Rail & Maritime Transport Union Volume 2017 #9

Published Regularly - ISSN 1178-7392 (Print & Online) 26 October 2017 that would represent an improvement, as it SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF SAFE is the current plans are far from that. TRAINS CAMPAIGN IN Transport Officers people won’t have the necessary powers to intervene in the event More than a hundred members of the Rail of incidents such as the recent graffiti and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) held bombing of a train, nor is there any a demonstration at Auckland’s Britomart guarantee they will be on the platform or station on 27th September to launch a train at any given time. For Auckland campaign to keep the city’s passenger Transport to try and spin the trains safe. This was the deployment of Transport first step in what will be a Officers as an improvement to relentless campaign in public safety, whilst at the support of keeping Train same time the plan is to Managers on Auckland remove permanent on-board passenger services. staff, is disingenuous and Removing permanent on- misleading. board staff from passenger We are pleased at the way the trains is tantamount to public are backing our stance ripping up the safety culture on passenger safety. Auckland on those services: Train City Councillor Mike Lee spoke Managers play a vital role in in support of our campaign, as the event of all kinds of did Public Transport Users’ incidents, including medical Association’s (PTUA) Jon emergencies; they enable Reeves. A number of disabled disabled passengers to passengers came along to travel on the network; and support us, including two they are critical in deterring wheelchair-bound passengers, bad behaviour by those it’s great to have such elements that would overwhelming public support. otherwise make the travelling public’s Members have set up stalls at experience unpleasant. a number of suburban stations during the morning rush hour are and passengers are signing our attempting to appease the petitions in their thousands. public by saying they will We have met with FIRST union recruit so-called ‘Transport and the PSA who represent bus Officers’ to patrol the drivers and Auckland Transport network. Whilst we welcome the presence staff respectively. Both unions have assured of more uniformed staff around platforms us of their support in our struggle and we and so forth this is no replacement for are planning co-ordinated actions in order to safety critical permanent on-board staff. If promote our respective campaigns. the Transport Officers were to be deployed in addition to Train Managers, and if they Please ask your family and friends to sign were to be given the kind of powers that the petition here: transport police exercise in other countries http://www.together.org.nz/all-aboard

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TRAGIC LOSS Further talks with LPC were set down for 12 October and more discussion occurred It is with great sadness that we report that regarding the workshop. Another bargaining our Palmerston North Rail Branch Secretary session has been set down for 26-27th sister, Halina Adamiack, died as a result of October. an accident last Saturday morning near Turangi. Halina held many roles in rail THR MECA spanning over decades. Her latest challenge was driving the Lube Truck on The renewal of the – the mainline in the Central region. Halina Hyundai Rotem (THR) MECA continues to be will always be remembered for her big difficult. The parties return to mediation on 3 smile, hugs and positivity about people. November 2017. In preparation for no further progress being made toward a Here is the Funeral Notice from family – proposed settlement the negotiation team FUNERAL NOTICE: has unanimously agreed that a further strike ballot is to be conducted with members as ADAMIAK, Halina (aka Jensen) soon as possible. Goddess of Mischief left this world doing what she loved 21.10.2017. Treasured daughter of Beryl (Elaine) and George, WORK CONTINUES TO KEEP MNL stepdaughter of Willie Waretini. Awesome PEN AND AFE Mum to Roman and Halam, whom she O S absolutely adored to the TARDIS and back. Well done to all our members who are The most amazing big blister to Bronia, continuing the good work to ensure the Main Rebekah, Campbell, Tiffany, Jacob and North Line from Christchurch to Picton Mikhail. Please join us as we set her spirit remains open and is safe. free at 10:30am Friday 27th October The resumption of 2017 at Kelvin Grove freight services a few Crematorium. weeks ago did not mean that all the problems The RMTU will be were solved, far from it officially represented and it has only been at the funeral by because of the National Vice combined efforts of President Howard management and RMTU Phillips and NMC Health and Safety Women’s rep Ruth Representatives like Neil Blakeley. Other staff Davies and Mike and office holders will also be attending. Williams, working with NCTIR that the continuing challenges are being met. LYTTLETON PORT BARGAINING One example has been a slip where a CONTINUES boulder rolled and jumped the warning fence that was supposed to trigger an alarm. The Negotiations for the renewal of our biggest reality is that slips are dynamic and they port collective agreement on the South move! Island have continued with in-depth Members have been working to ensure trains discussion around hours of work in both the can run safely not just so KiwiRail can move maintenance workshop and the container freight but so that work trains can assist the terminal. Whilst progress had been made in work being done to restore the road. talks around other claims raised by both members and management we reached a This is vital work but doesn’t grab the point where we reported back and sought headlines. Well done to all our members who direction at a full meeting of all members are involved. covered by the LPC waterfront collective agreement on Friday 6th October.

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SUCCESSFUL DELEGATE North, Hawkes Bay, or Wellington) then you are eligible for nomination for this position. RAINING ESSION IN T S Correctly completed nomination forms must CHRISTCHURCH be received by the National Returning Officer at the National Office of the Rail & Maritime Twelve delegates and active members Transport Union, PO Box 1103 Wellington attended a training seminar in Christchurch 6140 no later than 1700 hrs on Friday 23 on 16th October. Members from Nelson November 2017. Port, Timaru, Invercargill and Christchurch KiwiRail and Lyttelton Port gathered to In the event that there is more than one learn about the role of the delegate and nomination for any position, a postal ballot how to effectively fulfil it. shall be run. Nominees must have their photo and a short promotional statement of It was great to have such a diverse and up to 250 words to the National Office no enthusiastic group going back to the later than 1700 hrs on Friday 23 November workplace with their skills and knowledge 2017. Electronic receipt of this information sharpened about how to organise and is preferred. educate their fellow members. Please ensure you advise National Office if The course covered the delegate role; you have changed addresses or your RMTU structure; organising around issues; designation in the Company since the last health and safety and The Red Card; and RMTU mail-out. Call RMTU 04-4992066 or representing members. We used a alternatively update your details online combination of learning methods and www.rmtunion.org.nz or email explored both theory and practice using [email protected]. case studies and group work. Congratulations to all attendees and thank O RAINS ORKING you for your hard work. N T W HPHE PROJECT CONTINUING IN CASUAL VACANCY – KIWIRAIL KIWIRAIL INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL Readers could be forgiven from The Joint Industrial Councils have misinterpreting what this project is all about governing terms of from its title. It is in fact reference signed by the looking at the challenge of Union and KiwiRail Ltd. workers getting time on track They are intended to be that is productive and safe. the escalation centre for Sounds simple, but in fact it’s industrial issues which a very complex problem. arise during the course of the employment The project has pulled relationship on a day to together managers and day basis which have delegates from the Networks not or cannot be Industrial Council and has resolved at a local or called on expertise from the branch level or issues wider business. This is a that have national significance. worthwhile project as it has the potential to reduce track occupancy incidents thereby The term of office is 2 years. Following boosting member’s safety and also leading the resignation of the incumbent for to better productivity. personal reasons Nominations are called for the; There has been considerable research done around current practice and how that stacks Lower North Island Terminals Position up against overseas experience as well as If you are employed by KiwiRail Ltd at a discussions of how work is planned and Rail Freight Terminal Site in the Central allocated across the workforce. Freight Region (Taranaki, Palmerston

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Thanks to Networks Industrial Council well as implementing amendments to the representatives Lou Watene, Michael Holidays Act 2003, and passing the new Graham and Jerry Hohepa for their hard Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. work on behalf of members. But, what happens now that we are about to have a Labour-led government? Labour is KIWIRAIL HEALTH AND SAFETY seeking change because “Weak employment RAINING TAGE law has created avenues for some T – S 2. businesses to undercut good employers by KiwiRail Health and Safety Reps are invited driving down wages and minimising costs”. to register yourselves for Stage 2 Health Some stated intended change is as follows: and Safety Rep training. During the course First 100 days: Reps will investigate incidents and manage risks using rail specific case studies. “Restore fairness rights for employees by replacing National’s 90 day ‘fire at will’ law The courses are facilitated by Worksafe with a fast, fair, and simple system”; Reps at the following dates and locations. If you’re a KRG Health and Safety Rep, “Restore reinstatement as the primary register now, using the following link. remedy when a worker has been unjustifiably dismissed”; Register click on this link : Kiwirail - Stage 2 - Managing Risks - Health & Safety Rep “Restore the right to rest and meal breaks at Training Or type this URL work”; into the browser “Restore protections for https://tinyurl.com/y7ff vulnerable workers in quyh cases where the sale or transfer of business is STRADDLE CRANE contemplated or where outsourcing of jobs is OPERATORS AND proposed”; FATIGUE SURVEY “Ensure that New The RMTU is comparing Zealand employment how the health and law applies to everyone safety issue of worker working in New Zealand, fatigue (arising from including foreign shift work) is managed workers working for across the ports foreign companies”; industry, in particular “Increase the minimum straddle crane operators. wage to $16.50 an hour An RMTU Survey will be and base future sent out straddle operators in the first week increases on the real cost of living for people of November. Questions will include shift on low incomes. This includes working length, minimum break times between towards a minimum wage equal to two- shifts and examples of where safety has thirds of the average wage as economic been compromised due to fatigue. The conditions allow”; RMTU aims to introduce minimum standards for fatigue management across Increasing paid parental leave: “The policy the port sector. will be phased in over three years: 22 weeks from 2018 and 26 weeks in 2020”; MDJ LAW - LEGAL UPDATE – Reversing changes made to collective bargaining and collective agreements by the ELECTION 2017 – WHAT NOW National government. FOR EMPLOYMENT LAW? Labour’s “workplace relations package” includes the following: The outgoing National government made significant changes to the original “Introducing Fair Pay Agreements that set Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA), as fair, basic employment conditions across an

26/10/17 5 www.rmtunion.org.nz The Activist industry based on the employment construction firms who train a local when standards that apply in that industry”; they hire a worker from overseas… Strengthen the Labour Market Test for work “Promoting the Living Wage by paying it to visas so they are not being used for jobs all workers in the core public service, and Kiwis can do, and make our skills shortage extending it to contractors over time [this lists more regional so migrants coming in is currently said to be $20.20 per hour]”; under them can only live and work in areas “Doubling the number of Labour where there is a genuine skills shortage”. Inspectors”; What about New Zealand First? Labour’s “Implement the changes to the Equal Pay plans are likely to have been affected by its Act as set out in the report from the Joint as yet unseen coalition agreement with New Working Group on Pay Equity Principles to Zealand First, whose stated “…vision is of a give all women in female-dominated nation made up of well educated, workforces access to collective bargaining determined, healthy, and innovative people, and court processes to settle their claims”. with an expanding business programme geared around exports, regional Within its first 12 months Labour also development, job growth and harnessing the intends to: natural attributes of our country.” “Begin consultation on improving minimum Under that head, New Zealand First’s redundancy protection for workers affected stated policy is: by restructuring, giving regard to the recommendations of Raise the minimum the 2008 Ministerial wage Advisory Group report Increase the minimum on redundancy and wage to $20 per hour restructuring”; over three years starting “Introduce statutory in 2018 (with tax support and legal assistance for rights for ‘dependent employers). contractors’ who are Remove secondary tax for effectively workers workers with more than under the control of an one job. employer, but who do not receive the legal Abolish the ‘starting out protections that are wage’ for young people. currently provided to Set Minimum employees under the Redundancy provisions law”; based on twice the “Investigate options normal contractual notice for ensuring that people who work over 40 period up to a maximum of 13 weeks. hours a week receive adequate Amend the Companies Act so that wages and remuneration”; salary, including holiday pay, have equal “Extend the right for workers to elect a priority with Secured Creditors. health and safety representative from Paternity and maternity leave amongst their own to all workplaces, regardless of size or industry”; Introduce paid paternal leave of two weeks rising to four weeks. “Abolish youth rates”. Support increasing paid maternity leave to And on immigration and employment, 26-weeks. Labour intends to: “Ensure that businesses are able to get genuinely skilled migrants Better labour relations when they need them… This will include Review and amend employment laws to introducing an Exceptional Skills Visa for ensure that casualisation employment highly skilled or talented people and introducing a KiwiBuild Visa for residential

26/10/17 6 www.rmtunion.org.nz The Activist practices are fair and just with a review of promote lifelong learning opportunities and short term employment contracts. skills development”. Train New Zealanders in areas of skill “Employers, working people and their unions shortages, instead of actively recruiting enjoy equitable and beneficial relationships offshore. with each other”. Put New Zealanders first for jobs by “Working people are paid a living wage and sensible immigration policies. decent working conditions in secure, empowering jobs”. Pay the Job Seekers Benefit to approved employers when taking on an apprentice. Its “Key Principles” concerning the above are: Paid internship programme to provide work experience. “1. In recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Green Party supports equitable access for Introduce literacy and numeracy skills Māori to secure employment, decent wages package for workers. and the organisation of Māori into and within Introduce the Ministry of Social trade unions. Development funded and NZ Defence Force 2.The Green Party supports the realisation of operated Youth Enterprise and Training a sustainable working life based on the three Initiative to offer trade training to students pillars of economic viability, environmental not suited to conventional education. protection and social responsibility (the triple Establish workforce bottom line). planning, career advice 3.Working people, employers and competitive course and unions should be entry for post-secondary involved in making decisions education. about issues in their Require transparency workplaces, the economy, when public service and the environment. salaries exceed accepted 4.Workplace democracy and public service bands. collective organisation are Better health & safety essential to address the inherent potential for Amend the Health and inequality of power between Safety at Work Act 2015 employers and employees. to remove its bureaucratic excesses.” 5.All working people deserve justice, and protection under There is much there, but the law. at the same time, little detail. Like Labour, New 6. Workplaces should be safe, Zealand First’s ‘wish list’ environmentally healthy and will also have been free from discrimination. subject to its coalition agreement – albeit 7. Working people should be paid a living there also seems to be quite a lot in wage that accurately reflects the range of common with what Labour intends to do. economic pressures they and their families And what about Green Party, from face. outside cabinet? Its policies are based 8. Working people have a right to pay and on its “vision” that: employment equity. “People have the opportunity to participate 9. The state sector should provide a sound in meaningful work that reflects their model of good employer practice”. individual and cultural needs and preferences”. Again, there does appear to be common ground, but the extent to which the Green “Workplaces are environmentally Party can influence policy in this area is responsible, innovative, family friendly, uncertain given its position outside cabinet. safe from discrimination and prejudice, and

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For now, it seems fairly clear that in the real terms at our negotiations on 17th and short (i.e. in the “first 100 days”) to 18th October. At a report back meeting on medium term, there will be change. 19th October members were unanimous in However, the specific nature of that change their support for their RMTU negotiation is unclear, including because of the as yet team in our fight for real wage growth and uncertain content of the coalition safe trains i.e. a CPI plus increase in wages agreement that has been reached, and the during the term of any collective agreement exact makeup of cabinet and positions and the abandonment of the plans to sack outside cabinet. permanent on-board train staff. So, watch this space… BURT MUNRO - 12TH ANNUAL RMTU MEMBERSHIP DATABASE CHALLENGE, 8-11 FEB 2018 UPDATES INVERCARGILL. The RMTU membership database is an This trip is two weeks from 4/2/2018 to important tool in contacting Union Members 17/2/2018 - BOOK TIME OFF NOW. or ensuring members are kept up to date We will meet at Z Dinsdale Hamilton, on with the latest information. We are 4/2/2018 leave at 08:30. concerned at the number of “unknown” or “return to sender” envelopes returned to Send an email to the address below with National Office as part of this year’s officer the number of the phone that you will be elections. We remind members that if you carrying on the trip, enter my number wish to exercise their rights and participate into yours, this will be used for mass in the decision communication on the making aspects of the road. Union they should I will email you a PDF ensure they inform file with all the details National Office of any when completed. change of address or contact details as When you spot this soon as possible. and have an interest, This includes any spread the word and change of designation put a copy on your or employer. local notice board. Branch Secretaries Non KiwiRail workers hold “update of membership forms” that are welcome. you can post or fax in or alternatively for For your reference; immediate action members are reminded to utilise the update of membership details http://www.burtmunrochallenge.co.nz/ link on our website www.rmtunion.org.nz. Contact: Crazy Horse. [email protected] For example – All national Union elected (027) 386 1371 positions are up for election this year and so there may be votes conducted by mail. If we have the incorrect address info you will THANK YOU TO SOUTH ISLAND not get a vote as you will never receive a voting paper. Update now! DELEGATES AND ACTIVE MEMBERS TRANSDEV AUCKLAND Our South Island Organiser, John Kerr, BARGAINING STILL UNDERWAY would like to thank our South Island delegates and active members for their hard Our negotiations with Transdev in Auckland work in recent weeks as he has been are continuing on 7th & 8th November. We assisting with RMTU’s campaign and received an offer from the employer of a negotiations in Auckland with Transdev. below inflation increase i.e. a wage cut in

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Delegates are the muscles and sinews of Annual net migration to NZ was 72,100 our union and on The Mainland they have in the to August 2017 year. Migrant demonstrated this time and time again, arrivals reached 132,200, a new annual dealing with a myriad of issues facing record. The biggest increase in migrant members and allowing John to devote time arrivals were from South Africa and and energy to supporting our Auckland United Kingdom. The biggest decrease Organiser and members. was from India. It is sometimes said the delegate’s task is The creation of the Labour NZ First thankless. John wants to put the record Greens coalition Government is clearly a straight on that and say a genuine and victory for rail workers in NZ. The heartfelt thank you to all of you who have coalition agreement is full of rail and worked hard on behalf of your members regional NZ spending promises. We all while he has been busy north of the look forward to the true value of rail Bombay Hills. being recognized. We also look forward to a major slash and burn job being done BITS AND BOB’S to the current right wing KiwiRail Board! An Orange Roughy fishery south of Stewart Island will reopen after closure LET’S BE SAFE OUT for 19 years. After being almost wiped out the biomass has now rebuilt to THERE & REMEMBER...... almost 50% of the original biomass. The commercial catch limit has been increased to 347 tonnes. SAFETY FIRST! Ports of Auckland has placed an order for three new container cranes to be delivered in late 2018. The new cranes will be able to carry7 up to four boxes at once. The cranes will come fitted with NZ’s first “lashing Platforms”. They will also be fitted with a 26Kw solar power system. The cranes will be manufactured by Shanghai Zhenua Heavy Industry Co based in Shanghai. NZ has moved up the Global Competitiveness Index based upon data from businesses in 137 countries. NZ has moved from 24th to 13th in ranking.
