ST. BRENDAN PARISH ! 60 Turner Avenue ! Riverside, Rhode Island, 02915 !3200  401 !433 !2600  Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin Bishop  Rev. John Codega, Pastor !

Holy - AD 2019 Monday, April 15 ! 5pm VChrism : SS Peter and Paul Cathedral ! The Mass of Chrism is tradional celebrated once in each diocese during Highly Week and is one of the most solemn and significant liturgies of our church. During the Mass, Bishop Tobin will bless the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of chrism to be used in parishes throughout the year. The first oil is used for adult catechumens and infants, the second for anoinng the sick, and the sacred oil of chrism for bapsm, confirmaon, the ordinaon of priests. This Mass has also acknowledges the ministry of priests. It invites them to renew their commitment of service and to receive the prayers and support of the peo- ple. The Mass of Chrism gathers the faithful of the diocese at their mother church with their shepherd to prepare for celebraons of Christ in all our churches throughout the year. ! Tuesday, April 16 ! 7pm VTenebrae: A Prayer Service of Light and Darkness  is a Lan word for 'darkness'. This service, in preparaon for the Triduum, begins in full light and ends in darkness. Our young- er parishioners will lead us in reading from sacred scripture and our choir will lead us in meditave song !

Sacred Triduum: The three days that end this week are actually one

celebraon of the Lords passion, death and resurrecon. Please consider seng me aside to join together for each of the three parts to the celebraon. Thursday’s Mass of the Lord's Supper celebrates the instuon of the Eucharist and the commis- sioning of the first priesthood. On we walk with Christ to his crucifixion as we venerate the cross of Christ. Saturday we will celebrate Christ’s conquering death by his resurrecon from the dead. Three days, one Paschal Feast. ! Holy Thursday, April 18 ! 7pm VMass of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Eucharist Chapel of  repose available unl 10pm  Good Friday, April 19 ! 3pm VFamily Outdoor Staons of the Cross around the Streets of Riv- erside, gather in church parking lot by 2:45pm for a parcipave staons lead by our youth and young adults ! 7pm VLiturgy of the Lord’s Passion and Death  , April 20 ! 8pm (yes, 8pm, at “Dark”) VSolemn Vigil of Easter  Easter Sunday of the Resurrecon, April 21 ! 8 & 10:30am VEaster Masses                     !

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