community on Investigators say he had the Arizona-Utah border. recently fallen out with his U.S. Magistrate Judge brother Warren Jeffs, who runs Brooke Wells ordered Jeffs held the polygamous group from behind bars ahead of trial. Jeffs prison in Texas, where he is looked thinner than in previous serving a life sentence for sexu- Organizer for the Northwest Tatau Festival, Whitey Chen, with Samoan comedian Nicey court hearings, his gray hair cut ally assaulting underage girls he Malauulu, better known as ‘Teine Meauli’, during the three-day event held in Tacoma, WA which short and shoulders rounded considered brides. was the first of many activities held during the week-long Samoan Flag Day celebrations. [photo: Blue Chen-Fruean] above shackled hands. Many of the other 10 defen- He was apparently living out dants in the food-stamp scheme struck plea deals with federal prosecutors, but authorities consider Lyle Jeffs to more cul- pable than others, prosecutor Robert Lund said. Defense attorney Kathyrn Nester didn’t comment after the hearing. Jeffs and the other defen- dants are accused of diverting at least $12 million in food stamps to buy tractors, trucks and other items, prosecutors say. Defense attorneys have said that they have a religious belief in communal living and were simply sharing benefits. Former group member Brenda Nicholson said Monday that she wished Jeffs was facing more charges. “He has spent years living like royalty. He had the best of everything,” she said. Jeffs, 57, is charged with conspiracy to commit food- stamp fraud, which carries a sentence of up to five years, and money laundering, which could bring up to 10 years in prison. He was awaiting trial in the fraud case in June 2016 when he used olive oil to slip out of his ankle monitor and escape home confinement in Salt Lake City. DiD you know?

Classified Ads are posted on our website ( and read world wide. samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 7


Thank You! On behalf of the American Samoa College Research Foundation, The ASCRF Board and The American Samoa Community College, we would like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU to ALL the Companies and Individuals that supported our PREMIER ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT on June 10, 2017 at the Iliili Golf Course. It was a Huge Success because of your support and participation!

TEAMS: MAJOR SPONSORS: • Monsignor Viane Etuale (BHE) 2 Teams • South Sea Broadcasting – V103.1 • American Samoa Volley Ball Federation • SOPAC ( Mike Tolmie) • ASCC Alumni Chiefs Association • Hawaiian Air (Tuli Fruean) • ASPA (Director Utu Abe Malae) • Pago Print Shop ( Billy Young) • Administration Services (Dep. Afalava, Eliki) HOLES SPONSORS AND DONATIONS: • Development Bank (President Ruth Matagi Fa’atili) • Honorable Governor Lolo M. Moliga • ASEPA (Director Ameko Pato) • Don’t Drink Water( Lei Stevenson) • Sunrise (Faoa and Peta Sunia) • IDF Legal Services( Isalei Iuli) • Hawaiian Air ( General Manager Tuli Fruean) • Tina Drabble Foundation • Aumavae Kenape • Chin Moananu • KS Mart (Solip Hong ) 2 Teams • Nana’s Company(Fiapa’ipa’I Fruean) • Malologa and Molly Lagai • Ina’s Corporation (Mabuhay) • Misi Tauai ( ASCC Chief Security) • Pacific Sales (Terry Steffany) • Paramount Builder ( Papaalii Laulii Alofa) • DGX • Gafatasi Afalava (Rep. for Leasina and Aitulagi) • Rep. Vui Florence Saulo • Rev. Semo Tapaleao ( CCCAS Aoloau) • Prichard Bakery • SSAB ( Matasina Willis) • Night Hawk(Vailoa & Sina Levaula • StarKist (Kwon) • CBT (Ho Ching Family) • Roy Ausage (Ausage Construction) • Cost U less • Tool Shop (Peter Crispin) • Panamex • Federal Football American Samoa • Island Flowers • Saidies By The Sea ( Tom and Taaloga Drabble) • Ben Lee, Clifford Planning • McDonald Coporation • Saidies by the Sea(Tom &Taaloga Drabble) • Dr. Fa’atoafe and Family • Sky View • Computer Discount • H and D Products (Mr. Holland) • StarKist (Mr. Kwon • Trophies and Things • ASCC Le Bookstore

We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone that bought RAFFLE Tickets and those who made a donation in front of Cost U Less and KS Mart.


Chairman of the ASCRF: Dr. Rosevonne Pato and Board Members

Director of the ASCRF: Alofia Afalava Page 8 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Northwest Tatau Festival nets huge response in WA state AIMS TO SHARE SAMOAN CULTURE WITH PEOPLE OF ALL AGES by Blue Chen-Fruean of tattooing. Samoa News Correspondent Master Tufuga Ta Tatau Hundreds of body art Su’a Suluape Alaiva’a Petelo fanatics and people just wanting headlined the three-day event, to see how a pe’a and a malu are with support from others in tattooed stopped by the Greater the Suluape family including Tacoma Convention in Tacoma, his son Su’a Suluape Peter, WA June 30-July 2 during the Suluape Steve Looney, Suluape 2nd Annual Northwest Tatau Angela, Suluape Keone Nunes, Festival, the first agenda item in and Suluape Si’i Liufau. C M a week full of activities to cel- Because the event fea- ebrate Samoan Flag Day in the tured live tattooing, everyone Y K Evergreen State. who attended got a first hand Dozens of tattoo artists, ven- glimpse of the tufuga at work, dors, and non-profit organiza- tapping away at the ‘au while tions came out to support the the human canvas laid there Although it was his first time attending at the Northwest Tatau Festival in Washington state, cause, which aims to educate patiently, awaiting the finished Tahitian tattoo artist Makalio - originally from Wallis and Futuna - took home top honors when his people on the art of traditional product. beautiful artwork won first place in the “Best Female - Large Polynesian Tattoo” category. Makalio, Samoan tattooing, in addition to Two men, both from Cali- who speaks no English and had to communicate through a translator, is the owner of Tagaloa Tattoo serving as a platform for other fornia, made the journey to Shop. [photo: Blue Chen-Fruean] artists who have their own style Washington to get their pe’a in front of an audience that included people of all ages. Three women were able to experience the pain - and pride - of getting a malu. Onlookers got the chance to see the meticulous steps taken to ensure that each line was straight, the spacing was perfect, and the final result was simply beautiful. The majority of the tattoo artists who manned booths at the event were of Samoan descent, some from New Zea- land, Canada, and different states within the US. Some artists came from as far as Tahiti. First time attendee Makalio, originally from Wallis and Futuna and had to commu- nicate through a translator, won first place in the “Best Female - Large Polynesian Tattoo” category. Cam Tattoo Supplies, the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of quality pro- fessional tattoo supplies and equipment, piercing supplies and equipment, and medical supplies and equipment — to name a few — sponsored the event and held a tattoo com- petition that allowed aspiring young tattoo artists to provide a sample of their work on an arti- ficial hand. C M Son of renowned Samoan tattoo artist Akiu Sale of Alao Y K and Futiga, took home the top prize. Polynesian clubs repre- senting different high schools in the area wowed the crowd with their performances of song and dance - from different islands in the Pacific region - sealed by the traditional Samoan tau- aluga performed by reigning Ms. American Samoa Antonina Lilomaiava who, along with Miss American Samoa Incorpo- rated (M.A.S.I.) and the Amer- ican Samoa Visitors Bureau (ASVB) provided the tanoa, fue and ula for the winners of the six categories of the tattoo competition. Vendors selling Polynesian (Continued on page 11) samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 9 Policeman who appeared to kick man in head on video is fired COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — and said it was “pleased” Rosen A police officer who subdued a had been fired. But it said it restrained suspect in a way that sought “more investigation into appeared to show him kicking his prior acts” as a Columbus the suspect in the head has been police officer. fired. Rosen also was involved The city’s public safety in the fatal shooting of Henry director announced the decision Green last year. Monday in the case of officer The families of Anderson Zachary Rosen. and Green issued a joint state- The ruling by Ned Pettus Jr. ment after his firing. overrode a recommendation by “If the Columbus Division Columbus police Chief Kim of Police cannot be counted Jacobs that Rosen be suspended on to properly investigate and C M for 24 hours, amounting to three discipline a reckless individual Y K shifts. who was clearly unfit to be an A video taken April 8 shows officer, it calls into question a Columbus officer restraining their entire disciplinary his- a prone man and preparing to tory,” the families said. handcuff him when a second “What will Mayor Ginther officer arrives and appears to do to ensure all officers are held kick him in the head. accountable with regard to the Police have said the second excessive use of force against Commerce Department’s newly recruited economist, Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Clayville speaking at officer, identified as Rosen, citizens, not just those caught last Thursday’s presentation by the ASG Revenue Task Force, during a briefing of lawmakers on reported his action under stan- on video?” upcoming proposed measures, which would hike some taxes, but repeal others as well as update the dard police procedure for when local tax code. [photo: FS] force is used. “The strike/stomp was an untrained technique and was found to be unreasonable,” police said in May following a report by a deputy chief. Mayor Andy Ginther said he supports the decision. “In the coming weeks, there will be much discussion about this decision,” Ginther, a Dem- ocrat, said Monday. “What I believe we can all agree on is that every person in every neighborhood deserves to be safe. That can only happen if the Division of Police and the community they serve work together.” The union representing Columbus police demanded Rosen’s immediate reinstate- ment. Local Fraternal Order of Police president Jason Pappas said Rosen was fired in an unjust manner in a political decision by city administrators. “This union will not tol- erate our brothers and sisters being used as political pawns or scapegoats to the benefit of the administration,” Pappas said Monday. Pappas earlier had criticized the findings against Rosen and had said no discipline was C M required. A sergeant, a lieu- Y K tenant and a commander cleared Rosen before the deputy chief found fault with him, Pappas had said. Rosen has 10 days to appeal the decision. The arrest of suspect Demarko Anderson followed an investigation into reports of a man with a gun who had threatened to shoot up a house and everyone inside. Police said shots were fired during the con- frontation and an officer was elbowed. Anderson has pleaded not guilty to charges including improper handling of a firearm and aggravated menacing. Anderson’s family referred to him as a victim of “the reck- less acts of violence by Rosen” Page 10 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

guaranteed. ➧ Gov paints... According to Lolo, the gov- Continued from page 1 ernment had no choice but to grant tax exemptions to StarKist and will continue to make for and Tri Marine all these years the remaining months of this to keep them in the territory; fiscal year. forfeiting revenues to finance REVENUE PVROPOSALS ASG. The governor shared with Furthermore, the govern- lawmakers the administra- ment has provided preferential tion’s plans, which he hopes treatment to StarKist and Tri will be supported by the Fono, Marine on land leases, utilities, that aim to stabilize the current and other matters to maintain and future financial condition their competitive advantage. of government. Lolo reminded For tourism, Lolo said Amer- lawmakers that American ican Samoa has been struggling in the Pago Plaza - across from ASPA office. Samoa has very few options to diversify the local economy at its disposal to ensure that by developing tourism but the government is sustained in Congress has prohibited foreign COME AND HAVE YOUR HAIR coming years. owned airlines to carry passen- Lolo said the administra- gers or cargo between American DONE BY PROFESSIONAL tion is proposing a package of Samoa and Hawai’i or any state revenue measures which will in the US. (Lolo is referring to HAIR STYLISTS: generate $18.3 million in FY federal cabotage law.) 2018; $25 million in FY 2019; For health care, Lolo said $23 million in FY 2020; $20.3 American Samoa “has and con- million in FY 2021; and $17.8 tinues to suffer from the lack of Veronica & Mali million in FY 2022 in new funds to improve our healthcare Call for an appointment or stop by and see us!! revenues. delivery system but Congress In making sure that local res- has placed limitations on the “Veronica is also a trained barber” idents are not overly burdened amount of Medicaid funds we by these new revenue mea- can draw because they fail to Tuesday - Saturday 9am to 4pm sures, and to reduce the harmful recognize our unique needs as 633-0774 Mondays (Appointments Only) impact on the local economy, compared to the 50 states.” He Lolo said the administration also noted that the US Interior is also proposing the repeal of Department has recommended some existing revenue gener- the reduction in ASG Grant In ating laws to put money back in Aid for Fiscal Year 2018. He the hands of the people. said the $23 million in Grant Therefore, the reduction in Aid has not increased since in revenue generation shown 1986 — 31 years ago and now, yearly from fiscal year 2019 to cuts are being proposed. Heiress to Greta 2022 reflects savings or money When DOI submitted its given back to the people. A proposed FY 2018 budget to presentation by the ASG Rev- Congress earlier this year in enue Task Force made last May, it showed that — under Thursday to Fono leaders and Assistance to the Territories — several lawmakers gave details the FY 2018 budget request for of new revenue measures, cur- American Samoa Operations Garbo fortune rent tax law to be upgraded (or grant-in-aid) is $21.5 mil- as well as tax laws subject to lion, a decrease of $1.2 million repeal, which are done over a from FY 2017 funding level of period of five years. (See yes- $22.70 million, according to the terday’s edition for details) budget justification documents, Lolo went on to share with which also showed that the the Fono why lawmakers must actual FY 2016 funding totaled give serious consideration to $22.75 million. In spite of the dies at 85 the revenue measures, “since difficult times the territory is SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Gray Gustafson Garbo vacationing together. Every spring, the we have control over their facing today and the future, Reisfield, the sole heiress to her aunt Greta Gar- two women would go to the Caribbean. implementation.” Lolo noted several achieve- bo’s estate and a woman who was a long-time “They were very close,” he said. He said the five-year rev- ments made so far with the companion to the late Swedish-born actress, has On one trip to an exclusive Caneel Bay resort, enue generating plan assumes Administration and the Legisla- died, a family member said Monday. known for its unobtrusive luxury and gentle that StarKist cannery “might ture working together. Reisfield died Sunday at her home in Marin beaches, Garbo donned slacks as she readied to leave the territory in five years”, Those achievements include County, California, following a bout with pneu- have dinner with a roomful of women who would however, if the cannery leaves paving almost all public roads; monia, said her son Derek Reisfield. She was 85. be wearing party dresses. sooner, a financial crisis will improving surface transpor- Reisfield was separated by 27 years from Reisfield followed her lead. occur and he explained the rea- tation to the Manu’a islands; Garbo. When the two women walked into the room, sons why. For example, the and maintaining a sound finan- But the two bonded over being strong, inde- heads turned and there was moment of silence, US Congress has taken away cial government in the black pendent women and enjoyed the lighter side of but soon everyone got back to having a good the federal 30(A) Tax Credit in three of the last four years life together, sitting by the swimming pool, trav- time. after the termination of the IRC since the Lolo Administration eling to Caribbean islands and teaching children “The next evening all the women were Section 936 Tax Incentive. The took office. Furthermore, more to do cartwheels in the backyard. wearing slacks,” recalled Derek Reisfield with a territories of Puerto Rico and classrooms have been built to “She viewed (Garbo) as truly a remarkable laugh. Virgin Islands are facing the reduce class size, to improve woman,” Derek Reisfield said. “I think my On screen, Garbo was known for her per- financial effects of this- Con the effectiveness of instruction mother really respected her because she had formances in such classics as “Anna Christie,” gressional action, the governor in the classroom; and for health- accomplished so much, and she had done it her ‘’Grand Hotel,” ‘’Queen Christina,” ‘’Anna Kar- said. care — all the patient wards way. She was very independent when women enina,” ‘’Camille” and “Ninotchka.” Additionally, Congress has have been upgraded, state of were not, and I think that was a real lesson for Both on screen and off, she had a major set the automatic minimum the art diagnostic equipment my mother.” influence on women’s fashions, hair styles and wage increase every three years. purchased, the main laboratory Born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1932, Reis- makeup. Tri Marine terminated its can- improved, as well as the Emer- field came to the U.S. with her parents and spent Garbo starred in 26 films in 17 years. In 1941, ning operation because of this gency Room, and recruitment her childhood in Southern California. at age 36, she quit Hollywood, spending the rest and no investor wants to come of more qualified doctors at LBJ She moved to Sante Fe, New Mexico, in of her life in shuttered and fenced residences in to American Samoa, according Hospital. junior high school, where she enjoyed horseback France, Switzerland and Manhattan, where she to the governor. “We have done all these and riding and fishing. lived in an East Side high-rise. Lolo noted that fishing many more on our own in spite She attended Bryn Mawr College, spent a At the time of her death, she owned 18th- grounds available to the fishing of the significant barriers set by year at Yale University, where she met her future century antiques, fine rugs, damask curtains and fleet serving the canneries have the US Congress,” Governor husband, the late Dr. Donald Reisfield, and later many pieces of art, including a Renoir. been taken away by Presidential Lolo said. transferred to Columbia Law School, where she Known as “the Swedish sphinx” because of Decree, Federal Agency Sanc- Samoa News will report graduated in 1957. her deep fear of reporters and other strangers, tuary Programs, and NOAA later in the week on other details Derek Reisfield, 54, said he was about 12 she ironically became one of the most publicized prohibiting High Seas fishing; from the governor’s lengthy when he realized his great aunt was famous after women in the world while trying to guard her the cost of fish is high, and address, which was delivered in seeing a magazine that showed his mother and privacy. a steady supply of fish is not Samoan. samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 11

(Photos: FS)

ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi Pato (far left) congratulates the College’s Registrar Mrs. Sifagatogo Tuitasi (2nd left) and Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources/Land Grant staff member Mr. Tusi Situfu(2nd right) on their reaching the milestone of 20 years of service at ASCC. Also seen here is Mrs. Rasela Tautua, representing the ASCC Human Resources Office. [Photo: M. Ah Kau-Sagapolu]

➧ PNA tuna news… Continued from page 5 undisclosed sum. The deal is on commercial fishing licenses and commented that this year top of the US Treaty which allo- revenues. training would also roll out cates days to the US to fish in By 2021, 80 percent of to Palau, FSM, Kiribati and PNA and Cook Islands waters. Palau’s EEZ will be closed to Tokelau. Moves to increase commer- commercial fishing while 20 CATCH RATES INDICATE cial fishing in Cook Islands percent of its waters will be PNA AND S-E ASIAN have been somewhat contro- designated as domestic fishing DOMINANCE versial – first environmentalists zone. Remengesau said the Meanwhile, the Pacific pushed for and got a ban that no PPEF, “represents an addi- Islands Forum Fisheries Agen- fishing would occur within 50 tional and meaningful compo- cy’s compilation of economic nautical miles of the island and nent of the prudent decision and development indicators now they are also campaigning to turn away from the already continued to evidence the against the use of Fish Aggre- dangerously exploited fish- dominance of PNA countries gating Devices (FADs). eries industry and the delete- in regional tuna catches. For TOURISM FEES TO rious mass tourism market and 2015, the top 5 biggest catches REPLACE FISH DOLLARS instead embrace a new identity occurred in Kiribati (641,119 IN PALAU that emphasizes quality over mt), Indonesia (432,083 mt), Revenues from commer- quantity.” Philippines (216,382 mt), Papua cial tuna fishing licenses will SOLOMON ISLANDS New Guinea (187,597 mt) and be replaced by allocation from SMALL SCALE CANNING Federated States of Micronesia the new Pristine Paradise Envi- STARTS UP (166,163 mt). Collectively, ronmental Fee (PPEF) col- Participants from govern- catches in PNA waters (plus lection from tourists visiting ment and industry were trained Tokelau) were 1,363,763 mt, or Palau. Palau President Tommy in small scale fish canning pro- 50% of the total tuna catch of Remengesau Jr. signed into law cesses in Honiara, Solomon 2,692,412 mt. March 29 amendment to the Islands last month. Organised REPRINTED BY Palau National Marine Sanc- by the Parties to the Nauru PERMISSION OF PNA tuary Law. Agreement (PNA) with the Min- ABOUT THE PNA: The The $100 PPEF fee which istry of Fisheries and Marine Parties to the Nauru Agree- will be collected as soon as the Resources, Chris Bourne from ment (PNA) are eight Pacific Minister of Finance promulgate FoodStream taught partici- Island countries that control the its rules and regulation, will pants how to can bycatch fish world’s largest sustainable tuna allocate $10 for the Fisheries in accordance with international purse seine fishery supplying 50 Protection Fund. The fund will safety and HACCP standards. percent of the world’s skipjack be used to finance the enforce- Following these trainings tuna (a popular tuna for canned ment and surveillance of the several small-scale operations products). They are Federated marine sanctuary, while $12.50 are running in Papua New States of Micronesia, Kiri- from the fee will replace the Guinea and Marshall Islands. bati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, shares that each of the 16 states Melino Bain-Vete, PNA Policy Palau, Papua New Guinea, Sol- of Palau get from the current and Research Support Officer omon Islands, and Tuvalu.

➧ Northwest tatauv… Continued from page 8 inspired handicrafts and accessories were also in ditional art of the tatau and at the same time, offer attendance. a chance for all tattoo artists to display their work Coordinators of the Tatau Fest told Samoa — whatever their style may be. This is a chance News in an initial interview that the goal of the for us to come together and learn something new, annual event is “to share the art of tattooing, spe- share it with others who will be attendance, and cifically the traditional tatau.” keep the storyline going in the saga of the tatau “We want to educate the world about the tra- tradition.” Page 12 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The two men and three women who got their traditional Samoan tatau during the Northwest Tatau Festival held at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center June 30-July 2. Pictured with them is event organizer Whitey Chen (far left), Su’a Suluape Alaiva’a Petelo (center), Ms. American Samoa Antonina Lilomaiava, Su’a Suluape Peter, and Suluape Steve Looney. [photo: Blue Chen-Fruean] Inmate who American Samoa Government OFFICE OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT paused to chew PUBLIC AUCTION gum while killing The Office of Property Management announces its Public Auction of various items. Items that are declared as survey items by different guard gets life Government Department/Agencies at AS IS BASIS. Items such SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — A prison inmate who briefly stopped as: vehicles, stake trucks, boats, jet skies, convention ovens, office his fatal bloody stabbing attack on a guard to clean his hand and equipments, and many more. The public is invited for viewing starting chew gum from the dying guard’s pocket has been spared the death sentence. July 10 to July 12, 2017 from 9:00 am to 3:30 p.m. Jurors who convicted 40-year-old Jessie Con-ui last month of first-degree murder and murder of a correction officer failed to WHERE: Tafuna, Office of Property Management reach agreement Monday on whether he should face death or a life term, meaning he receives an automatic sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. WHEN: Thursday, July 13, 2017 Prosecutors sought the death penalty, saying 34-year-old Eric Williams was stabbed more than 200 times at the Canaan federal TIME: 8:30 AM prison in Waymart in February 2013 because Con-ui was angry about an earlier search of his cell. Bid forms are available at the Office of Property Management, Tafuna While killing Williams, Con-ui cut his hand and stopped the during normal working hours starting July 10 to July 12, 2017 from 9:00 attack to walk over to a shower and clean the wound before wrap- a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All bids shall be sealed and include 10% of the bidding ping it in his shirt and continuing the attack, prosecutors said. Con-ui later paused to chew a piece of gum he took from the price when you submit your bid. All BIDS are to be turned in to Poleen dying guard’s pocket, they said. Natia Asalele – Asst. Chief on July 13, 2017 no later than 11:30 am Officers who followed a bloody trail to Con-ui’s cell asked if he killed Williams, and they said he responded, “Yes, disrespect issue.” Closing Date and Time: July 13, 2017 - 11:30 AM Con-ui is already serving 25 years to life for a 2002 gang ini- tiation murder in Arizona. Opening Date and Time: July 13, 2017 -12:00 (NOON) Defense attorneys cited an upbringing that included poverty and domestic violence and flaws in the prison system. BIDDERS ARE WELCOME TO WITNESS THE OPENING OF BIDS They also presented evidence about the effect his execution would have on his family, presenting witnesses including his young sons. For additional information contact: Jeralin Fa’auila Logoai – Survey They argued that he has already been punished, since he has Supervisor @ 699-6505/733-0311 or 699-6537 been held in isolation at a super-maximum security prison in Colorado. Con-ui apologized in court for killing Williams, who had Fa’afetai tele, been working in a housing unit at the prison, but said he couldn’t Malo L. Niumata explain his actions. He told Williams’ family and others in the courtroom he’s CPMO “always going to feel shame for taking an innocent man’s life.” samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 13

American Arts Council Summer Program Participants photos, Lions Park gatherings on Sunday afternoon and other community events around Tutuila American Samoa. [Photo: Leua]

Firefighters battle a wildfire as it threatens to jump a street near Oroville, Calif., on Saturday, July 8, 2017. Evening winds drove the fire through several neighborhoods leveling homes in its path. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) Hell and high water: Northern California is besieged again OROVILLE, Calif. (AP) — With looming move.” floods and roaring flames, Chuck Wilsey’s year Pam Deditch, who is running the shelter sounds more like ancient scripture than modern where Wilsey and his family were huddled, also living in Northern California. managed a shelter during the winter drenching. Wilsey returned to his ranch home in Oroville “If it’s not one thing, it’s the other,” she said on Monday, relieved to learn it had been spared with a laugh. “We’re used to this. We’re resilient. by the wildfire, just as he had stayed clear of We’re strong. We get fires and we get flooding.” troubles brought on by a damaged spillway at a In Southern California, at least 3,500 people nearby dam five months ago. remained out of their homes as a pair of fires “I don’t know what’s worse — fire, or water raged at different ends of Santa Barbara County. — it’s a toss-up,” Wilsey, 53, told The Associ- The larger of the two charred more than 45 square ated Press after returning to his home on Monday miles (116 square kilometers) of dry brush and afternoon. threatened more than 130 rural homes. It was 15 He and his family were among the more than percent contained. 5,000 people evacuated as flames raced through The fires broke out amid a blistering weekend grassy foothills in the Sierra Nevada, about 60 heat wave that toppled temperature records. miles (97 kilometers) north of Sacramento. Most Slightly cooler weather is expected to give crews of those evacuations remain in effect, though a break in the coming days. Wilsey and others have been allowed to return California officials said the extraordinarily home. wet winter caused thick spring blooms that are The blaze burned nearly 9 square miles (23 now dried out and burning, making for unpredict- square kilometers) of grass, injured four fire- able fire behavior. “You see rapid fire growth fighters and destroyed at least 17 structures. It in a lot of these fires, larger acreage consump- was 35 percent contained. tion, which makes it very difficult to firefighters Crews were making progress against that fire to fight,” said Bennet Milloy, spokesman for and dozens of others across California, Colorado, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Arizona and New Mexico, and into Canada. Protection. Wilsey was far from celebratory, instead In Colorado, crews were winding down the regrouping almost immediately and making new fight against a wildfire that temporarily forced the plans in case the fire makes another run at them. evacuation of hundreds of people near the resort “I was ripping pictures off the wall trying to get town of Breckenridge. ready,” Wilsey said. Firefighters built containment lines around at He said he was leaving his trailer attached to least 85 percent of the blaze. his truck and telling his daughters to keep prized Across the border in Canada, crews contended possessions they couldn’t take the first time close with more than 200 wildfires in British Columbia at hand. that have forced thousands to flee and destroyed The area burning is southeast of Oroville, near dozens of buildings, including several homes where 200,000 residents downstream from the and two airport hangars. “We are just, in many 770-foot-high Oroville Dam were briefly evacu- ways, at the beginning of the worst part of the ated in February when the structure’s spillways fire season and we watch the weather, we watch began crumbling. Wilsey’s home was far enough the wind, and we pray for rain,” British Columbia away that he didn’t have to evacuate from the Premier Christy Clark said. floods. Rob Schweizer, manager of the Kamloops His daughter, Krystle Chambers, who lives Fire Centre, said it had been an unprecedented on the same property, said the one-two punch of 24 hours. floods and fires was taking its toll. “We probably haven’t seen this sort of activity “It’s hard, it’s rough,” she said. “Way too that involves so many residences and people in many hits. First it’s this side of town, then the the history of the province of B.C.,” he said. other side of town. It almost makes you want to Page 14 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

FA’AALIGA TAUA Afghanistan combat Aiga Sa MALAEPULE vet charged with O lea ua ifo nei le fa’alogoaga i mea sa teu i le sa’aga. Ua mapu fo’i le manu ma le to’omaga, ina ua magoto le igafo a Tamali’i. O ou paia Samoa e afua mai le Taisamasama o le Tui Manu’a, i le taeao nai Tafagafaga se ia pa’ia le Tai ulaula killing wife, trooper o Nafanua ma le taeao nai Mataniu Feagaimaleata. Ou te faatulou atu Tulou, Tulou, Tulouna Lava. A New York state police LeRay Town Court, where he O paia o au faigā malō Samoa-galua, paia o le Talalelei, aemaise le fa’afofoga tapua’i o el atunu’u, ou te trooper responding to reports was ordered held without bail fa’atulou atu, Tulouna lava. of gunfire was shot to death by for grand jury action. a soldier who had just killed His assigned lawyer, Eric A’o lenei fa’asalalauga e fa’asino tonu lava i lo tatou aiga, SA MALAEPULE i OLOSEGA, MANU’A. Ua leai se his wife at their home near his Swartz, waived a prelimi- fa’ai’uga e faia e Fa’amasinoga e ala i le Suafa o lo tatou aiga e pei ona iai i ala o le tulafono. O lea ua toe tu’uina Army base, authorities said nary hearing. He said the next mai i aiga, e toe saili se finagalo o aiga. Monday. appearance would be in Jef- E muamua ona momoli atu le agaga fa’afetai tele i lo tatou aiga, e ala i la outou tapua’iga, a’o feagai lo tatou Trooper Joel Davis was ferson County Court later. He approaching the couple’s home wouldn’t comment further, aiga ma ala o le fa’amasinoga. O a fo’i ni fa’aletonu i suaga a le va’atele i ala o le fa’amasinoga, ou te fa’amalūlū in rural Theresa, near the Cana- saying he had only met Walters atu i le paia o aiga. E le taua le mana’o, a’o le nofo fealofani o aiga o le mea sili lena i le finagalo o le Atua. dian border, when Staff Sgt. minutes before court. O le mea lea, e ala i fautuaga a lo tatou aiga ma Tamā Matutua o le aiga, o le a faia le talanoaga a lo tatou Justin Walters shot him in the Walters, a native of Zeeland, aiga ia Iulai 13, 2017. torso with a rifle, leaving him Michigan, joined the Army in a roadside ditch, police and in 2007 and did two one-year Ona o auala o femalagaiga ma le soifua matutua o le to’atele o Tamā, o le a faia le taotu talanoaga i Tutuila i le court documents said. Another tours in Afghanistan, in 2009 Ofisa o le Mataupu tau Samoa, i le itula e 10:00 i le taeao, i le aso ua atofaina. trooper arrived and found and again from March 2011 Paia e, o lo tatou aiga, tala mai a’ao, se’i saili le tofa ma le fa’autaga i se tasi e tasui lo tatou aiga, ae a le Davis, who died about an hour to March 2012, Army officials Ekalesia, Nu’u, Itumalō ma le Atunu’u. O le a le avea lou le auai ma auala e taofia ai se finagalo autasi o aiga. later at a hospital. said. He was stationed at Fort Walters’ wife, Nichole Wal- Drum, home of the 10th Moun- Ia alofagia e le Atua le soifua o aiga. Tatou talosia ia tatou aulia ma le manuia le aso fa’amoemoeina. ters, was found dead in the tain Division. Ma le fa’aaloalo tele e tatau ai, driveway, with multiple gun- Fort Drum’s senior com- FUEGA S. MOLIGA shot wounds. A female friend mander, Maj. Gen. Walter E. of hers, who was living on the Piatt, called the slain trooper a property, also was shot, suf- hero. fering non-life-threatening inju- “It takes an uncommon valor ries, police said. to run toward acts of terrible Davis, 36, had been a state violence, to sacrifice for the AMERICAN SAMOA police trooper for four years, safety of strangers,” Piatt said. after 10 years as a county sher- Cuomo, a Democrat, called SMALL BUSINESS iff’s deputy in the area, police Davis’ death “yet another and friends said. sad reminder of the risks law DEVELOPMENT CENTER “He truly did love being enforcement officers face each a law enforcement officer,” day.” family friend Chris Fletcher Davis was the second New said. “One of his last texts to York law enforcement officer another one of his cousins was killed on duty in less than a SBDC SEMINAR SCHEDULE he couldn’t believe he got paid week. New York City police to do what he does.” Officer Miosotis Familia was The American Samoa Small Business Development Center will be offering the following Gov. Andrew Cuomo said fatally shot last Wednesday by “the entire New York family a man who was then killed by seminars to all interested individuals and organizations: grieves” for Davis, a married other officers. father of three teenagers who The state police superinten- 1. Grant Writing Seminar July 6-7, 2017 5-7 pm $40 was commissioner of a youth dent said Davis was wearing baseball league in his tight-knit body armor but the round hit 2. Business Start Up Seminar July 18-21, 2017 5-7 pm $40 community. him in his side, where he had 3. Grant Writing Seminar August 1-2, 2017 5-7 pm $40 State police Superintendent no protection. He said Wal- George P. Beach II noted that ters gave no motive for the 4. Business Start Up Seminar August 15-18, 2017 5-7 pm $40 signs had already sprung up shootings. around the area to pay tribute to Walters and his wife, who Davis. was 27, met around the time These are non-college credit training seminars designed to educate individuals who wish “It’s not just the police who she finished high school in Mat- to start a business, or those who are already in business but need assistance in the areas suffer a loss like this,” Beach tydale, a community near Syra- said. cuse, her hometown friend Jerry being covered or for people who seek self-improvement. A Certificate of Completion will be Justin Walters, 32, was bare- Mikels said. She was devoted foot and clad only in shorts to her toddler-age son and was awarded to the participants on the last day of the seminar. when he was taken to a town always willing to help people, court around 4 a.m. Monday he said. Companies or individuals may register now with an SBDC representative by calling to be charged with murder. He “She got along with every- 699-4830 or 699-4834. was in an orange jail uniform body,” he said. “If she knew and shackles when he was re- you needed help, she would Location: SBDC, M1 Building arraigned Monday evening in help out. Instructor: Dr. Herbert Thweatt Good Morning! Contact: Catherine Balauro or Tala Pua 699-4830 or 699-4834

FREE COUNSELING Our confidential business consulting services are free of charge to our clients whose gross revenue is less than $20 million.

Your Small Business Resource Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Ameri- can Samoa Business Development Center was created as a result of an American Samoa Community College (ASCC) and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) partnership. Neither SBA Funding nor that from ASCC is an endorsement of any products, opinion or services. SBA and ASCC programs are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. uoY wonk s’ti a doog gninrom nehw uoy VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ekaw pu htiw gnihtyreve uoy .deen dniF su !uoy raen erots a ta ta a erots raen !uoy samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Page 15 Hazing, booze topics in Penn State frat pledge death hearing BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) until the next morning, after — A judge on Monday heard Piazza had lost consciousness about worried texts from mem- on the couch of the fraternity bers of a Penn State fraternity chapter house in State College. and defense questions about Piazza later died at a hospital. whether a pledge had been The fraternity chapter and drinking voluntarily before he 18 members face charges that, died in February. for some, include involuntary The preliminary hearing for manslaughter and aggravated the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and assault, while others face much 16 of its members, accused in less serious offenses. Two the death of 19-year-old pledge waived the hearing. Tim Piazza, continued for a During the first day of the second day and was scheduled preliminary hearing last month, to resume Tuesday with the prosecutors played lengthy continued cross-examination of excerpts from the fraternity’s the lead detective. video surveillance system that So far, the only witness showed Piazza at first joining has been State College Police other pledges participating in a Detective Dave Scicchitano, drinking gauntlet. who discussed text messages At some point, he apparently that showed fraternity members fell down a set of basement voicing concerns about having steps and was carried upstairs, FILE ‚Äì In this May 5, 2017, file photo, Jim and Evelyn Piazza, center, stand by as Centre County, engaged in hazing the night and over the ensuing night the Pa., prosecutors discuss an investigation into the death of their son Timothy Piazza, seen in photo Piazza suffered severe head and footage documented how his at right, during a news conference in Bellefonte, Pa. A preliminary hearing is set to resume Monday, abdominal injuries. life-threatening medical condi- July 10, for 18 Penn State fraternity members who are facing charges in connection with the death Scicchitano told the judge tion went untreated and seemed of Timothy Piazza. that fraternity member Gary to deteriorate. (Abby Drey /Centre Daily Times via AP, File) DiBileo texted another member Piazza was shown holding to say: “It’s not the fact that his head and midsection in dis- he drank. He drank because comfort and exhibited difficultly we hazed him too. Main word standing, falling repeatedly being hazed.” when he was able to get off the A defense attorney pressed couch or floor. Authorities said American Samoa Government Scicchitano about whether he suffered a fractured skull, OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT Piazza, of Lebanon, New damaged spleen, and bleeding Jersey, had been drinking vol- in his brain and abdomen. untarily as he consumed a dan- Penn State has since perma- gerous amount of alcohol. nently banned the Beta Theta Pi Help was not summoned chapter. INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB-2425-17 Issuance Date: June 30, 2017 Closing Date: July 13, 2017 No later than 10:00am (local time) 1. INVITATION Sealed bids are being solicited to provide Kitchenware for the Department Education- SLP. 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 10:00a.m. (local time), Thursday, July 13, 2017 at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 3. BID DOCUMENTS Bid documents, including Specifications, may be examined at the Office of Procurement or obtained there from free of charge during normal hours of operation. 4. CONDITIONS The American Samoa Government reserves the right to: • not accept the lowest or any bid. • reject all bids and reissue and amended IFB. • request additional information from any bidder submitting a bid. In this screen shot from video provided by WWNY-TV, Army Staff Sgt. Justin Walters is escorted by New York State Police offi- • waive any informalities in bidding as may be in the best interest of the American cers, Monday, July 10, 2017 outside the Le Ray Town Court in Le Samoa Government. Ray, N.Y., after authorities say Walters killed his wife and State Police Trooper Joel Davis, 36, who had responded to reports of shots fired at the couple’s rural upstate New York property. Wal- ters surrendered after the Sunday night slayings and was charged with two counts of murder. A second woman living on the couple’s property was also shot, but her injuries weren’t considered life- DR. ORETA MAPU CRICHTON Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action threatening, police said. (WWNY-TV via AP) Chief Procurement Officer Page 16 samoa news, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Military plane crashes in Mississippi; at least 5 dead ITTA BENA, Miss. (AP) and debris from the plane was — A military transport plane scattered in a radius of about 5 crashed Monday in Missis- miles (8 kilometers). An intense sippi’s Delta region, killing at fire fed by jet fuel hampered least five people aboard, offi- firefighters, Banks said, causing cials said. them to turn to unmanned Leflore County Sheriff devices in an attempt to control Ricky Banks told The Associ- the flames. ated Press that a KC-130 mili- “We were driven away by tary refueling tanker crashed several high-intensity explo- about 85 miles (135 kilometers) sions,” he said. north of Jackson. Aerial pictures taken by At least five of the nine WLBT-TV showed the skeleton people supposed to be aboard of the plane burning strongly, have been confirmed dead, producing plumes of black Banks told The Greenwood smoke visible for miles across Commonwealth. He said a heli- the flat landscape of the delta. copter was searching for others Austin Jones, who owns a around the crash site in a soy- neighboring farm, said the fire C M bean field in a sparsely -popu continued after sunset. Y K lated area. “It’s burning worse now Marine Corps spokeswoman than it was early in the after- Capt. Sarah Burns said in a noon,” said Jones. He said his statement that a Marine KC-130 son watched the plane go down “experienced a mishap” while working on the farm Monday evening but provided and said it was smoking as it no further details. descended. Greenwood Fire Chief Officials did not release Marcus Banks, no relation to information on what caused the sheriff, said the crash was the crash or where the flight reported about 4 p.m. CDT originated.


In this photo provided by Jimmy Taylor, smoke and flames rise into the air after a military transport airplane crashed in a field near Itta Bena, Miss., on the western edge of Leflore County, Monday, July 10, 2017, killing several. (Jimmy Taylor via AP)