Proceedings of the 8th Monthly meeting on “Operational Framework for strengthening of Research Extension Linkage” held in the chamber of Senior Scientist and Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, on dated 21.02.2017

The 8th meeting on “Operational Framework for strengthening of Research Extension Linkage” was held in the Chamber of Senior Scientist and Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sambalpur on dated 21.02.2017 under the Chairmanship of Associate Director of Research, RRTTS, Chiplima. The following members including all the scientists of KVK, Sambalpur were present in the meeting.

1. Associate Director of Research, RRTTS, Chiplima, Sambalpur 2. Deputy Director of Agriculture, Sambalpur – Member 3. Deputy Director of Horticulture, Sambalpur - Member 4. Chief District Veterinary Officer, Sambalpur – Member 5. Project Director, Watershed, Burla, Sambalpur – Member 6. District Fisheries Officer, Sambalpur – Member 7. AGM, NABARD, Sambalpur - Invitee 8. Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Sambalpur – Convener

The meeting was convened at 3.00 P.M. with the welcome address given by Sri Pramod Kumar Prusti, Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK, Sambalpur. After that, all the heads of the line departments briefly discussed about the proceedings of last month meeting, action taken thereof and suggested the monthly action plan. The details of the same are given as below: -

Department of Agriculture 1. Under BGREI programme

The sowing of green gram Var. IPM 2-14 in 600 ha. has been completed under CSBD programme in Dhanakauda, Maneswar, Jujuomora, Naktideol, and in jamankira. Now the crop is in vegetative to flowering stage. Different Plant Protection chemicals have already been distributed to the farmers.

2. Under NFSM pulse

Under the programme Tarm-1 variety greengram already started in 5 numbers of blocks i.e in Maneswar, jujumora, Naktideol, Kuchinda, and jamankira. Crop is in vegetative to flowering stage.


Mustartd demonstration variety Uttara in block Dhankauda and Maneswar are in harvesting stage.

4. Under State Plan

Under this plan SRI method of planting has already been completed in Dhanakauda and Maneswar blocks.

5. Seed Treatment Campaign The seed treatment campaigns have been conducted in all the 9 blocks of the district.

The Chairman suggested suitable date may be fixed for joint field visit by the team of scientists to the pulse demonstration programme under NFSM and CSBD programme.

Department of Horticulture

1. MGNREGS – 100 ha. Tissue culture banana and 100 ha. Tissue culture Pomegranate plantation to be done under the scheme. Under the scheme, 500 ha. of mango plantation has been completed under the scheme (150 ha under Convergence and 350 ha without Convergence). 2. Establishment of cold storage – Construction of 2 nos. of cold storage having 5000 MT capacity in Dhankauda and Bamara Blocks are going to be competed and functional soon. 3. VIUC – Vegetable initiative in Urban Cluster – 3 Nos. of farmers Producers Companies have been registered in Jujomura, Maneswar & Rengali blocks. 2 Nos. of farmers Producers Groups are under progress in and Jamankira Blocks. The farmers are being provided with production & marketing support. 4. Exposure visit of farmers outside State – 20 Nos. of farmers have been selected for an exposure visit to outside state.

Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry

1. 5419 Nos. of animals have been insured under Risk Management till date. Out of which 737 Nos. of farmers are DCS members and 105 Nos. of farmers are non DCS members. In total 842 Nos. of milch animals have been insured under risk management. The families which have been insured have been supplied with mineral mixture with 25 % subsidy to boost up milk production in the district and insurance coverage has been made. 2. Synchronization of non-descript animals in collaboration with BAIF – target is 330 Nos. for the district and 700 Nos. of beneficiaries have been short listed and the animals already tagged with 12 digit no. for identification. The animals have been be verified by the Block Veterinary Officer of the CDC Centres of BAIF and the animals have been examined and supplied with mineral mixtures, de-worming medicines, vitamins and hormones for induction of heat to inseminate with Gir or Sahiwal or Red Sindhi or Haryana. Already 350 Nos. of indigenous animals have been inseminated with Gir or Sahiwal semen within the date 02.10.2016 to 08.10.2016. Result is awaiting. 3. Mobile Advisory Services – Target for the district was 6000. Out of which 3149 Nos. of lead farmers of have been supplied with Voda Sim for mobile advisory services in the district and process is going for Rairakhol and Kuchinda Sub-Division. 4. Under National Mission for Protein Supplementation, the beneficiary selection has been completed and approved by the CDVO, Sambalpur. For first phase, 8 Nos. of targets have been achieved. In the 4th phase target is 20 Nos., out of which 11 Nos. of beneficiaries from Maneswar, Rengali and Naktideul blocks have been selected and approved by CDVO. As per the guidelines of the NMPS, in the first phase, 8 Nos. of beneficiaries have been instructed to construct goat shed and after the completion of goat shed, they will be provided with Rs.21,200/- as subsidy for construction of the shed and after purchase of 50 + 3 animals, they will be provided Rs.21,200/- as subsidy for purchase of goats in 2nd phase and after successful maintenance of goat farms under NMPS, they will be provided with Rs.10,600/- as maintenance subsidy in third phase under State Plan for genetics upgradation of small ruminants, 4 Nos. of beneficiaries will be selected for Jujumora, Dhankauda blocks during the year, 2016-17 and the process will be started after over of the Code of Conduct. 5. Under Backyard Poultry – 72 Nos. of BPL families have been selected from Jujumora block and the beneficiaries will be provided with Rs.1,500/- each for construction of night shelter of birds and after that the beneficiaries will be provided with 45 Nos. of one month aged birds in phased manner (20+15+10) for an interval of one month for their livelihood. Another 6 Nos. of Chick Rearing Units having 1000 capacity each will be established in the Kuchinda Sub-division (Kuchinda, Jamankira and Bamra) to provide one month aged birds to the farmers to popularize the backyard poultry in the district by the assistance with TDA, Kuchinda and Bank linkage. The SHG beneficiaries from Kuchinda, Jamankira and Bamra blocks have been selected for construction of Chick Rearing Units to maintain 1000 capacity birds, another 3 Chick Rearing Units will be established in Sambalpur Sub-division and each beneficiary will be provided with Rs.20,000/- as subsidy from Government of India and Rs.36,000/- free loan and Rs.90,000/- as bank loan through banking linkage with 1% interest. Through the programme we can solve the unemployment problem and side by side we can achieve the Protein hunger. 6. 476 Nos. of lead farmers have been identified and the list have been sent to the Director for approval and 952 MT poultry manures will be supplied @ 2 ton/farmer in consultation with Horticulture and Agriculture Department and it will be carried out in Maneswar, Dhankauda, Rengali and Jujumora Blocks. 7. In backyard poultry, till now 29148 Banaraja day old chicks have been distributed among 1880 Nos. of farmers in Sambalpur district. 8. One exposure visit by 10 para-vets from Kuchinda Sub-division of NDRI Marnal from 31.01.17 to 07.02.17 have been organized for motivation, capacity building, skill and their knowledge development. 9. Another exposure visit by 10 para-vets from Rairakhol Sub-division have been organized from 24.01.2017 to 31.01.2017 for motivation, capacity building, skill and their knowledge development.

Project Director, Watershed 1. Under Watershed programme and PMKSY, a sum of Rs.226.38 lakhs is to be utilized in 9 clusters of watershed in the district. 2. Under MGNREGS Programme, 389.5 ha. mango plantations are under progress.

Department of Fisheries 1. Fry/Fingerling distribution The fry/fingerlings distribution is in progress, some of the beneficiaries are in need of fry/fingerlings for pisciculture under RKVY. The seed is available in Govt fish farm Bomaloi/ OPDC Chiplima and pvt entrepreneur Sri Benugopal Panigrahi of Dey Bahali, Rairkhol block. All the AFOs are informed accordingly for supply of seed from these centres. 2. Krushi Mahostav-cum-lokamahostav - 2017 District level krushi Mohastav 2017 was organized alongwith lokamohastav 2017 from 4.1.17 to 8.1.17. All the farmers of Sambalpur district were invited for this purpose. A special programme “farmers and scientist’ interaction was held on 5.1.17 funded by ATMA, Sambalpur, Senior Scientist, Dr. P.K. Sahu of CIFA was the Chief guest. Water samples of different farmers were analyzed by SRF of CIFA with suggestion of remedial measures. 3. Mastajibi Basagruha Jojana : - The target of 20 Nos. for the year 16-17 was received during December, 2016 with a suggestion of issue work order only to 9 Nos. in anticipation of raising of project cost is from 0.90 lakh to 1.20 lakh. Accordingly all the AFO’s were instructed to sponsor the names of eligible beneficiaries as per MBY guideline through concerned BDOs. After panchayat raj election the action will be taken for selection and completion of old houses very shortly. 4. Raising of breeder seed: - It has been decided by Commissioner-cum-Secy F&AR and Directorate of Fisheries has communicated a target of stocking of “Amur carp”/hybrid catla/pangasious pangasious seed at Govt. fish farm Bomaloi during the year 2016-17, steps have been taken for tank preparation and technical programme for lifting of the seed within 7 days from FIFA K. Gang for development of future breeders for genetic improvement. 5. Training to fish farmers. During January, 2017 only 4 Nos. of fish farmers have undergone 1 month training to FTI Balugaon. The next batch would commence on May, 2017. AFOs have been instructed for selection of fish farmers as per the guideline supplied to them earlier. 6. Blue Revolution/ RKVY. The scheme under process. 50% are to be provided to the beneficiary Rs.8.50 lakhs project cost for developing 2.50 ac. Of new tank. 3.00 ha. proposal under RKVY and 3.00 ha. proposal under Blue revolution have been sponsored so far.

At last the DFO, Sambalpur requested the KVK scientists to help for deweeding programme in the community pond at the village Kalamati of Dhankauda Block.

The AGM, NABARD also suggested the DFO to support the beneficiaries of KVK under their schemes.

KVK, Sambalpur

1. Under cluster demonstration oilseed, demonstration programme of 30 ha. mustard, Var. Parbati is in harvesting stage and sowing is going on for demonstration programme on groundnut of 14 ha variety Devi. Under cluster demonstration of pulses, sowing has been completed for 30 ha demonstration of green gram. 2. OUAT on station trial on “Varietal Evaluation of Tula (local) and Prasad variety” of black gram is continuing. 3. Four No. of Vocational Training and six nos. of In-service training were conducted during the month. Six Nos. of Vocational training programmes and six nos. of farmer/Farm Women training programmes will be conducted during next month. 4. FLD on Management of late blight disease in potato, IDM module for management of leaf curl disease in Chilli, Demonstration of Azolla as alternative source of green fodder supplement for milch cows, vermicompost production technology, pro-super bag for safe storage of pulses, and INM in green gram are going on. 5. OFT on Assessment of new herbicide in groundnut, Assessment of IDM module for control of purple blotch in Onion, Assessment of Management of fruit fly in pumpkin, Assessment of feeding of pro-biotics in milk production of milch cows, Assessment of peri parturient concentrate feeding on birth weight of Kids , assessment of oyster mushroom varieties for income generation are going on. FLD on Demonstration of scientific rearing of meat type duck breed in backyard and nitrogen management in paddy will be conducted next month. 6. Field day programme on Demonstration of control of endoparasitic infestation in small ruminanats was conducted in January and Field day programme on demonstration of papaya variety Red lady in nutritional garden has been conducted. Also field day on Demonstration of Azolla as alternative source of green fodder supplement for milch cows will be conducted next month and 2 nos. of Animal health camp will be organized during the next month. 7. Activities including proceedings of meeting on ‘Operational framework for Strengthening of Research Extension Linkage’ have been uploaded in KVK website. Also the activities of FLD, OFT, training are being uploaded.

At last, Dr. R. K. Pattnayak, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Chiplima informed that a Blood Donation Camp under NSS Unit of College of Horticulture and Agriculture will be held on 01.03.2017 at the Seminar Hall, College of Agriculture, Chiplima and he requested all to donate blood on the occasion. Special campaign under NSS unit of both the colleges will be held from 03.03.2017 to 09.03.2017 at Rupapali village during which different activities like Swachha Bharat Abhyan, Plantation, Yoga, Awareness on Basic Health Service, Pest Management, Seed Treatment, Soil Testing, Voting Rights, Animal Health Care & Deworming, Kitchen Garden Demonstration etc. will be organised. The meeting ended by vote of thanks conveyed by Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Sambalpur to all the dignitaries present in the meeting. Sd/- Sd/- Sri Pramod Kumar Prusti, Dr R. K. Pattnayak, Sr. Scientist and Head, ADR, RRTTS, Chipilima KVK, Sambalpur – Convener Sambalpur Chairman