' " II THE WORLD: SATURDAY FTEMNT,, OCTOBER 21. 1898. . it "s 8 wM others. There Is to be a professional! rrnmnic will Include I.nttle Cllsnn. the IN THE WORLD OF LABOR. Amusements. Wednesday. VESUVIUS UP WRECKS. IT TK 1IEITIE5 KCT ffiEI. nvtlnee Ueeve sisters. Clark anil Wlllsms, ldxon ITTIEIIBOKLTITIUTBES.! BUMS ' " the I.nng. an I Napier liOltln Collins and Boston Howard and Bvam Huffman. I! A .ii'l.i-e- . n !ffl R IM him DORIS'S 8TH AVE. MUSEUM um Specialty Company will and Marilllo, and Fulton, Daly I ni Athena Leonard j m rl.--- f ii Bttnttrr, begin second engage- Laoftlq. Figaros, e i niii M I. the week of their anil lievere. l.ei ) "HI HI' i. i.m on. 23. advortlaf-f- Iflll iiiBOrK I'.il.r- - nl ii o RUncI lltrtfl nil 1 ment at the BIJOU Theatre Monday W. Mvers and Harding and lid, In their " . aSh inlii- PI I'tllon M nrill.-l in. to Ihe ...n.i.rj, ths nigh'. Miss Y11tn in her new Skftcht 'Wash-Hous- e AbiurdTtli s." it. .ml ll (jri r.v hsnrrhlmstlf nine tlmn dajr ..is Algeriarj'B " p- New Tho Dynamite Cralasr'i Mission f in- - rnni iH IB "The FirstCity A- "A Naughty Substitute," does some ex- -' K. H. BothCrn! engagement at the Mario Jansen in a Comedy work, and bright entertalnm nt Is Lyceum Theatre will toon be at an end, rin (arlnn Fumm r mp,ins h.n MoplH Hpnn GENUINE JAEGER IK) pearance at thoGarden Theatre. furnished by Kate Cohen, Hayes and and New York Mil lose this rlever at the AmplnoDt Along tlio Jerroy Ccas;. i loodl Hi. ,( irnti ColOfl of Marlon, Cpnfoy and Fox. thr Avolos, voting actor and l'aul M. Potter") tie. .s pio An l Ui'ert and Goldie and Severus Schafftr. ilKhtful play "Sh.illan. or the Mall irrlMRt nuttm roflfiplaln th' iheir lo 'i he engagement of Nat Goodwin at of Hath." Mr. "othem will of course Ii ntlt' I vrrj i.h Klih n immrdloto outlook to? UNDERWEAR, MM l "11. ' the Fifth Avenue Theatre ends next Sat- go on a tour the tour thai swallows A III' Etfl- - Torpedo to Destroy i.t m i'. rm in (n1 Irtil o! r - Ifsw Play to Opsn ths good He lie Lyceum ompnny at Ihe Columbia liril Sunken Prtil Mnniifni-liirri- l imili-- thr- - ; B1aroi urday night, an the comedian will not up all i"ir attractions. will f th- i Va - nniirrila- I seen in City by Lyceum company .: .fi loll he the again this season. followed th" stock in kn. i, i'. p.!. h itoj modi UbrorUn Ion pire Theatre's Rejculir Season. dep-u- Herrmann tit the I'arli. n. in. 'ni IflH H t Clyde play Amcrlc.in As Jim Radbourn, the Pike County In Fitch's "All ... ::. r. nf -- sheriff, Mr l (nr) ll.'llrr. Ooodwln has satlsflc DuchcM." l ii in, Hndjr, critics, public, however, new iii.it were i rnuli iv ni v. ii r Krink his The prefer The features intrtidnce nlui iiiicn n hi: n( Hinfun 3ktQ' to sre him in comedy parts, with which Into "HUT" last week, When thai Inn w Algerian.' Pe Koven arrt rtli Ing up ' th duly In ! r Rl In t. ni Ifcrtf "rW1n,t HB "The he has been associated so Ion;, and It is leique celebrated n- - one hundredth Mar. Jansen will appear nt Ihe hat !"! Hf Donough's new cnmlr opera, win bo not likely Mr. essay proved to be valua- v hi. h i tin mile rrulst n ,n- has ii .. f I... MTM I N that Ooodwln will have all Amphton on Monda) evening with Olen ttn-- Im i ; (. ii Mi.- Per-lot'- s llo mi ninhi. i sung for tilt first time In thin city ni any more emotional rules. ble, win he retained, Herman - been assigned hj thi N'nvj Uepnrtment, ni. lie run iinsiil, In litis cltr, HB ani Mad t.iii x n. w com "Uelmoni- I" If n ri ' Ippllftd r tie ht'H" 'H if- - "Krmlrdr" sitters Upon the fourth week waltr. snug, Hweet Love. d. lntl Monday night. The r "bn.', ; and she is likely lo be k. pi trchlng i So .i ONLY. HR Garden Theatre f Its phenomenally successful run at rung by Then-s- e Vaugnn, and the Uer-ma- n cos at mv l might be tupposed from r.i,.'-- nli thi ek. Th AT OUR TWO STORES M i ai'i'ii .i in- B ferenco betwetn Manasrr J. Hill the Broadway next Monday band travesty are excellent the ot .a- p:ay it d for hidden hulks ai. iiiiriiiiu derelicts vin wn iry tr Theatre street lib that als rth II i: i" 176 FIFTH AVE., below 23d St. peo- Receiving Inc ? i Mario Tempest, star, have, nil night. Thr revival has capture the in way. "Columbia p. in tlllli J poi Is V and tin tiuir eating and drinking, bill d v i from the "p if Ik lit lohof i. - ple ven more completely than the man- Continents" is the title of n new act f ui mrrHno rint.. boon settled, and Mtta Tempest will ap- tiiii sailing ' i. steamships 7.108 k ' k i.iiii'i.-isi- i.. morr m . I S3 BROADWAY, near Cortlandt St. H agement dared t expect. A mure sump- drop Nobody even pretends t cat. The ni an i' - t'Minn,' in m ' mintfj lo In upon , H poar In tho lending ml- of "The A1er- two bringing Into p nadi MSBm nn.ler-eren- r !. j tuous comic opera production has rarely The l.lllpttllans will stay tun ond act w lecated In on of the private n. III k i "MHi n Our tn made of pH in--ft r of she hnr! tho heen seen in New York, it is perfect weeks longer at N'lhlo's with Ihelr dining-room- Vesuvius has a ... Trool of nhsolotel-i- B ian" that celeste which s a) the notej restaurant, ri'urii from n r. ii in i t th.- Pnhlli n h d .i p.ir." nnd rumen tally, vocally and dramatically play "A Trip to Mars, it w il,-- , hf aunlily. C1"' m honor of creating." Do Knven's music charming i.i .ii in i e Jers j In i ti tnadi th nn lpa Imua for thi roor iiiiiiiirni stnn.li.nt sH ' bestowed, many lo and for n moment Miss Jansen Is seen coast. r- No higher praise canbe will be KO'"l news to learn wai pirn nl impalitn lk TrodM n"mlly ot I.., ii. - muni not be misled "T' gH H haa horn warmly nrr nul nT town, very not ' upti by the ti run i in rrn Miss Vernona Jarbeau, a clever little Seim.i Ooerner, who has vt sitting at ti tabic where she has ap 'gal run i other it,l- rrllsentents clnlntlna; thnf gllj and tho lovers of his successful "FlOhln comedienne, goes to the New Park Thea- nppeartd at Nlhlo's, nvlim Jo Illness, i"-- 1. Mi h dro In r mi r the pro to ours can DC. H parently, as Trlxle Hatelmcre, an ac- Vhraham Cahan nf the I mik-- I Itchrrw TrodM ntty k.io.Is .irnl . H is- - tre Monday night, and presents th re entirely recovered, and will be back iirl.-.--- b ho has i teetlng it i ii r I'm th. . i rh- - olil nt l.nvrr Hood" will doubtless anxious farcr-romed- y tress, n drinking but sin- iwni lln ikwnti alii !,. mil IH her "Starlight." in which in the company before bum. in the bie. has Ir.irniai ml m Bquoro a imi living mil nrhlsntrn np- to his worK seasons, The trip was n it r rr l Muvrmvnt" l'nion nml mskss with SB trn latest she has been playing for several rehearsals of "Olaf, wnicti no time to her dinner. Miss fruitless, Hall "I l No goods genuine meantime e eat Jansc is I'tiion Riuarv owning. I'llPIll "IIIHllllll. IB Retnsco s new pity, "Tho Younger Vive-co- n ied Ics. how-'ver- . need never be produced in November, are hulks tii. u in. l nnvlg.illng Traclo-mnr- k, - Pavld will will tu hide ni vessels n M..!t ... m for .1 con- IB STOW Old, they are merely pegs for iup,in 1'iank Tannehlll. in kiii hf kirrn ihr bmnt I'lmr iimiN - sondrrlul Irorrpsol irnin. out our H sea- - for b nf th.- ki Son,"' will open thr second regular Ignaclu Martlnclle, May Merrick the coast tween Sand) Hook and Cape nn. mi it r. and nnfa llonrra tn tht iiini-- i por-- . ) specialties, which van be kept distinctly performance"1 jr Rl Lai-- Dr. Jaeger's win be continuous II) Ihi ii ;:.: lii.i-l-- ing i ., rnitlonat humc. Miii'l tain on of Km pirn Theatre Tuesday t n num- - tne May win- all and ' mmi i.i: H the up date. Miss Jarbeau will do hi Ruber's Museum, beginning with .ui! William Norrls. destro) .1 In r. nth .hi- - , vtnlng. II I.I.I Mi ln.lli"' bo t They begin at I IHINI mil M II I'IMP. night. In the cast w:il Henry Miller. ber of new dances and Imitations. coming week. will hotb Instances the was tin leKKipri' n Th-.- I ' will be tho play M A "The from Sing Sing Is one 'f nmihli So itripi r rilo-'- " l..rlui'i"l"l'l jk Allen. Jamesj Wilson. V 1111am "Thr'Powrr of Cold" A M . and last until l" l' dramatic 'I ' : i in il Ii ni Knopp (Iran ama MlnTKIM In itra,t' dr. B Viola in ni notlgh of Ihe sunken ln ilium VIePrealdanl . (Columbus Theatre, Harlem, next "Megics Money Herrmann's new mysteries winch will M im..--.- H nli ih'-l- biff, im. ii mm at the company will preaenl Smllh Id William Thompson W, II Lon- wrecks ..s left to nrdlna sr.niHiv t!korlM itiit- Faversham. week. "It Is SCentC melodrama of With Ida lllissell and Valentine Love In be seen al ihe Park Theatre next week. endanger tho safct) Htnil i.i i.t..M JfsRttph INMtttt, SANITARY WOOLEN SYSTEM GO. fH pro- m th- Mvaara i don says agent, that of ss K lomlly n H Crompton. Cyril Sott. Odette Tyler. life.' it" rivets the leading robs. The vaudeville ... It is founded on th' recent escape of tn of del pest draught, inlcman, Knapp, iVowmtn, Wallace-Hoppe- r I VOUr attention to the final curtain, and, gramme will Include the Weston slsfl two condemned I a. Ivli m I lua hi ijHH Edna and Mrs. P. - prisoners, lister and One of tho wrecks destroyed was a in telling, stage pic- picKcrt, M its siuws massive the Whippier twins. Jennie Itochle, ir.'in Siii(; s.ng Prison. Another sunk n in n.- ol mi lor Ivmnotl Mforday pi thr hij.- Bowers, who will appear for thr first or weli-uo- n lnealltie-.- It Is Rllly A. schooner llnr fathoms f ih.- HB tnre.t 'he Kherer and Diamond, Jackjon, good Illusion ma i he ill present is water an-- ,.rt plaitervri h. Ikraiono la m.ihf nn hi time with this ny. "Tho Younger just liarnegnt, and the lohri ih.- , BB comix right kind of (day for th" Columbus it Oracle and Reynold! and tided ".it--- tm Hall." An ah r feature th.- irmthle irttled hy the cir.iria .if ' - ia said to tell very Yai'. other was dlsmantleil ami foundentd W - Vp 8on" "a Interestinj Theatre, and will undoubtedly enjoy a wni i a display ol Herrmann's ".Mys- Iniat .Iklnrv- I'ftfOtta Molloy, of th.i ManhHltan V and human story of a mother! love to the stationed al the anchorage uf the l.i. Il- PI i H profitable week there. Dl'ck. or the Knights of terious Suing, Mere! There No I' ait i.i j I M mock ir. tank Lightship, near her sons." This excellent coir The prodttiiil Daughter." with its big at Dorle'e Iwlghth Thr- Ty irapklol Vo ln-i- v V U Road," will be the play where!" magician will be assisted May. l'nion .. hi I fJEk pmy Ib now in tho, fourth year of s WCCk, .Miss 'ape Thi lightship itself timl been 11 ' LjI steeplechase Scene, continues to do a avenue Museum next with by aim, Herrmann as usual Mown rrmlutlona thanjklng the Domorrotl Amusements. H lo sea in n recent storm, n existence. surprisingly good business at the Amer- Fanny Herring in ihe dual role of pari- Daniel hmans Lye um Theatre Plan nil 'ii f.T nnmlnallng Kdward it flotoi M iHW Richard ManslVM. will make his urn ' mills has returned to New York no nf ii.. mombora So an a rand (data "IM "t.,ih km. ican The itre. It has started towards its ng nick, the highwayman, and iticnnra Conip..ny has llnlsned a suceestul i ii Shyiock in r- - s Just for ,in. provisions. Nexi week f l Nt - .V a appearance as "The Ml tw hundredth performance, nnd that Town, the llghtful hen. other attr.ni-lon- week Ihe Columbia in slie t mk- t" ihr BUta '"iititiiti..nal HUBER S of nj Herrmann's Th - it Theatre mil resume her search along th Jersey nont "ii'i. ii H B Chant Venice." occasion will have a fit ting celebration Arna sisters and tiuir comedy, Abroad) :. will be the Saidou's "Am ricans c '! t of ih. wi ii n x H tre Monday nlgni. Tne play will be In Is cks and derelicts t'liif. hi'- - nollflad rtin -i ".-!- due time. The cast still headel wrestling beam, an Prpf. i"r,en." and on lay even, tig will begin tne i i ' 4 GREAT FEATURES 4 In an manner, w Mn. inc imlns are Mai l'nion So th-- BiB presentei elaborate and y Leon trd Poyne, ho rl les the noble Hanging Act." There will be second last week 'f the engage- crsfi ni iUi ri puinK ini..n ration ,,f coptlnuooi in thpiheatra lireat and lo, m waitpa. - rh-- "'" "H Is -- ill be IW Mansfield's conception of his part e ery night, and comes in In theatre m. pre-- ) ntel their ncrounts l.u ii. ifitlrmvni m.- nnigH uufu ..ii ni VarlrMv Cfimpanlca, s- - Roquefort variety performances ment which will be devoted to the n i by 1 a new He will be ip- I - of when and where sighted, it is rtturna irt b) hf iirm said to be ore. jirst except in ca"e of accident. by the No l'lus Urn vaudeville com- ol tne successes ot si that (era .i inliuilnn fH ported by Mill Roaj rice Cameron. Miss - matin this of.en a tedious task to Inr-- lliepi on the ...i ilura inr ome nf ihHi men ho mrre iffH "Charley's Aunt" still Convulses ail- engagements in Brooklyn, i, . pomi in join th.. i Alberta Gallatin, the Misses Lew er, Week at- - former k ' ot ellll IM nion THE BOXING JB lienees of the Standard Theatre, it i Hie Rden Musee next the I .i.itllitey UlcOlt Will he (tie UrUUtl t al -I- s rep-r- tn Leigh. Ralnbrldge. and i it ' .',s in- Vesuvius has but c.... i.i r il Wlneo that ihf Vcnner Worth looks as though lie New York career Miss l.yla Kavanaugh, p. i i - n m mil" fJB Iractlon will be - liaise in "Mavourneen id, Is n i iront il imi. - f th Inti ufA and Messrs. Harkin. Griffiths Forties, r t his merry farce would be as sue-- young wo- young and built to eui throittb rather n KANGAROO. ;. 'large and not unhandsome I week. Man) who know tne star, th. la heavy Is il rial Tymgraohlral In-- amnuniad I3.00M2 Andrews. Boticlcaull Stoddard, Forr London run. In in ul. s".ts. her deck . JH cessful as the is Its man Mile. tMetto from the i'.iei cafes as only the possessor ol a sweet voice in by Iwi month and th.u n .'I oral rxpendnl. yff swept waves in bod and hci km M tjaVI Weaver. Graham, TMrrenrn. IJutlcr and lf:econd y'W in the Rngltsh metropolis, Yberrl. who Is described U - weather Inu i tiiti f ro, - . ( ' TROl'PK OF Bonney. Ichantante: Ldi minstrelsy were surprised to irn dur- mission at such limes is not only un- tit :..i agalnil I t .:: dur- WltKvn.lMI I1I.AII-- and there Is no knowing how much ns new rival of Carmenclta; Alice Ing past week lie Is a comedian Ing Ihr line, in nth i7V :K J. K. Emmet will be seen in n r.ew it the the that comfortable fot officers ami crew, but in IHI Villi. Nn. I. luiiny lirsmsll.-- longer will be played tnere. It has Delmore, the serpentine dancer; Jonn a singer. tt ot 11 ... bPerforaiD 'fH play by Sidney Rom nfeld. as well .is ii. i. i wiih n spice of danger, ii w.iiiih nm,nirtlna ti from I" in "Dstlns lilclt.nrllrf Knishtsolibs Road." stoib tfH cillol "Prltt also been translated into German and Ranaome, Delprafle, the magician, h i n m ott- Hi llm-,- In the Openv-- ,w "Tuxedn, a combination of the best The method employed to blow up ft., ht. oMand the .'f llll.Air.l N,. J Mm- If. III.' 1". H Prosperity." at Grand German stage floes not, as a rule. his Royal (iypsy farce-come- Si. k.U WI Miami, V. 0mP th" and Judgi A. SI. III AllMIHHIOS I - and Danko c.abor features of and minstrelsy, Wn 'ks i ini.'iirall-rl- Blntple I" thr ni.. ii In. in in In II. I House, next week. The author has for English farces. an lulldlnif, Rlxiorntk !' ond ami i I "ii'-ir- "HiiuIh. Iri.in 11'. ffl Is - banker win he in.- attraction at tne Win pi re latlvel) eftei ivtnua, Tl IM" i.rali'l B troduced a child character "that prrb- "The Lost Paradise' will be acted at Smith Russell remains nt Daly's play has been tlve. The torpedo used next .. k Hh .it ona ihlr-- ..f thf imil yoea lll Si in Hi I". SI. ; IN ONK I'AUE. M n.)t Sd Theatre next week. I'no h; lo outwnrd lnu a small square b hargt Bj ably the strongest ever written, J People's next week. In will to pre- can 'is I -- 'i WihI the Theatre the Theatre, where he continue given a new dress. l ll Till!. Sim. nn.isn? Prof. Alllna's llox. M excepting Utile Fauntlerov." Two I pnlntr black with asphalt, In Ihe can ll Till:.S I II JV H luro east will be Forres: Robinson, Mabel vent Edward K. Kidder's comedy, Lost will hold the sn momben nf Workaro l'nl"n No. . II' Mil' I.I. "Al II '1BV Ijl In, .llnnkry. and H 1it;!e K be: "The .scan" boards an- arranged square, lloei.H of gun-i.- t svi-- .. 1: Ij I .1 pile parts will be intrusted to Bert, Charles 8t kes, Frank Dayton, Vallev." until further notice, Academy hoi hn.' replarrd mm ini. n mi'ii .ni thn i.i. is ni ii siuM-- BAt'K, ybi 'I a ' a i ft a I s I S o Hairy "Peaceful al the Lee Avenue during the t. ii II IT S F I Grlgnan and Snencer Slnn.itt Prince Lloyd, H. A. Mores , James ft, some of Mr. Russell doing tn- - MrtmiMilitan up r.i n u r. and th- - lloard "f Mllliil'S AS HH1 KI. im ' "l'l. Illnninn. Its IK a Mood scene 'There is talk coining week. A war dance will be Another also squ&re. but flllc.1 VValklrg .. Uul :-. AUK I'Af'KKI). , MrJWV I.nl... H IBB A terrific windstorm and Cody, Laurence Bddlnger, s. s. Wlltslc, Clyde "April Weather' during I vwu ..in. i.h. i. yaaterda t.i moka in .m Si.ir. ale M LBB Fitch's traduced, in which Indian warriors with dry gun cotton, placed, when a attempt to bavi ih dlaharged nun r. inm.it Till: "i I. Of I'ltAISK I O'l'rr will afford ample opportunities for Henry BchafTer, George w. Neville, J, the coming season, and ii Is to be nopeo take part. is nil. Yl m r F''a,"res.'.'" luieresllac' ! Iisbw realism. Mm Pah. 'A 11 ICntfl wreck Is dlac ivered, In the centre of the T Immi brewerj in Ht tlin . Ti.l'. iniisiiiiikii;.' ' ir VlmL P. Walter ler. th u he will favor us si Illy witn anj A Western l"ln wltk rxrrp-ti- 11. .I".ili Arlliur. iiiilliiir "I BOO The Academy of Music, which drama entitled Devils in llrsl described, which may be ii of h tv Ia rr- ll ifH has Wilson, Virginia Marlowe, KSttle Morris. play than "Peaceful alley. Mine" be at Novelty i. and lta mt refuaa t.. nanlsr ti..' ".-.ti- Alunn. " ll'Mri.fc TIILATRK, H i other will the for the ' me HB been closed for soint time, will eope:i Arllne Athens, Fanny Cohen an 1 haa been f the hell ..f the torpedi unlono of their driven and nnin.n, mil i gan HIintRKS UK I.STHIIITH. V Orsn.l Double H The l'nion Square Theatre coming we,k. Tile scene is laid In Mon- - i,ti In L&r mil. VB Monday night with !Dateyi melodrama Frances Iander. splendidly during the nasi week. When the iirv guncotton has been koul ex pe toil 'anae the .tru.'! r. H.llllll" OP IIAIf uZri. Drnniulli- nml S'urlrty. M ut doing on-- tann. During tne second act several adjiibtcd foaa to ralao n Imycotl prdMalmod by (bom J "In Old Kentucky"-p- on for Is I Ihe cover Is put on, and the nninnt J h rur. Mr. and Mrs. Kendal will begin the of the Innovation ll:- . MITNPAV lB all scenery and acceaaortffl The success spent specialties will be Introduced, Including only connecting with outer sir left is a - lift' a It. rj OPAMn .frcit A.llot'K. M.:ilT,lit HltANfj CON. BUT. pH with the week ot their season In "The Mr. lavishly ljrMlslLi' i:v.- ui h. si.ir. ue.i M. I ,. thirl doubted and Keith's Master Leon Morris and tils pony circus, tin- MIII.O'- -. .SI that such a ataterr.ent nowadays Impllej. Becond Mrs. Tanqueray the Star s d'ly productive of small hole in ihe centre of the cover, nnd Homo unknown paint era have destroyed work stta. E sH fB at money has been the Uayety tneatre next week the Is v Pa I ni.m (lfBi There will be a big race scene that in Theatre Monday night. In spit of con- - comic opera, which Is, .t through which conducted Ihe electric membera Intern' Progroaalva THE MIDNIGHT ALARM. LAST 3 WEEKS good results. The bin win Include Kusseli wn-,- S 8 on job of & r ft ti A"Pnw the colossal stage of fh Academy shoi Id do- Interpreted. the brothers, thai a to be connected with the thf iims Pried jt Port .1 K. l.iuiii"!. Krlin In ITnsp. niy. nicttnK criticism this candid play is changed weekly, Is capitally ti, ". ' avenue Ilvlegata Ni.issnk H be, extremely effective, and the caet v HI ing an Mrs, Ken- programme Include! Sam Iteinard. (rants brothers, .lohn d) a ii if the eloi trie innchlne. ml Plfth mi! Wnlkitm - excdlent business, and and the vaudeville m i.i ablln la trying t.n) thr pcrpetratura ot i A iff be a good otic. Th- leading rule will he appears Drew, Bessie Qtlbert, the Kremonta and This wli iitta ihi I 10 a delonat ir la H. R. JACOBS' THEATRE. M'AXr-tC&SE-JSRU- TRIP TO MARS, dal to have recovered the some of the very beat names. Russell. ti... i. i hI! played by Miss BetUna Qerard, of COrnlC ihirlc-- i II. Annie consisting f fulminate of mercury and I equanimity that she lost so completely Town.' BSIPIRB Tilt'.. Tttt:. H Temperance water-tig- ll u m ra tlmn lhlrti-r- npi'Vi". nine HANDS ACROSS THE I 1 cpera reputation. w pen seen The Swedish Female Quartet is billed a ht cap, The conducting wire I. thf Ilk. T MlillT. she read the newspapers and play, may sllll be at the lt"T IIUISIIi again!" will be Hint's Will as the feature at Huber v Oebhardt's Is bridged thr. iii:!i the fulminate of bnllar tii.il. ra nf Minneapolis Mln.. went on mriki NfltWvtk Till. IrAMlKH sli.NAI. im- ii rr ii m. i "Home That the teamed that her conception of the lead- Malison Square Theatre, where It ami ibero la no ilgn t thrv will roauno OCT U, HKliri.AH REASON. JBII at Tony next It Is Casino next week. In addition. Al mireiuy by a small plailnum wire. thi I l U HI . It leser.d Pastor's Theatre ing roie was not lauded. probably remain until December. m.iK Hi 9) need Dnanelal BMimenrc nnl MAUI ol'l 'I'lIK VOI M.lllt WUN. EL WCtk, Mr. own mny eatla-fle- d Reeves, banJoist: tne Qregorys, acrobats, When made ready l ir use the torpedo rt when Pnwtor's conr Lvdta Yeamans and Frederick F. Titus holna very well nnd Mr. Hoyt Is iitip appeal r all wnl nil uni.rns it n t . jBI to Koure-t- Kittle Clayton, Minnlu Schult and other an ihe detonator i ik- n separately L'ENFANT PRODIGUE. PAl.liKIt". H. Ill: Mm. 11, H wI returns the cojy little will appear at Proctor's Theatre next effort naa been v' with the '.tn r.ean Peierntlon tf Labor. t i'n-- house. Mr. will appear that 'his serious considering singe is w ill appt ai Into n rnall boat, usually one tlie in ni Play ..niii'iit uot'Ih. Hotrbnse i iiomo Amilu. , a H Street Paitor week. The excellent programme will well received, "f Trmi'ile expected nfiorno.-- .it th n SfXtSSWk I I 111 III SIK. DIPC'Q ii tu J WlH surprisingly boats, nnd Is tbli UKi.llll. Ml nil himself, and the other artists he J. also include John C. Rice and Sallle h- - has been so long Iden- cruiser's nli.it. the latter Stewart flulldlng, Purl) tirft atraot and Hrooil 'B, lb fart that rowed the spar M.ii. wi-i.t-u- i. o sJsst'ssbJlSs 4oZ BB W. Kelly. Frank !3uih, Eunice Vance, Rice, John W. Reagan, the Powers fam- tified with the Illogical hilarity known BODY FELL FROM THE HEARSE. lo that designates the .mv here membera ol Palntora1 Prograaalva "im.i 'lin Tin:Titi-:- the three Haytors. .lohn and Nellti Mc- - ily. Long place of the wreck. in So i rtr. to t'. minted by th f B and Luwards, th" Qutnns, as farce-comed- ... WILLIAM BARRY. t.'rM.ro.rtw.y.od B Carthy. Altras, fie dancin ac ohat; Martlnelli. Ducrow and Lorettu, Felix r from Avenue a As a rule the dynamo is small pnough Walking Dalogatea Tke meiuuari of th.- Uoord f " "tATRE. ' - "The Corn tJrocer I PARK i Mips Lizzie 'ollii ProT. Thornbur and Claxton, the Weston brothers, the OermanlS Theatre. In Eighth B.rmiilnr Accident at Llzzlo Snyder's admit ot lis hImi being taken into the rlrgati'i of hu Id Ing Conatructora1 ni i.- proa THE RISING GENERATION. at the ih-- 111 1. r .in-l.- ' I.. e Hull nt't to M'K'I.SI. MATIXKK Wk B Zarmo and Mlai Isabella Ward. The three Renos, the Dallys, Kamochl, the : avenue, has made a hint. When wreck is reached the Npxi SVi'.'k POSVKIt OF (iiil.n. B sire-- near Fourth Funara". otlle.-- In a exami- yield i ti is nf i hi rvprcaanutlveo ol the nil: theatre has been fitted with new ciirpett. Misses Rice and Hnlvca and the I)orl-ga- n Qerman-Amerlca- n pa- charge makes careful t' JACKSON h;i'-- - icci-s- with the N SIT-1-- K PETtR boxes been newly Reg-Ist- .1 nation "f lis position then the I'll llunrd.' KUi W.ni i. in SV.ix. srs and the tlraped family. house. Mayor Qllroy. BOMERVILIjn, N. . Oct. :i While ani Ililrrrnn'! to cabin." fl of that UelMTSl A. Iflv With plu'h T trons torpedo Is lowered into the water at tho neadldatrn for public offlro have l.rn mml-i- i iiih.liin. Ms. B curtains. "The Ctrl left Behind Me." David Levy. Judge Koch and I.lz-7'- A I KOSTER Ferdinand tin- bearlno the ot MIfs r concussion iti i n Convention under ihe auepleaa of Thr Tn!.. MATIN KKH HAILS J.;l. & BIAL'S, 34th St. flFJt performance of Adolph well-kno- people hfarrc Hini where he thinks the lj M B The Belasco and Franklin Fyles's successful of oiber iv..-p- KS KMNn AT im. L'Arronge's new comedy. Fa- play, i number waa a In June- - .iil be the mosl destructive. itti.-- Tni'i rouncll in Milwaukee, ih. of GRAND MATINEE M. 'JB "Lolo's will be acted next week at theatre during the week Snyder ascending hill n III portico aent dalagatloni Thr l.nui'l S'ltmltMlli- 2.15 P. M Opera-Hous- e, visited this Tin- Is the .mi Social labor i.vrii lKm will be given, at the Irving Place detonator then aitached ani th.-i- 1IAI.I-KT- . thef." Harlem in the Th- - farce will be acted i.ntll further tlnri, N. J., tin- doors of the vehicle ( i.HkitiK i hi Convention to adi tlvo S'.SI IIFVII.I.I. AXI) Monday The ploy t, boat pulled away to a point safety, ir OARDKN TllKAIT'l-'- Ural J Psrftmaaiiess, SV.-.- Theatre nlf ht. made cast will be William Morris Frank norm i.t'h im refuaod. i"it aotna th s Nrxl SI.IN. AXU MI.I.K. I1KL MELT. B pi dice. lit w opon. nnd the iniiirr fell out. and tin Is, 200 or 3OT feel from the wreck. .f II I l 1 m quite a sensation vn Vienna, where It Sydney Armstrong. Byron Doug- that f boih 'f tii partlen wen ploeatl upon Ml o I , ai 1 III-- " .l-T- T I in lll'.ATItl;. HSS'AV. :(llth ,a- 250 roll-- Then, with a turn of the crank ( ih.- HMIIIS AT 2 .1. i"l a run of consecutive nights. In las, Theodore Roberta, Thomas Oberle, corpse partly 'l down the decline. ihe ticket Pnlerated Trmdoa I lll.il.l.l KS l.V HAT. fB ih- o, o I rl A I. IMMissiR Hats. wBD. and will ho Adolf Link. Wllbei-- Kath-erln- o the torpedo la n.nlli W rm the cast James Barrows. Iaura Gllroy, WALKED OFF WITH THE VERDICT This occasioned great excitement 11 ii. il Rccretary Oootga I. lli-- atatM that Next uii-- Sluil.- l.ini.-'-l. I'll.- n.li.AlK..riun. m.ne Bchlutf r. Chi rlotte Jo- - women away led. n afliliiit.-'- men LOTTIECOLLIN8, B imrand. Roberts and others. Three tainted and any local unlom whh the Journc) SI A HIM i.N Mjl AUK. TIll'.ATUl-.- III ... ',.. M. Els- - I)i?-M- , dttSt-tlst- The wat.-- is Upward In a 1IIIATS Hit in. i :m' ifj aephlne Nebauer. Mintz Zeiflcr, M. and Mme. ( eccentric s on trti itroet were at Ural thrown ih and nf tioti ih' Union hnv. nut wi III, II. hlr-'- f 'i, iii Sliil r Hr.luiil.iy lit IV " SISIUil'I'IIITK." In ni nun iB frlil Julius Strarsriann. Julius Strubl, from the Paris olympla, will make on of tlis Jurv In too tun to rospunil to I'n column, together with thousands paid their '.' eenta ol .liini- bui Th- - 'in UK ulthtlis H Peculiar Act horrltli'l lirt.ikir - VIM IIH. ni:ss no ss JB Marie Deutsch and )oldl Pletch. their first appearance in America at j. Lnnn's call tnr inlp Finally two splinters and tuec "f wreckage. The iirclpta at Hi' gcnemJ oftlea Lint week amounted aiiii atiie.i:i.m 'i. a.- - Mlcnlgan Central Wrecir. I. f .1 I'V IJSR.XS " !B "The Danger Signal" will be the play Roster Rial's concert hall next week. tin n helped him replace Miss Snyder's xpli in Is iw a .lull roar, but ii and tti expendod Joeepn HOYT'S llERUMANN'S. s.3l TII.MdllT. at H. R. Jacobs' Theatre next week. other features of the programme will Mich.. Oct. 21. Testimony body In the eoflln an then In tin- - hearse there is no loud r p rrt. 1'ii'i ii h rcalgned h n member nf tis inter 5JKW" 9 IB IB pen C. QlenslrOAtl jackson. When .'ll l ovor nothing remains of a lI il Kx 'it v. rtoar STANDARD THEATRE. RICflflRD MANSFIELD J It from the of the late Henry be the brothers. Miss Flor- over th- vic- Mlai Snyder wa. eighteen years old, BrSSSSIffi 1 Itoawi ThrOOD, In the Coroner's Innupat the hi. II; save floating wreckage, u.iikini: I' legale nporte nt vrntrr.lHy'R I I III sfj B PeMllle. and has Iven constructed into ence Miss Harriett Vernon, had been an Invalid for years. that f ih- Jlrnmloii linunis,M omnly ESdmee Michigan Central and covers the of ihe water for nr t'M; llrtoH of of Itulldfng JI'KM.I, AND MK. I1YIIB. B one of these melodramas with colossal Lescot Ada Reeve, Evans and tims of the I'ctnt funeral her mother has been surface i I. Mm hi In lR. appear to be so gorgeous s:nct the distance. imrlnri tliit .ntr,i' r .in i employ CHARLEY'S AUNT. B ecenic accessories that Luxmore and the ballet, "Ver- WOS concluded last nipht. aln list erased. nii: hi ti nl laterera' loborora nn a at IltSIMI I'l.Al KTIIKATIllM r.s. U.Sst.MS, al wreck i l.u -t Ii Is hard to il stray wreck. The Jt. UiM B popular The "effects" Include a sailles." nol i in 'nl' a a recti npc-ln- ai sis si i ri. i peril niiiiiii "I TIIK l.UAKS WIO0W. When tho room was c lea re the Jury Idllllt-'iiii- It. .i.i sin of Mi. uuim Slrvlru simikIiiv l.i IU H monHter locomotlw propelled by steam, Mart Hanley is very much elated at lbs in locating wiiri Appointed i confer with the pontmc Miisnil, III T 23. next, nmt time i's athko. vfl a connon-bal- l train and a cyclone rotary the success or "The Woollen Stocking," created a sensation by marching out of casting out of the devil t - Thi ninllit- v n lent 10 t itln-lt- ir A ' i.nl New ( lli'- im H The '' t mHj snow plough. Harrlgon'S latest addition to his UaTnt room In a boily proceeding to Ba'.tle. by mcultcn, 'h't niiil rrfuaoa abide hy unlo.1 nilii Coincracker," Joseph the ani S'ltrn Cado'. n hli J. al Mangln n'i Btanl n it recti IN OLD KENTUCKY. Em "The Arthur's and delightful series of New York skits. was once a sign ' 1 lunch-roo- of disease Tl- . .il. i th. s f.tbi ll Pi let William Bthln araa expeM o llartindera' Mat.. Wad, Brooklyn M KB pjayi remains at the Fourteenth Street The theatre hah been packed since the a ' ei.'i Rat. al BvenlnaaiA Amusements. SB Theatre. It is announced that "now opening night, and no other play will be an h ur afterwards they t will Blr, id exhibition nr military rs l.e, i i.i .ii n i t nui.i ii ii ilatlng hi dutln pun at.iai. Wc. 80a ond Jdc mMm About of authority. aa 1. ' nf th- - organisation uni working HKA'lX UN MAl.K. Harrl-gan'- s it- N ir' NoU the author has made a number of presented noting the balance of Blmllai lo i. il th. Vorlr regiment, 'u.i ci- that found by the Coroner in a shoe store, agalnil it lnterau The- newly - oQIcera Matim-7- changes improvements, perform- - in city. Dave lira-ham- 's ABiKKlUA.N TltKATIti:. ut. Bl and the season this and on their refusal to plvc any Now we take a little more lay ni in Cortlsnn Th. cntlr. Iisttsllon ol are t'harlci Winter ft n 'ar ti Uud-- j Wm nr.ee is received with approval." five new songs dis- rear,, M The have made of conduct, to say where .i, romrMnt.. win form two reslmenu. Treaaurer; iari Bulor, Schmidt in-- Mat". Tlii'i". iui.l--.- Si-i- imiHrii.lne B Berolde. their ml Ci krral a . s IKE PDODIGIL DAUGHTER. Tu.". BB cast includes Judith Eleanor tinct hits. they had been, what uiey had done and time about it and cast out ii. r.i. :,.i nfi ti uf, in i;,.. ir Meetr Winter HiR.n ond M luy. ii.t. HI. HA.N Mi I'AHTIIV In BB Carey, Mattle Earle. Jennie Goldthwaite, Next week wdll be anniversary week hi i legatee to the Central Pedera l( rj. when they would return, the Coroner .. Till: lis Hill I'lmii t I.Alt William Ingersoll and a number of at the Imperial Music Hall. The pro- - devils by thousands we do n iri nil mil i.- - i mi wcekdaya, llltOAKUAV TIIKSTIIK. Mnt". Niulil. Nolilgheb went home with the declaration that IV SI '2 B t M n Sui. l.i fr..m A. il ill s. ni In..- Milunliiv nt no from the N I II he would receive verdict it by knowledge. I., i nt noon I'll AX IN SIAI.MKHT I'll' 'I THIN. COLUMBIA. "BSS-aSB- jury ? -- WILSON'S l.vt-r- '.!.: " t w ;iini u:. I - Is a man who is taken ERMINIE. SHOT AT THE MANAGER. not feysig lothirsi Amusements. II. P. KKITII'm HW ISIIIS HOIIAKK. AMERICANS ABROAD, ""'n,,;"1'' Ilur Ill ri,iilliiii..ii"l'.rf"iiiiuni'i-- I Highest of all in Leavening Power. by germ of 4... i.iiii.-uii- hour, PV Latest U. 5. Gov't Report possession of the Wo OfftT Tou y TONY PASTOR'S. N'.iti in in. Kostnji EDWIK K fl a I linn. - ..I ,' inn n,l . . It'-i- in nl llprra. MlVimUJISI, I111111I11I111 a MsmsM, Misses -- I S Dlechargred Employee Four consumption possessed of a ...Me: a .'in, to A IKSIMINII lllrl 1&SKlow In Ml II II I' MIT. A Al III. II. K Mil. Kverjreve. Matinee, wed. ami i st. ti Knw I'li.-o- l "Hhi II I .. 'J."i Ml Times nt Close Rantre. c.-u-i "iuiu'io snimn. I'll I.I. nml IKS'I. ? Zife of Jlothcr Child. sl-- ll Its JIlSllll.MASS, Ifll.I.Y t'AHTRIt, Hlili-- t. MAViiLKNELN. devil M II HIKTKIIN. -- Mil UTAH TIIKATRK ilfusowsr sil ,ha.n,'.Uott. LOUIS, Oct- 21. W. U BturgCSS IM Ks'e'ss H sharp. M ... rAst.il.lsy, "i -- ST. I.I.I". A I.I.I N. II'IlrillIN II III IN. st - I'll Ml. Ml A 1Km. in ITIK-- li 'iNIi office of John llan- book on s.-l . u. IIH. . hrMiAl, -. walked into the the A little akf.iii. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" rloiK'i.. I'nns nn.l In. .llt.'.v .III-.- K K.N II A 1. Silt- cock liiHurancc Company yesterday and IIAItltlllAX'HTIIKATItl M u Hli. 9 lltl-.- . hKSIIAI TANQVKIIAV. LIVING and Scott's Emulsion Hubs Conlnei.-iru- , Mi r Its I nn N"A I'lav. Man-oge- r of its ' r.li I.M I.I IT: :. aim. IA, Timr. THE POTOMAC flred pistol shots Central I ... I I 1. 1. T.-- si'l Ills siui.. ACROSS four at i,. III III IN KIMi. I . MOTH I were cod-live- r oil will tell you I'aln, Horror a.;.dliith. Nightly. "' Sw None l.j lisvs lirainun. II. IIS. I J, Raleigh, The shots of BHERIDAN) MAID Ol BATH. John M :,. ll..-.- -- OB. TMK CilDIDC TUCiTDC irwBvanil lltilfnrrt Av. fl t close rane, but Mr. Raleigh was un- Afterastagnn. bottle of "It other's ritend" I dunals) i.lnnliiy CMrlnC InCAInC. m: w. nui mu powder-burre- d him if it can l imr 1. no Uliluot !'. II A I.I. VMlAl." PFflPI F'S nn si in. hurt. ror a face, how to exorcise I'Xuonence thai T"l Hill Ml"ll si. i sii.Niit. Pnm'r. Jacuba a Ran ford, Propr. Walter sunrorJ. Mgt h,f w oiutneKa uiiiiil la .uc'i Mri. IIAMIIItAlv' tlKIHT, l:n n.i'l lim ItbsL in. Nits' fUtliooU i(fTviH liV. Bturgess, who is recently discharged ' 1901. from tho Company's employ, was se- be done. issta ".." Lata&ri sto . u. i.. THE POWER OF THE PRESS. J I f THE MONSTER ORCHESTRION HOUSt WITH GREEN BLINDS. Powder cured a struggle. lie txpresaed tiv express, "I arfS" prepaid, on recrlp K. u SVmk i. I after Tin: I'sitsin-- regret that be barl not kllluil the man Free. rlis .$!. 'Oper bottls, to fr. . l'ln iiftiTin-- nml evetiltif. i.ivr t AVE. ' l,,,';;'': OPERA-HOUS- E. SxUAU. EI.E.iy Tll.t-- H H 5TH lHEATRE. ,M.'';; who discharged him. I.VtOl. CO., TllhATItR, ven Klglil Rl l.V GRAND I ATLANTA, nn .1. Sii.TT .t ll.iHVI . liiMI I'll. W V tIA. PEACEFUL VALLEY. V,-:- K. ItMHIBT. r'. "! TiS ;na",', GOODWIN 'I ABSOLUTELY PURE F'n n tieur besd and ntsudy nervofl Vout ilrunlsl k.i-ii- i Kiwll's lUnulslnri ul C0LU DI PttUOatSTS. RUSSELL -j .,i. "FRITZ IN PROSPERITY." 1 Take liml l.ltlc 10 rtn. V Ilvurull olTunintUU everywlwtv uo. ?i ftli,w r wi atz "I.N HI..Ol II ."

all liked i. calls I him to earth, an he n alls l til i"m hrun; every tiny capillary vein naucht imr food mil for all tin- - world. missive to his mistress. Well, that was further ry. A pillow lows In the Club, nml tliry tin l I for revi hard is one that In apt Words he must express n.s Pi his boU) Muh nnd ntrained. The All'l tinsv stiini'; h" f .'It. Why, wtnn attended to, anil in sreat Fhupe. sh I Is -die- Captain. i ttsh'-'- thing, nnd pins and quite an- as was his appreciation of ihe way his friends bod iiht.i round and round mti- wav ih- - .liilnty i.nakf.i.-- had been served would comprehend til he wuuld say, M FAINT LADY Tlinmv worked dllllgently. l t HEARTANDFAIR Why room uy up ,T a other, bad said 'Good-by- ," separate bis sired hlin, the parting guest. Inn toreho The rated mil It us If In- must llaS" Monti arid b' Ah. how wonderful liuth as wont, over anything from Im i . - public expression tit views i". ward the Captutn fell, prone wan Indifferently as if the livelihood, with tin- result that when the it thai tho i. gallop "" iii" old Hut. no; tlu.t the union if hearts which neither I far West was he wan must sin men lo th" deepest nerve on hlo face, chum wait until tin- - morrow: Its had time nor distance could affect. night of tin' dinner arrived ; rue l heavy-heitrie- tl just across the river. Well, the further Here wt a nun wh hud Anxlouvly and tenderly tin l he would The evening came and fatlgus m f able to t for a moment without centre? promised the doctor and bruuht aurroundej - doxen u mask luitery ani undergone hontn the itrlcken was plenty, t"". and languor to the Captatn. Vet. what a w the better for such an unlucky dog. thinking of tn..r.- than a hair flinching, man is. one, be prudent, There t"j And when, us mas-to- r shurpshuoting without that ail "f them Have occupy one's attention, Buch it stack .r happy d.iv it had been. The evening; Love Now, while the Captain was thus things hft undone. was called upon to s.i J. mi is Watt- - kept liir place by the table, l.l com- ...in- yielded kD The Captain's Affair and the Work th.- hr- presided with th" j.. because ha I'Ten'iuns had urrlved fr"m and whm the tulllifht its of ruld say, yet toytiiK M unworthily cursing his fate, one Jonas Ms right, and the two that which he naturally s he lM .: anefrinii appalled, rades, true un.l unselHsli, congratulat-jn- u heaviest uliadowa there was a rap at tha honored guest on : i th- fflaag in- - hand I i ly I Watts was cursing the captain for gond extending be- could n mil word In which to with in tunatt him "ii his advancement That or, an Jonas Watts entered. The tit- - V long lines of shirt fronts It. To solve problem, one mast thf it wan ii phyttU'laii prenent, one. too, li tit in. ui thrust uul a cold, damp 1 M an Enemy. Sur-l- of coitquerers, Ms this iliiln't look ns thmiKii as undeserved. hand. of fortune. Omniscience would save fore like tin' tents v. Iki i hlo ufnee, th- - mad-- i i was work ii out, and then the Invarlabja had ii. left his at . I i.i Vet h- had been lucky lu war- Kvcti t'l'Miin patent his smile 1 one and all that uti-- grtve u? .sai'l'-nr- many cutses: vet It might provoke more. smile assured unswer comes in a i uivliiioii ui ones "(j.i back, you fool, ih a. linn Had same in"ie Uian kindly ; yet his 1 good to In tin re. i. fare, he iinisi the con- for them f ill) man ulr,M be crb "An, cerebral apo- come to theae i;'i"-- fellows words were ample. 1 This Jonas Watts was a distant Including ,iu im-m- !; chances l Si nno and all agreed, Jonas, s rh. faptaln, confusej by clrt i plexy!" j nd whipped nit a lance and any one .it" them would have done as .ik a lii.'usand panlons, my dear I of bis i ' in-- 1 - M nection the Senator and private fur whom appeuts was a change p nn l Im- l Hugs, cl "i" a vein. l.u.-k- In - i.ml lu.-k- In love. fellow,' he naid. I thouKht I would I send-of- a Ceph-ir- I Capt. Joaephi Markhatr, Vnltcd State, "a f In toe ihgpfl of a bang-u- secretary. He hud written from dicta- Bven th'' Captain, despite the faced bis che ring hosts. Uone "I wear," gollloquliied Tlmmy rlna-ular- well, die from shun., when heard how out- - I SSK heart. t a felicitous fortune; honn-- to 1 melancholy of parting, n n phras nd the apt after Ihe Oaptalu hul borne , ii -- li rul I a ha itage Ills '.....sly had acted, for. honestly. I I Army, had for three years enjoyed the dinnc r, by Jove!" and "you go tion the "Pergonal end Confidential Com ar-ra- n das be it BH ahead. make valid the reiterated assurance quotatlMtis which no in painfully awu) i" hlo iuarteri, "theae army gratitude aiil Ddelity. di itTt remember a bit f the occurrence. I privileges of Aberdeen. Society had Timy CYphers. anil arrange- - to Head of the I J i I Bg make the munlcatlon the War that he was a lolly good t.llnw. Alas! Ihey Were no longer mump me have olajipett that in ihe ifternoon o visitor came, never could drink wine. I hope you 1 B opened her puffy bosom; St. Simon's inents and we'll back you." And Miss Department' which Ruth had solicited! Winn coffee and cigars were blessing gracious ui i n't. since their farewell lltle moi ki-- face .in wipe my nhiit Tlmm) Crplien ss n In the face, as ill rorirlve m-.- I with a very red ft v. r.i r; ' i :'. a false ..nt tuk ii .i - i I.. viln-- Forgive course , had accorded him a seat amons the Ruth Polvin, the cold stately so knew very wi 11 what he was the Tlmmy. " .mi hit iii and agitated "f hauls, as he had him. t'f the Captain I and Miss and proceeded, with . m an I ml ling ver Hi ul the ii Ifle would, say no more und agitated hands, pi nsi The healtati In in nlit again.' ii. i the in looming speech, He and about It. Was jm BOB godly, 1. e., opulent; the club let l i ' '.' the and t'olvin thin be whispered went Into swearing about. Jn early youth Jonas gant extracts from familiar nuotatlons, a hi i sen. ol iIuno i. ..nil' hint. it wan a bright, ounahlny day tvhen I. reso-- 1 he not a c usln of his Kuth and. I mghl with in. compllmentarj after r- vli i i l i nn lie ii Bk had flung apart Its jealously guarded her father's r.tudy nnd asked of that had lost bis left arm. and with it the to lau'l the Kin-i'- t of honor by wins ll. ii, ii usti mi woul i'.iit Murkham came to hlmoelf. He itlons from th.- club, an-- tho nens ilmt .ill. th. re was something quite agreeable I tin- moment, as li.iv . begun "i ai can scurct pe t m i Ii i in bin own room, antl though - ab. ut hlin. And hu they a, I B portals, for the recruiting officer is ex- - eminent gentleman (he was I part of his character. Why is his career from ni j'.i.i. .tit-- in t" u Imousls chatted for a "tilted desirable I ' I in..-- i hi vs i i i. t - It. of "his felicitous Inception." nne of a u: Uul he sub r in Inii nund bin head ,. ii, .) I'hes. he delivered i . thi r while, and when at length Watts rose to I of Club at Aber- States hence of a limb gener- I, v is.-- BB officio a member the Senator and a millionaire) it that the amputation That unfortunate, so dlstlnguishi imp ii and niu-- le fsltei will' li raid "Hit he felt encomiums hi- - own, und Ku th- shad ws had coalesced the full I I i vsi'h r I. II I' tm in .'. ll- , VJH deen. a favor. And the Hon. Ruful hemmed ally cuts off a greater proportion of was endeavoring to recall the heuds (l ) I". i perleetly well, Kor few moment! he th, II '.II1S.-- I. USSI nluht had settled. I received and his projected response, ..niy to nn-- i. i .ni,i i omp and exubt runt "i bosi i v in li i n:y t "Ms, i.niMi. sk uf reatful- - ii..- fact l" " ul l ngth he blurted, I had been worried all day." saitl 1 SAT Capt. Markham had these hawed and raid he would think It the victim's amiability? Possibly one wln-- il them mora doughy than his own. lltl s'ltui ibun.l tnr nil uxv Wn.. no I the t"ils ani ii..u- I i t ii.. i i. uf a my Jonas, recurring to his Intuit. "The en- - I he military over, being If .li in. Utile it Wutts .u Bj distinctions, as bore certain that political for a polite who has suffered wonders at the modera- i t., him. He opened i Unit, nn b r att) urn Innces ul in. well undergoing elnce gagement my cousin Kuth to Smith- - note was handed - biN worth w.i here, sni really, for him, bespoke BB honors, modestly. So when the news but catching a gleam In his tion (f the change. II There was only a line on tho back lu II," II l.W II l.ll t 111 lies- oleep it Ighl ut ii recompense ' M"W handsomely, ,l".. regretted ei i. her father's colleague, was an- - 1 i i 1 now, w nn l s,, i gi w - anx-lou- s nounced, never I came he had been ordered to join daughter's upturned face which re- At all events, was and of n card; but that line read "You Uul iint blithe, how beautiful, waa exlatenee, his L'Oii.lucl ind he most and ditt like the old BS that Jonas crabbed urn w yi i h'-'- huve been ussigned to suit duty al th im j ither, don't h grand the pen eptlon "f the unl t.' see 'U- Pool devil, rr.ith-lu- codger, ou know." I In far West there was minded him of ids dead Wife, mean, fla-l- aw gl . I H his command the said: "Is envious and delighting in spiteful metropolis," and the no me on the curd knuv Willie I'mii lib t He Heetui lu feej the ur-- liul a 1. ink you know, und no one The door closed anil the Captain i ' you u I BS consternation and regret, the former it o.i. mv child?" and kissed her brow utterances which could not recoil. Since was ".Mis.. Colvin." s, im all n en up i' feal ti linn i.itit owing "t tin earth t the mlii'la i im in I" 'k" as it he ha b. n crouchetl alone in the darknettrt, with his l I did low, you kn o Thi ' ii Mi Ui- h li head in his Oh, dolt, I emotion being feminine, the latter mas- - In acquiescence. And she, in broken be lived with the Senator it follows that Th.- - stared, ss well he might, think the ig in tree ii m nn ii. u knothole of hauls. what a what H t'apialn i I I.., .. Ihe Li l -- mis- - tin- ot a ruptUrous ex- this verj Instant tecelv will window affected him more miii u ui lu t care to an unxpeakable fool he had lieen to in quality. Had he been a native tones, replied: is not strong, pupa, bis cousin Kuth, for he never for view future i a I ipje 1 Bg cullne "lie he loved 11' news ii 'iv. tit." ilntim rit w h houl it u i Ltki tin ni. in heuri talk v.ltli hlin" a simple act of friendliness! What panded Is f..r. him. heeded nol Ihe ' flBJ every one would have said "Kood rid- - and he deserves reward for his wounds, cared for on. who cared him. Prob-abl- y ell In the in ii iu lis ' '.' iui si itn i, i vi m i fortuna I f w n .i n piled Hi- - u iln. ' l shi' think Kre now she had re- - fr drone ol the spi nkei th ., I n Hh I ;i n i i proceed pull and and. oh, I love him w i" ib hi lit untaxed I.I. lh h "i' '!';' fain ot, v hnv. n in w ill. ss'hi n u man udmll i. his Id lot i note. There was a 9 BS dance," and to him into so!" Alas. ho had never really bad the chan Into Ihe basket ol oblivion He is : I yuu ill h lleve would buvi i.i in. "i Id amlleil m r thai settle, ii with Let v. lying f the rtoor ai. wild rtashen In Journey. poor old Kufiis. sn n loved, Impossible, truth! i ..1 hit I Bj pieces preparatory to a pleasant hard head should yet he had ahvay: contemned the notion. oh. luftie-- l inttrgnd e ..' i M- - i 1' in- What by No v.. n i th .'i ;inythtng evt nun i:i. in.) tt.eobn ..:.t had the doctor aaidt own .i ill.- wus i'iioM-- l Kuth! ..- - ' ; 1 But a stranger well, at Aberdeen the not tinder a heart: what would Why not, indeed.' was the arm that sin- w hi. ii in ftililll th dutlr it- (ni Hut yel li li t I'limns ' !" '" am. ' 'l'h- - fa- t ni'!: i k tranquil l tne doctor! H h had parted so oddly, when kn !...; , I Hi l.u v .im-i.ii- . I l : nn--- he be Scriptural Injunction Wee reversed, and hy constituents say could they see bad lost he valued. h jail but brought il Thi nn mln in mil !ii h h.i no h Hide I'm nit- this How could tranquil when one's 1BJ the he that that sui tlnii ' ' ' iti : , I ng Y i i ., ' In h w w ' ki ii in i; say wan breaking.' Oh. tue agonies Inhubl- - tear hnn-l- from thy Oltl radlatn vision, ik1w with blm H'w (teal ml let him knnss y.u liul Bt It was the s'.runger tnht took its rcapected noae, Jonas was astute, for hi qualities nearer! I, . i. I i 1 uf love! No loni'lj merit .,,1 ow el ...... :!-- . im n to yb to the teal if hU I aa in ui a :i re so geni rou, 01 in of dUuppointmint and tUtinatr! Uul per could they ; - the light -- - i - j tants In. bear thy unworldly aaiur. were prying. ll- had long since in post, no monotono ,s round ol mechanical i pet th ' TilKe thai "i Him oumlii i' in i Iip lael ii- t'oi Ulm, tin- .,.h In- i a tlttl.' nt, hups, utter all. that ilttl- Watts hud IS i "- - i li .1 j f false, unces? calved poor captain had juti-s- . ol convenience, ol honoi Wall Ins In i. 'In i bud not thi phj ..ii linos. Well so ing, man Strange that his malicious riBS wap liowever deception In hat the nevar a place ii sm-- Thers suspected. The r was proof of con- tne pi s ..r srmj llfi ha i gbu of n i ill i.i t:. i '.ii in t ., .. i :. n that health, yen llf Itaelf, ;.. si to .ur-- i if. .v. in T m smile should peratstently return. If So Captain sighed one of . iiu-- I particular case.. The Captain KM the as he packed, ltt it i v. ul hoi i i and ills i ni ti nt lutllt) i he prlae ns expansls'e of as he hud, oh, i. he had. then this was an jBj this viction, for when the Senator asiced s eoma him unso! cited And, oh! erlcs rn'. countenance I t" ..' II 111 ni i Hi. t never to forgiven! Ah, why, sit. ill.- gallant, generous and l.onor-Ba- f' nnd each sigh was "liuth." A simple favor he meant M to be granted and had only mili-- distant front Abei lein! n. .. III III UlUll) Ml III Hill nioi ihau bin i" itiiiu sun. lnjur SSS iitv ., li w h f SI ii,.- Indeed, fel- - hud reason for asking. course, bo ivoutd, and iii boun eonfrcnted bis in ihli k u. it ".' thut ii: '' ti good to him. "iii a ha he lunon th" turmer one? word, a thoroughly nice nature the captain, he never the Accept It? tif ii. S , able; In a dream Ii II i i i Army, Jonos's desire t" i loved rendi red him gln.lly, were It Botany Day, Ace It? Ilk :. ting god, H i.i. In ill! il 't work ot supererogntl n the Captain He, an till '! in Ihe 'nlted States so he ho cd strap ' K ,w i u gla-- s l In BHr low, the more thai whnl that shouldei and an honest r no ii gg nn piped th m it T. ib i.i tueka tt he ii"t S w.is the time i him Kid to receive wine lull the fac more disagreeable, Just as muddy water Why should he not? There wi wars 'That's 'ill I ii fi ' K. Again BJBT merely hored to heart might be exchangeable for beauty becomes muddier when stirred. He was nor rumors of wars. Ths Indl had mi ii ns the frgi in hi ink aehl tl lt foi Hi b ai i I., others and si lully to Ruthtie ll". und not resent It! tame the 1 in- - i i i .ui.) ii.- - i in- t .f 11 surge of blood, ugaln ihe liny aplllary plague i i II back ll "strike t 'I"' f ) it. not .' lue in ss had en nol think away pure gold. So, and wealth. When be sighed dreaded like a throughout Aber- Est Ivlllsed even unto extlni tton! it "".i fti ". I mil that can eat for the n i i' leas) n and again BB deen, yet people courted him, just as hail Ms darling known of his good i Th t'apl iln sti 0 f" u n " ii mo- bin " nn Uul yel no, must before He must it si hr n veins ilusle strained, ths - moon he recognized i - an-- upheaved. j BB while he packed his traps for an unat- Its distance and his they got vaccinated. For the further off How? Why. she mnsi have lieen tionless, with fi"t upraised NMi evil no I tiiitik of i Kven n iw In iu con- token of his appreciation siTe tton room gyrate! and Hut befors . . j aumlng departure, he may have sighed own lack of wdngs and the Increasing he was. the weightier was his shadow, 'I'hi-- her Indlfferenee hod lull "in. I" him? N hi ! hsl Is it- ii- s remembrance revived th. ttt He rang for his man, and despatched unconsciousness enwrapped the Captain JBS Its promoter, ' Violets, saw Kuth. hia own. ..I while he was castigating the lOVI nn-- behind hi r cold y ' hon ir Idi ntlt) Could he, the knl hi nn.it ii hia ns Rurely hi paai would him t" a flortsl for llr ssrot.' on in a flash he his over certain faded flowers, but he i, attenulty of the Intervening atmosphere. and absent been hai hi- j aBj escaped. Thus, Tlm-m- n. I. or sham", t. .! protect iiis honor and at for hlo future the back "f - card "My gratitude is vet)' own. so beautiful, and as good, as those present when shone happiness! And it this was without ir mall ' Ized, too, that he was alone, and that Yet he dreamed and he sighed. Why be- I fa- belonged m anil y t It true as she was beautiful, and a smile ot J Bg tVphers net about arranging for the then. oh. Joyl how won! serve as whose wns dripping with mi unre. oh, ins futun b. thai linuht slrmiK and rnilurlim. ' BBb the flowers were faded. not? Should one cease from dreaming dinner, he flrnt put down the name of true knlcht on bended knee Fent.-'- affront? Or, wors- -. far s irse, Kuth pales before lh.' Hunt "f my love. Poor peace settled on his face. i nn-- al- - raj-tain- t origi- smoking-roo- Watts, and proceeded to pulse was heal Ins, had he sought to gyenge It "ii a After ftwhll the doctor fame he the Kentlmeiit And while the tternal shades descended J boy In the at the because the pillow is hard? Yet the fol- Jonan then the The fapta'.n's ! IH The business of counteraction. lucklly wildly, capialn's fae was gleamlnK weak and maimed .' rth. shame. In low i him i" tSraaa and ait in tho front nal and poetual. and oh. so apt Then the statelv Miss Colvin waa kissing ths J here the fer-- I pas A BV Club, however, agreed that It was too lowing evening, after he had made his he was not embarrassed, save from ex- with exultation, when a hurst of ap- lellhle shame) A great hot Mirite of room, nut he muat keep vari qulat. h arrunge.1 the flowers with more fragrant violets and pressing them i.h - J . Ut taste, tln.ii with slonately to her bosoau Hartford Tiuiesv g bad, and that the Captain ought to have farewell call, he waa far too awake cess, for there were plenty of good (el- - plause followed by an expectant silence j blood swept and roareu thiongh eui- Oh. rely naa so happy that ht bad sor than and .cut tar

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